Hillary: "Religious beliefs have to be changed" to allow more abortions


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It's hard to tell what part of Hillary's recent statements are more appalling: Her usual desire to kill the unborn, or her disturbing announcement that normal Americans' personal religious beliefs can no longer be tolerated and "have to be changed".

This is what the Democrat party has been moving toward, for at least the last forty years.

Isn't there some old document that says government shall make no law doing exactly that?

And make no mistake, she isn't talking about persuading people over to her point of view willingly, or even voluntarily. Amidst her disingenuous description of killing unborn babies as "access to reproductive healthcare", is a stark statement demanding laws to change people basic religious beliefs... and government enforcement of those laws.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about her announcement, is not so much the content, as the timing.

Are liberals losing the debate so badly on so many fronts, that they have to declare unrestricted war on the most basic American fundamental principle?


Hillary On Abortion Deep-Seated Cultural Codes Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed KOGO AM

Hillary On Abortion: 'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed'

Posted Friday, April 24th 2015 @ 9am
by Kerry Picket

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a feminist tone on Thursday. She told attendees at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth.”

“Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth an laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton said.

She explained, “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in far away countries but right here in the United States.”
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What Kankles is advocating is a state run religion, one that reflects her political agenda and forces people to comply. She's as much of a tyrant as Obama.
WOW talk about a gaffe. Between Hillary self destructing, her baggage, and the MSM trying to destroy her in the press its only a matter of time before a bunch of other Dem's jump in this race.
What Kankles is advocating is a state run religion, one that reflects her political agenda and forces people to comply. She's as much of a tyrant as Obama.

It's hard to tell what part of Hillary's recent statements are more appalling: Her usual desire to kill the unborn, or her disturbing announcement that normal Americans' personal religious beliefs can no longer be tolerated and "have to be changed".

This is what the Democrat party has been moving toward, for at least the last forty years.

Isn't there some old document that says government shall make no law doing exactly that?

And make no mistake, she isn't talking about persuading people over to her point of view willingly, or even voluntarily. Amidst her disingenuous description of killing unborn babies as "access to reproductive healthcare", is a stark statement demanding laws to change people basic religious beliefs... and government enforcement of those laws.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about her announcement, is not so much the content, as the timing.

Are liberals losing the debate so badly on so many fronts, that they have to declare unrestricted war on the most basic American fundamental principle?


Hillary On Abortion Deep-Seated Cultural Codes Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed KOGO AM

Hillary On Abortion: 'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed'

Posted Friday, April 24th 2015 @ 9am
by Kerry Picket

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a feminist tone on Thursday. She told attendees at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth.”

“Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth an laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton said.

She explained, “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in far away countries but right here in the United States.”
Her statement shows two things.
1, She wants to re-write the Bible.
2. She wants to establish a "state approved" religion.
And she will take all our guns, put us in concentration camps, make us communist slaves,...... Oh well, just the same old nonsense. I'm sure you can fill it in yourself.
1, She wants to re-write the Bible.

More like the Qu-ran. She was addressing the Women in The World Summit, people.

Why not listen to her entire speech for context? When she talked about "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed", it was in the context of other countries and their treatment of girls and women.

She mentioned that half the countries in the world do not have domestic violence protections for women. It was right after she said this that she said "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."

In short, it had nothing to do with abortion.

At no point did she mention "that normal Americans' personal religious beliefs can no longer be tolerated" as claimed by Little-Acorn. That is unadulterated manufactured bullshit.

Listen for yourselves: Hillary Clinton s keynote address at the 2015 Women in the World Summit - YouTube
And she will take all our guns, put us in concentration camps, make us communist slaves,...... Oh well, just the same old nonsense. I'm sure you can fill it in yourself.
So you see no problem with government trying to regulate, mandate or establish a religion?
And she will take all our guns, put us in concentration camps, make us communist slaves,...... Oh well, just the same old nonsense. I'm sure you can fill it in yourself.
So you see no problem with government trying to regulate, mandate or establish a religion?

Certainly I do. Of course, she didn't say anything even remotely close to that - but let's not let reality and intellectual honesty get in the way of a good panic attack.
And she will take all our guns, put us in concentration camps, make us communist slaves,...... Oh well, just the same old nonsense. I'm sure you can fill it in yourself.
When the liberals can't reply honestly to the latest things their heroes say they intend, they lapse into hysterical ranting like this.

It's unusual for a Democrat to be so publicly frank about her conviction that people should not be allowed to maintain their personal religious beliefs, supported by major world religions for millennia.

This is the next step in the liberals' agenda.

People can no longer be allowed to even hold beliefs that are contrary to what the liberals want for us all.

'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed' so that liberals can impose their own codes, beliefs, and biases on the majority of normal Americans.

The particularly gruesome example she used, disguising it as "reproductive freedom" (which is like referring to a right to murder your neighbor as a "freedom to gain living space in adjoining houses"), while gravely important, is less significant than the overall trend of these people to completely eliminate even the IDEA of opposing them in whatever they want to do to us. No matter how enshrined in laws carefully considered and tested for centuries.

When Barack Obama announced that he was on the verge of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America", he was barely beginning.
Hillary On Abortion Deep-Seated Cultural Codes Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed KOGO AM

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a feminist tone on Thursday. She told attendees at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth.”

Here is the full context of the "religious beliefs" statement. She wasn't even talking about the US.

CLINTON: Yes, we've nearly closed the global gender gap in primary school, but secondary school remains out of reach for so many girls around the world. Yes, we've increased the number of countries prohibiting domestic violence. But still, more than half the nations in the world have no such laws on the books, and an estimated one in three women still experience violence. Yes, we've cut the maternal mortality rate in half, but far too many women are denied critical access to reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth. All the laws we've passed don't count for much if they're not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.


Now you see in context her comments had to do with the EXACT OPPOSITE OF ABORTION.
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Did the OP actually READ what she REALLY said?

She wasn't talking about the US and didn't mention abortion.

Does that matter to the OP or others who just want to lie about Hillary?

And she will take all our guns, put us in concentration camps, make us communist slaves,...... Oh well, just the same old nonsense. I'm sure you can fill it in yourself.
When the liberals can't reply honestly to the latest things their heroes say they intend, they lapse into hysterical ranting like this.


Oh please.

Have the courage and the integrity to admit you made this up.

'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed' so that liberals can impose their own codes, beliefs, and biases on the majority of normal Americans.

Complete horseshit. She wasn't even referring to the United States or abortion, you hack.
'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed' so that liberals can impose their own codes, beliefs, and biases on the majority of normal Americans.

Complete horseshit. She wasn't even referring to the United States or abortion, you hack.

Since he's disagreeing with Hillary, he must be saying he agrees with human rights abuses in the ME.
'Deep-Seated Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs And Structural Biases Have To Be Changed' so that liberals can impose their own codes, beliefs, and biases on the majority of normal Americans.

Complete horseshit. She wasn't even referring to the United States or abortion, you hack.

Since he's disagreeing with Hillary, he must be saying he agrees with human rights abuses in the ME.
Anything Hillary says must be taken out of context and manufactured into something which can fit into a narrow and inflexible bumper sticker intellect.
"Reproductive rights" is liberal code for "abortion". The sycophants on this board think they can dismiss Hillary's statements because she used the term "safe childbirth" and refrained from using the term "abortion". I guess we're supposed to believe she's more concerned with childbirth than she is abortion, when her entire career and political agenda has been mainly focused on the killing of unborn children.
"Reproductive rights" is liberal code for "abortion". The sycophants on this board think they can dismiss Hillary's statements because she used the term "safe childbirth" and refrained from using the term "abortion". I guess we're supposed to believe she's more concerned with childbirth than she is abortion, when her entire career and political agenda has been mainly focused on the killing of unborn children.

No, actually, its not. It means the right to choose to have a baby or not have a baby.

The OP is a lie.

What she said about OTHER COUNTRIES and NOTHING to do with abortion. If you and the other liars had read instead of just piling on, you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself now.

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