Hillary would have been a great president

Obama out spent all presidents combined. Tax cuts are people keeping more of their money. The government shouldn't spend money before they receive it, that's why we are in the situation we are in. People are bringing more money home through tax cuts and pay raises.
Congress authorizes spending.
Obama had to fix the mortgage meltdown.

That was caused by democrats.
Mortgage meltdown was caused by hedge funds, banks and insurance companies. Hedge funds + banks creating mortgage-backed-securities, then insurance companies buying those securities.
Nothing to do with democrats at all.

Bullshit. Your butt buddy Barney Frank was warned many times about the housing bubble collapse.

Blame it on the gay guy

A single congressman out of 435 from the minority party caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?

Geez...I even found video so you wouldnt have to strain your tiny mind with the written word.
Hillary as First Lady didn't impress me one way or other. My favorites were Nancy Reagan and Michelle Obama. From what I've read Hillary made for a great senator and after winning her 2000 Senate election by over 10%, she absolutely creamed her opponent in 2006.

She ran an awful presidential campaign. It reminded me of Ted Kennedy's infamous CBS interview. I couldn't really relate to her campaign and figured her election would be another 4 years of Obama which I wasn't looking forward to. That the Democrats had no major challenger to her was a sorry-ass display of the party's lack of talent.
She sat in front of the cameras and told America that her husband did not have a sexual relationship with an intern even though she must have known about the DNA stain on Monica's dress. Either she was mentally impaired or she was an enabler for her husband's world class infidelity. She quit the Senate and called in sick when her stint as Secy/State went terribly wrong. With the help of spies in CNN, she cheated Sanders during the primaries. Trump won fair and square but the crazy disappointed and angry left can't seem to accept it.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?
I voted for her. I thought the balance of a red Congress and another Clinton presidency would've given us similar push/pull and negotiations that brought such prosperity in the previous Clinton administration. That would've worked too except that Obama decided to rob Hillary of a second chance at president by visibly tying the democrat party with ordering girls in school to share their gyms and showers with depraved boys, right at mid-election. That LGBT directive went over like a lead balloon in the Rust Belt.

Tell me that wasn't deliberate. Probably as payback for her allegedly helping point the finger at him in the first go around primary for that alleged gay affair he had in Chicago.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
And how is Trump different? My point being that the lesser of two evils might have been the better choice. See my last post for the reasons that choice failed.
Oh, then name her career accomplishments that qualify her for POTUS because she has some whopper failures.

i don't see much use in rehashing the merits of ms hillary but if you're really interested, there's plenty of information on this forum to answer your question.

i can respect anyone who has a mere difference of opinion regarding her politics or approach to public policy... not wanting to vote for her or preferring that she not be president is fine. that's politics.

but i have NO respect for the rabid hypocrisy of the faux patriots (trey gowdy et al) who feigned such concern for our national security in demanding investigation after investigation for DECADES into the clintons (with zero indictments) THEY abused their power to go on partisan "witch hunts" to demonize hillary's image leading up her inevitable presidential run.

leading up to the election, the 'conservative' GOP *gasped* at the mere notion of having a president under FBI investigation but now, NOW they make a boogeyman of our "DEEP STATE" federal agencies and demonize the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, FISC while whistling past the team trump graveyard..??

all GOP credibility is lost as these same partisans turn a blind eye to team trump's obstruction of justice in the ongoing FBI grand jury investigation, as massive evidence piles up against team treason, thus far producing false statements to the FBI, resignations, recusals, indictments, and more to come...

the election is over, trump is president, yet deranged partisans STILL want to harp on hillary..and distract with all things beside the point ? pffft you all can post opinions and dishonest projections all.day.long but the FACTS of these matters remain and the grand jury indictments will ultimately be the bottom line.

Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next

You can't list a single major career accomplishment Hillary has, shocker. Look the woman is a screw up, she's failed time and again and not small failures big whopping failures. As for leadership skills apparently she's a tyrant who's difficult to work with. She has 14 semi trucks full of baggage. She's an admitted imbecile who used a home server for classified government communications that alone proves she's too stupid to be POTUS. That she would have been a good president, its laughable.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

No, she would not have been. She was a shitty Senator and shitty SOS.

She fucked herself out of the presidency by assuming she would win and basically quit campaigning in August.

Hillary has no one to blame but Hillary.
exactly....even though i doubt any far lefties would agree with you....she lost because of hillary clinton...
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
And how is Trump different? My point being that the lesser of two evils might have been the better choice. See my last post for the reasons that choice failed.

The problem people forget when picking the lesser of two evils, that choice is still evil.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.

Replace "she" with "he" and you just described Donald Trump.
Congress authorizes spending.
Obama had to fix the mortgage meltdown.

That was caused by democrats.
Mortgage meltdown was caused by hedge funds, banks and insurance companies. Hedge funds + banks creating mortgage-backed-securities, then insurance companies buying those securities.
Nothing to do with democrats at all.

Bullshit. Your butt buddy Barney Frank was warned many times about the housing bubble collapse.

Blame it on the gay guy

A single congressman out of 435 from the minority party caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008?

Geez...I even found video so you wouldnt have to strain your tiny mind with the written word.

Video out of context taken well before the great Bush crash

Frank had no power to decide one way or another
It was Bush who created the crash
$40 per paycheck = $1000 per year.
Without exploding the deficits.
Obama out spent all presidents combined. Tax cuts are people keeping more of their money. The government shouldn't spend money before they receive it, that's why we are in the situation we are in. People are bringing more money home through tax cuts and pay raises.
Congress authorizes spending.
Obama had to fix the mortgage meltdown.

That was caused by democrats.
Mortgage meltdown was caused by hedge funds, banks and insurance companies. Hedge funds + banks creating mortgage-backed-securities, then insurance companies buying those securities.
Nothing to do with democrats at all.

Bullshit. Your butt buddy Barney Frank was warned many times about the housing bubble collapse.

Barney Frank didnt cause the mortgage meltdown.
Fannie/Freddie didnt cause it either, but they might have made it worse. Details.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
And how is Trump different? My point being that the lesser of two evils might have been the better choice. See my last post for the reasons that choice failed.
the so called lessor of 2 evils is still evil and should be shunned as much as the more of the two....
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
And how is Trump different? My point being that the lesser of two evils might have been the better choice. See my last post for the reasons that choice failed.
the so called lessor of 2 evils is still evil and should be shunned as much as the more of the two....

So for president between the two you would have had......? Trump?
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

The Tribalists would have been on her from day one. There would have been investigation after investigation that would have likely gone nowhere, but prevented any real work from getting done.

Let's face it, the parties keep us divided fighting each other over "cultural" differences while they rewrite the constitution on the fly and play a never-ending tug-o-war over control of the majority and control of the policy agenda with all the corporate donations that go along with that.

We are a nation of very sick selfish people, completely unable to put the principle of E pluribus unum over our own petty differences and distractions.

When it finally all comes crashing down, we have only ourselves to blame. Through overzealous thoughtless reaction along with self-justified complacency we steered the ship into the rocks.


For a brief moment in 2008 we had two men of honor and integrity running for President. Two men with interesting life stories, points of view, and both capable of leading... but then one of them chose a completely inappropriate running mate to appease the base.

Fuck the base.

The pragmatic middle, the moderate and level-headed, we should be in charge.
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

She is a crass, selfish, evil human being who cares about nobody but herself and nothing but her own ambitions. How you and so many others are incapable of seeing that is beyond me.
And how is Trump different? My point being that the lesser of two evils might have been the better choice. See my last post for the reasons that choice failed.
the so called lessor of 2 evils is still evil and should be shunned as much as the more of the two....

So for president between the two you would have had......? Trump?
i believe trump was considered one of the 2 evils...so the answer would be no.....so i voted for neither....i can say i have had no part of trump getting elected,and if it was hillary i can say the same thing about her....i voted the state and local stuff because that has more direct impact on your life....
It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

I think you're fucking nuts.

It disappoints me to hear otherwise. She was a great First Lady and Senator. She was totally cheated out of the presidency. What do you think?

Well in my opinion you're trolling because you're still butt hurt. She lost because she tried to mali it in.
If Hillary had won, the USA as a free democratic republic would be over. She would have completed the destruction begun by Obama, Clinton, the Bushes, and FDR.

The country did the right thing by rejecting her, those votes saved this nation.

The country did do the right thing by rejecting Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't mean electing Donald trump was the right thing.

It wasn't.
It’s a disaster

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