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CDZ Hillary's Health

GOP giving her a pounding and you wrote this subject in the Clean Zone!!!


It is true the GOP and their super pacs will use the image of yesterday to go after her but you can only do it so often and need to be very careful of how you do it because everyone need to remember Hillary Clinton side will twist it as the GOP being sexist and attacking the elderly women of this nation...
And meanwhile the showbiz continues and specifics on issues go under-discussed...

For crying out loud Mac her whole campaign is scripted by Spielberg et al. You know that right? Just like Bill's campaign was Bloodworth Thomason.
Well, that's a new one, but it's irrelevant. My concerns are about what they do in office.

It's the truth btw. All the way to the movie they made for Bill that they played at the convention. The Man from Hope. They were MOZARK productions. Designing Women and Evening Shade were two of their biggest.

Now scripting aside, would you have ever voted for JFK if you knew this? That he was living on speed and downers?

He was under the care of an allergist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, an orthopedist, and a urologist, along with that of Janet Travell, Admiral George Burkley,

AND Max Jacobson, an émigré doctor from Germany who now lived in New York and had made a reputation by treating celebrities with “pep pills,” or amphetamines, that helped to combat depression and fatigue. Jacobson, whom patients called “Dr. Feelgood,” administered amphetamines and back injections of painkillers that JFK believed made him less dependent on crutches

The Medical Ordeals of JFK
He also only served 3 years. Well less than 3.

He was stoned out completely all those years. This part of the article slayed me.

"The Travell records reveal that during the first six months of his term, Kennedy suffered stomach, colon, and prostate problems, high fevers, occasional dehydration, abscesses, sleeplessness, and high cholesterol, in addition to his ongoing back and adrenal ailments.

His physicians administered large doses of so many drugs that Travell kept a “Medicine Administration Record,” cataloguing injected and ingested corticosteroids for his adrenal insufficiency; procaine shots and ultrasound treatments and hot packs for his back; Lomotil, Metamucil, paregoric, phenobarbital, testosterone, and trasentine to control his diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and weight loss; penicillin and other antibiotics for his urinary-tract infections and an abscess; and Tuinal to help him sleep."


The Medical Ordeals of JFK
Don't you think needing help to get into a van after a near collapse is a warning sign????:disbelief:
Pneumonia is not a permanent condition.

Having had pneumonia more than once, I'm not at all surprised.

If we can take political partisanship out of this for just one microsecond, I suspect most honest, reasonable people would agree.
Hillary has been having these issues for years. Pneumonia doesn't usually last that long.

I think she has vertigo....from a stroke years ago.

My mom has that.
what kind of person plays with their grandchildren after being diagnosed with that? Hmmmm
My theory? She wasn't playing with the grandkids. Aides thought that up to make it sound like a cheerful, no-big-deal trip to Chelsea's. Don't they say after 48 hours of antibiotics, you're no longer contagious, though?
So they thought it was political savy to lie and say she was playing with kids after he getting diagnosed with a rough contagious(possibly) sickness? That doesn't make much sense.
You are making conspiracies right now lol
You NEVER lied for your boss? Hid or put a better face on something than it deserved? Her campaign had marching orders NOT to tell anyone she had pneumonia, if they even knew. They knew the media would be at her like sharks after chum when she passed out in public.
I guess the point is, aren't there better things you could be criticizing her for? We both know there are.
Oh absolutely. I say that all the time. Like when she slipped on ice lol
And you could very well be right. But if you are, she doesn't pick the best people. Believe me.
'kay, Donnie. I'm disappointed in her campaign, too, but I guess they're doing the best they can with what they've got to work with.
I took a few minutes to look around for threads on this topic that hadn't devolved into abject silliness, and couldn't find any. Big shock there. So I'll try this here.

I think it's possible that, unlike emails and Benghazi and any number of other stories that have been thrown against the wall by the GOP, their constant pounding on Hillary's health could end up working for them.

I'm not saying that she is not healthy. I'm merely talking about image here. That video of her having difficulty getting into the van is not good, and the press has indeed run with this story. And even the fact that has pneumonia may not matter, it's more of an overall health thing.

I dunno. Thoughts?

I keep thinking about Richard Nixon in the televised debate with Kennedy back in 1960. In contrast, it almost sounds trivial today, doesn't it? Many political analysts said that is where Nixon lost the election. Simply by appearing on television looking bad.

I predicted before Hillary even announced she was running, that I didn't think she was healthy enough to make it through a rigorously challenging campaign season. In the past 7-8 years she has started looking really rough and haggard. I remember in 2008, she was losing her voice toward the end as she tried to win the nomination from Obama. I remember thinking, it's a good thing you lost because I don't think you'd have made it to election day.

Now, her most ardent supporters don't really care, they will support her no matter what... In fact, if she were to croak, they'd want to elect her corpse just to have her "officially" be the first woman president. But I do think this may have an effect on some who are undecided but leaning toward the Democrats. They may just find something better to do on election day than showing up to vote. Clearly, there is no energy left in this campaign and it's difficult to generate excitement and energize the base if the candidate is basically stroking out in the "relentless 80-degree heat!" Heaven help her in having to stand for a two hour debate coming up. I'll bet this issue raises it's head again during the debates, if she is even able to participate.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump looks like he could be a spokesperson for 5-hour Energy drink. He's flying here, he's flying there... he's in Mexico, he's in New York, he's in Arizona... giving speeches... kissing babies... like the frickin' Energizer Bunny... he just keeps on going. It's a Yuuuge and noticeable contrast to say the least.
what kind of person plays with their grandchildren after being diagnosed with that? Hmmmm
My theory? She wasn't playing with the grandkids. Aides thought that up to make it sound like a cheerful, no-big-deal trip to Chelsea's. Don't they say after 48 hours of antibiotics, you're no longer contagious, though?
So they thought it was political savy to lie and say she was playing with kids after he getting diagnosed with a rough contagious(possibly) sickness? That doesn't make much sense.
You are making conspiracies right now lol
You NEVER lied for your boss? Hid or put a better face on something than it deserved? Her campaign had marching orders NOT to tell anyone she had pneumonia, if they even knew. They knew the media would be at her like sharks after chum when she passed out in public.
I guess the point is, aren't there better things you could be criticizing her for? We both know there are.
Oh absolutely. I say that all the time. Like when she slipped on ice lol
And you could very well be right. But if you are, she doesn't pick the best people. Believe me.
'kay, Donnie. I'm disappointed in her campaign, too, but I guess they're doing the best they can with what they've got to work with.
im not disappointed. I hope the bitch gets her ass whooped. In the very least arrested
I took a few minutes to look around for threads on this topic that hadn't devolved into abject silliness, and couldn't find any. Big shock there.

Sad to say, but...Yep.


Flu, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, appendicitis, gall or kidney stones and host of other afflictions can befall a person and there's really nothing to make of it. One gets treatment, the malady goes away and that's that. Were Mrs. Clinton an octo-/nonagenarian who contracted any of those things, I'd be concerned, but she isn't.

I think that interacting with so many people on a regular basis, one is likely to contract something sooner or later. Heck, when one's kids are under 13, they tend to be the main vectors of colds and flus their parents get, but unlike colds and flus, pneumonia doesn't have a "season."

Questions I have:
  • Why didn't Mrs. Clinton get a pneumonia vaccine?
  • If she did get it, why didn't work?
Maybe she has viral "walking" pneumonia? Or one of the bacterial strains not covered by the vaccine, or a milder case of the type she was vaccinated against.

Maybe so; that's certainly plausible, even probable. I don't know, but I know enough about pneumonia to know I don't need to know either. Even though I can identify a couple questions to ask about Mrs. Clinton's immediate health situation, that I can doesn't mean I actually care if I get the answers.

I just hope she has a quick recovery.
Some of the threads yesterday were just hilarious. Parkinsons, seizures, emininent death, alcoholism....I was laughing out loud.
I was so naive, I thought all Presidential candidates DID have a physical during their campaign. Is it really such a bad idea?
There's one on AIDS now.



Naturally, because, of course, pneumocystis carnii is a form of pneumonia, and Mrs. Clinton has had so many blood transfusions from our highly tainted supply, and has had unprotected sex with infected partners, that it was all but inevitable that she'd catch the one form of pneumonia that nobody except folks with severely compromised immune systems such as HIV/AIDS suffers get. NOT!!!

Frankly, I'm surprised nobody has posited she has been interacting with extraterrestrial lifeforms and has contracted something that's literally not of this planet and that she's now spreading among terrans for political purposes, perhaps as precursor to Earth being invaded by aliens from HD 164595. After all, she flies on a private jet. There's no telling what kinds of beings teleported onto her plane. Right? <winks>

So you see, just as anyone can, I can dwell in the land of fictitious thought. Unfortunately, I'm just not good enough at it to write novels and get paid for it. Perhaps the folks who've been tossing out those absurd ideas should test their hand at authoring as a career. Certainly, if successful, it's a more remunerative pursuit than is working on a factory floor. After all, we know the Trumpeteers constantly gripe about the paucity of manufacturing jobs. Writing a novel while they await the return of un-/low-skill manufacturing jobs seems like a more productive and good use of their time than is wasting it here posting inanely day in and day out.
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what kind of person plays with their grandchildren after being diagnosed with that? Hmmmm
My theory? She wasn't playing with the grandkids. Aides thought that up to make it sound like a cheerful, no-big-deal trip to Chelsea's. Don't they say after 48 hours of antibiotics, you're no longer contagious, though?
So they thought it was political savy to lie and say she was playing with kids after he getting diagnosed with a rough contagious(possibly) sickness? That doesn't make much sense.
You are making conspiracies right now lol
You NEVER lied for your boss? Hid or put a better face on something than it deserved? Her campaign had marching orders NOT to tell anyone she had pneumonia, if they even knew. They knew the media would be at her like sharks after chum when she passed out in public.
I guess the point is, aren't there better things you could be criticizing her for? We both know there are.

Trump and Clinton are applying for the most important job on the planet. The voters have the right to know what meds they are on and who is treating them and for what. It's not a prerequisite for the job. But the voters have the right to know who the hell is going to be running the country they live in for potentially the next eight years.

And more importantly what Doctor or Doctors as was in the case of Kennedy stoning the hell out of the President.
I guess you missed this post: Easy, Tiny Dancer! I'm not opposed to her having a thorough medical exam by an independent MD with full access to her medical records. I just think she DOES have pneumonia and she needs to stay in bed, take her meds and she'll be back to her old self in a week.
Don't you think needing help to get into a van after a near collapse is a warning sign????:disbelief:
Pneumonia is not a permanent condition.
It is the 6th leading cause of death in the USA, therefore it is obviously very "permanent" in many cases.

Minor point/questions...The CDC cites pneumonia and the flue as the eighth leading causes of death in 2014. Pneumonia and flu were together the sixth leading cause in 1980. Do you have more current figures? Do you by any chance have a breakdown of the two ailments' respective share of the overall figure cited?

I didn't check further to find out what share of the figure cited (55,227) is flu and what share is pneumonia. I did notice that the tenth leading cause -- suicide -- is a stand-alone cause of death. At ~42K+, suicides are 77% of the ~55K+ flu/pneumonia deaths in 2014, so it's not highly likely, though not impossible either, that flu or pneumonia, by themselves in 2014, caused ~42K+ deaths.

That said, I repeat, I didn't check to find out what the breakdown is. It's clearly possible for flu or pneumonia to comprise more than 77% of the 55,227 combined figure, and given the related nature of the two, if one causes overwhelmingly more fatalities than the other (i.e., more than ~42K deaths), it's reasonable to lump the very "minor" one with the other, all the more so if the lumping doesn't alter the overall ranking of the top ten causes of death, even though the lumping unavoidably introduces the risk that readers will inaccurately assume either flu or pneumonia is more deadly than it really is.

Obviously, I take no exception with your remark about pneumonia being terminal for folks who die of it. There again, however, ~1M or so folks are diagnosed annually with pneumonia** and of them some quantity fewer than 55,227 die of it. Accordingly, I'm not in agreement that for "many" people pneumonia is fatal, other than in an absolute sense whereby one may consider some tens of thousands of deaths constitutes a lot of deaths. Given a population of pneumonia sufferers numbering about a million, however, I don't see pneumonia as a thing to be too concerned about in a general sense. If my 97 year old father contracted it, on the other hand, I'd be very concerned because for folks in his age cohort, it's pretty deadly.

Just trying to make sense of the numbers.....

In seeking info about the pneumonia death rate, the document I found (linked in the last paragraph) notes that ~50K people annually die of pneumonia. I stumbled across that figure and it sheds light on the proportionality question I asked and discussed above. It seems that pneumonia comprises the bulk (~50K) of the ~55K deaths lumped as "influenza and pneumonia."
I took a few minutes to look around for threads on this topic that hadn't devolved into abject silliness, and couldn't find any. Big shock there. So I'll try this here.

I think it's possible that, unlike emails and Benghazi and any number of other stories that have been thrown against the wall by the GOP, their constant pounding on Hillary's health could end up working for them.

I'm not saying that she is not healthy. I'm merely talking about image here. That video of her having difficulty getting into the van is not good, and the press has indeed run with this story. And even the fact that has pneumonia may not matter, it's more of an overall health thing.

I dunno. Thoughts?

Saying she had "difficulty" getting into the van is something of an understatement.....she completely collapsed and had to be carried to the van....
I took a few minutes to look around for threads on this topic that hadn't devolved into abject silliness, and couldn't find any. Big shock there. So I'll try this here.

I think it's possible that, unlike emails and Benghazi and any number of other stories that have been thrown against the wall by the GOP, their constant pounding on Hillary's health could end up working for them.

I'm not saying that she is not healthy. I'm merely talking about image here. That video of her having difficulty getting into the van is not good, and the press has indeed run with this story. And even the fact that has pneumonia may not matter, it's more of an overall health thing.

I dunno. Thoughts?

Saying she had "difficulty" getting into the van is something of an understatement.....she completely collapsed and had to be carried to the van....
Yeah, I'm fine with "collapsed."

The first time I had pneumonia I was in my early thirties and plenty strong. I collapsed in the shower and laid there for about 20 minutes.
Don't you think needing help to get into a van after a near collapse is a warning sign????:disbelief:
Pneumonia is not a permanent condition.
It is the 6th leading cause of death in the USA, therefore it is obviously very "permanent" in many cases.

Minor point/questions...The CDC cites pneumonia and the flue as the eighth leading causes of death in 2014. Pneumonia and flu were together the sixth leading cause in 1980. Do you have more current figures? Do you by any chance have a breakdown of the two ailments' respective share of the overall figure cited?

I didn't check further to find out what share of the figure cited (55,227) is flu and what share is pneumonia. I did notice that the tenth leading cause -- suicide -- is a stand-alone cause of death. At ~42K+, suicides are 77% of the ~55K+ flu/pneumonia deaths in 2014, so it's not highly likely, though not impossible either, that flu or pneumonia, by themselves in 2014, caused ~42K+ deaths.

That said, I repeat, I didn't check to find out what the breakdown is. It's clearly possible for flu or pneumonia to comprise more than 77% of the 55,227 combined figure, and given the related nature of the two, if one causes overwhelmingly more fatalities than the other (i.e., more than ~42K deaths), it's reasonable to lump the very "minor" one with the other, all the more so if the lumping doesn't alter the overall ranking of the top ten causes of death, even though the lumping unavoidably introduces the risk that readers will inaccurately assume either flu or pneumonia is more deadly than it really is.

Obviously, I take no exception with your remark about pneumonia being terminal for folks who die of it. There again, however, ~1M or so folks are diagnosed annually with pneumonia** and of them some quantity fewer than 55,227 die of it. Accordingly, I'm not in agreement that for "many" people pneumonia is fatal, other than in an absolute sense whereby one may consider some tens of thousands of deaths constitutes a lot of deaths. Given a population of pneumonia sufferers numbering about a million, however, I don't see pneumonia as a thing to be too concerned about in a general sense. If my 97 year old father contracted it, on the other hand, I'd be very concerned because for folks in his age cohort, it's pretty deadly.

Just trying to make sense of the numbers.....

In seeking info about the pneumonia death rate, the document I found (linked in the last paragraph) notes that ~50K people annually die of pneumonia. I stumbled across that figure and it sheds light on the proportionality question I asked and discussed above. It seems that pneumonia comprises the bulk (~50K) of the ~55K deaths lumped as "influenza and pneumonia."
They say pneumonia is the old man's friend, in that it ends a feeble elderly person's suffering. It is frequently the straw that breaks the camel's back, particularly with bed ridden elderly. I agree with you that it is not a big killer of otherwise healthy people. Although an uncle of mine contracted a rare, very nasty and deadly strain of it that killed him in a couple days. There's lots of different types.
I took a few minutes to look around for threads on this topic that hadn't devolved into abject silliness, and couldn't find any. Big shock there. So I'll try this here.

I think it's possible that, unlike emails and Benghazi and any number of other stories that have been thrown against the wall by the GOP, their constant pounding on Hillary's health could end up working for them.

I'm not saying that she is not healthy. I'm merely talking about image here. That video of her having difficulty getting into the van is not good, and the press has indeed run with this story. And even the fact that has pneumonia may not matter, it's more of an overall health thing.

I dunno. Thoughts?

Saying she had "difficulty" getting into the van is something of an understatement.....she completely collapsed and had to be carried to the van....
Yeah, I'm fine with "collapsed."

The first time I had pneumonia I was in my early thirties and plenty strong. I collapsed in the shower and laid there for about 20 minutes.
I think they had an excuse dreamed up in case she collapsed on stage or at an event.

Pneumonia is the least of her problems.
what kind of person plays with their grandchildren after being diagnosed with that? Hmmmm
My theory? She wasn't playing with the grandkids. Aides thought that up to make it sound like a cheerful, no-big-deal trip to Chelsea's. Don't they say after 48 hours of antibiotics, you're no longer contagious, though?

So now you are making up theories and hypothesis for their lying and what she was actually doing? And this is someone you plan to cast a ballot for? Someone that you know, in your heart, practices deception?
what kind of person plays with their grandchildren after being diagnosed with that? Hmmmm
My theory? She wasn't playing with the grandkids. Aides thought that up to make it sound like a cheerful, no-big-deal trip to Chelsea's. Don't they say after 48 hours of antibiotics, you're no longer contagious, though?

So now you are making up theories and hypothesis for their lying and what she was actually doing? And this is someone you plan to cast a ballot for? Someone that you know, in your heart, practices deception?
It's not my fault the Republicans nominated Donald Trump. You do what you gotta do.
And furthermore, don't go all Boy Scout on me: Trump doesn't lie every time he opens his mouth? Please don't insult my intelligence with an argument like that.
Donald Trump looks like he could be a spokesperson for 5-hour Energy drink. He's flying here, he's flying there... he's in Mexico, he's in New York, he's in Arizona... giving speeches... kissing babies... like the frickin' Energizer Bunny... he just keeps on going. It's a Yuuuge and noticeable contrast to say the least.

Do you know what he does between those one to two hour layovers? Most likely, sleep.

Do you know what he does not do between those one to two hour layovers? Develop detailed policy positions that he's willing to share with the electorate.

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