Hillary's biggest gaffe during the debate...It will come back to haunt her if she's the nominee

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

What it says is that the FBI can't comment on the matter. That's why you won't find an agent to actually call it a criminal investigation.

However because laws were possibly broken, of course it's a criminal investigation.

How much more left can you get than the NYT?

If it can't "comment" on the matter then it's pretty irresponsible to call it a "criminal investigation" isn't it?

And although the New York Times is "far left" to folks who are so far right they call the Nazis leftists, it's got a history of having a pretty moderate editorial board with writers like David Brooks, Ross Douthat, and William Safire contributing. Maureen Dowd is known for her hatred of the Clintons as is the New York Times in general.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Their hatred of gays, blacks, educated whites, Hispanics, atheists and so on makes them the enemy of America. They try constantly to bring down the country. Everyone knows it. Even Republicans.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Their hatred of gays, blacks, educated whites, Hispanics, atheists and so on makes them the enemy of America. They try constantly to bring down the country. Everyone knows it. Even Republicans.
In a presidential debate, you trash the opposition party

Why would the OP be shocked by this?
Rachel Maddow did a pretty good summation of this the other night.

One of Obama's biggest mistakes in the first term was thinking that he could bridge the gap and work with Republicans. This is while he had a super majority in Congress. What happened? They gummed up every initiative that Obama put up and changed single payer into individual mandate, then tried to block passage. It's only fairly recently that he's realized what a huge error in judgement that was..

Hillary Clinton knows the score. And if she wants to rally the base and get folks excited, she's going to have to call republicans what they are..

The enemy.

Very true

The press has been too lenient on Republican antics and tries to spread the blame rather than hear Republicans whine about how "unfair" the press is to them

Can you imagine if it was the Democrats who were putting on the circus that the GOP candidates are?

They would be laughed out of town

Can you imagine if the Democrats refused to play golf with Ronald Reagan or whiffed at the chance to watch the game with George W. Bush?

Can you imagine if a member of Democratic congress member brought a person to the SOTU who openly pronounced he would like to kill the Republican President?

Can you imagine what would happen to a Democratic member of congress blurting out "You lie" in the middle of a Presidential speech?

The press has really been negligent here.

Republicans have found the presses prime vulnerabilty. A desire to be fair

You criticize us more than you criticize the Dems. But when it is the Republicans shutting down government or acting the clown...they deserve to be criticized

Instead the press plays the Congress is broken card while ignoring the reason it is broken
And yet here you are applauding Hillary for making statements that reinforce that critical break.

And you will continue to blame republicans for it as well with congratulations for Hillary when she refuses to work with the 'enemy.' Cognitive dissonance indeed. It amazes me how someone can say that the republicans are so terrible because they refuse to compromise and then, in the same damn thought, state that Obama's worst quality is that he tried to compromise.
Obama wasted six years trying to work with the republicans. Since he figured out it wasn't going to happen and went his own way, he has been more successful

It will be the new norm until Republicans resolve their internal issues and get back to governing
Of course Rightwinger. Sit there and tell us how wonderful Obama is now that he is outright rejecting cooperation and how successful that makes him while, in the same statement, telling us how worthless and horrible the republicans are because they refuse to cooperate.

The cognitive dissonance is always very strong with the partisans on this site.
Yes, she and her cohorts detailed how they would expand the welfare state. Good job.
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.

You have a point, taking money away from me to build crappy weapons systems that do nothing but enrich a few and keep people employed in the dumbfuck states is pretty maddening.

And the best part of about it? Is the brag.

As long as we are redistributing money it is a good thing. Don't you dare spend one cent paying people to WORK though. THAT is horrible.

The best part of defense is actually not being killed or conquered. That is usually one of the cornerstones of government.
Very true

The press has been too lenient on Republican antics and tries to spread the blame rather than hear Republicans whine about how "unfair" the press is to them

Can you imagine if it was the Democrats who were putting on the circus that the GOP candidates are?

They would be laughed out of town

Can you imagine if the Democrats refused to play golf with Ronald Reagan or whiffed at the chance to watch the game with George W. Bush?

Can you imagine if a member of Democratic congress member brought a person to the SOTU who openly pronounced he would like to kill the Republican President?

Can you imagine what would happen to a Democratic member of congress blurting out "You lie" in the middle of a Presidential speech?

The press has really been negligent here.

Republicans have found the presses prime vulnerabilty. A desire to be fair

You criticize us more than you criticize the Dems. But when it is the Republicans shutting down government or acting the clown...they deserve to be criticized

Instead the press plays the Congress is broken card while ignoring the reason it is broken
And yet here you are applauding Hillary for making statements that reinforce that critical break.

And you will continue to blame republicans for it as well with congratulations for Hillary when she refuses to work with the 'enemy.' Cognitive dissonance indeed. It amazes me how someone can say that the republicans are so terrible because they refuse to compromise and then, in the same damn thought, state that Obama's worst quality is that he tried to compromise.
Obama wasted six years trying to work with the republicans. Since he figured out it wasn't going to happen and went his own way, he has been more successful

It will be the new norm until Republicans resolve their internal issues and get back to governing
Of course Rightwinger. Sit there and tell us how wonderful Obama is now that he is outright rejecting cooperation and how successful that makes him while, in the same statement, telling us how worthless and horrible the republicans are because they refuse to cooperate.

The cognitive dissonance is always very strong with the partisans on this site.
Obama is still waiting for the House to vote on the immigration reform bill that passed the Senate two years ago. When it does, it will supercede his executive order
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?

It's what her supporters think, why would it hurt her?
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
I thought it was stupid too. She basically alienated half the nation.

You mean the half that isn't going to vote for her anyway?
Twenty five years, give or take, of Republicans bashing Hillary.

GOP: Bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash

MODERATOR: Who are you most proud of for having as an enemy?

CLINTON: The Republicans!

RUBES: What the hell did she mean by that?!? My feelings are hurt! Now let's talk some more about what lying evil bitch she is. Bash bashbashbash bashbashbashbashbashbash bashbashbashbashbashbashbashbashbashbash


She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Yes, just a witch hunt; a witch hunt led by the FBI.

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

The fact that a wingnut publication uses the word "criminal" to describe the investigation doesn't make it so. And again, it's not focused on Clinton herself, either.
Was it a bus he was talking about? No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

RWers with a victim complex have been misquoting it ever since.

No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

he told them they had to sit in the back.

Are you going to pick nits over this, after I gave you a video showing that he did, in fact, said they have to sit in the back?

Of a CAR. He told them he was driving.

Victim hood is adorable on the GOP though.

Car, bus, train, plane...

I don't care if he told them they had to sit on the second seat of a tandem bicycle.

He said they had to sit in the back.

Nitpicking which type vehicle he was talking about is ridiculous.

The overall analogy that Obama was making, was that the Republicans had driven the car into a ditch. That they had no interest getting it out of the ditch. That Obama was getting the car out of the ditch. And once out of the ditch? They could ride in it, but would not be allowed to drive it back INTO THE DITCH.

Did he, or did he NOT, state the Republicans would have to sit in the back?

BTW, he did NOT say they would not be allowed to drive it back into the ditch.

Well, again, if you have to have it explained to you....
Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.


Well, the source DOESN'T say anything about it being a criminal investigation.
he told them they had to sit in the back.

Are you going to pick nits over this, after I gave you a video showing that he did, in fact, said they have to sit in the back?

Of a CAR. He told them he was driving.

Victim hood is adorable on the GOP though.

Car, bus, train, plane...

I don't care if he told them they had to sit on the second seat of a tandem bicycle.

He said they had to sit in the back.

Nitpicking which type vehicle he was talking about is ridiculous.

The overall analogy that Obama was making, was that the Republicans had driven the car into a ditch. That they had no interest getting it out of the ditch. That Obama was getting the car out of the ditch. And once out of the ditch? They could ride in it, but would not be allowed to drive it back INTO THE DITCH.

Did he, or did he NOT, state the Republicans would have to sit in the back?

BTW, he did NOT say they would not be allowed to drive it back into the ditch.

Well, again, if you have to have it explained to you....

The video was self explanatory.

But if you need to make up things about what he actually said....
FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.


Well, the source DOESN'T say anything about it being a criminal investigation.

Of course not...

They're only checking the servers to see if they can find her high score on Scrabble.

the DOJ and FBI are always interested in things like that.
Of a CAR. He told them he was driving.

Victim hood is adorable on the GOP though.

Car, bus, train, plane...

I don't care if he told them they had to sit on the second seat of a tandem bicycle.

He said they had to sit in the back.

Nitpicking which type vehicle he was talking about is ridiculous.

The overall analogy that Obama was making, was that the Republicans had driven the car into a ditch. That they had no interest getting it out of the ditch. That Obama was getting the car out of the ditch. And once out of the ditch? They could ride in it, but would not be allowed to drive it back INTO THE DITCH.

Did he, or did he NOT, state the Republicans would have to sit in the back?

BTW, he did NOT say they would not be allowed to drive it back into the ditch.

Well, again, if you have to have it explained to you....

The video was self explanatory.

But if you need to make up things about what he actually said....

If you're really believing that this was racist, you're either a total numbnuts or just so desperate to have something more to smear him with you're not thinking clearly. Either way, it's stupid.

And yes, the Republicans definitely deserve to sit in the backseat for a while until they show they can get a handle on the nutbag nihilists who are currently calling the shots.
Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.


Well, the source DOESN'T say anything about it being a criminal investigation.

Of course not...

They're only checking the servers to see if they can find her high score on Scrabble.

the DOJ and FBI are always interested in things like that.

Who's calling it criminal and who's saying it's an investigation of Clinton?
Very true

The press has been too lenient on Republican antics and tries to spread the blame rather than hear Republicans whine about how "unfair" the press is to them

Can you imagine if it was the Democrats who were putting on the circus that the GOP candidates are?

They would be laughed out of town

Can you imagine if the Democrats refused to play golf with Ronald Reagan or whiffed at the chance to watch the game with George W. Bush?

Can you imagine if a member of Democratic congress member brought a person to the SOTU who openly pronounced he would like to kill the Republican President?

Can you imagine what would happen to a Democratic member of congress blurting out "You lie" in the middle of a Presidential speech?

The press has really been negligent here.

Republicans have found the presses prime vulnerabilty. A desire to be fair

You criticize us more than you criticize the Dems. But when it is the Republicans shutting down government or acting the clown...they deserve to be criticized

Instead the press plays the Congress is broken card while ignoring the reason it is broken
And yet here you are applauding Hillary for making statements that reinforce that critical break.

And you will continue to blame republicans for it as well with congratulations for Hillary when she refuses to work with the 'enemy.' Cognitive dissonance indeed. It amazes me how someone can say that the republicans are so terrible because they refuse to compromise and then, in the same damn thought, state that Obama's worst quality is that he tried to compromise.
Obama wasted six years trying to work with the republicans. Since he figured out it wasn't going to happen and went his own way, he has been more successful

It will be the new norm until Republicans resolve their internal issues and get back to governing
Of course Rightwinger. Sit there and tell us how wonderful Obama is now that he is outright rejecting cooperation and how successful that makes him while, in the same statement, telling us how worthless and horrible the republicans are because they refuse to cooperate.

The cognitive dissonance is always very strong with the partisans on this site.

But the republicans are worthless and refuse to cooperate. You been asleep for the last 6 and a half years?

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