Hillary wins the popular vote

Yeah, tell us all about it in 2018 and 2020. BTW, I used to vote more Republican than Democrat. Reagan ended that.

Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...
That would explain his tepid endorsement. Why dont u just tell everybody what you really are, a Republican.

The fact that he endorsed her in any fashion demonstrated that he was a sellout. I was very disappointed when he did that so i was going to vote Libertarian until Johnsons running mate told people to vote for the shrilary. That's when I said fuck you to the whole lot of them and voted for trump. Buffoon he may be but he is not a political whore as every politician we have has demonstrated for the world to see.

And no little silly person, I am not a repub. More and more I am turning anarchist. I am simply disgusted with ALL political party's.
Just another GOP dupe in the end...with pure BS from the right as your basis.

Really? We have shown you chapter and verse how the shrillary abused the system and prevented bernie from having a fair shot at being the nominee. We have also shown how the MSM was completely and totally in her pocket, and this is the best you can come up with?

You are the epitome of the epic fail clown boy hater dupe. I suggest you look up the DEFINITION of "dupe" You will see your picture.
So how are the Hillary, Obama, Lerner, etc etc special prosecutors coming along, dupe?

The shrillary and obummer will skate thanks to their connections. Lerner though, she may be in some serious doodoo. Time will tell.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!! Brainwashed functional moron....
Yeah, tell us all about it in 2018 and 2020. BTW, I used to vote more Republican than Democrat. Reagan ended that.

Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

You're an authoritarian hater dupe. You wouldn't know democracy if it bit you in the ass.
Yeah, tell us all about it in 2018 and 2020. BTW, I used to vote more Republican than Democrat. Reagan ended that.

Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
No evidence in the real world of anything actually being done. Ask Bernie.

Bernie sold his soul to the shrilary. Which is why I didn't listen to the crap he was spewing in her support.
That would explain his tepid endorsement. Why dont u just tell everybody what you really are, a Republican.

The fact that he endorsed her in any fashion demonstrated that he was a sellout. I was very disappointed when he did that so i was going to vote Libertarian until Johnsons running mate told people to vote for the shrilary. That's when I said fuck you to the whole lot of them and voted for trump. Buffoon he may be but he is not a political whore as every politician we have has demonstrated for the world to see.

And no little silly person, I am not a repub. More and more I am turning anarchist. I am simply disgusted with ALL political party's.
Just another GOP dupe in the end...with pure BS from the right as your basis.

Really? We have shown you chapter and verse how the shrillary abused the system and prevented bernie from having a fair shot at being the nominee. We have also shown how the MSM was completely and totally in her pocket, and this is the best you can come up with?

You are the epitome of the epic fail clown boy hater dupe. I suggest you look up the DEFINITION of "dupe" You will see your picture.
You've shown your Masters in BS, you mean...
Yeah, tell us all about it in 2018 and 2020. BTW, I used to vote more Republican than Democrat. Reagan ended that.

Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

You're an authoritarian hater dupe. You wouldn't know democracy if it bit you in the ass.
Nothing, as always...The only cure is always more democracy.
I have no clue as to why this dead thread was revived unless my far left Progressive good friends cannot dispute the fact that America is headed in a far better direction than at any time during the failed administration of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Kiddies, get over it, you LOST! PERIOD!

Yeah, tell us all about it in 2018 and 2020. BTW, I used to vote more Republican than Democrat. Reagan ended that.

Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.
I have no clue as to why this dead thread was revived unless my far left Progressive good friends cannot dispute the fact that America is headed in a far better direction than at any time during the failed administration of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Kiddies, get over it, you LOST! PERIOD!

Everyone knows that DUHHHHH. But thanks for the silly dupe response.
Why boast of your ignorance?

President Reagan turned the country around resulting in the wall between East and West Germany collapsing, the collapse of the USSR and a prosperous economy for more than a quarter century.

To you that is bad. Got it!
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.

LOL, dumbass. Only idiots care anything about what Finland's PM says. You can't be that stupid.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
Disagreed, but you are free to put Hillary back in as a candidate in 2020.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
Dude, it's lies like that which is why people don't trust Hillary and her fans.
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.

LOL, dumbass. Only idiots care anything about what Finland's PM says. You can't be that stupid.
Brainwashed ignorant ugly American fool...Only dupes like you don't know what socialists are...
True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.

That corporate whore had no real support from the Left. You bots should have supported Bernie instead of letting him be cheated out of the nomination.
He lost fair and square, dupe. Ask Bernie. Or you can keep believing bs between staffers at the DNC meant something when there's no evidence in realty, chump. But certainly many Bernie supporters believe that RUSSIAN GOP/corporate punditocracy bs...
Bernie voters realized that a vote for Hillary was a vote to make the next Bernie's job even harder.
Her policies were very similar to his, or first steps on the same road...Too bad about Comey the scumbag GOPer...6% difference...
Dude, it's lies like that which is why people don't trust Hillary and her fans.
What lies? Change the channel.
I'd like to take this time to congratulate Hillary on her popular vote win. She truly demonstrated how a campaign is run to ensure this kind of victory.

True, and if not for Putin, Assange, gerrymandering, lies, fake news, and Comey - she would be living in the White House.
You forgot her lousy candidacy. None of those things would have had an impact if she wasn't the worst possible candidate the democrats could put forth. Heck, Skippy the Wonder Dog would have been better.
Exactly! If the Democrats hadn't pick such a deplorable candidate with a unfavorability rating higher than her favorability rating, maybe the Democrats would have won.

As it is, and as history shows, after 8 years, the nation's voters, who've been unhappy with the nation's direction since the 1990s, vote for the other party. When given only two viable choices, the majority of voters vote for the challenging party, not the incumbent party. This was the Republican's election to lose and they eeked out a win because, let's face it, Trump wasn't much of a better choice than Hillary, but at least he represented change.
A bad candidate due to 25 years of RW lies and blind hate, and Putin and Comey DUHHH. How's the special prosecutor coming, dunces? Change my ass. "I know , another giant tax cut for the greedy idiot GOP rich", dupes. What this country is dying for is a chance for the Dems to put in THEIR POLICIES for the first time since LBJ. Basically, getting the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share in taxes and investment in Americans and infrastructure. THAT would be change, dupes.
Disagreed, but you are free to put Hillary back in as a candidate in 2020.
Disagree with what? All fact.
With tripling the debt, huge defense spending, a corrupt S+L bubble, STUPID CORRUPT covert bs with his pal Saddam, and destroying the middle class. Great job!! And we're lucky he didn't bring back soviet hardliners with his stupid bs. GORBY destroed the USSR DUHHHHHHHHH.

As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.

LOL, dumbass. Only idiots care anything about what Finland's PM says. You can't be that stupid.

It's little franco hater dupe, so yes, he really is that stupid. What's funny is the trumpster has been POTUS for over two months now and these loons are still whining about the vote.
As nan avowed Communist did that break your heart?
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.

LOL, dumbass. Only idiots care anything about what Finland's PM says. You can't be that stupid.
Brainwashed ignorant ugly American fool...Only dupes like you don't know what socialists are...

What you meant to say was that only ignorant ugly dupes like me dare to disagree with anything you say. You ain't shit son.
I have no clue as to why this dead thread was revived unless my far left Progressive good friends cannot dispute the fact that America is headed in a far better direction than at any time during the failed administration of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Kiddies, get over it, you LOST! PERIOD!


Get over it? Yeah, like you NaziCons got over President Obama - winning TWICE.
SOCIALIST, ignoramus cold war dinosaur dupe. lol. And of course you can't tell the difference. Hint: Start with democracy...

The only difference is how far along one is into the "Socialist" experiment. When people wise up and tell you people "no" you get out the guns and force them to comply. It then becomes Communism. Of course you ONLY want to do what is good for the "collective".
Every successful modern country is socialist, even our pander to the rich GOP mess,dupe. Communism is done. DUH. "We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed...It's just fair capitalism and THE best defense against communism duh.

LOL, dumbass. Only idiots care anything about what Finland's PM says. You can't be that stupid.
Brainwashed ignorant ugly American fool...Only dupes like you don't know what socialists are...

What you meant to say was that only ignorant ugly dupes like me dare to disagree with anything you say. You ain't shit son.
No, the rest of the world, like the PM of Finland, know what socialists are. Only RW Americans DON'T. Also known as ugly Americans. People who have no respect for Finns or anyone else piss me off.

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