Hillary's Pardon

Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

It is not "absolute". The actual wording in the constitution is "he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment". So as you can see, it already stipulates an exception for impeachment (not treason as you claim), so it is not "absolute". The President does not have the power to pardon non-Federal crimes, for example.

Yeah, he can't stop an Impeachment, but he can pardon any crimes committed by the impeached person.

Are There Limits to Presidential Pardons?

The power to pardon comes from Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which gives the president "Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States." While the Supreme Court has interpreted the power broadly -- "It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment" -- it is limited to those offenses falling under the jurisdiction of the pardoning official. Therefore, Mr. Obama has the authority to issue pardons for federal crimes. -

Supreme Courts change. :up:
Hillary is home free: Obama can pardon her for anything except Treason, and Trump has said she won't be prosecuted.

No SCOTUS would rule on the Presidential pardon power: separation of powers.

The Constitution is quite clear on this, even if the hate HRC crowd ain't.
Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

It is not "absolute". The actual wording in the constitution is "he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment". So as you can see, it already stipulates an exception for impeachment (not treason as you claim), so it is not "absolute". The President does not have the power to pardon non-Federal crimes, for example.

Yeah, he can't stop an Impeachment, but he can pardon any crimes committed by the impeached person.

Are There Limits to Presidential Pardons?

The power to pardon comes from Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which gives the president "Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States." While the Supreme Court has interpreted the power broadly -- "It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment" -- it is limited to those offenses falling under the jurisdiction of the pardoning official. Therefore, Mr. Obama has the authority to issue pardons for federal crimes. -

Supreme Courts change. :up:

Stare Decisis :dunno:
Hillary is home free: Obama can pardon her for anything except Treason, and Trump has said she won't be prosecuted.

No SCOTUS would rule on the Presidential pardon power: separation of powers.

The Constitution is quite clear on this, even if the hate HRC crowd ain't.

Trump didn't exactly say that.

He left himself an opening to go after her. I suggest you look at it.

the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief and Ubercunt are both lawyers so they know it better than I do.

I think he pardons her. I could be wrong, but I think he does.
Hillary is home free: Obama can pardon her for anything except Treason, and Trump has said she won't be prosecuted.

No SCOTUS would rule on the Presidential pardon power: separation of powers.

The Constitution is quite clear on this, even if the hate HRC crowd ain't.

Trump didn't exactly say that.

He left himself an opening to go after her. I suggest you look at it.

the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief and Ubercunt are both lawyers so they know it better than I do.

I think he pardons her. I could be wrong, but I think he does.
Trump certainly meant it, and you know it. He won't go after her: nothing in it for him politically - he already has the Hate Hillary Crowd, so why alienate others?

I don't think he pardons her, but I could be wrong.
Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

If there are no charges, what is he pardoning?

Can POTUS pardon an infant for briggandage?
Dear Col. Anus, did you mean brigandage? If that is the case, only if the infant uses a weapon...

No, I meant it with 2 "g"s. Sorry if the extra G threw you off. Thanks for the spelling lesson. I didn't mean to confuse you.

How does one get pardoned for a crime they are not charged with?
Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

If there are no charges, what is he pardoning?

Can POTUS pardon an infant for briggandage?
Dear Col. Anus, did you mean brigandage? If that is the case, only if the infant uses a weapon...

No, I meant it with 2 "g"s. Sorry if the extra G threw you off. Thanks for the spelling lesson. I didn't mean to confuse you.

How does one get pardoned for a crime they are not charged with?
Ask your constitutional scholars. I think edgetho gave some links above.
Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

If there are no charges, what is he pardoning?

Can POTUS pardon an infant for briggandage?
Dear Col. Anus, did you mean brigandage? If that is the case, only if the infant uses a weapon...

No, I meant it with 2 "g"s. Sorry if the extra G threw you off. Thanks for the spelling lesson. I didn't mean to confuse you.

How does one get pardoned for a crime they are not charged with?
Trump certainly meant it, and you know it. He won't go after her: nothing in it for him politically - he already has the Hate Hillary Crowd, so why alienate others?

I don't think he pardons her, but I could be wrong.

He meant in the sense that it's not his decision whether to investigate and prosecute the diseased old scrunt. That is not what President's do...... Well, REAL presidents, anyway.

The FBI and his DoJ will decide on that -- Not him. And that's how it should be.

He's playing Pontius Pilate on this right now.

If you remember, Comey wasn't given a Grand Jury, he had to beg for her computers, when she was interviewed she had her own people in the room......

Janet Lynchmob rigged the system. Comey never had a chance.

Sessions will.

Will he go after the criminal scumbag bitch?

Hops so. But you and I won't know it until all of the sudden, in two years, she's arrested.

And it really, honest to God, isn't political partisanship on my part. The entire Clinton machine is a criminal organization.
Nope, that is not what he said or implied, Edge, but believe as you will.

She won't be prosecuted.

Have the last word, please.
Heres how it goes: tomorrow Loretta Lynch charges Hillary with perjury, treason, destruction of public property, etc.

On Thursday, Obama pardons her.

If he doesn't and let's Trump prosecute her, she can always spill the beans on Obama's creation and promotion of ISIS
Trump already said that he will not seek to prosecute and Sessions said he will recuse himself..Damn, isn't that a bummer for you blood hounds?

No one is telling Trey Gowdy to stop.
Heres how it goes: tomorrow Loretta Lynch charges Hillary with perjury, treason, destruction of public property, etc.

On Thursday, Obama pardons her.

If he doesn't and let's Trump prosecute her, she can always spill the beans on Obama's creation and promotion of ISIS
Trump already said that he is not going to prosecute her. She did not commit any crimes.
I'd bet dollars to donuts Barry doesn't pardon her. The Obama/Clinton nice-nice over the years has all been political, for the cameras and whatnot IMO.

Bill's "he'd be getting us coffee" comment to Teddy Kennedy told Barry all he needed to know about slick Willie and his Mrs., so this could be his ultimate payback to the both of them. And Barry's got a simple out, "She said she didn't do anything wrong and I believed her, so I didn't think there was a need to issue a pardon."

Time will tell...
Heres how it goes: tomorrow Loretta Lynch charges Hillary with perjury, treason, destruction of public property, etc.

On Thursday, Obama pardons her.

If he doesn't and let's Trump prosecute her, she can always spill the beans on Obama's creation and promotion of ISIS

It's not Hillary who's going to be needing a pardon in the days to come...

me thinks it will be President Pence handing out the pardons... or President Ryan depending on how high up the Russian things goes...
I'd bet dollars to donuts Barry doesn't pardon her. The Obama/Clinton nice-nice over the years has all been political, for the cameras and whatnot IMO.

Bill's "he'd be getting us coffee" comment to Teddy Kennedy told Barry all he needed to know about slick Willie and his Mrs., so this could be his ultimate payback to the both of them. And Barry's got a simple out, "She said she didn't do anything wrong and I believed her, so I didn't think there was a need to issue a pardon."

Time will tell...

I know. But if she's charged she can testify against Obama.

"Yes, Barack called me personally and told me he was going to order the stand down to get units to Benghazi to stop the attack. I was surprised to learn that he was going to let the Consulate get overrun because he didn't want anyone to find out that he was using the Consulate to supply arms to Al Qaeda and ISIS" -- HRC Deposition
The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

The president can only pardon those convicted of federal crimes, not state crimes. So if Hilly and Billy were to knock over a gas station, Barry couldn't pardon them.
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Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

The President's right to Pardon is absolute.


Except for Treason. Anything else....? Can't be challenged

The president can only pardon those convicted of federal crimes, not state crimes. So if Hilly and Billy were to knock over a gas station, Barry couldn't pardon them.
. . . which is not the point of Obama pardoning HRC.

If you have HRC robbing a convenience store or any other state crime, let us know.
Obama can give her pardon for anything without a charge or indictment, etc.

He could, but it would be completely invalid. There are no specific charges at this time, much less has she been convicted.

Not True.

Yes, a president can pardon someone for crimes he/she has never been convicted or even accused of. That is exactly what Gerald Ford did to Richard Nixon in September 8, 1974.
Ford’s pardon ended any possibility of Nixon being prosecuted criminally. It covered more than obstruction of justice, however. It excused Nixon for "all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in" during the period from January 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974. In short, Ford’s pardon covered any crimes Nixon may have committed between the time he was sworn in for his first term and the day he resigned.

Blanket Pardons

Nor was this the first such pardon.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

In the cited case Garland, an attorney took part in a rebellion against the United States Government. Congress passed a law on January 24th, 1865, which specified that no one would be allowed to practice law unless first taking an oath swearing, essentially, that he had never participated in any action against the United States. On July of 1875, Garland received a blanket pardon from President. Andrew Johnson and attempted to resume his legal practice. However he was denied because he could not take the oath required the act of January 24, 1865. Garland appealed to the Supreme Court and the following are excerpts from that case:

“The power [to pardon] thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.”

“The pardon produced by the petitioner is a full pardon 'for all offences by him committed, arising from participation, direct or implied, in the Rebellion,' and is subject to certain conditions which have been complied with. The effect of this pardon is to relieve the petitioner from all penalties and disabilities attached to the offence of treason, committed by his participation in the Rebellion. So far as that offence is concerned, he is thus placed beyond the reach of punishment of any kind. But to exclude him, by reason of that offence, from continuing in the enjoyment of a previously acquired right is to enforce a punishment for that offence notwithstanding the pardon. If such exclusion can be effected by the exaction of an expurgatory oath covering the offence, the pardon may be avoided, and that accomplished indirectly which cannot be reached by direct legislation. It is not within the constitutional power of Congress thus to inflict punishment beyond the reach of executive clemency. From the petitioner, therefore, the oath required by the act of January 24th, 1865, could not be exacted even if that act were not subject to any other objection than the one thus stated.”

“It follows, from the views expressed, that the prayer of the petitioner must be granted.”

Ex Parte Garland

Just because Ford did a blanket pardon, does not mean it was legit. It was never challenged in the courts. The Feds could had proceeded to charge Nixon. They saw no sense in doing so because any conviction would had been pardoned by Ford, not to mention there was probably no evidence that Nixon himself ever did anything illegal. But Ford would had most certainly had to issue another pardon after any conviction.

It will be funny though, if Obama does issue a pardon and Hillary accepts it. It will validate everything we'd said about her.

You are wrong.

The issue has already been ruled upon by the highest court in the land. Either you have not read what I posted or you did not understand it. I will repeat what the United States Supreme Court said in the historic Garland case I gave you:

“The power [to pardon] thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.”

If Hillary Clinton is granted a pardon, that pardon will have the full force and effect of law.
Unless conditions were attached to the pardon, prosecution would be forever barred. The fact that she was not convicted or even charged with any crimes is immaterial. I have no idea where you got your information but it is not from a reliable source.

You have the last word. I've done my best to inform you and can do no more.

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