Hillary’s Historic Fail...Clinton Calls Lincoln a 'Senator From Illinois'!!

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It's a REALLY minor mistake..considering that Lincoln did run for the Senate.

While he was a congressman..he did subsequently run for the Senate.

She said he WAS A FUCKING SEANATOR, you N.Y. asswipe! You scum make up shit about Palin being able to see Russia from her porch, and run with it like mother fuckers....Think I'll start mentioning the smartest SUBVERSIVE WOMAN doesn't know that Lincoln was NEVER A SENATOR!...Yeah, brain dead Hillary doesn't know what every grade school kid should know...and then PRINTS the same shit in her NEW BOOK! ....She's almost as big an ass as you are SWALLOW!

You pop a blood vessel there, ace?


Just taking it easy on you this time, SWALLOW! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Who's policy are we operating under in Iraq now ?

Bush's disasters and the Iraqi government made it impossible to for American forces to stay, which would have been a zero sum argument.

So bad that even Obama, Hillary or Kerry couldn't fix it ? Wowser.

The second Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld ignored General Shenseki's advice on the number of troops required to win the peace, the future was lost. Not a thing the Dems could or can or will do about it.

These people just won't give up until they have the PROOF that this **** is a murdering bitch!

Get up Hillary...GROW A PAIR like CONSERVATIVE MEN HAVE.... Don't want to be a liberal pussy all your life, like your men are...do you?

Bush's disasters and the Iraqi government made it impossible to for American forces to stay, which would have been a zero sum argument.

So bad that even Obama, Hillary or Kerry couldn't fix it ? Wowser.

The second Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld ignored General Shenseki's advice on the number of troops required to win the peace, the future was lost. Not a thing the Dems could or can or will do about it.

Is that the same General Shenseki that let dozens of VETERAN'S DIE waiting on HIDDEN LISTS at the VA he was in charge of for SIX YEARS....and we should have listened to that assclown... Come on Rep Frog Boy, even a dimwit like you can do better than this!

Google is your friend Hillary and Sarah. Lincoln was a congressman not a senator but I cheated and googled it.

They need to carry around a smart phone. My phone is way smarter than I am. :D
Google is your friend Hillary and Sarah. Lincoln was a congressman not a senator but I cheated and googled it.

They need to carry around a smart phone. My phone is way smarter than I am. :D

FYI Misty, Sarah Palin NEVER said that, BUT the Hildebeasty not only said it, she wrote it in her new book, and was VIDEOTAPED saying it!....World's smartest woman?.... If I were a woman, I'd be embarrassed for my gender!

Bush's disasters and the Iraqi government made it impossible to for American forces to stay, which would have been a zero sum argument.

So bad that even Obama, Hillary or Kerry couldn't fix it ? Wowser.

The second Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld ignored General Shenseki's advice on the number of troops required to win the peace, the future was lost. Not a thing the Dems could or can or will do about it.

Well looks like we need a new administration then.
Should be called the 'Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class' thread.
You mean they have nothing to offer you. Which is a good thing, let's hope it stays that way.

I'm rich. EVERYTHING the Republicans have to offer is a benefit for me.

Let me name a few;

Mortgage interest
Capital gains
Step-up in basis
Retirement savings
Charitable deduction
Trust freezing
Tax havens
Shell companies
Equity swap
Taking family trusts corporate
Deferred compensation
Yachts as a second home

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...Hillary strikes again..... what an asshole she is...world's dumbest Bimbo! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Clinton Blows Up at NPR Host Over Questions on Her Support for Gay Rights

The Washington Free Beacon ^

(VIDEO-AT-LINK)Clinton: 'You are playing with my words' Hillary Clinton lost patience with an NPR radio interviewer who asked her several times to clarify the evolution of her views on gay marriage. “Would you say your view evolved since the 90s, or that the American public evolved, allowing you to state your real view?” asked radio host Terry Gross. Clinton at first avoided directly answering the question, replying, “I think I’m an American, I think that we have all evolved, and it’s been one of the fastest, most sweeping transformations that I’m aware of.” “I understand,” Gross said, “but a lot...
Republicans on the USMB think Lincoln was a "confederate".

Lincoln was a Republican. Confederates were Democrats.

Then in the sixties ideology changed. Democrats embraced the people, where Republicans embraced business and middle class 'low thinkers.'

Oh no, democrats don't get to switch their history just because they don't like it, and who would? I can't think of one thing democrats have done to help anyone other then themselves. Nothing nada zip.
Hillary treated secret service like hired help but Bill was a softie says former agent in book

The Daily Mail ^

Hillary told secret service agent who refused to carry her bag to ‘get the f*** away from me’, and treated her detail like hired help but Bill was a softie . . . says former agent in bombshell book If Hillary Clinton runs, and wins the Presidential race in 2016, the Republicans won't be the only ones with trepidation. The Secret Service, who have tangled with Hillary since she became First Lady in 1993, will also be quaking in their lace-ups. Hillary has been known to hurl a book at the back of the head of one agent driving her...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpkpCxUe-mg]We're Broke, We're Struggling - YouTube[/ame]
They may have left the White House “dead broke,” as Hillary Clinton claimed, but she and Bill Clinton cashed in so fast and big that they sit atop the list of former first couples who struck gold after the presidency.

Since leaving office, according to financial records and news reports, they have earned at least $155 million from speeches, salaries and book deals, easily outpacing the post-White House incomes of other former presidential families and distancing themselves from the time when Bill Clinton deducted $2 apiece for used underwear donated to an Arkansas charity.

What's more, through the kindness of friends and the successful and richly-funded Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, they've received travel and other benefits. The Foundation itself has assets of $257 million and has spent $50 million on travel expenses.

Overall, their net worth is about $80 million, dwarfing their nearest challenger for the wealth title, former President George W. Bush, at $35 million, according to the popular website Celebrity Net Worth.

The site’s Brian Warner told Secrets, “For the Clintons specifically, their net worths have been relatively easy to track over time. As you're probably aware, the Clintons were required to release income and asset disclosures while they were in office. Since leaving office, data on how much they have earned from speaking engagements and book royalties has been pretty easy to track.”

The Clintons are unusual on the presidential stage. Most recent ex-presidents have set up a foundation, written a book, given a few speeches and generally faded away wealthy, but not fabulously so. But in addition to Hillary Clinton's jobs as a New York senator and President Obama's top diplomat, Bill Clinton has turned the family foundation into a worldwide philanthropic powerhouse befriended by corporations and billionaires.

And while other former presidents, notably Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon, earned rare million-dollar paydays from books and speeches, the Clintons have made an industry of it.

For example, their books -- including the anticipated $8 million from Hillary's new memoir Hard Choices -- account for about $40 million. Bill Clinton earned $106 million in speeches through 2013. Hillary has earned an estimated additional $5 million in speeches since leaving the State Department.

Bill Clinton has also collected $2.6 million in a presidential pension, and Hillary Clinton $2 million in State and Senate salary.

"I've never had any money until I got out of the White House," Clinton told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in 2010, in comments similar to Hillary Clinton's during a TV interview this week. "But I've done reasonably well since then."

Bill and Hillary Clinton top list of richest ex-first families | WashingtonExaminer.com
Lincoln was a Republican. Confederates were Democrats.

Then in the sixties ideology changed. Democrats embraced the people, where Republicans embraced business and middle class 'low thinkers.'

Oh no, democrats don't get to switch their history just because they don't like it, and who would? I can't think of one thing democrats have done to help anyone other then themselves. Nothing nada zip.

You can't 'switch' history, but you can grow ideologically.
You can't 'switch' history...
Liberals try it all the time. There was no exodus from the Democrat party to the GOP. The GOP grew. Pro business, contrary to liberal dogma, does not mean anti-people. It's what drives the economy so quite the opposite is true.
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