Hillary's Defeat Tour Will Never End


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
All those fat cats, dictators and heads of state that gave money to the Clinton foundation want their money to do something. They paid for control of America and now their stuck with a lousy left-wing resistance, lol...

It’s the fault of the FBI, cell phones, Colin Powell and misogyny.
May 4, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It’s May. The flowers are blooming. Young couples stroll through the park holding hands. And Hillary Clinton continues to tour the country explaining that she would have won if only it hadn’t been for the vast FBI-Russian-Misogynist conspiracy that shamelessly robbed her of an inevitable victory.

It’s not a campaign. It’s an anti-campaign. In our political tradition, losers go away. But the Clintons are the cockroaches of American politics. Getting nuked 306 to 232 won’t get rid of them. Instead they crawl out of the rubble, greedy antennas twitching, to cash in on their latest disaster.


And one day, when #Calexit and NYexit become a reality and the red flag flies over the People’s Republic of Californewyorkistan, who could be a better choice to rule it with an iron fist than the corrupt, unlikable and untrustworthy politician who won the popular vote in New York and California?

Clintonism may be as dead as Communism. But Hillary’s Defeat Tour will never end.

Hillary’s Defeat Tour Will Never End

Clinton's and the left...

Is anybody as fed up as I am about Hillary's victimhood? Didn't she run as some kind of "strong woman" or something like that? Somebody who could hold her own against men? Looks to me like she expects special treatment because she has a pussy (as disgusting as hers must be).
Is anybody as fed up as I am about Hillary's victimhood?

As a russian, I must tell y' all you as a nation are really really hysterically funny:rofl:you've voted a crazy person in the white house and now at least half of your population are desperately trying to write off their president's crackpot ideas and toddler babbling as slips of the tongue.

I don't really think that Putin (to tell the truth, I don't like him very much and do not approve of him acting like he owns the world) would have chosen a good-for-nothing bragging billionaire as his pawn to destroy the usa from inside. Trump cannot be turned into a mindless pawn, in his own little world he is a king and everything revolves around his inflated ego. See? The logic is fairely simple? A crazy "self proclaimed" king with zero intelligence is a liability rather than an asset for Russia. Making him your president is like shooting yourself in the foot.

As for Clinton, she doesn't deserve to be a president. She doesn't really know what american people want. I read her stolen emails, she even mentioned that she got so used to living a wealthy , comfortable life that she couldnt understand who her voters were - she grew apart from odinary people. (In Russia we say, "Сытый бедного не разумеет", which can be roughly translated into English as "A fat rich person cannot undestand the daily struggles of the poor", maybe she genuinely wants to see the world through the eyes of the poor but she just can't cause there has been is and always will be a huge divide between the ruling class and the ruled).

But still compared to an orange shimp toying around with ships, chops and pulling facts out of his hairy ass, she would do a much better job as a president.

ps: And one more thing, why dont you put an upper age limit for politicians who aim to become a president? Why did you end up choosing from two mentally and physically unhealthy president candidates ? That's the best you can do? I think anyone who is 20-25 yeras their junior would be a wiser choice just because you know that they are not going to fall apart at any moment.
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As a russian, I must tell ya you, as a nation, are really really histerically funny:rofl:you've voted a crazy person in the white house and now at least half of your population are desperately trying to write off their president's cracpot ideas and toddler babbling as a slips of the tongue.
As a Russian, who we elect is none of your business. That's IF you're a Russian and not somebody's sock.
S J, I'm Russian and I love learning languages. And I once in a while write on spanish forums as well, people there seem to be more open minded.

As for your stupid comment,I 'm going to write whatever I want to and whenever I can. Suck it up, "gold member".
I understand that for most americans who know only English it might come as a shock that someone knows more than one language. But yes, there are people who know 3,4,5 languages and can use them not only to order a glass of beer at a bar but to hold meaningful andl intelligent conversations wiht people (on a range of subjects).
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S J, I'm Russian and I love learning languages. And I once in a while write on spanish forums as well, people there seem to be more open minded.

As for your stupid comment,I 'm going to write whatever I want to and whenever I can. Suck it up, "gold member".
I call bullshit, you're a sock.
But yes, there are people who know 3,4,5 languages and can use them not only to order a glass of beer at a bar but to hold meaningful andl intelligent conversations wiht people (on a range of subjects).
And you're not one of them.
Why? I am a pure blooded Russian, but I am crazy about learning languages, you have no idea how long it takes to learn your langauge. For example, I still don't know how to use english articlescorrectly. Some of your idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs are still beyond me. As for my level of English, I've been learning it for quite some time. If you think that I am americam passing myself off as a russian, thank you, man. It means that my english is not that bad.

And yes, I do not like Putin. And belive me not everybody here is worshipping him. It's especially true for young people. I'm 28 years old and I think that Russia is going to the dogs though my parents and grandparents don't think that way.
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Why? I am a pure blooded Russian, but I am crazy about learning languages, you have no idea how long it takes to learn your langauge. For example, I still don't know how to use english articlescorrectly. Some of your idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs are still beyond me. As for my level of English, I've been learning it for quite some time. If you think that I am americam passing myself off as a russian, thank you, man. It means that my english is not that bad.
You're not fooling anybody.
Хорошо, я напишу по-русски, можете дать этот текст на проверку носителю русского. Я полиглот, безумно люблю изучение новых языков и интересуюсь не только тем, что происходит внутри моей страны, возможно , поэтому среднестатистическому американцу мое поведение кажется столь необычным.

Мне, правда, безумно приятно, что носители английского языка не могут поверить в то,что человек, живущий за пределами США и изучающий английский язык самостоятельно, смог достичь таких впечатляющих результатов.

Возможно, ваше недоверие также основано на моем, скажем так, нетипичном отношении к президенту России?Ну не все его любят , есть целые сайты, которые только его и критикуют.

Вот ссылочки: Эхо Москвы
Радио Свобода
Телеканал Дождь

So I wrote in my native language and put up a few links to the sites where people want Putin to retire and vigorously criticize him whenever the opportunity presents itself.

I'm not alone, pal.
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S J, I'm Russian and I love learning languages. And I once in a while write on spanish forums as well, people there seem to be more open minded.

As for your stupid comment,I 'm going to write whatever I want to and whenever I can. Suck it up, "gold member".
We encourage you to write what you want but that encouragement does not give you a free pass on bullshit. If you can't handle adults telling you the truth then change your idea of truth or get ready to be properly schooled.

:))))) you are so funny, man. Ok, teach me the teacher, I am all ears.

My favorite american show:

Some smart ass mother fucker like yourself will be cyber pounded well into the ground around here alright shit for brains? Just take your pre packaged horse shit and your faggotry agenda and narrative and put it away.
It will not help you here.
Some smart ass mother fucker like yourself will be cyber pounded well into the ground around here alright shit for brains? Just take your pre packaged horse shit and your faggotry agenda and narrative and put it away. It will not help you here.

wow just wow. And this person thinks that I can learn something from him? Really? I don't think so.

But wait a second, you act exactly like you have to, like a real Trumptard, as someone mentioned above. You hate foreigners and want to build a wall around your country.

But you see, nincompoop, the internet is all about sharing different opinions, no matter how emotionally painful it can be for shallow- minded people like you. You cannot build a wall here to keep really thinking people out..
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Some smart ass mother fucker like yourself will be cyber pounded well into the ground around here alright shit for brains? Just take your pre packaged horse shit and your faggotry agenda and narrative and put it away. It will not help you here.

wow, just wow, And this person thinks that I can learn something from him? Really? I don't think so.

But wait a second, you act exactly like you have to, like a real Trumptard, as someone mentioned above. You hate foreigners and want to build a wall around your country.

But you see, nincompoop, the internet is all about sharing different opinions, no matter how emotionally painful it can be for shallow- minded people like you. You cannot build a wall here to keep really thinking people out..
We have other Russian posters here who are good people and damn good posters. And we know Gypsy filth when we see it.
So you can ask them to check out my post written in Russian. Go ahead.

They'll tell you that not too many americans (if any) are capable of writing such posts in Russian without making tons of mistakes Go ahead.

And yes, if you think that being a good russian means that you have to keep your mouth shut when some random american/ arrogant old-timer teaches you how to live and what to write, you've got another thing coming.

I don't care how silver, gold or platinum you are, capish?
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So you can ask them to check out my post written in Russian. Go ahead.

They'll tell you that not too many americans (if any) are capable of writing such posts in Russian without making tons of mistakes Go ahead.

And yes, if you think that being a good russian means that you have to keep your mouth shut when some random american/ arrogant old-timer teaches you how to live and what to write, you've got another thing coming.

I don't care how silver, gold or platinum you are, capish?
We members who have been here a while understand your penis envy in regard to our size!

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