Hillary's Hope

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary

sounds like you want the GOP to run a democrat. you have no idea how many americans agree with Rush, Glenn, and Levin. As to Fox, your problem with them is that they present both sides and your side always loses when both sides are heard.

GOP has to run someone who is not an asshole

Someone who will distance themselves from the "Let em die", low information voter, anti-gay rhetoric that helped doom them last time

Here is a start:

Republicans have lost the gay rights fight, let it go
Obamacare is the law of the land, tell us how you will make it better
Tell us how you will balance the budget and don't make it look like a handout to the rich
Give us an idea of what a Republican future for America would be like and try not to make it too white, male and christian
I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary

sounds like you want the GOP to run a democrat. you have no idea how many americans agree with Rush, Glenn, and Levin. As to Fox, your problem with them is that they present both sides and your side always loses when both sides are heard.

GOP has to run someone who is not an asshole

Someone who will distance themselves from the "Let em die", low information voter, anti-gay rhetoric that helped doom them last time

Here is a start:

Republicans have lost the gay rights fight, let it go
Obamacare is the law of the land, tell us how you will make it better
Tell us how you will balance the budget and don't make it look like a handout to the rich
Give us an idea of what a Republican future for America would be like and try not to make it too white, male and christian

And do the deal on immigration reform and ... amnesty.

It's over. Let's stop fighting the wedge issues of 2004.
What has she ever accomplished?


translation = she has never accomplished anything, but I can post a pic of a guy beating a dead horse.

Look guys....I know this <fill in Democratic candidate> never accomplished anything goes over big in the conservative echo chamber but it is not winning you votes

Want to try the empty chair gag again in 2016?
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You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary

I think you are describing John McCain in 2000.
When the Republicans were full of crap, he'd tell 'em. When they were right, he'd vote with 'em. Same with the Democrats. I never agreed with him 100% of the time, but he was no partisan hack.

But someone who doesn't toe the party line has a hard time getting that party's nomination. So we get stuck with candidates who are in it for the party instead of for the nation.

We have to find someone who can blast their way through that.
I believe that even a large number of female voters realize that Hilary’s best chances were in ’08. The Democrats went with Obama and that turned out to be a rousing success (whatever your view of his presidential terms are, the campaign was great). I think she had her chance and lost and it is time to accept that she needs to move on.

you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

There are no far leftys out there. Bernie Sanders is as close to far left as it gets, and he has little chance, considering how far to the right the country has become. Even Obama. Moderate democrat.

That may be changing. No one saw this coming either:
Seattle's Socialist councilwoman to accept less than half of $117K salary - U.S. News

translation = she has never accomplished anything, but I can post a pic of a guy beating a dead horse.

Look guys....I now this <fill in Democratic candidate> never accomplished anything goes over big in the conservative echo chamber but it is not winning you votes

Want to try the empty chair gag again in 2016?

I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....
translation = she has never accomplished anything, but I can post a pic of a guy beating a dead horse.

Look guys....I now this <fill in Democratic candidate> never accomplished anything goes over big in the conservative echo chamber but it is not winning you votes

Want to try the empty chair gag again in 2016?

I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....

Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)
Look guys....I now this <fill in Democratic candidate> never accomplished anything goes over big in the conservative echo chamber but it is not winning you votes

Want to try the empty chair gag again in 2016?

I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....

Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

Well, the tea party would like to brag that shutting down the govt was an accomplishement. Which is why bs like this flies in the gop.
you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

There are no far leftys out there. Bernie Sanders is as close to far left as it gets, and he has little chance, considering how far to the right the country has become. Even Obama. Moderate democrat.

That may be changing. No one saw this coming either:
Seattle's Socialist councilwoman to accept less than half of $117K salary - U.S. News

Raises a couple of questions and an observation.
How come Seattle city council members make $117K? Is it a full-time job? Do you consider her gesture to donate more than half of her salary a good PR move?

Maybe politicians of other parties might want to consider a similar gesture.
There are no far leftys out there. Bernie Sanders is as close to far left as it gets, and he has little chance, considering how far to the right the country has become. Even Obama. Moderate democrat.

That may be changing. No one saw this coming either:
Seattle's Socialist councilwoman to accept less than half of $117K salary - U.S. News

Raises a couple of questions and an observation.
How come Seattle city council members make $117K? Is it a full-time job? Do you consider her gesture to donate more than half of her salary a good PR move?

Maybe politicians of other parties might want to consider a similar gesture.

I know, right? Why do they make 117K? Because they can. When I first heard about it, my initial thought was that was an excellent PR move. But what she did was say that this is what she needed to live on and this is where the rest of it is going and it was a "I can and I will" move.

However, the Seattle Mayor Ed Murray (D) raised the city worker's wages to $15/hour 3 days into his new job. Sawant campaigned on raising the minimum wage to $15.
Look guys....I now this <fill in Democratic candidate> never accomplished anything goes over big in the conservative echo chamber but it is not winning you votes

Want to try the empty chair gag again in 2016?

I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....

Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

sorry, winger. but its true, they haven't accomplished anything. BTW, obamacare is NOT an accomplishment--it is a financial disaster that is hurting the exact people it was suppposed to help.

how is passing a shitty bill that will hurt almost all americans an "accomplishment" ?

little Mary Landrieu our local D senator is running from obamacare like a scalded ass ape. She was one of the ones that took a bribe to vote for it--------she is history.
I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....

Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

Well, the tea party would like to brag that shutting down the govt was an accomplishement. Which is why bs like this flies in the gop.

obama shut down the govt, a few members of the house could never gain the power to do that.

please stop the lies, you might gain some credibility
I think it's sort of a baseless charge led by the RW talking heads ... who are white male misogynists: beck, rushbo, etc. It appeals to the base(ist).

"Hillary would be nothing without Bill." Which is perhaps true, but Slick hasn't been potus for going on 16 years .....

Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

sorry, winger. but its true, they haven't accomplished anything. BTW, obamacare is NOT an accomplishment--it is a financial disaster that is hurting the exact people it was suppposed to help.

how is passing a shitty bill that will hurt almost all americans an "accomplishment" ?

little Mary Landrieu our local D senator is running from obamacare like a scalded ass ape. She was one of the ones that took a bribe to vote for it--------she is history.

I know, I know, you are conservative and can never acknowledge Obamacare is working. But cheer up, there are still those claiming Social Security doesnt work

Obamacare will be here for generations to come. It will evolve and get better over time

To quote Joe Biden......it is a big fucking deal
Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

sorry, winger. but its true, they haven't accomplished anything. BTW, obamacare is NOT an accomplishment--it is a financial disaster that is hurting the exact people it was suppposed to help.

how is passing a shitty bill that will hurt almost all americans an "accomplishment" ?

little Mary Landrieu our local D senator is running from obamacare like a scalded ass ape. She was one of the ones that took a bribe to vote for it--------she is history.

I know, I know, you are conservative and can never acknowledge Obamacare is working. But cheer up, there are still those claiming Social Security doesnt work

Obamacare will be here for generations to come. It will evolve and get better over time

To quote Joe Biden......it is a big fucking deal

Its not working, the CBO says that there will be just as many uninsured after full implementation of ACA as there were before it was passed. Everyone will be paying more than they are today (those who actually pay, that is). Those who pay will be paying for those who do not, just like before. But, we now have to also pay for thousands of govt beauocrats that will get betwen you and your doctor and determine what treatment you can have.

there are two good things in the ACA bill. insurance companies must take you with preexisting conditions and there are no lifetime maximum payments-----------the rest of the law is bullshit and socialism.
Republicans keep trying the Obama/Hillary never accomplished anything meme in a lame attempt to downplay their credibility

But the sad fact for Republicans is that Democrats have had accomplishments in the last five years. Republicans may not like them, but they are there

It is Republicans who have not accomplished anything in the last five years (I don't think they want to brag about shutting down the government)

Well, the tea party would like to brag that shutting down the govt was an accomplishement. Which is why bs like this flies in the gop.

obama shut down the govt, a few members of the house could never gain the power to do that.

please stop the lies, you might gain some credibility

yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.
2020 ACA is fully in place.

RW goes to the doctor, his knee is hurting. The doc calls the ACA administrator assigned to his practice, he gets a call back in two weeks. He says that RW need a knee x-ray and an MRI. He waits a month before he hears back. the x-ray is authorized but the MRI is considered unnecessary. Remember, these decisions are being made by a GS 9 looking at a 500 page manual.

The x-rays show that RW probably needs a knee replacement, but there is no MRI to confirm it.

the doc sends the info and asks for approval for a knee replacement. 30 days later he gets a message that because there is no MRI confirmation the operation cannot be authorized.

RW lives the rest of his life on crutches and dies with knee pain.

But rejoice, we have FREE medical care.
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Well, the tea party would like to brag that shutting down the govt was an accomplishement. Which is why bs like this flies in the gop.

obama shut down the govt, a few members of the house could never gain the power to do that.

please stop the lies, you might gain some credibility

yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.

No one in congress, or even everyone in congress, has the power to shut down the govt. only the president has that power and he did it rather that try to find a compromise on a budget deal.

Clinton was able to work a budget deal with a GOP controlled congress------why was obama unable to ?
2020 ACA is fully in place.

RW goes to the doctor, his knee is hurting. The doc calls the ACA administrator assigned to his practice, he get a call back in two weeks. He says that RW need a knee x-ray and an MRI. He waits a month before he hears back. the x-ray is authorized but the MRI is considered unnecessary. Remember, these decisions are being made by a GS 9 looking at a 500 page manual.

The x-rays show that RW probably needs a knee replacement, but there is no MRI to confirm it.

the doc sends the info and asks for approval for a knee replacement. 30 days later he gets a message that because there is no MRI confirmation the operation cannot be authorized.

RW lives the rest of his life on crutches and dies with knee pain.

But rejoice, we have FREE medical care.
Hmmmmm....did you make that up yourself?
obama shut down the govt, a few members of the house could never gain the power to do that.

please stop the lies, you might gain some credibility

yeah, I heard Obama brought down the twin towers, too.
Talk about losing credibility.....

There is a lot to complain about with this POTUS - legitimately. When you try to heap on a bunch of BS all that happens is that you allow him and his folks to brush aside legitimate complaints with "oh, there they go again. These folks will complain about ANYTHING."

You are helping them avoid accountability.

No one in congress, or even everyone in congress, has the power to shut down the govt. only the president has that power and he did it rather that try to find a compromise on a budget deal.

Clinton was able to work a budget deal with a GOP controlled congress------why was obama unable to ?

Damn.....you are just making stuff up as you go along on this thread

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