Hillary To Be Arrested?

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Yeah, and I'm sure you feel the same way about the slime that taped a private conversationthen leaked it to the public regarding Trump and his "locker room" talk?

Hypocrisy they name is "liberal".

Trump was on an entertainment media "bus" with the reporter knowingly offering himself for a part of the "show" because he was and is desperate for attention. He knew he was being recorded for use by the media.

I'm not a "liberal" and what I said is not hypocrisy. The Constitution says we are protected from what Assange was and is doing.

So where in the constitution does it say you're not allowed to expose corruption?

EVERY American's privacy and free speech is protected...even Clinton's.
Assange has given us enough material for the most unbelievable movie. Wish he would get Obama's emails.
EVERY American's privacy and free speech is protected...even Clinton's.

Clinton is an elected PUBLIC SERVANT.

If she is involved in criminal activities then the public has the right to know that regardless of her so called right to privacy as that does not shield her from criminal conspiracy investigation.
I cannot understand why so many americans hate Julian Assange. If the US government and political credibility/honesty is compelled to improve, it will be the likes of whistle-blowers (thanks solely to Wikileaks) who have done the leg work. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are creating a win-win situation for the entire world. We want Democracy! When do we want it? Now!

Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
Would you change your mind if it revealed an obvious crime?

Not if the Constitution was trampled in the process. There are laws governing the gathering of evidence.
Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Yeah, and I'm sure you feel the same way about the slime that taped a private conversationthen leaked it to the public regarding Trump and his "locker room" talk?

Hypocrisy they name is "liberal".

Trump was on an entertainment media "bus" with the reporter knowingly offering himself for a part of the "show" because he was and is desperate for attention. He knew he was being recorded for use by the media.

I'm not a "liberal" and what I said is not hypocrisy. The Constitution says we are protected from what Assange was and is doing.

So where in the constitution does it say you're not allowed to expose corruption?

EVERY American's privacy and free speech is protected...even Clinton's.

WTF does this have to do with free speech?
Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.
I guess that you don't understand what is at stake, or even what it is all about. Assange isn't making any POLITICAL STATEMENT. He is publishing the truth. THAT'S ALL. Have you got something juicy (and credible) against Trump? Submit it to Wikileaks. Is it your opinion that Assange won't publish it because it is too 'rightest'? If that's what you think then sorry, but you do not understand what this world is all about. But I'm hoping that I've misunderstood your statement.
I think you've misunderstood my statement.
Not if the Constitution was trampled in the process. There are laws governing the gathering of evidence.

For criminal investigations and most of them do not apply in Agency Law.

They certainly do not apply to the press, dude.
Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
Would you change your mind if it revealed an obvious crime?

Not if the Constitution was trampled in the process. There are laws governing the gathering of evidence.
That's true, but I wouldn't mind if any politicians emails were open to the public. I would want to know about corruption on either side of the aisle.
I cannot understand why so many americans hate Julian Assange. If the US government and political credibility/honesty is compelled to improve, it will be the likes of whistle-blowers (thanks solely to Wikileaks) who have done the leg work. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are creating a win-win situation for the entire world. We want Democracy! When do we want it? Now!

Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
This is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. When elected officials are violating the law and working against the will of the people, it IS my business, personal communications or not.
Not if the Constitution was trampled in the process. There are laws governing the gathering of evidence.

For criminal investigations and most of them do not apply in Agency Law.

They certainly do not apply to the press, dude.

The press is allowed to lawfully gather information...not rifle through your private communications.
That's true, but I wouldn't mind if any politicians emails were open to the public. I would want to know about corruption on either side of the aisle.
Well ALL of their electronic communications while on the public servant time clock are supposed to be stored and held for just these kinds of considerations, which is why Hillary destroying those 33k emails that were under subpoena was a criminal act of destruction of government documents and of Obstruction of Justice.
I cannot understand why so many americans hate Julian Assange. If the US government and political credibility/honesty is compelled to improve, it will be the likes of whistle-blowers (thanks solely to Wikileaks) who have done the leg work. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are creating a win-win situation for the entire world. We want Democracy! When do we want it? Now!

Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
This is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. When elected officials are violating the law and working against the will of the people, it IS my business, personal communications or not.

I see.....you are one of those that wanted to have a good look at Bill Clinton's penis. Me? There are just some things I won't do in the name of prurient interest.
Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
This is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. When elected officials are violating the law and working against the will of the people, it IS my business, personal communications or not.

I see.....you are one of those that wanted to have a good look at Bill Clinton's penis. Me? There are just some things I won't do in the name of prurient interest.
I don't care if you want to turn a blind eye to a Sec. of State putting our national security at risk and selling influence but don't tell me I have to.
Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
This is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. When elected officials are violating the law and working against the will of the people, it IS my business, personal communications or not.

I see.....you are one of those that wanted to have a good look at Bill Clinton's penis. Me? There are just some things I won't do in the name of prurient interest.
I don't care if you want to turn a blind eye to a Sec. of State putting our national security at risk and selling influence but don't tell me I have to.
Excellent post!
Liberals hate Assange because he's exposing their criminality. The rest of us are thankful he has the courage to expose their criminality.

Anyone that supports the U S Constitution should hate Assange because what he does is spit on our rights to freedom of speech and the right to privacy in our personal papers.
Obviously, you have never heard of a FOIA request, which would have made any information that isn't classified available to the public, had Hillary handled her work-related emails in a LEGAL manner...

Instead, she broke the law by using an unsecure server and then attempting to destroy those official records (which Federal Law mandated be preserved)...

Now you're just butt-hurt because the American people got to see them anyway....

I don't care about the emails. It's none of my business what Hillary or anyone sends in personal communications.
Would you change your mind if it revealed an obvious crime?

Not if the Constitution was trampled in the process. There are laws governing the gathering of evidence.
Which is why the FBI got the "Weiner's" computer, and is reopening their investigation...

See, if the FBI checks computers and servers in a legal manner, the evidence they find CAN be used in a prosecution...

Meanwhile, that "back-door FOIA request" certainly let the American people get the information Hillary tried to destroy....

So get over your butt-hurt...
I got your traitor right here you dried up old kunt. I've done more for this country , and her people than you are ever likely to do. And time magazines "Man of the Year" is given based on being an influential person. Loyalties have nothing to do with it. If you weren't an ignorant, worthless sack of shit you might have known that. You should spend more time educating yourself,than stuffing your fat fucking face you sloven disgusting bitch.

Awwwww. Poor baby.

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