Hillary wins the popular vote

Hillary won the popular vote...

How's that working out for you snowflakes?

She has been exposed as having paid organizations to engage in violene against Trump voters and to intimidate /threaten Electoral college voters to try to flip them.

Her foundation was exposed as a massive pay-to-play foundation that sold favors and access, for which she is still under investigation. The foundation received millions for her influential role in Russians buying US Utanium.

Slick willey was working for the KGB, her campaign manager was taking Unreported Russian stock and 1/3rd of his company's board members were Kremlin-connectrd insider.

Podesta's brother wirked for the KGB, the KGB BANK, & the RUSSIAN SPY AGENY THAT HACKED THE DNC'S E-MAILS.

What a freakin' coincidence.

Sl snowflakes continu the pathetic fake news clam of how Hillary won an insignificant popularity contest that has no beaing on the outcone of the election.

Destruction of Proprtarson
Violence / assault
Calls for Impeachment
Calls for militay coups
Calls for assassinatios of the President
Felony ESPIONAGE against their country
A vow to he obstructionists against anything for the benefit of thei party..

Democrats have gone batshit crazy, triggered, and are exposing who they really are - non-representative, self-appointed losers who control and suppress freedoms and right to issue edicts while they exempt themselves from all of it...Un-Constitutionally

Stay away from the fire water OP

Sent from my VS425PP using Tapatalk

Yeah, racist personal attacks are always so helpful. I consider the source...

Sent from my ASS using Dell...
I find most times, you all can't help but be racist and prejudice and flat out inhuman. But, we let it go and respond anyway.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Stay Stupid Lefty

The Presidential Race is 50 Independent State Elections.

President Trump won 37 States.
Hillary Clinton won just 13.

Suck on her dry tit.....and CRY.

I was all right for a while, I could smile for a while
But I saw you last night, you held my hand so tight
As you stopped to say "Hello"
Aw you wished me well, you couldn't tell

That I'd been crying over you, crying over you
Then you said "so long". left me standing all alone
Alone and crying, crying, crying crying
It's hard to understand but the touch of your hand
Can start me crying

I thought that I was over you but it's true, so true
I love you even more than I did before but darling what can I do
For you don't love me and I'll always be
Crying over you, crying over you

Yes, now you're gone and from this moment on
I'll be crying, crying, crying, crying
Yeah crying, crying, over you
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
She certainly had no problem trying to make all of her opponents as bad as she possibly could. The bottom line, though, is that she was the ultimate establishment candidate and could not even allow herself to comprehend the depth of disgust the electorate held for the establishment. Trump, OTOH, comprehended it very well.
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.
He cared about POLICY, not dumbass malevolent GOP character assassination.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.
How about asking Donna Brazil?
Blown out of all proportion...

Only to a brainless hater dupe....like you.
As if any of those questions were anything but expected.....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
Oh stop already! Your tears are leaking through the bottom of my screen and flooding my keyboard.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
She and Sergeant Shultz made sure he had no shot. Even if he won a state, she would end up with as many or more delegates, so policy similarities are moot. At the end of the day, the establishment reigns in the democrat party, and she was such a lousy candidate she couldn't even beat Trump.
Having Trump finding out the actual facts and telling the dupes like you may be better in the long run. The next time Dems get in, with no filibuster anymore, will be the first time their agenda passes since LBJ...All GOP masters want is another tax cut for the rich anyway...

Yes, smart young people were unhappy. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Thanks for the GOP idiot propaganda/spam, superdupe..
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
She and Sergeant Shultz made sure he had no shot. Even if he won a state, she would end up with as many or more delegates, so policy similarities are moot. At the end of the day, the establishment reigns in the democrat party, and she was such a lousy candidate she couldn't even beat Trump.

Hillary didn't have Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, and Comey working for her. Adolf Trump is NOT a legitimate president. I refuse to ever call that pathological pervert president. Ever!
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
Oh stop already! Your tears are leaking through the bottom of my screen and flooding my keyboard.
Hey, I'm having a great time watching Trump learn the facts and his stupid bs promises self destructing and the GOP base figuring out the truth. Better than another 4 years of GOP disfunction in opposition. Feq pander to the rich stupidity and brainwash, dupe.
Having Trump finding out the actual facts and telling the dupes like you may be better in the long run. The next time Dems get in, with no filibuster anymore, will be the first time their agenda passes since LBJ...All GOP masters want is another tax cut for the rich anyway...

Yes, smart young people were unhappy. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Thanks for the GOP idiot propaganda/spam, superdupe..
Was that hard to type while you were stroking Putin's Cock?


Winning again.

Suck it Pinhead.
That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
She and Sergeant Shultz made sure he had no shot. Even if he won a state, she would end up with as many or more delegates, so policy similarities are moot. At the end of the day, the establishment reigns in the democrat party, and she was such a lousy candidate she couldn't even beat Trump.

Hillary didn't have Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, and Comey working for her. Adolf Trump is NOT a legitimate president. I refuse to ever call that pathological pervert president. Ever!
Hillary didn't have PUTIN?

Putin gave her $125 Million Dollars.....DUPE!

Please take the Obama Bobble head out of your ass.
That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
She and Sergeant Shultz made sure he had no shot. Even if he won a state, she would end up with as many or more delegates, so policy similarities are moot. At the end of the day, the establishment reigns in the democrat party, and she was such a lousy candidate she couldn't even beat Trump.

Hillary didn't have Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, and Comey working for her. Adolf Trump is NOT a legitimate president. I refuse to ever call that pathological pervert president. Ever!
She did have a swarm of hate filled, fired up internet keyboard jockeys foaming at the mouth and panting to deflect attention away from every new scandal and desperate to spew any new hatred of Trump that they could find, real or imagined. She also had a sycophantic press, eager to write the story of the first female American president and solidly in her camp.

And guess what? It doesn't matter if you want to call Trump president or not, he still is.

Look up who lives in the White House - Trump.

Look up who nominated the last SC Justice - Trump.

Look up who signed the latest presidential Executive Order - Trump.

Threaten to cause him harm and watch who shows up at your door.

Oh, he's president all right, and he's your president, like it or not.
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
She and Sergeant Shultz made sure he had no shot. Even if he won a state, she would end up with as many or more delegates, so policy similarities are moot. At the end of the day, the establishment reigns in the democrat party, and she was such a lousy candidate she couldn't even beat Trump.
I doubt you know anything about Dems but GOP character assassination, superdupe. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, the big new debt, and the corrupt bubble, chumps. Or maybe Trump and you figure out this New BS GOP mess....

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