Hillary's Hope

I don't think that the GOP has anyone that can match Hillary in any debates. She will shut them down so hard and so fast that it would be almost popcorn buying fun for the entire family to watch that go down.

I keep saying it but these elections will revolve around the individual that will be able to respond to the needs of the people.
This is the one that people keep trying to dismiss and that is a mistake:
Bernie Sanders: ?I Am Prepared to Run for President of the United States? | The Nation

LOL, a head of cabbage could beat her in a debate. just let her screech and rant.

She'd be the best Republican President we ever had. But, ya....let's hope you're right because that's all you have to run.....heads of cabbage.
Well, that was fun.
please dems, run the old, dried up, tired, corrupt, arrogant bitch. after all , its her turn. she can be your McCain and Dole.

maybe one of her campaign ads can show her doing her fake black accent at the black church "ah aint no ways tarred" love it! can't wait!

You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?
I believe that even a large number of female voters realize that Hilary’s best chances were in ’08. The Democrats went with Obama and that turned out to be a rousing success (whatever your view of his presidential terms are, the campaign was great). I think she had her chance and lost and it is time to accept that she needs to move on.

you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:
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this is what I see when you post pantyhose, your posts are not worthy of being read. move to some idiot friendly left wing forum where you can find more idiots like yourself. you are of no value on this one.
I know how it works little man. I wasn't posting to you.
please dems, run the old, dried up, tired, corrupt, arrogant bitch. after all , its her turn. she can be your McCain and Dole.

maybe one of her campaign ads can show her doing her fake black accent at the black church "ah aint no ways tarred" love it! can't wait!

You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

we will see Norton. you dems really need to put the old bitch out to pasture, her time is past, she has way too much baggage. there are so many clips of her making a fool of herself, the RNC will have a field day making ads.

And that is your problem

Republicans just do not know any better. They will run their textbook anti-Hillary attacks of Benghazi and blowjobs and then pile on with the old hag jokes

Americans do not want that from a President. Let them draw their own conclusions on Hillarys age. Come off as mean and petty and you will drive the voters away
Under normal circumstances after eight years of a Democratic President, the voters would be turning towards a Republican

However, these are not normal circumstances. After eight years of a Republican temper tantrum, I doubt if voters are ready to reward them with the White House
They've grown tired of the right-wing crybabies.
please dems, run the old, dried up, tired, corrupt, arrogant bitch. after all , its her turn. she can be your McCain and Dole.

maybe one of her campaign ads can show her doing her fake black accent at the black church "ah aint no ways tarred" love it! can't wait!

You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

first thing you need to do is stop listening to the media lies.

did you happen to look at Rand Paul's audience at CPAC? very young, very multicultural and multi racial.

the young people in this country want their chance, they want the debt to stop growing, they want economic freedom.

the left wing media is lying to you, open your eyes and see what is really going on.
please dems, run the old, dried up, tired, corrupt, arrogant bitch. after all , its her turn. she can be your McCain and Dole.

maybe one of her campaign ads can show her doing her fake black accent at the black church "ah aint no ways tarred" love it! can't wait!

You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

No one was even imagining Bush Jr in 2007. It looked like an open road for Gore.
I believe that even a large number of female voters realize that Hilary’s best chances were in ’08. The Democrats went with Obama and that turned out to be a rousing success (whatever your view of his presidential terms are, the campaign was great). I think she had her chance and lost and it is time to accept that she needs to move on.

you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

I remember hearing the EXACT same sentiments ..... right before the GOP got their collective asses handed to 'em by a black guy named Barack.

You STILL think all you have to do is prop up a warm body and whistle your way into the White House?

I sincerely hope the GOP LEARNS from mistakes and doesn't just keep repeating the same ones over and over and over and ....
please dems, run the old, dried up, tired, corrupt, arrogant bitch. after all , its her turn. she can be your McCain and Dole.

maybe one of her campaign ads can show her doing her fake black accent at the black church "ah aint no ways tarred" love it! can't wait!

You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary
well, Ayn Paul is running an elitist campaign aimed at an educated few. If you thing the gop's gonna embrace gay rights, immigrant rights, the gold standard and getting our troops out of Europe, I have bad news.
You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

we will see Norton. you dems really need to put the old bitch out to pasture, her time is past, she has way too much baggage. there are so many clips of her making a fool of herself, the RNC will have a field day making ads.

And that is your problem

Republicans just do not know any better. They will run their textbook anti-Hillary attacks of Benghazi and blowjobs and then pile on with the old hag jokes

Americans do not want that from a President. Let them draw their own conclusions on Hillarys age. Come off as mean and petty and you will drive the voters away

there will be some negative ads, because negative ads work. But I do agree that the GOP needs a positive message that will appeal to all ages, races, and income levels. They have it now, just need an effective messenger. Someone will step up and it may not be one of the ones currently in the lead.

liberalism in this country is dead. we tried it and it failed. our young see that, the old know that, and those in their working years see it more than anyone else.
I don't see Hillary as that exciting a candidate. She is stale and her best days are behind her

But I don't see any way for Republicans to beat her

I think there really will be a pretty large block who will get excited about the chance to elect the first woman president. Excited about Hillary - no, I don't think so myself. But excited about electing a woman - oh yeah.

To a certain extent yes.....she will get the buzz of being the first woman candidate for President

But the bigger issue will be Republicans once again shooting themselves in the foot by screaming Benghazi, Blowjobs and Whitewater

And it gets better as Republicans try to sell....Hillary never accomplished anything as they run a candidate from their clown car

What has she ever accomplished?
Voters are stupid. Electing Barry twice was so incredible that the expression, "That can't happen!" can never be said again with respect to a U.S. Presidential election.

But having said that, I have posed the question here and elsewhere, both verbally and in writing, "What has Hillary every accomplished?"

As First Lady?

As carpetbagging Senator from NY?

As Secretary of State?

A liberal commentator has answered all your questions here: Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Although her major initiative, the Clinton health care plan failed, it certainly set the groundwork for the health care law we have today, the Affordable Care Act. And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

Canned GOP response: "Remember when she said she was dodging bullets?"

As a U.S. senator, she was the first first lady to be elected to this office. She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.

After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

Canned GOP response: "Benghaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiii!"

Her signature accomplish is Benghazi, but what difference does that make to you?

Oh, she's not getting the nomination so this is all moot anyway
You might be right if Republicans can counter Hillary with a young dynamic candidate who is not an outright prick

I don't think you can do it

How's the gop gonna capture the young vote while defending BustertheBaker's right not to bake a cake, and making sure some latino who's been working here for ten years can't become a citizen? I admit that at least some of the gop's economic message from guys like Paul Ryan (not Ayn Paul) might have a trajectory, but how the fck can we get past the RW nutters culture wars?

I really think a Republican candidate needs to be able to stand up and tell the Rush Limbaugh/Fox Nation/Glenn Beck crowd that he is not that kind of Republican
Their candidate needs to redefine himself as the next generation Republican

That candidate could beat Hillary

sounds like you want the GOP to run a democrat. you have no idea how many americans agree with Rush, Glenn, and Levin. As to Fox, your problem with them is that they present both sides and your side always loses when both sides are heard.
I believe that even a large number of female voters realize that Hilary’s best chances were in ’08. The Democrats went with Obama and that turned out to be a rousing success (whatever your view of his presidential terms are, the campaign was great). I think she had her chance and lost and it is time to accept that she needs to move on.

you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

There are no far leftys out there. Bernie Sanders is as close to far left as it gets, and he has little chance, considering how far to the right the country has become. Even Obama. Moderate democrat.
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Voters are stupid. Electing Barry twice was so incredible that the expression, "That can't happen!" can never be said again with respect to a U.S. Presidential election.

But having said that, I have posed the question here and elsewhere, both verbally and in writing, "What has Hillary every accomplished?"

As First Lady?

As carpetbagging Senator from NY?

As Secretary of State?

A liberal commentator has answered all your questions here: Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Canned GOP response: "Remember when she said she was dodging bullets?"

As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya.

Canned GOP response: "Benghaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiiii!"

Her signature accomplish is Benghazi, but what difference does that make to you?

Oh, she's not getting the nomination so this is all moot anyway

I think you are right, I don't think even the DNC is dumb enough to run her, but they may have no choice--------she is their McCain and Dole in a pantsuit. what a joke.
I think there really will be a pretty large block who will get excited about the chance to elect the first woman president. Excited about Hillary - no, I don't think so myself. But excited about electing a woman - oh yeah.

To a certain extent yes.....she will get the buzz of being the first woman candidate for President

But the bigger issue will be Republicans once again shooting themselves in the foot by screaming Benghazi, Blowjobs and Whitewater

And it gets better as Republicans try to sell....Hillary never accomplished anything as they run a candidate from their clown car

What has she ever accomplished?

I believe that even a large number of female voters realize that Hilary’s best chances were in ’08. The Democrats went with Obama and that turned out to be a rousing success (whatever your view of his presidential terms are, the campaign was great). I think she had her chance and lost and it is time to accept that she needs to move on.

you have it right. got any dem candidates that are not far left loons? Biden? :lol:

There are no far leftys out there other than Bernie Sanders.

what are Pelosi, reid, biden, schumer, franken, landrieu, jackson-lee, rangel, dingle. you have plenty of far lefties---------all idiots, but far left.
To a certain extent yes.....she will get the buzz of being the first woman candidate for President

But the bigger issue will be Republicans once again shooting themselves in the foot by screaming Benghazi, Blowjobs and Whitewater

And it gets better as Republicans try to sell....Hillary never accomplished anything as they run a candidate from their clown car

What has she ever accomplished?


translation = she has never accomplished anything, but I can post a pic of a guy beating a dead horse.

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