Hillary's biggest gaffe during the debate...It will come back to haunt her if she's the nominee

She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Yes, just a witch hunt; a witch hunt led by the FBI.

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Which is what you guys and the New York Times were and are "alleging".
Hillary found her stride during the debate. She was confident and well prepared

She showed the Republicans what being "Presidential" looks like

Yes, she and her cohorts detailed how they would expand the welfare state. Good job.
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

Last edited:
The "quote" you're claiming never happened. He showed repeatedly that he wanted to work with them.

We now KNOW they not only never intended to work with him, they had a meeting on the day he was inaugurated.

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President – Inside Obama’s Presidency - FRONTLINE

obama republicans sit in the back - Yahoo Video Search Results

about the 1:50 mark

Was it a bus he was talking about? No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

RWers with a victim complex have been misquoting it ever since.

No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

he told them they had to sit in the back.

Are you going to pick nits over this, after I gave you a video showing that he did, in fact, said they have to sit in the back?

Of a CAR. He told them he was driving.

Victim hood is adorable on the GOP though.

Car, bus, train, plane...

I don't care if he told them they had to sit on the second seat of a tandem bicycle.

He said they had to sit in the back.

Nitpicking which type vehicle he was talking about is ridiculous.

The overall analogy that Obama was making, was that the Republicans had driven the car into a ditch. That they had no interest getting it out of the ditch. That Obama was getting the car out of the ditch. And once out of the ditch? They could ride in it, but would not be allowed to drive it back INTO THE DITCH.
Yes, she and her cohorts detailed how they would expand the welfare state. Good job.
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

The fun thing about government haters is that they are not willing to take the pepsi challenge and go live in a place with no government.


What they want to do is live in a place with all the comforts and benefits that government affords but they want none of the responsibility, like paying taxes, for it's upkeep.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
That was one of those rare moments when a politician mistakenly answered a question honestly.

It was no mistake.
Yes, she and her cohorts detailed how they would expand the welfare state. Good job.
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

If you consider Communism a great system.

In our government, government is only supposed to govern--not provide things for people like college, welfare, and bailouts. Our country is not a social club and we are not members.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, Annals of Congress, 1794
She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Yes, just a witch hunt; a witch hunt led by the FBI.

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

If you consider Communism a great system.

In our government, government is only supposed to govern--not provide things for people like college, welfare, and bailouts. Our country is not a social club and we are not members.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, Annals of Congress, 1794

People create governments because there are many functions that are better performed collectively than as individuals
It is better to chip in and build a road that everyone can use than to try to do it yourself
It is better to build schools for all than leave it up to each person to educate themselves
It is also better to take care of people that need help than to allow them to suffer
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

If you consider Communism a great system.

In our government, government is only supposed to govern--not provide things for people like college, welfare, and bailouts. Our country is not a social club and we are not members.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, Annals of Congress, 1794


In every political society, parties are unavoidable. A difference of interests, real or supposed, is the most natural and fruitful source of them. The great object should be to combat the evil: 1. By establishing a political equality among all. 2. By withholding unnecessary opportunities from a few, to increase the inequality of property, by an immoderate, and especially an unmerited, accumulation of riches. 3. By the silent operation of laws, which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigence towards a state of comfort. 4. By abstaining from measures which operate differently on different interests, and particularly such as favor one interest at the expence of another.

Document 50

James Madison, Parties

23 Jan. 1792
Papers 14:197--98
She said the truth . The GOP is brutal to her . As we speak they are running another witchhunt with this email stuff . A spinoff of Benghazi .

Yes, just a witch hunt; a witch hunt led by the FBI.

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.
Anderson Cooper asked her which enemies are you proud to have made during your political career. Her answer was Republicans. I was dumbfounded on how stupid she could be. Of course the left winged partisans on this board will say her answer was great...they're morons...and I didn't start this thread for the purpose of having a partisan debate anyway. I started this thread to discus how stupid Hilary's comment was and how much it will hurt her. I don't know what compelled her to say such a politically stupid thing. I guess that she was feeling too comfortable with the left winged circle jerk that was going and she accidentally revealed her true colors maybe? I dunno...the question I have is how bad will this mistake hurt her if she wins the nomination?
Should I post what your party's candidates have said about Democrats?

Anyone who posts even cartoons about rape and violence has no opinion that anyone should want to hear.
Yes, just a witch hunt; a witch hunt led by the FBI.

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."

FBI isn't investigating Clinton.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

Was it a bus he was talking about? No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

RWers with a victim complex have been misquoting it ever since.

No, he was telling the GOP that they were no longer in the driver's seat of the car.

he told them they had to sit in the back.

Are you going to pick nits over this, after I gave you a video showing that he did, in fact, said they have to sit in the back?

Of a CAR. He told them he was driving.

Victim hood is adorable on the GOP though.

Car, bus, train, plane...

I don't care if he told them they had to sit on the second seat of a tandem bicycle.

He said they had to sit in the back.

Nitpicking which type vehicle he was talking about is ridiculous.

The overall analogy that Obama was making, was that the Republicans had driven the car into a ditch. That they had no interest getting it out of the ditch. That Obama was getting the car out of the ditch. And once out of the ditch? They could ride in it, but would not be allowed to drive it back INTO THE DITCH.

Did he, or did he NOT, state the Republicans would have to sit in the back?

BTW, he did NOT say they would not be allowed to drive it back into the ditch.
They detailed how they would help the American people.....Republicans were outraged

Expanding the welfare state and making millions of Americans dependent on government is helping them? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Years ago people used to help themselves and not depend on anybody. Of course back then, we valued liberty and had integrity.

Doing things to help Americans is not a welfare state
Dems talk things like free college, low cost healthcare
Republicans argue over who can build the biggest wall

Taking from taxpayers to spend on citizens is the welfare state. There is no such thing as Free. There is giving somebody something and making somebody else pay for it, i.e., welfare state.
That is the reason we created a government. To do things for We the people.
We the people collect revenue and then decide what is in the best interest of the people. Some you may agree with, some not
That is what makes it a great system

The fun thing about government haters is that they are not willing to take the pepsi challenge and go live in a place with no government.


What they want to do is live in a place with all the comforts and benefits that government affords but they want none of the responsibility, like paying taxes, for it's upkeep.

No more than your ilk would volunteer to move to a country with what you want.
Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

Wow, you really are an uninformed voter. No wonder you're with the party you're with today.

Uninformed about what?

The FBI investigations are centered on the emails themselves and what, if any, were hacked.

They are not involved in any criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton..

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe
Probe focusing on how classified information was sent to secretary of state
BY: Bill Gertz
October 7, 2015 5:00 am

"In addition to improving efforts of “transparent, interconnected diplomacy,” the bureau is “focused on enhancing security for the department’s computer and communications systems.”

The FBI probe of State Department servers is the latest disclosure on the criminal investigation into the private Clinton email server that has embroiled the leading Democratic presidential candidate for several months."

FBI Seizes Four State Department Servers in Clinton Email Probe

Which FBI spokesman said it was a "criminal investigation".

I want a name.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the F.B.I.’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” said Mr. Hosko, who maintains close contact with current agents.

Several current and former law enforcement officials, including those close to the investigation, expressed similar sentiments in separate interviews over several days. Most, however, did so only on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."


That says nothing about a Criminal investigation and is from an "anonymous source".

You also had to source the New York Times, which is doing a dance around calling it criminal although they basically hate the Clintons.

And didn't source the Washington Beacon.

What it says is that the FBI can't comment on the matter. That's why you won't find an agent to actually call it a criminal investigation.

However because laws were possibly broken, of course it's a criminal investigation.

How much more left can you get than the NYT?

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