Hillary's Hope

Obama shut down the gummit by not letting Cruz defund one piece of legislation. Really. it was that. Congress routinely axes potus's legislation. It's ordinary stuff.
Well, the tea party would like to brag that shutting down the govt was an accomplishement. Which is why bs like this flies in the gop.

obama shut down the govt, a few members of the house could never gain the power to do that.

please stop the lies, you might gain some credibility

yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.

damn, I thought Bush and Cheney did that. There were reports of seeing them in the stairwells with wires and explosives.

the president is IN CHARGE, it is his JOB to make things work. obama has failed over and over to do his JOB
yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.

No one in congress, or even everyone in congress, has the power to shut down the govt. only the president has that power and he did it rather that try to find a compromise on a budget deal.

Clinton was able to work a budget deal with a GOP controlled congress------why was obama unable to ?

Damn.....you are just making stuff up as you go along on this thread

really, then tell me how 20 or 30 members of the house have the power to shut down the govt. its bullshit and you know it. obama shut it down rather than try to make a deal. the funny thing is he has now delayed the exact same parts of the bill that the TP guys were trying to delay.

only he is doing it illegally, when he could have done it legally and with congressional approval. the guy is an incompetent narcissistic fool.
No one in congress, or even everyone in congress, has the power to shut down the govt. only the president has that power and he did it rather that try to find a compromise on a budget deal.

Clinton was able to work a budget deal with a GOP controlled congress------why was obama unable to ?

Damn.....you are just making stuff up as you go along on this thread

really, then tell me how 20 or 30 members of the house have the power to shut down the govt. its bullshit and you know it. obama shut it down rather than try to make a deal. the funny thing is he has now delayed the exact same parts of the bill that the TP guys were trying to delay.

only he is doing it illegally, when he could have done it legally and with congressional approval. the guy is an incompetent narcissistic fool.

The President has no legal authority to keep the government operating without funding. Even the great and powerful Obama
you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

There are no far leftys out there other than Bernie Sanders.

what are Pelosi, reid, biden, schumer, franken, landrieu, jackson-lee, rangel, dingle. you have plenty of far lefties---------all idiots, but far left.

I would consider far left to be socialism, or close to it. Most of the ones mentioned are corporate democrats. If Reid were a lefty he would have got ridden of the super majority early on. Pelosi and her "Impeachments off the table" statement tells it all.
Biden voted for Nafta the same as other corporate democrats, knowing it was going to hurt the middle class. If liberals were in charge, we would have single payer, not corporate player for health insurance.
Well, you subversives want a woman so badly, you could always get behind Liz Warren!

Voters are stupid. Electing Barry twice was so incredible that the expression, "That can't happen!" can never be said again with respect to a U.S. Presidential election.

But having said that, I have posed the question here and elsewhere, both verbally and in writing, "What has Hillary every accomplished?"

As First Lady?

As carpetbagging Senator from NY?

As Secretary of State?

All your questions are answered here: Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

DGS's post epitomizes why the gop is stuck. All the smears will only work with old white people who aren't gonna vote for Hillary .... except she might win some of the old white women vote Obama lost.

Hillary's weakness is, ironically, sort of like the gop's. She's a candidate with a known constituency that may be enough to win a primary where she's not opposed by a charismatic challenger who can bring together all elements, more or less, of people who might vote progressive.

The gop does have a higher degree of dis-union amongst itself than the dems, though.

what i found interesting was the way the conversation deteriorated the minute he posted. that's what happens when they start spewing obama derangement. and that is why no one will listen to them except for people who already agree with them… which is a relatively small percentage of the population, much to their dismay.
I really don't see millineals voting for a 68 year old who reminds of the happy days of the 90s, but .....

George Bush Lost an Entire Generation for the Republican Party | Mother Jones

And then the gop may continue to impale itself on the sophomoric victimhood of public sector businesses actually forced to bake cakes for gay weddings ...

Public sector businesses, are those like fairy's and unicorns? I've heard of public sector unions, which are government employee unions, but public sector business, do they work for government too?
I don't see Hillary as that exciting a candidate. She is stale and her best days are behind her

But I don't see any way for Republicans to beat her

I think there really will be a pretty large block who will get excited about the chance to elect the first woman president. Excited about Hillary - no, I don't think so myself. But excited about electing a woman - oh yeah.

Well, that is sexist.

DGS's post epitomizes why the gop is stuck. All the smears will only work with old white people who aren't gonna vote for Hillary .... except she might win some of the old white women vote Obama lost.

Hillary's weakness is, ironically, sort of like the gop's. She's a candidate with a known constituency that may be enough to win a primary where she's not opposed by a charismatic challenger who can bring together all elements, more or less, of people who might vote progressive.

The gop does have a higher degree of dis-union amongst itself than the dems, though.

what i found interesting was the way the conversation deteriorated the minute he posted. that's what happens when they start spewing obama derangement. and that is why no one will listen to them except for people who already agree with them… which is a relatively small percentage of the population, much to their dismay.

And you know, [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION], every time I see this ODS, it makes me happy, for it is going to turn into CDS in 2016 and there will be soooo many crazies out there for the entire electorate to see, it is 100% guaranteed going to turn-off the independent vote, and you cannot win nationally without the independents.

I've already stated it on a number of threads and I will state it here: Clinton wins with 57% of the NPV and will go over 400 EV. It will be the largest landslide since Reagan 1984, but not as large as his was.
DGS's post epitomizes why the gop is stuck. All the smears will only work with old white people who aren't gonna vote for Hillary .... except she might win some of the old white women vote Obama lost.

Hillary's weakness is, ironically, sort of like the gop's. She's a candidate with a known constituency that may be enough to win a primary where she's not opposed by a charismatic challenger who can bring together all elements, more or less, of people who might vote progressive.

The gop does have a higher degree of dis-union amongst itself than the dems, though.

what i found interesting was the way the conversation deteriorated the minute he posted. that's what happens when they start spewing obama derangement. and that is why no one will listen to them except for people who already agree with them… which is a relatively small percentage of the population, much to their dismay.

And you know, [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION], every time I see this ODS, it makes me happy, for it is going to turn into CDS in 2016 and there will be soooo many crazies out there for the entire electorate to see, it is 100% guaranteed going to turn-off the independent vote, and you cannot win nationally without the independents.

I've already stated it on a number of threads and I will state it here: Clinton wins with 57% of the NPV and will go over 400 EV. It will be the largest landslide since Reagan 1984, but not as large as his was.

Even a generic Democrat wins 300 EV. It is not just Hillary but I think the candidate Republicans pick will make McCain/Romney look like Reagan in 84.
The Republicans may take the Senate in 2012 and the first thing they will do is change the filibuster rules. But in 2016, Republicans will give back their gains (from the 2010 cycle) and lose the Senate for good
DGS's post epitomizes why the gop is stuck. All the smears will only work with old white people who aren't gonna vote for Hillary .... except she might win some of the old white women vote Obama lost.

Hillary's weakness is, ironically, sort of like the gop's. She's a candidate with a known constituency that may be enough to win a primary where she's not opposed by a charismatic challenger who can bring together all elements, more or less, of people who might vote progressive.

The gop does have a higher degree of dis-union amongst itself than the dems, though.

what i found interesting was the way the conversation deteriorated the minute he posted. that's what happens when they start spewing obama derangement. and that is why no one will listen to them except for people who already agree with them… which is a relatively small percentage of the population, much to their dismay.

And you know, [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION], every time I see this ODS, it makes me happy, for it is going to turn into CDS in 2016 and there will be soooo many crazies out there for the entire electorate to see, it is 100% guaranteed going to turn-off the independent vote, and you cannot win nationally without the independents.

I've already stated it on a number of threads and I will state it here: Clinton wins with 57% of the NPV and will go over 400 EV. It will be the largest landslide since Reagan 1984, but not as large as his was.

and [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] I have no doubt that if Hillary is elected, they will spend the next eight years in a fit of hysteria and derangement like the past five have been.

such sore losers.....

maybe if they actually had something to offer....
I don't see Hillary as that exciting a candidate. She is stale and her best days are behind her

But I don't see any way for Republicans to beat her

I think there really will be a pretty large block who will get excited about the chance to elect the first woman president. Excited about Hillary - no, I don't think so myself. But excited about electing a woman - oh yeah.

Well, that is sexist.


sexist is calling a woman a ho because she expects her paid for health insurance to cover all of her prescription medications.

see how that works?
yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.

No one in congress, or even everyone in congress, has the power to shut down the govt. only the president has that power and he did it rather that try to find a compromise on a budget deal.

Clinton was able to work a budget deal with a GOP controlled congress------why was obama unable to ?

Damn.....you are just making stuff up as you go along on this thread

that's all of his posts in every thread
You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary

This is why the Democrats will probably be running Bruce Springsteen in the next election. Baby he was born to run.
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Hillary can go to hell. And, take that "hope" bullshit with her. We can see where that has taken us.:eusa_hand:

Hillary is not the "hope" President. She would be more like the "world" President. Some with vast experience from inside the White House to first hand knowledge of the world through her time as SoS. She was the one who stood up to China's institutionalized abuse of women. Someone who deeply understands America and could bring this country forward and onto the global stage. A visionary and the first president to truly see what the 21st century could really be.

I am just saying anyway. Just a little something to keep everything even.
"stood up to China's institutionalized abuse of women."

She never even stood up against her husbands abuse of women in the White House!

As for her "stand" against China's institutional abuse of women, that was pure unadulterated political rhetoric!

Hillary Clinton is a perfect example to be used by people who don't think women should be allowed to vote.
As for her "stand" against China's institutional abuse of women, that was pure unadulterated political rhetoric!

Yeah and "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" was just rhetoric too.

Sometimes words have power.

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