Hillary Wants To Make America A Hole Again

When the bedwetters trot out their racist Sanger lies, you know they're in full panic mode. Nothing else explains that level of desperation.

We do get it, wusses. A woman is in the process of whupping your pansy asses hard. You understand just how badly you're going to be humiliated, and your meltdowns over that are a delight to behold.

Please proceed with further crying, as your bitter tears are like sweet nectar.
Only way Hillary wins is if she cheats.
I think the only reason she has any support at all is you think she's a shoe-in.
If you got the impression that she would lose, you'd bail on her like rats on the Titanic.

Hillary floated a new slogan yesterday evening. Let's not make America Great Again.....*as if she didn't have anything to do with the mess America is in*.

Nope. Let's Make America Whole Again.

Now what does that mean?

Does she want to continue hollowing out the military and our national security like she hollowed out the security in Benghazi 2011 and Somalia in 1993?

Does she want to create a big hole in this country by killing off the excess population, so she can poor millions of poor disease carrying immigrants into it?

Do you think Hillary really wants to make America whole when she spends most of her time race-baiting, as if she wasn't supporting programs that are designed to keep minorities in poverty, and to kill their unborn children?

Does she want to continue lax security at the border so that Mexican drug cartels have little or no interference bringing in tons of drugs?

Does she want to continue to support Blacklivematters and say that Alllivesdon'tmatter?


Does this mean Hillary is going to stop lying?

I don't think so. After decades of causing divisions and hatred between the races, religions, and the sexes, Hillary is uttering yet another ironic untruth. She has no intention of making this country whole again. Not hardly. All of the racists in this country will become sexist the moment she's officially declared the Democratic Party's nominee.


A hole? She won't need to work on you.
When the bedwetters trot out their racist Sanger lies, you know they're in full panic mode. Nothing else explains that level of desperation.

We do get it, wusses. A woman is in the process of whupping your pansy asses hard. You understand just how badly you're going to be humiliated, and your meltdowns over that are a delight to behold.

Please proceed with further crying, as your bitter tears are like sweet nectar.
Only way Hillary wins is if she cheats.
I think the only reason she has any support at all is you think she's a shoe-in.
If you got the impression that she would lose, you'd bail on her like rats on the Titanic.

The word is 'shoo-in' foreigner.
When the bedwetters trot out their racist Sanger lies, you know they're in full panic mode. Nothing else explains that level of desperation.

We do get it, wusses. A woman is in the process of whupping your pansy asses hard. You understand just how badly you're going to be humiliated, and your meltdowns over that are a delight to behold.

Please proceed with further crying, as your bitter tears are like sweet nectar.

A woman eighty years ago had some positions that would be unpopular today. As did most Republicans

Margaret Sanger was ahead of her time in openly discussing family planning and birth control. Republicans were outraged then and are still outraged today

Never heard of abstinence?
Problem is, Hillary admires her now, knowing what kind of person she was almost 100 years ago, because she has the ability to read history books. She knows she was a racist. A quote from Margaret Sanger is just an example of Hillary's true beliefs, thus the bases of her admiration.

You idiots want to tie Trump into David Duke, Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler, but your nominee fits that mold to a tee......and you won't even admit it. Trump isn't from a KKK state. He's from a North Eastern liberal state, New York. In some sense, he has more in common with you than a con artist like Hillary.

She and her husband said Obama would be bringing him his coffee if it was 40 years ago. They were often seen abusing black servants when they occupied the White House. None of them want those Crackers back, because they wore out their welcome the last time they were there.
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When the bedwetters trot out their racist Sanger lies, you know they're in full panic mode. Nothing else explains that level of desperation.

We do get it, wusses. A woman is in the process of whupping your pansy asses hard. You understand just how badly you're going to be humiliated, and your meltdowns over that are a delight to behold.

Please proceed with further crying, as your bitter tears are like sweet nectar.
Only way Hillary wins is if she cheats.
I think the only reason she has any support at all is you think she's a shoe-in.
If you got the impression that she would lose, you'd bail on her like rats on the Titanic.

The word is 'shoo-in' foreigner.
Is that all you got dickwad?

Oh, and I voted for Trump yesterday on Super Tuesday, Mr. Xenophobe.
Do y'all understand that this endless victimhood whining will not get you any votes? Conservatives already have the eternal-victim demographic locked down. There are no more votes to be gained there.

But then, other than play the victim, what else can conservatives do?
Weak projection. No sale.
When the bedwetters trot out their racist Sanger lies, you know they're in full panic mode. Nothing else explains that level of desperation.

We do get it, wusses. A woman is in the process of whupping your pansy asses hard. You understand just how badly you're going to be humiliated, and your meltdowns over that are a delight to behold.

Please proceed with further crying, as your bitter tears are like sweet nectar.

A woman eighty years ago had some positions that would be unpopular today. As did most Republicans

Margaret Sanger was ahead of her time in openly discussing family planning and birth control. Republicans were outraged then and are still outraged today

Never heard of abstinence?

Margaret Sanger actively advocated genocide of blacks, nowadays commonly and politically correctly known by the ridiculous and unpatriotic label as "African dash Americans".

If she were alive today she would probably be sad that it turned out that her plan also includes others, but she would be happy to see that 70 plus percent of black children are born out of wedlock, with no influence of a caring father and destined to a life of crime and unemployment and freeloading and getting shot by racist white (or not white) cops during the commission of a crime.

Democrats adore this racist bitch. Blacks adore Democrats.

Go, figure.
If hillary thinks she can make America whole again, she is delusional and needs to be hospitalized. The nation is hopelessly divided. Either figure out how to function in a two state situation or let it divide into two or more natural states.
Margaret Sanger actively advocated genocide of blacks,

Bullshit. Don't try to pass that crap off on those outside of your cult.

And I suggest you not now run off to post the standard list of faked Sanger quotes, as doing that would simply confirm you're pushing a fraud.
If hillary thinks she can make America whole again, she is delusional and needs to be hospitalized. The nation is hopelessly divided. Either figure out how to function in a two state situation or let it divide into two or more natural states.
It's just another con. A fake slogan like "Hope & Change", but it's not even believable.
I really didn't know the country wasn't whole. Did we split up between north and south or something like that.
Margaret Sanger actively advocated genocide of blacks,

Bullshit. Don't try to pass that crap off on those outside of your cult.

And I suggest you not now run off to post the standard list of faked Sanger quotes, as doing that would simply confirm you're pushing a fraud.

It is funny you call them fake but then we find them in books she has written.
  • Thanks
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Hillary strongly supports Planned - Parenthood......and it's founder.


Guess it worked with Hillary, because she greatly admires this racist.
Do you think calling Hillary a racist will detract from Trumps support of Fascism, including support by David Duke?
Hillary swept the South due to the black vote.
I really didn't know the country wasn't whole. Did we split up between north and south or something like that.
That would be easy. The division between liberals and conservatives divide homes and even families. Although there are cities and areas condensing into one or the other.
Hillary strongly supports Planned - Parenthood......and it's founder.


Guess it worked with Hillary, because she greatly admires this racist.
Do you think calling Hillary a racist will detract from Trumps support of Fascism, including support by David Duke?
Hillary swept the South due to the black vote.
Trump never supported Duke. You're just parroting a lie.

But it's not difficult to trick black voters. They're so racist they'll vote for any criminal as long as they kiss their asses, tell em black lies matter, and run as a (D).
She's had a lot of slogans so far but Make Us Whole is better than some of her rejected ones:

FUNNY: Top Rejected Hillary Clinton Campaign Slogans!!! | Jason | Q106 3

A Record of Honesty and Integrity . . . As Far As You Know.

Let's Keep the Middle Class from Disappearing, Like All My Old E-Mails.

I'm Not Joe Biden.

As a Woman, I'll Make Less and Pass the Savings on to You!

Hillary Clinton: Strong Foreign Policy, Even Stronger Cankles.

I Won't Bother You With Emails, Because I Don't Know How to Use It.

Don't Worry . . . This Clinton Won't Stain the Oval Office Carpet.

Hillary, Feel the Chill!
Make us whole is the worst of all. The last conservatives want is to be part of liberaliam.

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