Hillary wins the popular vote

59,593,691 votes Hillary

59,359,949 votes Trump

2016 Presidential Election Live Results

In other word - most American voters wanted Hillary for president.

You realize that the margin you're excited about is LESS than the number of votes that Gary Johnson got in some states. It's not really a convincing "win".. Especially when you look at the electoral results.. Just means California is too far gone..

It means Hillary got more popular votes. That's what it means...
What it means don't even equal to a hill of beans.
Bottom Line is that she LOST... Thank God.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...
Over and over again you guys keep demonstrating you are what you call everyone else, I never seen so many dumb jackasses describe themselves, SAD...
There's the BS GOP propaganda machine, and then there's the rest of the world media, dupe. How's the Hillary special prosecutor?. Obama's, Lerner's etc etc?

The world media is no better than PRAVDA or SIGNAL. Look them up little hater dupe.
And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.
How about asking Donna Brazil?
Blown out of all proportion...

Only to a brainless hater dupe....like you.
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.

Altruistic Bernie turned out to be as big a sellout as any of them. He should have been furious over what they did to him. I didn't agree with anything he espoused, but I respected his honesty. Now, I have zero respect for him.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...
Over and over again you guys keep demonstrating you are what you call everyone else, I never seen so many dumb jackasses describe themselves, SAD...
It is hilarious. These derps are so derpped, they don't even recognize they are showing all of their prejudices. Which is basically showing them as worse humans then those they are trying to insult.
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...
Over and over again you guys keep demonstrating you are what you call everyone else, I never seen so many dumb jackasses describe themselves, SAD...
There's the BS GOP propaganda machine, and then there's the rest of the world media, dupe.
Over and over again you guys keep demonstrating you are what you call everyone else, I never seen so many dumb jackasses describe themselves, SAD...
yes, they are blind prejudicial people.
Hillary won the popular vote...

How's that working out for you snowflakes?

She has been exposed as having paid organizations to engage in violene against Trump voters and to intimidate /threaten Electoral college voters to try to flip them.

Her foundation was exposed as a massive pay-to-play foundation that sold favors and access, for which she is still under investigation. The foundation received millions for her influential role in Russians buying US Utanium.

Slick willey was working for the KGB, her campaign manager was taking Unreported Russian stock and 1/3rd of his company's board members were Kremlin-connectrd insider.

Podesta's brother wirked for the KGB, the KGB BANK, & the RUSSIAN SPY AGENY THAT HACKED THE DNC'S E-MAILS.

What a freakin' coincidence.

Sl snowflakes continu the pathetic fake news clam of how Hillary won an insignificant popularity contest that has no beaing on the outcone of the election.

Destruction of Proprtarson
Violence / assault
Calls for Impeachment
Calls for militay coups
Calls for assassinatios of the President
Felony ESPIONAGE against their country
A vow to he obstructionists against anything for the benefit of thei party..

Democrats have gone batshit crazy, triggered, and are exposing who they really are - non-representative, self-appointed losers who control and suppress freedoms and right to issue edicts while they exempt themselves from all of it...Un-Constitutionally

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.
That would explain his tepid endorsement. Why dont u just tell everybody what you really are, a Republican.
And I'm sure the evidence will be forthcoming as soon as you guys find some.
The GOP is a lying cheating scumbag party...poor dupes. But Trump has a great chance to learn the facts and bring the dupes with him...

Awwww, look at the little hater dupe. Evidence of DNC collusion with the shrillary shows you to be an absolute moron.
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.
That would explain his tepid endorsement. Why dont u just tell everybody what you really are, a Republican.

The fact that he endorsed her in any fashion demonstrated that he was a sellout. I was very disappointed when he did that so i was going to vote Libertarian until Johnsons running mate told people to vote for the shrilary. That's when I said fuck you to the whole lot of them and voted for trump. Buffoon he may be but he is not a political whore as every politician we have has demonstrated for the world to see.

And no little silly person, I am not a repub. More and more I am turning anarchist. I am simply disgusted with ALL political party's.

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