Hillary would have been a great president

I don’t think she would have accomplished as much as Obama
A Republican Congress would have done everything possible to stifle any legislation

But internationally, we would not be the laughing stock we are wth Trump
Laughing stock or now being respected again ??? Get your priorities straight son.
I know, we became a laughing stock after Obama got home from his Americas great apology tour. An American president apologizing to other countries, because we are successful.
You ain’t seen no apology tour like the one that will be needed after Trump leaves

We’re sorry.....we let the crazies pick our president for us
Trump has been a great president. A lot better than the transvestite we had before.
Youre on acid: Obama's First Retrospective Job Approval Rating Is 63%. you should be concerned for Trumps well being.
If the media praised Trump the way they did Obama his numbers would be better. Trump has already done more than obama.
no one is working against "trump". you just hate the reality that his administration is criminally corrupt.

whiny little trumpflake

yep, the hillary derangement continues, ALL based on fake news narratives.

meanwhile the consensus of our federal agencies is scoffed at by these dimwit traitors to our country.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

FBI testimony: "None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies."

Bouncing Ball

Russia is at war with our democracy; will we defend it?

Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next
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we expect uneducated trump worshippers to hate any woman who makes them feel threatened.
Christ...you are the most partisan moron on site.
images (14).jpeg
Nikki Haley a very powerful voice for America, and a real woman who would be a far better choice for the first female president.
My own wife served 8 years in the Army and is a very outspoken conservative person. Hillary projected nothing but a sense of false unearned superiority and spoke in platitudes much as you do every post.
Your assumptions are weak and simply incorrect. Yet I expect nothing more from a troll such as you that simply parrots the same soundbites every post.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

Oh, then name her career accomplishments that qualify her for POTUS because she has some whopper failures.
All this because you equate not being wrapped in a flag as hating America.

What have you ever done for America?
Lol, you don't have to be wrapped in the flag dumbass, but you have a president at a rally or a fundraiser and not one flag at all? Liberals celebrate kneeling for our national anthem. If you really loved America, you wouldn't even think about kneeling.

Yet oddly enough those of us who served in the military did so to maintain the freedom of people to choose to do that very thing.

bullshit, no one serves in the military in order to allow citizens and non citizens to disrespect our flag and our nation.

Actually we do.

The Oath we take is to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to a song, not even to the country, but to the Constitution.

And our Constitution guarantees the right of idiots to disrespect both the flag and they nation if they choose to do so.

the constitution guarantees free speech. Patriotic americans do not disrespect the flag, the anthem, or each other. I guess you slept through that part of your military training.

The irony of your post just hit me, the reason we even have a Constitution is because our founding fathers were not patriotic to their country at the time.
I don’t think she would have accomplished as much as Obama
A Republican Congress would have done everything possible to stifle any legislation

But internationally, we would not be the laughing stock we are wth Trump
Laughing stock or now being respected again ??? Get your priorities straight son.
I know, we became a laughing stock after Obama got home from his Americas great apology tour. An American president apologizing to other countries, because we are successful.
You ain’t seen no apology tour like the one that will be needed after Trump leaves

We’re sorry.....we let the crazies pick our president for us
Trump has been a great president. A lot better than the transvestite we had before.

Trump is obviously unsuited for the job we elected him for. He has struggled from one crisis to the next
Most of his own making

yeah right, unemployment the lowest its been in years, middle class workers getting higher paychecks and bonuses, black unemployment the lowest in 20 years, companies moving back to the USA and building new factories, record stock market, a strong military, respect for our police and first responders, respected and trusted by our allies, feared by our potential enemies, illegal entry lowest in many years, working with the dems on immigration (in spite of the dems). reversing obamacare, putting good constitutional judges on the bench.

Unsuited??? hardly. Obama was unsuited, not to mention incompetent.
Lol, you don't have to be wrapped in the flag dumbass, but you have a president at a rally or a fundraiser and not one flag at all? Liberals celebrate kneeling for our national anthem. If you really loved America, you wouldn't even think about kneeling.

Yet oddly enough those of us who served in the military did so to maintain the freedom of people to choose to do that very thing.

bullshit, no one serves in the military in order to allow citizens and non citizens to disrespect our flag and our nation.

Actually we do.

The Oath we take is to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to a song, not even to the country, but to the Constitution.

And our Constitution guarantees the right of idiots to disrespect both the flag and they nation if they choose to do so.

the constitution guarantees free speech. Patriotic americans do not disrespect the flag, the anthem, or each other. I guess you slept through that part of your military training.

The irony of your post just hit me, the reason we even have a Constitution is because our founding fathers were not patriotic to their country at the time.

the founders were not patriotic to the USA? or are you saying they were not patriotic to England? Did you ever study American history in school? Of course they were not patriotic to England, that's what the revolutionary war was all about, Geez, dude, you are embarrassing yourself here.
Lol, you don't have to be wrapped in the flag dumbass, but you have a president at a rally or a fundraiser and not one flag at all? Liberals celebrate kneeling for our national anthem. If you really loved America, you wouldn't even think about kneeling.

Yet oddly enough those of us who served in the military did so to maintain the freedom of people to choose to do that very thing.

bullshit, no one serves in the military in order to allow citizens and non citizens to disrespect our flag and our nation.

Actually we do.

The Oath we take is to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to a song, not even to the country, but to the Constitution.

And our Constitution guarantees the right of idiots to disrespect both the flag and they nation if they choose to do so.

the constitution guarantees free speech. Patriotic americans do not disrespect the flag, the anthem, or each other. I guess you slept through that part of your military training.
There is more to patriotism than a flag
The people are more important

the flag is a representation of the people and the nation. If you disrespect the flag, you disrespect the people and the nation.
The really scary part about Hillary is that there are millions of people who are unable to recognize her total dishonesty and corruption
Yet oddly enough those of us who served in the military did so to maintain the freedom of people to choose to do that very thing.

bullshit, no one serves in the military in order to allow citizens and non citizens to disrespect our flag and our nation.

Actually we do.

The Oath we take is to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to a song, not even to the country, but to the Constitution.

And our Constitution guarantees the right of idiots to disrespect both the flag and they nation if they choose to do so.

the constitution guarantees free speech. Patriotic americans do not disrespect the flag, the anthem, or each other. I guess you slept through that part of your military training.

The irony of your post just hit me, the reason we even have a Constitution is because our founding fathers were not patriotic to their country at the time.

the founders were not patriotic to the USA? or are you saying they were not patriotic to England? Did you ever study American history in school? Of course they were not patriotic to England, that's what the revolutionary war was all about, Geez, dude, you are embarrassing yourself here.

What you lack is the self awareness to understand you are today’s version of the Tories.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Lol, you don't have to be wrapped in the flag dumbass, but you have a president at a rally or a fundraiser and not one flag at all? Liberals celebrate kneeling for our national anthem. If you really loved America, you wouldn't even think about kneeling.

Yet oddly enough those of us who served in the military did so to maintain the freedom of people to choose to do that very thing.

bullshit, no one serves in the military in order to allow citizens and non citizens to disrespect our flag and our nation.

Actually we do.

The Oath we take is to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to a song, not even to the country, but to the Constitution.

And our Constitution guarantees the right of idiots to disrespect both the flag and they nation if they choose to do so.

the constitution guarantees free speech. Patriotic americans do not disrespect the flag, the anthem, or each other. I guess you slept through that part of your military training.

The irony of your post just hit me, the reason we even have a Constitution is because our founding fathers were not patriotic to their country at the time.
Yes and Obama wanted to transform America, and now disrespect for our flag is becoming the thing to do.
Laughing stock or now being respected again ??? Get your priorities straight son.
I know, we became a laughing stock after Obama got home from his Americas great apology tour. An American president apologizing to other countries, because we are successful.
You ain’t seen no apology tour like the one that will be needed after Trump leaves

We’re sorry.....we let the crazies pick our president for us
Trump has been a great president. A lot better than the transvestite we had before.
Youre on acid: Obama's First Retrospective Job Approval Rating Is 63%. you should be concerned for Trumps well being.
If the media praised Trump the way they did Obama his numbers would be better. Trump has already done more than obama.View attachment 180288
$40 per paycheck = $1000 per year.
Without exploding the deficits.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I don’t think she would have accomplished as much as Obama
A Republican Congress would have done everything possible to stifle any legislation

But internationally, we would not be the laughing stock we are wth Trump
Laughing stock or now being respected again ??? Get your priorities straight son.
Our respect around the world has plummeted

Putin is laughing....he got just what he wanted

They're just pissed that the free ride is over.
Fuck em.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I don’t think she would have accomplished as much as Obama
A Republican Congress would have done everything possible to stifle any legislation

But internationally, we would not be the laughing stock we are wth Trump
Laughing stock or now being respected again ??? Get your priorities straight son.
I know, we became a laughing stock after Obama got home from his Americas great apology tour. An American president apologizing to other countries, because we are successful.
You ain’t seen no apology tour like the one that will be needed after Trump leaves

We’re sorry.....we let the crazies pick our president for us

Actually, the apology should go more like this:

"We're sorry, we ran a candidate who was so bad she couldn't beat a narcissistic reality television star who was obviously ill-suited for the office."
I know, we became a laughing stock after Obama got home from his Americas great apology tour. An American president apologizing to other countries, because we are successful.
You ain’t seen no apology tour like the one that will be needed after Trump leaves

We’re sorry.....we let the crazies pick our president for us
Trump has been a great president. A lot better than the transvestite we had before.
Youre on acid: Obama's First Retrospective Job Approval Rating Is 63%. you should be concerned for Trumps well being.
If the media praised Trump the way they did Obama his numbers would be better. Trump has already done more than obama.View attachment 180288
$40 per paycheck = $1000 per year.
Without exploding the deficits.
Obama out spent all presidents combined. Tax cuts are people keeping more of their money. The government shouldn't spend money before they receive it, that's why we are in the situation we are in. People are bringing more money home through tax cuts and pay raises.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

No, she would not have been. She was a shitty Senator and shitty SOS.

She fucked herself out of the presidency by assuming she would win and basically quit campaigning in August.

Hillary has no one to blame but Hillary.

I agree 100% that she is mainly responsible for her own defeat. The air of entitlement (it was her time) and the fact that she skipped
campaigning in several states and then stopped near the end altogether was her downfall. Did she get screwed? Probably. Could she
still have won? Yes. The margin of victory was that small.

Do I think she would have been a better president? Compared to the dumpster fire we have now?
Of course.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I think she is a frumpy, crazy old wino-bat who's primary interest in the presidency was to make the history books.

The expectation that she would have continued the policies of "fundamental change" of the United States was secondary to her.
And trumps interest is how much he can steal from American people

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