Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary

I would have to ask how they got these numbers considering hildebeast is tanking.
The old hag is poison and it's only going to get worse.
Even the liberal Houston Chronicle gives her a thumbs down after refusing to speak with reporters during her trip to Texas.
She doesnt want to answer question,even when they come from the lefty media. She's doomed.

Show a single Republican outpolling her

Reuters Hillary support dropped 15 points since mid-February among Democrats Hot Air
Show me a Republican outpolling her
OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.

So what is the GOP answer for cutting voting hours and making it harder for college students to vote? Why do they continually try to keep voters away from the polls? Do you have an answer or are you just another "bash Hillary" repub?

Republicans want every legitimate voter to be able to vote. We do not want dead people voting, we do not want illegals voting, we do not want people voting more than once, we do not want poll workers "losing" ballots, we do not want voting machines rigged, we do not want thugs standing outside polling places intimidating would-be voters, we do not want party operatives paying people to vote.

In this country, and almost every other country, we have something called election day. It is one day, it is not called election month, it is election DAY. Every state has provisions for absentee voting and most have some form of early voting (except for Hillary's state of New York).

Dems do not want fair elections, they want rigged elections because those are the only kind they can win.
Dead people do not vote, neither do illegals, duplicate voting cases are extremely rare

But what Republicans do is make voting as inconvenient as possible, harrass legitimate voters in an attempt to make the process as frustrating as possible.

Keep repeating those talking points, just confirms how clueless you reall are.
Do you ever make a point of relevance?

Actually I kind of knew that the "rope-a-dope" quip would be over your head......So, let me explain it at your pubescent level:

Hillary (NOT my favorite of candidates) is much smarter than any of her GOP opponents...aka, clown posse).....and anyone who underestimates her in the intelligence quotient does so at his/her own ultimate peril.

Secretary Clinton has unilaterally started the debate cycle in challenging opponents (red states' governors) to defend their respective voter suppression legislations........and, sure enough, in the "rope-a-dope" scenario, they WILL be forced to defend their actions........and as we all know, when one is busy "defending" they're losing a bit.

Hope the above helps.....

The answers no. Gotcha.
History tells us the GOP should win, but with changing demographics and the existing clown car, it is looking bleak for the Repubs.
Are you Righties gonna slit your wrists this time when you lose the WH for the 3rd time in a row?

If this BS cost us the election we never deserved to win in the first place. What's the next ludicrous demand is left going to come up with, should we provide door to door service for these assholes to get to the polls or be accused of voter suppression? The left is never satisfied.

they are SO out of new ideas. all they have is divide divide divide.

They threw every division tactic on the table in 2014, the GOP war on women, the GOP war on minorities, The GOP is racist, the GOP wants to take away seniors SS and Medicare, none of it worked they got annihilated at the polls.

Here's how desperate they are, I apologize if you hurt yourself laughing...the Times put together a 700 word article plus 10 pages of court documents to report...that Rubio got 4 traffic tickets over an 18 year period O...M...G Rubio is toast :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I wonder how many tickets Hillary's limo drivers got the last 18 years since she doesn't drive like normal folks do.

It's hard to get a ticket when you run with police escorts all the time.

she Probably hasn't driven herself the whole time she's been a Senator. Lest we forget. she is Royalty from the Democrat party. but, they could go back to her High school and college days to dig up that information. BUT they don't want that SMEAR. that's only for Republicans
You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary

I would have to ask how they got these numbers considering hildebeast is tanking.
The old hag is poison and it's only going to get worse.
Even the liberal Houston Chronicle gives her a thumbs down after refusing to speak with reporters during her trip to Texas.
She doesnt want to answer question,even when they come from the lefty media. She's doomed.

Show a single Republican outpolling her

Reuters Hillary support dropped 15 points since mid-February among Democrats Hot Air
Show me a Republican outpolling her

well, to be fair we should add up the approval points held by all of the GOP candidates and compare them to the approval points of HRC, O'malley, and Sanders----------------the GOP wins by a mile.
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

She's in a pretty much all black district so it shouldnt surprise you.
Hell,her voters are just as stupid as she is.
They really are. You would have to be completely clueless to vote for that self serving cvnt.
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

You only need watch a couple of episodes of Hardcore Pawn to see the types of voters that live in jackass lee's district.
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

You only need watch a couple of episodes of Hardcore Pawn to see the types of voters that live in jackass lee's district.
every time i used to watch that show, first impression. Obama Voters.
She's in a pretty much all black district so it shouldnt surprise you.
Hell,her voters are just as stupid as she is.

I believe your dry cleaner called......your white robe and hood are ready for pick up.

Everyone on here needs to put you ignore. You are sick in head. You offer nothing but ignorant spew. Earlier you had people burning crosses
She's in a pretty much all black district so it shouldnt surprise you.
Hell,her voters are just as stupid as she is.

I believe your dry cleaner called......your white robe and hood are ready for pick up.

Everyone on here needs to put you ignore. You are sick in head. You offer nothing but ignorant spew. Earlier you had people burning crosses

LMAO I knew you all would figure this fraud out eventually.
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

You only need watch a couple of episodes of Hardcore Pawn to see the types of voters that live in jackass lee's district.

There's an actual show about a pawn shop in her district?
I gotta see this,when does it come on and what channel?
Hillary owns the Cons in USMB lock, stock and barrel. She occupies most of their thoughts. Poor nutters.

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They are scared to death of her. They know the demographics are such that they will need to have a perfect candidate to win 270 EV, The clowns they have now won't even come close.

LOL, the only people scared of HRC are the dem power brokers and the DNC. If she gets the nomination she will have to answer some real questions in real debates and she will be toast. Powerful dems already know that and are desperate for a way to dump her.
Every Republican candidate seems to be spending quite a bit of effort on Hillary. Seems they are quite scared of her

They are scared shitless because they are hoplessly behind her in Ohio, Virginia and Florida, 3 of the Quintifecta states that decide presidential elections.
Republicans need to win two out of those three states to have a chance at 270 EVs

Kasich/Rubio would take both of them
Everyone on here needs to put you ignore. You are sick in head. You offer nothing but ignorant spew. Earlier you had people burning crosses

I'd NEVER put you on ignore, Steph......Your stupidity is very, very entertaining......

AND, speaking of "ignorant spew," show us the ACTUAL NYT article (not the blog by tea bagging J. Christian Adams).......
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

You only need watch a couple of episodes of Hardcore Pawn to see the types of voters that live in jackass lee's district.
every time i used to watch that show, first impression. Obama Voters.
that would be a perfect job for hillary, working at a pawn shop in detroit/chicago, and on a bad day she can tell her customers to go to the back of the line and eat watermelon.

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