Trump Hillary & Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
So, if Hillary was responsible for Benghazi, was not Trump responsible for Las Vegas? His loud mouth, radical rhetoric obviously inspires people to violence. He has called for it at his campaign rallies and wants to see more of it in the NFL. Bigly.
You faux 'progressives' are just mentally ill, that's all. You're truly incapable of genuine human empathy and even the most basic reasoning skills.
The difference is that Hillary Clinton lies, and our great president tells the trueth. The vast majority elected Donald Trump because of his honesty vs Hillary Clinton's always covering up her lies.
The difference is that Hillary Clinton lies, and our great president tells the trueth. The vast majority elected Donald Trump because of his honesty vs Hillary Clinton's always covering up her lies.
The problem you have is the "vast majority" didn't elect Trump. He lost the popular vote by a landslide, the largest margin in all of history. Period, bigly, covfefe. He was elected by a minority with extensive, pervasive help fro the Russians.

As to honest, Trump has got a monopoly on that. The lies that come out of his mouth are hourly, daily and constantly. You can't believe anything he says as he treats his office as one big reality show. He is a clear and present danger to our country, and his constant lies just cement the perception, which is fact, that he is grossly unfit for the office.

He wants war with North Korea, and if he says he doesn't, it is just one of his big, big lies, one of which is that he will destroy North Korea. Ain't gonna happen. Didn't happen before and ain't gonna happen now. Trump thinks he is, but he isn't good enough to pull that off. Period.
As President Trump has said many times, there were was mass voter fraud in all states, especially in the liberal states. He really did get the overwhelming popular vote if they throw out all the 10's of millions of fake votes.

I have never heard President Trump tell one lie ever. Makes no sense for him to lie because the won. Its the FAKE MEDIA that tries to convince everyone that what he is saying not telling the truth.

President Trump probably will launch a nuclear war against North Korea. He is the smartest man ever to be elected president, so he won tell anyone, not even tell the top generals when he going to do it. He might wake up tomorrow morning and issue the order to launch several dozen ICBMs. Because he is president, the generals have to follow orders to matter what. Maybe President Trump will take out China at the same time. Its about time someone did something smart instead of being afraid of hurting their feelings with harsh words.

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