Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

OH GAWD, not this again.

do these people ever have a new scheme to divide the people with?

what a witch..go fly away. we are so sick of you

its all they have. they have no record to run on, obozo has been a massive failure, hildebeast is a proven liar and criminal, all they can do is preach about the evil republicans and the evil rich. While the Clintons are members of the ultra rich club.

Any dem voters who support her are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.

So what is the GOP answer for cutting voting hours and making it harder for college students to vote? Why do they continually try to keep voters away from the polls? Do you have an answer or are you just another "bash Hillary" repub?

I think I see a flaw in this dastardly plan...pretty sure it would make it harder for everyone to vote.
results of his agenda equate to failure

1. 10 trillion of new debt
2. more in poverty than ever before
3. more on food stamps than ever before
4. longest period of high unemployment ever
5. no jobs for new college grads
6. highest corporate tax rate in the entire world
7. lost the Iraq war
8. giving nukes to Iran
9. no plan to stop ISIS
10. make the US the laughing stock of the world
11. divided this nation on race, sex, age, income, religion, and ethnicity
12. weakened our military
13. created urban violence
14. US education standards resulting in grads who can't read or write
15. Destroyed the best medical system in the world.

Redherring........beside cutting and pasting the above from some right wing blog......you're wrong on almost EVERY one of those "talking points.:.........Lets just tackle the first.

Can you tell all of us (by employing the other half of your inert brain)....how BUSH planned to pay for the Iraq War????
Or tell us how BUSH planned to pay for Medicare Part D?
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
Hillary owns the Cons in USMB lock, stock and barrel. She occupies most of their thoughts. Poor nutters.

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They are scared to death of her. They know the demographics are such that they will need to have a perfect candidate to win 270 EV, The clowns they have now won't even come close.

LOL, the only people scared of HRC are the dem power brokers and the DNC. If she gets the nomination she will have to answer some real questions in real debates and she will be toast. Powerful dems already know that and are desperate for a way to dump her.
Every Republican candidate seems to be spending quite a bit of effort on Hillary. Seems they are quite scared of her

They are scared shitless because they are hoplessly behind her in Ohio, Virginia and Florida, 3 of the Quintifecta states that decide presidential elections.
Republicans need to win two out of those three states to have a chance at 270 EVs
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary

I would have to ask how they got these numbers considering hildebeast is tanking.
The old hag is poison and it's only going to get worse.
Even the liberal Houston Chronicle gives her a thumbs down after refusing to speak with reporters during her trip to Texas.
She doesnt want to answer question,even when they come from the lefty media. She's doomed.
You libs need to come to grips with the facts, Hillary is no Bill Clinton and Hillary is no Barack Obama. She is JV at best.

All I've seen of Hillary: is someone who rode her President Hubbies Coattails to get her position in our government. And you're right. She can't MAKE herself be a nice person. Because she just isn't that and will never be
Even after all the Years she been sucking a living off us taxpayers, her own base can't think of anything outstanding she has done.
Sheila Dumbass Jackson Lee is probably already creating 10 million new texas residents.
You libs need to come to grips with the facts, Hillary is no Bill Clinton and Hillary is no Barack Obama. She is JV at best.

All I've seen of Hillary: is someone who rode her President Hubbies Coattails to get her position in our government. And you're right. She can't MAKE herself be a nice person. Because she just isn't that and will never be
Even after all the Years she been sucking a living off us taxpayers, her own base can't think of anything outstanding she has done.
oh but if she was Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal or Mike Huckabee or Jeb Bush or any of your free pretenders like Carly Fiorino or whatever her name is who cost her employees her company jobs when she ran I think it was hewlett-packard or something like that but you guys can spend it anyway you like you're very good at that.
Hillary Clinton calls out GOP members over voting rights - NY Daily News

They have no answer. She will continue to slam them. She will win with the independent voters and solidify her Dem base.
Hillary doesn't inspire anyone.

That's her primary weakness.

She's corrupt, negative, and phony, and it's out there for everyone to see. She's not fooling anyone.

Nobody but an asshole would vote for her.
You are probably right

If she were running against an inspiring republican, she might have to worry
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary

I would have to ask how they got these numbers considering hildebeast is tanking.
The old hag is poison and it's only going to get worse.
Even the liberal Houston Chronicle gives her a thumbs down after refusing to speak with reporters during her trip to Texas.
She doesnt want to answer question,even when they come from the lefty media. She's doomed.

Show a single Republican outpolling her
WAKE UP people. this is where Hillary is getting this nasty stuff from. SOROS, He's a frikken foreigner who is a BILLIONAIR. he bought and paid for Obama, and now he's BACK pulling on the Hillary strings. Her true colors are coming out and they are nasty. don't make the same mistake you did with Obama

Now, how about this on the INTEGRITY of the Progressive/Democrat party trying to screw with our ELECTIONS

Revealed: Convicted Felon George Soros Bankrolling Attacks on Election Integrity
The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew.
by J. Christian Adams

The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew: billionaire convicted felon George Soros is bankrolling attacks on election integrity laws in advance of the 2016 election. He is funding efforts to attack laws designed to aid election integrity in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and perhaps elsewhere, according to the New York Times.

Mr. Soros is prepared to spend $5 million or more on the effort, Mr. Vachon said. Two suits that he is supporting were filed in Ohio and in Wisconsin last month, and he is also funding a case Mr. Elias is involved with in North Carolina.

These lawsuits are attacks on voter ID and other changes made to increase election integrity. For example, in North Carolina, where same-day voter registration used to exist, over 1,000 unverified voters were permitted to cast a regular ballot in the 2012 election. As a recent law review article of mine notes:

all of it here:

Stephanie is either an abject LIAR....or a complete MORON (I'd say the latter, more likely.)

There is NO such article in the NYT ....and Adams is a tea bagger from way back with his blog ......

Here's what the NYT actually wrote about Adams....

J. Christian Adams, a former lawyer for the Department of Justice known for pushing a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, told Breitbart, the conservative news site, that the rules are actually much stricter. In an email to Breitbart he said that “if someone doesn’t intend to support the nominee in November, then that person isn’t allowed to vote in the Republican primary.”

In other words, a voter’s future intentions matter as much as their past actions.

To support Mr. Adams’s position, Breitbart cited a 2007 decision by U.S. District Judge W. Allen Pepper, which appears to indicate that Republican Party representatives may seek to discover whom voters intend to support in the fall, and potentially challenge their right to cast a ballot on those grounds.
Republican mythology

We have extremely rare instances of people voting in place of dead people, fraudulent voting, multiple voting or illegals voting

We do have frequent cases of legitimate voters being turned away at the polls

How do right wingers explain how they won in 2014????
Did Democrats run out of DEAD PEOPLE???
Are you Righties gonna slit your wrists this time when you lose the WH for the 3rd time in a row?

If this BS cost us the election we never deserved to win in the first place. What's the next ludicrous demand is left going to come up with, should we provide door to door service for these assholes to get to the polls or be accused of voter suppression? The left is never satisfied.

I lived in Louisville,Ky for several years and watched the UPS union rent twenty 9 passenger vans and cruise the projects and streets picking up black folks and taking them to the polls to early vote and on election day. They didn't pick up any white folks.

GD racist.
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.
No they are not spread

People are asked..

Do you prefer Hillary or Bush
Do you prefer Hillary or Cruz
Do you prefer Hillary or Rubio

Those polled overwhelmingly choose Hillary

I would have to ask how they got these numbers considering hildebeast is tanking.
The old hag is poison and it's only going to get worse.
Even the liberal Houston Chronicle gives her a thumbs down after refusing to speak with reporters during her trip to Texas.
She doesnt want to answer question,even when they come from the lefty media. She's doomed.

Show a single Republican outpolling her

Reuters Hillary support dropped 15 points since mid-February among Democrats Hot Air
Are you Righties gonna slit your wrists this time when you lose the WH for the 3rd time in a row?

If this BS cost us the election we never deserved to win in the first place. What's the next ludicrous demand is left going to come up with, should we provide door to door service for these assholes to get to the polls or be accused of voter suppression? The left is never satisfied.

they are SO out of new ideas. all they have is divide divide divide.

They threw every division tactic on the table in 2014, the GOP war on women, the GOP war on minorities, The GOP is racist, the GOP wants to take away seniors SS and Medicare, none of it worked they got annihilated at the polls.

Here's how desperate they are, I apologize if you hurt yourself laughing...the Times put together a 700 word article plus 10 pages of court documents to report...that Rubio got 4 traffic tickets over an 18 year period O...M...G Rubio is toast :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I wonder how many tickets Hillary's limo drivers got the last 18 years since she doesn't drive like normal folks do.

It's hard to get a ticket when you run with police escorts all the time.
and to think that some in Texas voted for Shelia Jackson despite the fact that she believes that the likes of Washington/Adams, and Abe Lincoln were around in the 1600's.

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