Hillary: We have got to do something about gun violence in America

but they have exceeded us in the mass murder of unarmed civilians....and in the modern countries of Europe, not 3rd world shit holes......they handed over 12 million innocent people to be murdered, far more than our criminals do each year......

Your same old tired argument

Based around your fantasy of armed civilians being able to fight off the Nazi army. How about you point to a single instance in all of Europe where armed civilians were successful in fighting the Nazis.

Want to know what really happened to armed resistance? Nazis rounded them up, killed them, killed their families and even destroyed whole towns where civilians were resisting

Switzerland....because the civilian population was so well armed and ready to fight, hitter moved on to other targets....

why did they round them up......because their governments disarmed all of them after world War 1. the allies dropped single shot, smooth bore pistols behind the lines...made by General Motors, to try to help the resistance but it wasn't enough.

you trot out the nazis rounding up civilians.......and fail to realize those civilians were under your gun control schemes....and were murdered in the millions for it.......

France and Germany disarmed their civilians after World War 1 and France did it again after World War 2.

Your argument points out what happens when the law abiding are unarmed....
Good god....your fantasies continue

Hitler was not afraid to attack the Soviet Union where he lost seven million soldiers.....but he was afraid of Switzerland because the civilians had guns.
The Soviets had air power, tanks, artillery, machine guns
But Hitler was afraid of the Swiss

the Swiss were to hard a nut to crack, and he needed his resources for
Russia....had they been unarmed, he would have gobbled them up.....like Belgium, and Norway...and the other countries who weren't armed as well as the Swiss....
Evidently more fearsome than the Red Army with their tanks, aircraft and artillery

In fact, the Swiss capitulated to Hitlers demands and he had no reason to invade them



The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

I will make sure I don't sell a weapon to a bad guy…I am not a criminal. All the police have to do is arrest criminals who buy guns…it is actually that simple. And when they catch someone with an illegal gun…lock them up for a long time.

Here is what you do at gun shows…send in under cover police officers as sellers and buyers. Then you can catch actual bad guys trying to buy guns illegally without bothering law abiding citizens…..
Thank God these left wing gun grabbing nut jobs are in the minority. That's why they keep getting bitch slapped by the NRA and the 2nd.

Let them rant and rave in their impotence here on a message board, meanwhile in the real world, most people are smarter than that.

That can change unfortunately. If we don't pay attention and allow liberal Presidents to run the show, they can fill the Supreme Court with anti-gun liberals who can rule on taking our guns away. People have to consider Supreme Court nominees when deciding on a President. In fact it should be paramount when considering a President.

Exactly….if you vote democrat, you are voting to end gun rights.
They bring up the same talking points over and over

gun shows
mental Illness - we used to be able to have people committed in this country until groups like the ACLU came along. they sued claiming it was against their rights. so go bitch at them. Now the standard for holding anyone is around three days and they declare them SANE so off they go out into Society. You don't care about that so leave the rest of US ALONE
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?

When pretty much everyone has the right to as many guns as they want, the people we don't want having guns will have pretty easy access to them also, so we are not going to change this anytime soon. We will continue to have the highest rate of murders by gun of any civilized country in the world.


As we can see, it isn't even close.
We also have the highest rate of inner city blacks and Hispanics. Get rid of inner city blacks and Hispanics in the gun murder count and our rates look like any of those countries.

So what do you suggest? Gas chambers?
Of course!
No, idiot. But correctly diagnosing the problem instead of posting misleading graphics is a good start. Our problem is not guns but an inner city culture that glorifies violence etc.
I have him on ignore and allow him to surface only long enough to mock him.
Everyone, including he, knows that he cannot soundly address the issue at hand and must therefore try to lead us away with a red herring.
He hates it, but he knows there's nothing he can do about it.

You cannot come up with one good reason to keep loopholes in the background check laws and yet you defy the support of 90% of Americans to close those loopholes.

That makes you insane.

90% don't understand what anti gunners mean when they say closing the loophole….that would mean I can't lend you a gun at the range because I didn't background check you. I can't sell a gun to a known family member without going to a gun store or the state police for a background check. I can't lend you a rifle for you to go hunting or to try out without a background check.

You guys can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
And you can't sell your gun to a known felon
True. Or any prohibited person known to you to be prohibited. But since people generally dont advertise that fact, and many sellers are criminals themselves and not scrupulous, background checks wont prevent any of those transactions.

The legal requirement for background checks makes the seller liable if he sells a gun to someone who is not eligible to own one.

The buyer knows if they are breaking the law….I am not willing to send innocent people who sell a gun to a criminal to jail, simply because they didn't follow all the laws. To
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

The criminal knows they are breaking the law…and an individual selling one or two of their private, legal products is not the issue. I am not willing to send a widow to jail simply because she didn't realize she needed to do a background check on her son in law to give or sell him her dead husbands gun.

I prefer to have criminals who commit crimes with guns go to jail, and felons caught in possession of guns go to jail.

You want to punish law abiding citizens, I want to stop actual gun criminals.


The entire left with out exception are in one of two categories or a mixture of both.

They are either full blown marxists or they are pawns of the marxists. That is it and that is all. All of the left wingers (we call them liberals, but they really are not liberals. We call them that, but they are not classical liberals at all) that post on this board are the pawns that I speak of.

The Ivy League piles of shit like the fake indian warren or the affirmative action fraudulent American hating president, along with the fat disgraceful hillary are the full blown marxists.

I bet hillary smells too.
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Yes, something needs to be.

No, nothing will be done.

There's just too many people who will make sure nothing gets done. Too many people who think that gun violence is necessary to keep people in their places.

Just as the same people think they need a common enemy to fight abroad. So they MADE one. ISIS.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.

Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?

When pretty much everyone has the right to as many guns as they want, the people we don't want having guns will have pretty easy access to them also, so we are not going to change this anytime soon. We will continue to have the highest rate of murders by gun of any civilized country in the world.


As we can see, it isn't even close.

Again…you forgot the number of unarmed people murdered by their governments when they handed them over to the Germans for their death camps…12 million. Unarmed people who were murdered…add that to the total since that is the primary reason we have the 2nd Amendment.

Also, each year law abiding citizens stop violent criminal attack on average 2 million times a year….compared to only 8,454 gun murders in 2013.

No matter how you slice it gun crime in the United States is not a problem…we have over 320 million people and only 8,454 gun murders, and that rate is plummeting , it is going down, not up

And more people than ever before own guns and now carry guns for self defense….the gun murder rate is going down, not up. And if you disarm democrats, our gun crime rate would be much lower.
“We have got to do something about gun violence in America,” Clinton said to the media Wednesday at a press conference in Moneta, Va. “I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America, but I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths — needless, senseless deaths.
Obama, Hillary Clinton Speak Out on Gun Violence After Virginia TV Shootings
Good to see Hillary isn't above using the blood of innocents to push her mindless agenda.
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out. Right?
When pretty much everyone has the right to as many guns as they want, the people we don't want having guns will have pretty easy access to them also, so we are not going to change this anytime soon.
Tell us: what "preventive measures" will keep criminals from getting guns?
Surely, you're smart enough and compassionate enough, to figure it out.
They bring up the same talking points over and over

gun shows
mental Illness - we used to be able to have people committed in this country until groups like the ACLU came along. they sued claiming it was against their rights. so go bitch at them. Now the standard for holding anyone is around three days and they declare them SANE so off they go out into Society. You don't care about that so leave the rest of US ALONE

I wonder if the left wing media brought up mental illness and how much we need to understand the murderer when Roof killed the blacks.

I cannot remember all of this peace love and understanding when he did that. In fact, within a few short weeks the confederate flag was taken down everywhere because the left blamed the flag for his mindset.

Have you seen any of these morons blame the blacklivesmatter movement, or endless VIOLENT protests, or the race dividing tactics of the left for that asshole's murders?

I have not seen it. They are all calling for us to "understand" the cause of his disposition.

We are nowhere and I blame it ALL on the left.
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You gun control freaks don't care about how many death is caused by guns.

YOU sit and say nothing about 58million babies have been killed since you lobbied for abortions on us
Just ask these losers on the left what their logistical plan is to collect all of the 300 million guns in circulation. Ask them to give what their plan is to incarcerate ALL of the millions of gun owners in this country who do not give up their gun.

How much will it cost to incarcerate the 10s of millions of Americans. 80 year old Americans, 70 year old Americans and everyone in between.

Ask them if the liberal gun owners like Rosie will have an exemption since she is fat smelly lesbian left winger.

Ask them if and how many new prisons need to be built.

Ahhhhh, do not worry about asking them anything. They are pawns of their stupid Alinsky disciples. They deserve zero respect. They have no clue about logistics. They just spout cliches and democrat talking points.

They are that stupid.
You cannot come up with one good reason to keep loopholes in the background check laws and yet you defy the support of 90% of Americans to close those loopholes.

That makes you insane.

90% don't understand what anti gunners mean when they say closing the loophole….that would mean I can't lend you a gun at the range because I didn't background check you. I can't sell a gun to a known family member without going to a gun store or the state police for a background check. I can't lend you a rifle for you to go hunting or to try out without a background check.

You guys can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
And you can't sell your gun to a known felon
True. Or any prohibited person known to you to be prohibited. But since people generally dont advertise that fact, and many sellers are criminals themselves and not scrupulous, background checks wont prevent any of those transactions.

The legal requirement for background checks makes the seller liable if he sells a gun to someone who is not eligible to own one.

The buyer knows if they are breaking the law….I am not willing to send innocent people who sell a gun to a criminal to jail, simply because they didn't follow all the laws. To
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

The criminal knows they are breaking the law…and an individual selling one or two of their private, legal products is not the issue. I am not willing to send a widow to jail simply because she didn't realize she needed to do a background check on her son in law to give or sell him her dead husbands gun.

I prefer to have criminals who commit crimes with guns go to jail, and felons caught in possession of guns go to jail.

You want to punish law abiding citizens, I want to stop actual gun criminals.

Selling a gun to a felon or otherwise ineligible person should either be illegal or not. It is either right or wrong.
90% don't understand what anti gunners mean when they say closing the loophole….that would mean I can't lend you a gun at the range because I didn't background check you. I can't sell a gun to a known family member without going to a gun store or the state police for a background check. I can't lend you a rifle for you to go hunting or to try out without a background check.

You guys can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
And you can't sell your gun to a known felon
True. Or any prohibited person known to you to be prohibited. But since people generally dont advertise that fact, and many sellers are criminals themselves and not scrupulous, background checks wont prevent any of those transactions.

The legal requirement for background checks makes the seller liable if he sells a gun to someone who is not eligible to own one.

The buyer knows if they are breaking the law….I am not willing to send innocent people who sell a gun to a criminal to jail, simply because they didn't follow all the laws. To
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

The criminal knows they are breaking the law…and an individual selling one or two of their private, legal products is not the issue. I am not willing to send a widow to jail simply because she didn't realize she needed to do a background check on her son in law to give or sell him her dead husbands gun.

I prefer to have criminals who commit crimes with guns go to jail, and felons caught in possession of guns go to jail.

You want to punish law abiding citizens, I want to stop actual gun criminals.

Selling a gun to a felon or otherwise ineligible person should either be illegal or not. It is either right or wrong.

I care if the guy is selling multiple weapons, knowingly selling them to criminals…like obama and holder did. The guy down the street who sells his pistol to a neighbor…I don't care. If the neighbor is a felon and gets caught with the gun, he goes to jail, that is what I want resources spent on, not busting a law abiding citizen.

You guys want to jam up regular people….they are not cops, they have no duty to enforce the law. If you catch a criminal with a gun, bust them…otherwise leave law abiding people alone.
90% don't understand what anti gunners mean when they say closing the loophole….that would mean I can't lend you a gun at the range because I didn't background check you. I can't sell a gun to a known family member without going to a gun store or the state police for a background check. I can't lend you a rifle for you to go hunting or to try out without a background check.

You guys can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.
And you can't sell your gun to a known felon
True. Or any prohibited person known to you to be prohibited. But since people generally dont advertise that fact, and many sellers are criminals themselves and not scrupulous, background checks wont prevent any of those transactions.

The legal requirement for background checks makes the seller liable if he sells a gun to someone who is not eligible to own one.

The buyer knows if they are breaking the law….I am not willing to send innocent people who sell a gun to a criminal to jail, simply because they didn't follow all the laws. To
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

The criminal knows they are breaking the law…and an individual selling one or two of their private, legal products is not the issue. I am not willing to send a widow to jail simply because she didn't realize she needed to do a background check on her son in law to give or sell him her dead husbands gun.

I prefer to have criminals who commit crimes with guns go to jail, and felons caught in possession of guns go to jail.

You want to punish law abiding citizens, I want to stop actual gun criminals.

Selling a gun to a felon or otherwise ineligible person should either be illegal or not. It is either right or wrong.

It should be a federal crime to knowingly sell to a fellon and/or not do a background check even for private sales.
Tell us: what "preventive measures" would have stopped this crime?
Overlapping mental health records with gun purchases... police flag the guy and visit his home, confiscate his weapons.
It was not illegal for this guy to purchase or own a gun -- how would any of that stopped this crime?
And you can't sell your gun to a known felon
True. Or any prohibited person known to you to be prohibited. But since people generally dont advertise that fact, and many sellers are criminals themselves and not scrupulous, background checks wont prevent any of those transactions.

The legal requirement for background checks makes the seller liable if he sells a gun to someone who is not eligible to own one.

The buyer knows if they are breaking the law….I am not willing to send innocent people who sell a gun to a criminal to jail, simply because they didn't follow all the laws. To
You want to punish regular people who want to own a gun....that is all you want....more levels of government to trip them up so you can nail them to the wall when they make a mistake...

and the whole time, not one criminal will register one gun and all the mass shooters will get their gun license..and then go murder people...

Licensing and registration are stupid and pointless...unless you want to go after law abiding citizens...then they are magic...
How is making sure you don't sell weapons to criminals punishing you?

You would think you would not want one of your weapons to end up in the hands of a criminal and do everything in your power to stop it....but you don't give a shit

The criminal knows they are breaking the law…and an individual selling one or two of their private, legal products is not the issue. I am not willing to send a widow to jail simply because she didn't realize she needed to do a background check on her son in law to give or sell him her dead husbands gun.

I prefer to have criminals who commit crimes with guns go to jail, and felons caught in possession of guns go to jail.

You want to punish law abiding citizens, I want to stop actual gun criminals.

Selling a gun to a felon or otherwise ineligible person should either be illegal or not. It is either right or wrong.

I care if the guy is selling multiple weapons, knowingly selling them to criminals…like obama and holder did. The guy down the street who sells his pistol to a neighbor…I don't care. If the neighbor is a felon and gets caught with the gun, he goes to jail, that is what I want resources spent on, not busting a law abiding citizen.

You guys want to jam up regular people….they are not cops, they have no duty to enforce the law. If you catch a criminal with a gun, bust them…otherwise leave law abiding people alone.

They are way too dumb to follow any of your logic. Am I wrong?

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