Hillary slams GOP candidates over voting suppression...and names them!

Completely made up

You really think all that drama is spontaneous? Everyone who appears on the show is carefully selected and prompted on how to act

Of course you have proof of that, right?
Breaking News: Pro Wrestling is fake too

Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars in on the history channel, your point?

his point is on his head and its wrapped in tin foil.
Completely made up

You really think all that drama is spontaneous? Everyone who appears on the show is carefully selected and prompted on how to act

Of course you have proof of that, right?
Breaking News: Pro Wrestling is fake too

Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars is on the history channel, your point?
Still fake....right Chumley?
Of course you have proof of that, right?
Breaking News: Pro Wrestling is fake too

Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars is on the history channel, your point?
Still fake....right Chumley?

yes, reality shows are fake, but Hillary's fat ass is real, whats you point?
LMAO I knew you all would figure this fraud out eventually.
note to Sassy, You have just won 4.5 Million Dollars for being my 1000th customer. so how do u want it? all singles?
i had this goal to finally make the "1000" club.
LMAO I knew you all would figure this fraud out eventually.
note to Sassy, You have just won 4.5 Million Dollars for being my 1000th customer. so how do u want it? all singles?
and what a coincidence. I came in on Jan.6, exactlay six months later I hit the 1000 mark. is that above average? about 5 funnys a day?

I hit the 5,000 mark this past week. Didn't get a damn thing :(
well u have been around since the good old days when we had 50 states.

LOL Actually I haven't, I forgot I was even signed up here and a friend asked me to come over and when I signed up it told me I already had an account.
You've been signed up longer than me.....
Of course you have proof of that, right?
Breaking News: Pro Wrestling is fake too

Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars is on the history channel, your point?
Still fake....right Chumley?

Of course, how could anyone argue with all those stone hard facts you presented. LMAO
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.

Really???? You think that's how it works. You are as dumb as a rock. GOOD GRIEF!
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.

Really???? You think that's how it works. You are as dumb as a rock. GOOD GRIEF!

Just wait...
Breaking News: Pro Wrestling is fake too

Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars is on the history channel, your point?
Still fake....right Chumley?

Of course, how could anyone argue with all those stone hard facts you presented. LMAO
If you want to believe in reality TV and unicorns, there is not much I can do to convince you otherwise

"I know everything I need to know about negroes, because I watch Hardcore Pawn"
WAKE UP people. this is where Hillary is getting this nasty stuff from. SOROS, He's a frikken foreigner who is a BILLIONAIR. he bought and paid for Obama, and now he's BACK pulling on the Hillary strings. Her true colors are coming out and they are nasty. don't make the same mistake you did with Obama

Now, how about this on the INTEGRITY of the Progressive/Democrat party trying to screw with our ELECTIONS

Revealed: Convicted Felon George Soros Bankrolling Attacks on Election Integrity
The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew.
by J. Christian Adams

The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew: billionaire convicted felon George Soros is bankrolling attacks on election integrity laws in advance of the 2016 election. He is funding efforts to attack laws designed to aid election integrity in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and perhaps elsewhere, according to the New York Times.

Mr. Soros is prepared to spend $5 million or more on the effort, Mr. Vachon said. Two suits that he is supporting were filed in Ohio and in Wisconsin last month, and he is also funding a case Mr. Elias is involved with in North Carolina.

These lawsuits are attacks on voter ID and other changes made to increase election integrity. For example, in North Carolina, where same-day voter registration used to exist, over 1,000 unverified voters were permitted to cast a regular ballot in the 2012 election. As a recent law review article of mine notes:

all of it here:

Stephanie is either an abject LIAR....or a complete MORON (I'd say the latter, more likely.)

There is NO such article in the NYT ....and Adams is a tea bagger from way back with his blog ......

Here's what the NYT actually wrote about Adams....

J. Christian Adams, a former lawyer for the Department of Justice known for pushing a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, told Breitbart, the conservative news site, that the rules are actually much stricter. In an email to Breitbart he said that “if someone doesn’t intend to support the nominee in November, then that person isn’t allowed to vote in the Republican primary.”

In other words, a voter’s future intentions matter as much as their past actions.

To support Mr. Adams’s position, Breitbart cited a 2007 decision by U.S. District Judge W. Allen Pepper, which appears to indicate that Republican Party representatives may seek to discover whom voters intend to support in the fall, and potentially challenge their right to cast a ballot on those grounds.
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.

Really???? You think that's how it works. You are as dumb as a rock. GOOD GRIEF!

Just wait...

And when the Repub nominee loses again...."VOTER FRAUD!"
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

There is no voter suppression moron......the democrats should know since they mastered the practice during their creation of jim crow.....
When you assholes vote for hilary the stain will not leave your souls....you know she is a criminal...you know she is vile.....and you are going to vote for her anyway.....you will never wash that crap off of your souls.....morons...
When you assholes vote for hilary the stain will not leave your souls....you know she is a criminal...you know she is vile.....and you are going to vote for her anyway.....you will never wash that crap off of your souls.....morons...

"the stain will not leave your souls" ??????

Have you always been such a drama queen?
WAKE UP people. this is where Hillary is getting this nasty stuff from. SOROS, He's a frikken foreigner who is a BILLIONAIR. he bought and paid for Obama, and now he's BACK pulling on the Hillary strings. Her true colors are coming out and they are nasty. don't make the same mistake you did with Obama

Now, how about this on the INTEGRITY of the Progressive/Democrat party trying to screw with our ELECTIONS

Revealed: Convicted Felon George Soros Bankrolling Attacks on Election Integrity
The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew.
by J. Christian Adams

The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew: billionaire convicted felon George Soros is bankrolling attacks on election integrity laws in advance of the 2016 election. He is funding efforts to attack laws designed to aid election integrity in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and perhaps elsewhere, according to the New York Times.

Mr. Soros is prepared to spend $5 million or more on the effort, Mr. Vachon said. Two suits that he is supporting were filed in Ohio and in Wisconsin last month, and he is also funding a case Mr. Elias is involved with in North Carolina.

These lawsuits are attacks on voter ID and other changes made to increase election integrity. For example, in North Carolina, where same-day voter registration used to exist, over 1,000 unverified voters were permitted to cast a regular ballot in the 2012 election. As a recent law review article of mine notes:

all of it here:

Stephanie is either an abject LIAR....or a complete MORON (I'd say the latter, more likely.)

There is NO such article in the NYT ....and Adams is a tea bagger from way back with his blog ......

Here's what the NYT actually wrote about Adams....

J. Christian Adams, a former lawyer for the Department of Justice known for pushing a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party, told Breitbart, the conservative news site, that the rules are actually much stricter. In an email to Breitbart he said that “if someone doesn’t intend to support the nominee in November, then that person isn’t allowed to vote in the Republican primary.”

In other words, a voter’s future intentions matter as much as their past actions.

To support Mr. Adams’s position, Breitbart cited a 2007 decision by U.S. District Judge W. Allen Pepper, which appears to indicate that Republican Party representatives may seek to discover whom voters intend to support in the fall, and potentially challenge their right to cast a ballot on those grounds.
And yet, she is still beating everyone in the Clown Car.

Still no answer on voter suppression? Oh, you have no answer. The only reason the repubs want to keep people away from the polls is to stop minorities and the poor from voting. We all know that. You know it also. The gop targets areas and populations that will likely vote Democratic.

You dont realize that republican numbers are spread among all the contenders for the nomination?
Once they pick the candidate those numbers will all come together.
Man democrats are dense.

Really???? You think that's how it works. You are as dumb as a rock. GOOD GRIEF!

Just wait...

And when the Repub nominee loses again...."VOTER FRAUD!"
So, you say it doesn't exist?????
Voter Fraud Is Rampant And Democrats Ignore It - Investors.com

Purloined Democracy: Amid growing signs of voter fraud across the nation, the question isn't whether it's happening, but how widespread it is — and why the media refuse to treat it as the serious problem it is.

Voter fraud is as old as our republic, but it's become rampant in recent years. And it can easily be solved by requiring all those who vote to show some kind of ID — as you do, say, to cash a check or drive a car.

Yet the left and the mainstream media accuse anyone who wants honest elections of "voter suppression."

Why? It's widely presumed by liberals that getting as many people as possible to vote benefits them. So by fraud or by force they "get out the vote."

As Stephen Hayward at Power Line notes, "Bring up the (fraud) question, or suggest we need voter ID at the polls like every other advanced democracy, and the answer will be instantly supplied: You're a racist."

The truth of that statement was shown Tuesday as Attorney General Eric Holder deployed "monitors" in 18 states looking for signs of "racial discrimination" in voting. It's a political move, plain and simple, meant to send a message that the GOP is irretrievably racist.

(This is the same Eric Holder who dismissed charges against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation in the 2008 election, despite strong evidence it took place.)

And all this fraud is well documented.

As we recently noted, a study in the journal Electoral Studies found that noncitizen voting in U.S. elections "has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes, including Electoral College votes and congressional elections."

In another new report — "Does Your Vote Count?" — the Heritage Foundation documents more than 200 instances of voter fraud around the country.

Just last week, guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe filmed himself getting 20 ballots in North Carolina without proper ID or evidence of registration.

This is how the left steals elections.

Such fraud doesn't stand alone. It goes hand in hand with other tried-and-true Democrat get-out-the-vote ploys: motor voter registration, day-of registration, mail-in ballots and electronic voting machines.

So what, you say. Isn't more participation better?

No. In fact, some people shouldn't vote. Those who won't take the time to learn about issues and candidates, for instance. Noncitizens. Serious felons. People who have to be bribed or threatened to vote. And those who could easily get a legal ID, but won't bother.

So forgive us for disagreeing when Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus, who calls voter fraud a "phantom menace," says voting should be "mandatory."

Such practices corrupt our democracy and cheapen our votes. Voting is a precious privilege, not an obligation. It's too important to be made easy — or fraudulent.

DEMOCRATS Arrested and or Convicted of Voter Fraud

Actually the internet is loaded with examples.
Is that crap still on and how does this strawman prove what you said?

Hint: Hardcore Pawn is on TruTV not TrueTV

And Pawn Stars is on the history channel, your point?
Still fake....right Chumley?

Of course, how could anyone argue with all those stone hard facts you presented. LMAO
If you want to believe in reality TV and unicorns, there is not much I can do to convince you otherwise

"I know everything I need to know about negroes, because I watch Hardcore Pawn"

Nope, not negros, just ghetto rats of various races. You only need to watch jaskass lee's speeches and how her constituents act to know it's accurate. I only gave that as a reference for the folks who haven't seen the ghetto rats she panders to first hand.
Such practices corrupt our democracy and cheapen our votes. Voting is a precious privilege, not an obligation. It's too important to be made easy — or fraudulent.

FACT: There Is No Evidence Of Massive Voter Impersonation Fraud

Experts Agree That Voter Impersonation is "Virtually Non-Existent."
The New Yorker reported that experts agree that actual incidents of in-person voter fraud -- the type of voter fraud that strict voter ID laws can prevent -- are "virtually non-existent," and fears of voter fraud have been largely invented as a way to "excite the base." [The New Yorker, 10/29/12]

Brennan Center For Justice: Allegations Of Widespread Voter Fraud "Simply Do Not Pan Out." The New York University School of Law's Brennan Center has repeatedly explained that in-person voter fraud is not a justification for strict voter ID laws, because voter impersonation is "more rare than getting struck by lightning," and allegations of widespread fraud typically "amount to a great deal of smoke without much fire" and "simply do not pan out." [Brennan Center For Justice, 2007]

Loyola University Professor: Only 31 Out Of 1 Billion Ballots Subject To In-Person Voter Fraud. Loyola University Law School professor Justin Levitt, who investigated "any specific, credible allegation" of voter impersonation fraud, found a total of "about 31 different incidents" since 2000 of in-person voter fraud out of over 1 billion ballots cast. [The Washington Post, Wonkblog, 8/6/14]
Such practices corrupt our democracy and cheapen our votes. Voting is a precious privilege, not an obligation. It's too important to be made easy — or fraudulent.

Koch Brothers Front Group Feeds Fox News Phony Figures On Voter Fraud

A report by Fox News alleges that “Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland.” It’s a shocking statistic that stirs fears of massive election fraud that could sway the results of pivotal campaigns and upset the balance of power in Congress.

There’s just one problem with this report: There is no evidence that any of it is true. Fox News cites as their source an organization (Watchdog.org) that purports to be a news enterprise, but is actually a strand of the tangled web of political and media affiliates funded by the notorious Koch brothers.

Watchdog.org provided Fox News with a story about voter registration in Virginia that implies that thousands of Virginia voters are illegally voting twice in Maryland, saying that…

“A crosscheck of voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland turned up 44,000 people registered in both states, a vote-integrity group reported Wednesday.”

In fact, the data referenced in the report only identifies registrations with similar names, but it does not assert that they are the same people. In addition, it would not be unusual to find numerous cases where people re-registered after having moved from Virginia to Maryland, which is perfectly legal so long as they do not cast votes in both precincts. Even the president of the group that provided the data acknowledges that…

“…the number of voters who actually cast multiple ballots is relatively small. In the case of Maryland and Virginia, he revealed that 164 people voted in both states during the 2012 election.”


This is one of the great advantages of being a billionaire who can bankroll a phony news service and funnel the fictional propaganda to friendly media. And by taking the tainted stories from a biased source with vested interests, Fox News proves again that it is nothing more than a PR agency for Republicans and the conservative agenda.
I wonder what expressions will cross the face of conservatives, if--by some miracle--the Democrats win the WhiteHouse a third time!!

History suggests otherwise, but it can still happen.
Since ObGyn pointed out the Virginia Voters' Alliance....here are some other tidbits......

In some states, people can make up a reason to challenge a voter’s rights without any evidence backing them up, and do so with impunity. It’s the same as when people drum up charges of voter fraud to pass voter ID bills and go unpunished when it’s revealed that no such fraud exists. You can’t fabricate a police report by saying you were mugged if you weren’t; you can’t file a false claim saying you lost possessions in a disaster. In both cases, you face jail and fines for bearing false witness, but not if you fabricate voter fraud or voter ineligibility in many states.

The Brennan report points out that South Carolina and Virginia allow people to challenge voters even if it’s nothing but a whim. Consider that both South Carolina and Virginia both have passed voter ID laws.

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