HIMARS Missile System turns out to be useless.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
You wonder if you blinked and missed NATOs proxy counter offensive in Khazaria
Be it from Kharkov , Kherson or Timbuktu.
No wonder that Nazi Kyiv has lost three armies and probably over 200, 000 dead whilst Russia has lost around 20-30 ,000 max (BBC)

According to leaked Pentagon documents the Ukrainian military fires on average some 13 HIMARS missiles per day. Over the last two months the Russian clobber report listed an average of 6 HIMARS missiles per day as eliminated by Russian air defenses. The rest of the missiles get diverted by electronic warfare measures:

n recent months, the systems have been rendered increasingly less effective by the Russians’ intensive blocking, five US, British and Ukrainian sources tell CNN, forcing US and Ukrainian officials to find ways to tweak the HIMARS’ software to counter the evolving Russian jamming efforts.
“It is a constant cat-and-mouse game” of finding a countermeasure to the jamming, a Pentagon official said, only to then have the Russians counteract that countermeasure. And it is not clear how sustainable that game is in the long term.

The HIMARS system has thereby turned out to more or less useless. The idea that such 'quality' weapons can beat the greater Russian 'quantity' of equally good weapons is, like so many, simply nonsense.
Meanwhile the drain on NATO manpower and ordnance reserves becomes critical .Russia minimises forward movement and simply obliterates wave after wave of useless Nazi attacks.

Posted by b on May 11, 2
Part of Bertrands update report at Moon of Alabama
You wonder if you blinked and missed NATOs proxy counter offensive in Khazaria
Be it from Kharkov , Kherson or Timbuktu.
No wonder that Nazi Kyiv has lost three armies and probably over 200, 000 dead whilst Russia has lost around 20-30 ,000 max (BBC)

According to leaked Pentagon documents the Ukrainian military fires on average some 13 HIMARS missiles per day. Over the last two months the Russian clobber report listed an average of 6 HIMARS missiles per day as eliminated by Russian air defenses. The rest of the missiles get diverted by electronic warfare measures:

The HIMARS system has thereby turned out to more or less useless. The idea that such 'quality' weapons can beat the greater Russian 'quantity' of equally good weapons is, like so many, simply nonsense.
Meanwhile the drain on NATO manpower and ordnance reserves becomes critical .Russia minimises forward movement and simply obliterates wave after wave of useless Nazi attacks.

Posted by b on May 11, 2
Part of Bertrands update report at Moon of Alabama
Why won’t Putin release his casualty reports?

What is he afraid of?
Maybe Ukraine should take Putin’s word that HIMARS doesn’t work and stop firing them.

Or maybe Putin is ordering his bots to spread misinformation about HIMARS because it is kicking Russias ass.
Right, that's why the Russians moved their logistics 120km from the front.

Because the HIMARS are useless, the rockets are either shot down or sent harmlessly off course. Plus they've destroyed 60 out of the 20 launchers sent to Ukraine anyway.

I guess Zelensky must be selling those GMRLS rockets we're still sending on the black market... :rolleyes:
Just to be clear, HIMARS are offensive missile systems that have proven very valuable in combat so far, as they are mobile and can fire their payload and be on their way in less than a minute.

The Patriot missile batteries are what are shooting down Russian missiles, mainly around Kyiv.

Russia continues to get its ass kicked. Film at 11:00.
Russians do have great electronic warfare systems. And they are quite effective up to a point....but then they're not. And due to the complete lack of OP-SEC of the Russians....we know that point fairly well. (Which we then relate to the Ukranians)

Which is what happens when you can't coordinate your troops and every platoon and regiment is only out for themselves.

Wagner mercs have resorted to stealing munitions from the Russians just so they can fight. That right there is all you really need to know about how well things are going.
And where I'm not going to give away the next surprise the Ukranians have for the Russians....this weakness is definitely going to be exploited.

And psssst....HIMARS aren't the only things coming....a HUGE inventory of surprises is coming.

And what are all these Russian trolls gonna do when Russia becomes bankrupt? Their economy is bleeding horribly. Just because there's food in the grocery stores doesn't mean that everything is fine. Grocery and clothes are a very small part of their economy.
I'm looking forward to the M1 Abrams getting on the battlefield. Time to get battle tested in real combat, tank versus tank.
They have been already....but they aren't exactly the same ones OUR troops use. The armor is going to be different and the electronics suite is of course going to be different....not that what we have given is bad .....not by a Longshot. But some stuff is definitely not going to Ukraine.

Besides....with all the newer anti-tank weapons produced (some are rather inexpensive too) the days of tank warfare is just about over. Tanks are a target....a huge bullseye to aim for. Then your average tank requires a lot of fuel while carrying limited shells. (Drones eh?)
Mobile artillery is better....mortars are better....don't get me wrong....I love watching a tank blast a building because I love watching stuff blow up too. But considering how many Russian tanks the Ukranians have destroyed....tanks are a very expensive magnet for munitions.
All our US Nazis are ever so upset to find out that the 40year old HIMARS are actually LOWMARS -- more US bombast and arrogance .
Some of the amateurs here want to take issue with the hard facts but the best treatment for Cognitive Rigidity is a pat on the back for poor losers whilst wishing them better luck next country.rofl .

Cannot wait to see the destruction of the outdated Abrahams tanks. Their heat signatures makes them easy to destroy .
You can see why the US never wins any of the wars it sets up .
A third world force and so soon after the Afghanistan humiliation and debacle.
All our US Nazis are ever so upset to find out that the 40year old HIMARS are actually LOWMARS -- more US bombast and arrogance .
Some of the amateurs here want to take issue with the hard facts but the best treatment for Cognitive Rigidity is a pat on the back for poor losers whilst wishing them better luck next country.rofl .

Cannot wait to see the destruction of the outdated Abrahams tanks. Their heat signatures makes them easy to destroy .
You can see why the US never wins any of the wars it sets up .
A third world force and so soon after the Afghanistan humiliation and debacle.
So Putin says he intercepts all of our HIMARS missiles
I guess we should take his word for it and stop making them

Then you loyal bots can tell Putin his misinformation worked
You can see why the US never wins any of the wars it sets up

OK …let’s compare

US launched invasions of Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq from half way around the world. Our tanks and air power swept across the country and captured the country within weeks.

Meanwhile, Russia launched an invasion at their own border against Ukraines patchwork Army. Russian tank ground to a halt within days in a massive traffic jam, out of fuel, broken down and troops foraging for food.
Ukraine drove back Russian forces who are now stagnant targets.
You wonder if you blinked and missed NATOs proxy counter offensive in Khazaria
Be it from Kharkov , Kherson or Timbuktu.
No wonder that Nazi Kyiv has lost three armies and probably over 200, 000 dead whilst Russia has lost around 20-30 ,000 max (BBC)

According to leaked Pentagon documents the Ukrainian military fires on average some 13 HIMARS missiles per day. Over the last two months the Russian clobber report listed an average of 6 HIMARS missiles per day as eliminated by Russian air defenses. The rest of the missiles get diverted by electronic warfare measures:

The HIMARS system has thereby turned out to more or less useless. The idea that such 'quality' weapons can beat the greater Russian 'quantity' of equally good weapons is, like so many, simply nonsense.
Meanwhile the drain on NATO manpower and ordnance reserves becomes critical .Russia minimises forward movement and simply obliterates wave after wave of useless Nazi attacks.

Posted by b on May 11, 2
Part of Bertrands update report at Moon of Alabama
Meh. Regardless, Russia will never be a great power, maybe even any kind of power, ever again. You will get used to the new reality eventually :itsok:
So Putin says he intercepts all of our HIMARS missiles
I guess we should take his word for it and stop making them

Then you loyal bots can tell Putin his misinformation worked
Off you go for your monthly check up .
I want you to still be hanging on as dear Uncle P and his bonny boys pulverise the next band of pensioners, women and young boys that the Coke Snorter drives to the front line .
But you don't care that you are the cause of the huge number of Ukey deaths .
So desperate for a US win of any sort .At any cost .
OK …let’s compare

US launched invasions of Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq from half way around the world. Our tanks and air power swept across the country and captured the country within weeks.

Meanwhile, Russia launched an invasion at their own border against Ukraines patchwork Army. Russian tank ground to a halt within days in a massive traffic jam, out of fuel, broken down and troops foraging for food.
Ukraine drove back Russian forces who are now stagnant targets.
Not a single success since we walked you to Berlin .
Your examples represent appalling tragedies that have wrecked whole countries, killing millions , all to show that Bully Boy America likes fighting inferior opposition . But still loses .
And now you cannot understand why you are ridiculed and have a Piss Pants President who is a laughing stock everywhere .
Not a single success since we walked you to Berlin .
Your examples represent appalling tragedies that have wrecked whole countries, killing millions , all to show that Bully Boy America likes fighting inferior opposition . But still loses .
And now you cannot understand why you are ridiculed and have a Piss Pants President who is a laughing stock everywhere .
We have an elected President, you have a dictator for life. Your entire military is a laughing stock, and has performed miserably. You rely on prisoners getting pardons to go to the front lines like cannon fodder, earning their freedom if they survive for 6 months. Most don't. Your own people are not in favor of this disastrous war in Ukraine, which has exposed your military as being completely feeble and unable to beat a bunch of civilians and old men.

But now they have been trained in more advanced weapons systems, and while still outgunned, they are holding back what people once called a "superpower".

Those days are long gone, and you are nothing but a bunch of drunks, convicts, and Muslim, state sanctioned terrorists. How the mighty have fallen.
You wonder if you blinked and missed NATOs proxy counter offensive in Khazaria
Be it from Kharkov , Kherson or Timbuktu.
No wonder that Nazi Kyiv has lost three armies and probably over 200, 000 dead whilst Russia has lost around 20-30 ,000 max (BBC)

According to leaked Pentagon documents the Ukrainian military fires on average some 13 HIMARS missiles per day. Over the last two months the Russian clobber report listed an average of 6 HIMARS missiles per day as eliminated by Russian air defenses. The rest of the missiles get diverted by electronic warfare measures:

The HIMARS system has thereby turned out to more or less useless. The idea that such 'quality' weapons can beat the greater Russian 'quantity' of equally good weapons is, like so many, simply nonsense.
Meanwhile the drain on NATO manpower and ordnance reserves becomes critical .Russia minimises forward movement and simply obliterates wave after wave of useless Nazi attacks.

Posted by b on May 11, 2
Part of Bertrands update report at Moon of Alabama
Your lack of understanding even basic terms undermines your points. HIMARS isn't a missile system. It's a rocket system that can use a combination of GPS and INS for targeting. GPS can be jammed, but if you jam GPS, your own troops can't use it either.
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