Hillary's team came up with the cover phrase "Marked Classified"

Would those be the "top secret", "highly classified" Massachusetts e-mails, Joey? No Democrat made a big deal about because A) IT DIDN'T INVOLVE CLASSIFIED MATERIALS!!! and B) BECAUSE ROMNEY DIDN'T USE HIS OFFICE TO ENRICH HIMSELF!!!

Joe Soptic's Wife would disagree, except she's dead.

But, no, guy, the thing is, you guys didn't care when it was Colin Powell or Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney treating their emails as private.

But Hillary makes hers available, and you are desperately scrounging to find a mention of a program discussed in the press that some bureaucrat marked as "classified".

Let's take that wayback machine to when Half the Bush cabinet was implicated in outing Valerie Plame. Do you know what their excuse was? That eveyrone ALREADY knew who Valerie Plame was, her name was in the public domain. And to a degree they were right.

So the argument is that Hillary's e-mail mentions things that are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, like we are drone-striking the shit out of middle east. But someone decided that was "classified". So was what that foreign leader said with 100 members of his press corps present.

This is bullshit, and you know it's bullshit.

But if I just had my nominating process hijacked by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, I'd be hoping the other team doesn't show up, too.

:spinner:Whheeeeeeee... SPIN SPIN SPIN!

.. the thing is, you guys didn't care when it was Colin Powell or Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney treating their emails as private.

I'm concerned when ANY Federal government official is keeping ANY classified documents on their personal servers. I also have a problem with a federal official instructing subordinates on how to bypass built-in security safeguards to prevent transferring sensitive material electronically.
To a "degree" they were right? Dude, Valerie Plame's husband was introducing his wife to people at Washington cocktail parties and telling them she worked for the CIA! She didn't get "outed" by anyone! That was always a crock of shit and remains a crock of shit.

Doesn't matter. Technically, Rove and Libby and Armitage broke the law when THEY said she was a CIA employee.

It doesn't matter that her husband outed her.

Except even Patrick Fitzgerald knew he couldn't get a conviction on such a ridiculous story. So he got a bunch of Democratic voters to convict Scooter of not remembering his conversation with Russert the way Russert remembered them.

So that brings us back to Hillary. It appears the "Secret" content is stuff that was reported in the media- statements by foreign leaders and the drone program - that some bureaucrat classified as "secret", when it wasn't really a secret.

As for what is in Hillary's e-mails? SHE is the one who flagrantly broke the rules that she signed off on when she became Secretary of State. SHE knew that she wasn't supposed to be conducting official State Department business through a private server! She did so anyways. SHE knew she wasn't supposed to be sending classified information through a private server! She did so anyways.

Except everyone at the time knew she had a private server just like Colin Powell did and no one cared. But not having learned from the "lied about a blow job" experience, you guys are flailing about trying to convince regular people this is a big deal.
I'm concerned when ANY Federal government official is keeping ANY classified documents on their personal servers. I also have a problem with a federal official instructing subordinates on how to bypass built-in security safeguards to prevent transferring sensitive material electronically.

Why? How does that effect your life in any way?

Frankly, I want to know what Jeb Bush was saying in his e-mails before he signed off on 21 executions. I want to know what Mitt Romney was thinking when he created the Beta Version of ObamaCare. I really want to know what Colin Powell was talking to people about when he was advocating for a war he and his staff knew was over a lie.

Glass HOuses, buddy. Glass Houses.
Hillary kept those emails on her private server so to avoid FOIA laws

Hillary kept those emails on her private server so to avoid FOIA laws


so what if she did?

Again, I really, really would love to see Colin Powell's missing e-mails from the run-up to the Iraq War. But he deleted them all from his private server when Congress asked for them.

Hillary has handed over her e-mails. Now you guys are trying to claim something was "marked classified" because it was on a different server at one point.

again, you guys keep shifting the target on what it was she supposedly did wrong. Eventually, people are going to start feeling sorry for her.
Hillary kept those emails on her private server so to avoid FOIA laws


so what if she did?

Again, I really, really would love to see Colin Powell's missing e-mails from the run-up to the Iraq War. But he deleted them all from his private server when Congress asked for them.

Hillary has handed over her e-mails. Now you guys are trying to claim something was "marked classified" because it was on a different server at one point.

again, you guys keep shifting the target on what it was she supposedly did wrong. Eventually, people are going to start feeling sorry for her.

They already feel sorry for her Joe. Sorry that she stuck it out with a sexual deviant/predator rapist. Empathy has faded however, and now its evolved to disgust for her. That is why she is tanking right now against just about anyone with a pulse

Very clever. That's the mantra, isn't it? No emails "marked classified" were on Hillary's private server. Well no shit, because as anyone that has dealt with classified documents can tell you, they are never marked CLASSIFIED. They are marked Proprietary, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret or UNCLASSIFIED. So that's the ridiculous little game of words she is playing. There were no emails marked CLASSIFIED but there were many emails marked TOP SECRET and above. That should be game over, but with the Obama administration, the useless Liberal media, and a complicit Attorney General it's anyone's guess what will happen to her.
that's a lie....and you know it.

nothing was marked secret or top secret, or sensitive etc, nothing was marked with any of those classified standings...

May I ask you how they knew General Patreaus had classified documents if they aren't marked as such.
To a "degree" they were right? Dude, Valerie Plame's husband was introducing his wife to people at Washington cocktail parties and telling them she worked for the CIA! She didn't get "outed" by anyone! That was always a crock of shit and remains a crock of shit.

Doesn't matter. Technically, Rove and Libby and Armitage broke the law when THEY said she was a CIA employee.

It doesn't matter that her husband outed her.

Except even Patrick Fitzgerald knew he couldn't get a conviction on such a ridiculous story. So he got a bunch of Democratic voters to convict Scooter of not remembering his conversation with Russert the way Russert remembered them.

So that brings us back to Hillary. It appears the "Secret" content is stuff that was reported in the media- statements by foreign leaders and the drone program - that some bureaucrat classified as "secret", when it wasn't really a secret.

As for what is in Hillary's e-mails? SHE is the one who flagrantly broke the rules that she signed off on when she became Secretary of State. SHE knew that she wasn't supposed to be conducting official State Department business through a private server! She did so anyways. SHE knew she wasn't supposed to be sending classified information through a private server! She did so anyways.

Except everyone at the time knew she had a private server just like Colin Powell did and no one cared. But not having learned from the "lied about a blow job" experience, you guys are flailing about trying to convince regular people this is a big deal.

It's not against the law to expose a conniving woman who used to be a covert agent YEARS AGO but now spent her time hanging out in Washington trying to figure out a way to knee cap George W. Bush's reelection campaign and ingratiate herself and her hubby with Al Gore! Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame wrote a poison pen editorial in the New York Times shortly before the election that they THOUGHT would swing a close election to "their guy". When that effort failed they started wailing about how poor Valerie's "career" was ruined because she'd no longer be able to do covert work! The truth is that poor Valerie and poor Joe's "careers" were ruined because they'd tried to play political hard ball and failed. You don't do covert work when you've outed yourself in the world's largest newspaper...which is EXACTLY what Wilson and Plame did!

How exactly do YOU know what was secret and what was not on the TWO servers that Hillary Clinton hid in her mansion in Westchester and nobody knew about? The State Department is releasing the e-mails a few thousand at a time...just fast enough so that it isn't obvious that they're stalling but not fast enough to keep Hillary from getting the Presidency. Same thing with the FBI "investigation". You've got two Obama Administration Agencies doing every thing they can to protect Hillary Clinton because it's obvious that she's the only hope the Democrats have to win next Fall. I guarantee that the real damning e-mails won't come out until after the 2016 election. Want to take that bet?
Hillary kept those emails on her private server so to avoid FOIA laws


so what if she did?

Again, I really, really would love to see Colin Powell's missing e-mails from the run-up to the Iraq War. But he deleted them all from his private server when Congress asked for them.

Hillary has handed over her e-mails. Now you guys are trying to claim something was "marked classified" because it was on a different server at one point.

again, you guys keep shifting the target on what it was she supposedly did wrong. Eventually, people are going to start feeling sorry for her.

Colin Powell did not delete e-mails that Congress was asking for. That's a total misrepresentation of what took place. He deleted personal e-mails that he described as "benign" that were asked for by Democrats in Congress TEN YEARS later in a rather pathetic attempt to give Hillary Clinton some political cover!

Hillary hasn't "handed over" her e-mails! They were something Congressional investigators had to use legal action to obtain and only succeeded in getting Hillary to turn over some of them to the State Department. 50,000 of them she had erased by her IT guy because she didn't want Congress to see them. The only way we're seeing those (if we ever do!) is because the FBI's forensic unit is trying to pull them off Clinton's two servers hoping that her IT person botched the job!

This is a typical Clinton cover-up strategy. You deny any wrong doing took place! You stonewall the investigation for as long as you can...hiding every thing that you can! Then when your feet are held to the fire you slowly release evidence in little bits and pieces to lessen the public outrage until enough time has passed...and then you declare that the whole scandal is "old news" and it's time to move on because nobody should care! It's what Hillary does! It's what sleazy politicians DO!
They already feel sorry for her Joe. Sorry that she stuck it out with a sexual deviant/predator rapist. Empathy has faded however, and now its evolved to disgust for her. That is why she is tanking right now against just about anyone with a pulse

Maybe you should read the polls, she easily beats Trump or Cruz.
Maybe you should read the polls, she easily beats Trump or Cruz.

Too fucking bad that POLLS don't elect people.

At this point in the 1980 presidential race, Carter had a seemingly insurmountable lead over all the Republicans who still had the stench of scandal hanging over them from Watergate.

Reagan WON in a historic landslide.
Colin Powell did not delete e-mails that Congress was asking for. That's a total misrepresentation of what took place. He deleted personal e-mails that he described as "benign" that were asked for by Democrats in Congress TEN YEARS later in a rather pathetic attempt to give Hillary Clinton some political cover!

Um, no. He didn't provide them at the time after we figured out Iraq really didn't have WMD's. Point is, you can't indict Hillary without indicting Powell.

Hillary hasn't "handed over" her e-mails! They were something Congressional investigators had to use legal action to obtain and only succeeded in getting Hillary to turn over some of them to the State Department. 50,000 of them she had erased by her IT guy because she didn't want Congress to see them. The only way we're seeing those (if we ever do!) is because the FBI's forensic unit is trying to pull them off Clinton's two servers hoping that her IT person botched the job!

Hey, guy, this reminds me of last year when you insisted up and down that they were going to have the goods on Lois Lerner any day now. Except it never happened. But Im sure you can pretend that her hit on Vince Foster E-mail is somewhere out there in Cyberspace.

This is a typical Clinton cover-up strategy. You deny any wrong doing took place! You stonewall the investigation for as long as you can...hiding every thing that you can! Then when your feet are held to the fire you slowly release evidence in little bits and pieces to lessen the public outrage until enough time has passed...and then you declare that the whole scandal is "old news" and it's time to move on because nobody should care! It's what Hillary does! It's what sleazy politicians DO!

Actually, what the Clintons do is let you whackadoodles get all wrapped up until everyone figures out you are nuts.

Do you know what the smartest thing George W. Bush did was? He stopped talking about the Clintons.
Too fucking bad that POLLS don't elect people.

At this point in the 1980 presidential race, Carter had a seemingly insurmountable lead over all the Republicans who still had the stench of scandal hanging over them from Watergate.

Reagan WON in a historic landslide.

50% isn't a landslide, guy. John Anderson split the vote on Carter. But I'm not talking about what MIGHT happen. Your side has two candidates your rank and file HATES. I'd be worried about whose standing behind you thanin front of you.

I was refuting Goats stupidity that this supposed scandal has brought Hillary down, when if the election were held today, she's win.
It's not against the law to expose a conniving woman who used to be a covert agent YEARS AGO but now spent her time hanging out in Washington trying to figure out a way to knee cap George W. Bush's reelection campaign and ingratiate herself and her hubby with Al Gore! Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame wrote a poison pen editorial in the New York Times shortly before the election that they THOUGHT would swing a close election to "their guy". When that effort failed they started wailing about how poor Valerie's "career" was ruined because she'd no longer be able to do covert work! The truth is that poor Valerie and poor Joe's "careers" were ruined because they'd tried to play political hard ball and failed. You don't do covert work when you've outed yourself in the world's largest newspaper...which is EXACTLY what Wilson and Plame did!

So essentially, you aren't interested in the "Letter of the Law" when you can make excuses. The letter of the law is that if you release her name with what she did, that's a violation of the Covert Operatives Law.

Now, you are right, sensible people would see they were public people despite what the Intelligence Community was claiming.

Just like sensible people would realize the texts of public speeches or reports on drone strikes that were reported in the media aren't "Classified secrets".

How exactly do YOU know what was secret and what was not on the TWO servers that Hillary Clinton hid in her mansion in Westchester and nobody knew about? The State Department is releasing the e-mails a few thousand at a time...just fast enough so that it isn't obvious that they're stalling but not fast enough to keep Hillary from getting the Presidency. Same thing with the FBI "investigation". You've got two Obama Administration Agencies doing every thing they can to protect Hillary Clinton because it's obvious that she's the only hope the Democrats have to win next Fall. I guarantee that the real damning e-mails won't come out until after the 2016 election. Want to take that bet?

I don't think there are any "damning" e-mails. I mean, shit, guy between Snowden and Manning, does the government actually have any "real " secrets at this point?

It's kind of like when you huff and puff about "Subornation of Perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice", and sensible people say, "Dude, it was just a fucking blow job!"
Colin Powell did not delete e-mails that Congress was asking for. That's a total misrepresentation of what took place. He deleted personal e-mails that he described as "benign" that were asked for by Democrats in Congress TEN YEARS later in a rather pathetic attempt to give Hillary Clinton some political cover!

Um, no. He didn't provide them at the time after we figured out Iraq really didn't have WMD's. Point is, you can't indict Hillary without indicting Powell.

Hillary hasn't "handed over" her e-mails! They were something Congressional investigators had to use legal action to obtain and only succeeded in getting Hillary to turn over some of them to the State Department. 50,000 of them she had erased by her IT guy because she didn't want Congress to see them. The only way we're seeing those (if we ever do!) is because the FBI's forensic unit is trying to pull them off Clinton's two servers hoping that her IT person botched the job!

Hey, guy, this reminds me of last year when you insisted up and down that they were going to have the goods on Lois Lerner any day now. Except it never happened. But Im sure you can pretend that her hit on Vince Foster E-mail is somewhere out there in Cyberspace.

This is a typical Clinton cover-up strategy. You deny any wrong doing took place! You stonewall the investigation for as long as you can...hiding every thing that you can! Then when your feet are held to the fire you slowly release evidence in little bits and pieces to lessen the public outrage until enough time has passed...and then you declare that the whole scandal is "old news" and it's time to move on because nobody should care! It's what Hillary does! It's what sleazy politicians DO!

Actually, what the Clintons do is let you whackadoodles get all wrapped up until everyone figures out you are nuts.

Do you know what the smartest thing George W. Bush did was? He stopped talking about the Clintons.

When did I ever predict that they would have the "goods" on Lois Lerner any day now? Lerner took the 5th, took her pension and ran for the hills. The new Commissioner appointed by Barry then showed WHY he was appointed by turning the subsequent investigation into a farce. Admit it, the Obama Justice Department investigated the IRS scandal with the same "fervor" that they investigated the Benghazi attack which is to say that they did as little as possible.
It's not against the law to expose a conniving woman who used to be a covert agent YEARS AGO but now spent her time hanging out in Washington trying to figure out a way to knee cap George W. Bush's reelection campaign and ingratiate herself and her hubby with Al Gore! Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame wrote a poison pen editorial in the New York Times shortly before the election that they THOUGHT would swing a close election to "their guy". When that effort failed they started wailing about how poor Valerie's "career" was ruined because she'd no longer be able to do covert work! The truth is that poor Valerie and poor Joe's "careers" were ruined because they'd tried to play political hard ball and failed. You don't do covert work when you've outed yourself in the world's largest newspaper...which is EXACTLY what Wilson and Plame did!

So essentially, you aren't interested in the "Letter of the Law" when you can make excuses. The letter of the law is that if you release her name with what she did, that's a violation of the Covert Operatives Law.

Now, you are right, sensible people would see they were public people despite what the Intelligence Community was claiming.

Just like sensible people would realize the texts of public speeches or reports on drone strikes that were reported in the media aren't "Classified secrets".

How exactly do YOU know what was secret and what was not on the TWO servers that Hillary Clinton hid in her mansion in Westchester and nobody knew about? The State Department is releasing the e-mails a few thousand at a time...just fast enough so that it isn't obvious that they're stalling but not fast enough to keep Hillary from getting the Presidency. Same thing with the FBI "investigation". You've got two Obama Administration Agencies doing every thing they can to protect Hillary Clinton because it's obvious that she's the only hope the Democrats have to win next Fall. I guarantee that the real damning e-mails won't come out until after the 2016 election. Want to take that bet?

I don't think there are any "damning" e-mails. I mean, shit, guy between Snowden and Manning, does the government actually have any "real " secrets at this point?

It's kind of like when you huff and puff about "Subornation of Perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice", and sensible people say, "Dude, it was just a fucking blow job!"

Government officials aren't supposed to have secrets from Congress, Joey...that's the whole idea! They are supposed to conduct official government business on government servers so that Congress does know what's going on! Hillary deliberately defied that law because she wanted to operate in secret.

Bill Clinton's long history of work place exploitation of women isn't "just a fucking blow job"...it's a pattern of using the power of his office to exploit women and a matching pattern of smearing the reputation of any woman who dared call him on it.
Too fucking bad that POLLS don't elect people.

At this point in the 1980 presidential race, Carter had a seemingly insurmountable lead over all the Republicans who still had the stench of scandal hanging over them from Watergate.

Reagan WON in a historic landslide.

50% isn't a landslide, guy. John Anderson split the vote on Carter. But I'm not talking about what MIGHT happen. Your side has two candidates your rank and file HATES. I'd be worried about whose standing behind you thanin front of you.

I was refuting Goats stupidity that this supposed scandal has brought Hillary down, when if the election were held today, she's win.

Highest number of electoral votes ever won by a non-incumbent presidential candidate.
I don't think there are any "damning" e-mails. I mean, shit, guy between Snowden and Manning, does the government actually have any "real " secrets at this point?

"At this point, what difference does it make?" :dunno:
she turned the server over on Aug 13 ... 5 months ago.

if they haven't found anything by now logic says they found nothing .. it took Gowdy 9 investigations to find nothing.

Just admit it ladies, you hate anything Clinton.
i think they have worn out their Washington welcome.
When did I ever predict that they would have the "goods" on Lois Lerner any day now? Lerner took the 5th, took her pension and ran for the hills. The new Commissioner appointed by Barry then showed WHY he was appointed by turning the subsequent investigation into a farce. Admit it, the Obama Justice Department investigated the IRS scandal with the same "fervor" that they investigated the Benghazi attack which is to say that they did as little as possible.

YOu mean they didn't come up with the result you wanted. The thing was, they investigated Lerner and Benghazi and found, 'yeah, I guess this is bad, but not criminal'.

Highest number of electoral votes ever won by a non-incumbent presidential candidate.

Wow...that's like, fucking meaningless. Probably not true, either, FDR got more.

He got 531 compared to Reagan's 489.



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