Hillary Ruse Goes Down In Flames: VERIFIED - Top Secret Info On Hillary Hard Drive


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Top-secret classification confirmed on two Hillary Clinton server emails
LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/12/15/top-secret-classification-confirmed-on-two-hillary-clinton-server-emails/

“An yet another Hillary Clinton deflection point gets dismantled. When an intel-community review of the contents of Hillary’s secret server — or the content she allowed to be reviewed — determined that at least two messages stored on the unauthorized system contained Top Secret/Compartmented information, Team Hillary spun that as an example of over-classification. They argued that the information in both messages were in the public domain, as a way to shift the focus from her unsecured private system to the intel community itself. That ruse has been quashed…”

Hillary (surprise, surprise) LIED.

Her Server DID contain TS/SCI (highly classified) info in her e-mails, which she DID send/receive.

The server was NEVER 'secure', having had the encryption loaded improperly, the server found in the bathroom of a 'mom and pop' IT company that did not have the clearance to house/run/maintain such highly classified info, and having people without security clearances / sufficient security clearances with access to the information (such as the IT employees and her very own lawyer who was hand-carrying - illegally - classified information on a thumb drive).

It is illegal to store Unclassified, SECRET, and TOP SECRET information all on the same server...which she did. Once the server contains classified information the server - and everything on it - becomes classified at the highest level of information any file on the server is classified at. This means everything on that server was counted as 'TS'. (Once something is on a TS server - a server used to contain TS material - it can NOT be printed off or sent on an unclassified printer or sent on an un-classified system such as e-mail).

Hillary is BUSTED. She jeopardized national security, lied, perjured herself, and broke NUMEROUS laws...not that any of that is enough to prevent die-hard Liberals who could care less if their reps break the law from continuing to support her.

"So she broke the law, endangered national security, and failed so miserably at the State Department that she got 4 Americans needlessly killed, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years, she is Presidential material!" (Yeah, compared to BARAK OBAMA... :rolleyes:)

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