Hiring Bolton a betrayal to trump base

John Bolton's first day of work
and all i see is a few well placed bunker busters and maybe some small theatre nukes on a regular basis plus crippling Sanctions but it will be the Trump and Boltons decision RSHer !!

Right, So, when did you get your 3rd and 4th star, General. Oh, yeah. You are just another con tool, and a chicken hawk. Thanks for your brilliant analysis, dipshit. I think I will put my money on the experts on war. Not the con troll who is an expert on NOTHING. Got it.
like i said , the 'norks' and iranians and maybe other enemies need to be reined in and The Trump and Bolton may be the guys to do that reining in RSHer .

Right. Two Vietnam era chicken hawks, Two, Vietnam Era Draft Dodgers. Yup, cons love the ignorant chicken hawks. Perfect.

Yup....lot of blood and guts in this WH....our blood...none of these with guts...

Wonder how the Bone Spurs are....if he could only remember which foot it was....
like i said , the 'norks' and iranians and maybe other enemies need to be reined in and The Trump and Bolton may be the guys to do that reining in RSHer .

So, the way Bolton and trump have been aiming, they wanted to have a military strike on North Korea. And, the experts (primarily Generals) say that with no doubt we will end up with over 100,000 south koreans and american military losing their lives. So, got it. You do not mind killing thousands.
An Iranian war, contrary to what the Trumpster and bolton say, would be a huge mistake, with tens of thousands or more american soldiers losing their lives. We would win, but our soldiers would loose their lives by the thousands.
Now, that is well known. Look it up, if you can use google. Or find some impartial sources who believe that it would result in very few american deaths.

"tens of thousands" ?? what else is new? hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and
Iranians were dead before we got there. Saddam should have gotten a bullet in his head in 1965 Papa Assad in 1971 <<<<<<< would have saved the
lives of at least a million

Yup, and how popular was the war in iraq, me boy. So, how bad does being stupid hurt, dipshit. Because a war with Iran is expected to be multiple times as bad, both cost in dollars and lives.

the war with Iraq was ILLCONCEIVED------the first line of business SHOULD
HAVE BEEN A BULLET in the head of saddam------no one consulted me----HOWEVER the way things EVOLVED-----war came to be the only option----
especially after saddam invaded Kuwait. SADDAM DID NOT HAVE AN ATOM
BOMB AND BUSH NEVER SAID HE DID-------he had weapons of mass destruction-----he MASSIVELY DESTROYED, and he had to be stopped
John Bolton, Trump’s ultra-hawkish new national security adviser, explained

Bolton took the hardest of possible lines. He forcefully argued that Iraq had WMDs — “we are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction,” as he put in one 2002 speech. After Bush’s 2002 State of the Union speech connecting North Korea, Iraq, and Iran as an “axis of evil,” Bolton insisted that this wasn’t just rhetoric — that there was ‘’a hard connection between these regimes — an ‘axis’ along which flow dangerous weapons and dangerous technology.’’

The irony is trump appointed a person who was one of the architects of the WMD claim in Iraq. The same WMD claim that trump has slammed over and over. He laughs at the insolence of the W administration as they manufactured the WMD claim. Yet....here he is appointing Bolton....the very person who cherry picked the data to enable us to go to war. He is licking his chops now as he looks at NK and Iran.

Sadly he has a narcissistic sociopath in charge who can be persuaded to do anything just from being told his hair looks nice. This is chemistry for a disaster...hold onto your hats

Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction------as does Assad.. The proof
is THE MASS MURDER enacted by both. -----interestingly----assault rifles
are also being called "weapons of mass destruction"------because they are.
For those out there who have been ASSAULTED by the islamo-Nazi shit lickers------NO "WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTON" IS NOT A SYNONYM FOR
ATOMIC BOMB. At no point did either Bush or Bolton claim that Iraq had

They were old stuff that wasn't even usable....the war was a sham....ask your so called president....or you new NS advisor. Just stop showing your stupidity....

you got the wrong person------I am far from stupid-----I knew saddam had to be stopped WAY BACK ----in the late 1960s
you got the wrong person------I am far from stupid-----I knew saddam had to be stopped WAY BACK ----in the late 1960s

What a load of bullshit. In the 1960s Saddam was hiding in Egypt and then in jail.
Trump supporters literally will accept ANYTHING he does at this point. ANYTHING. And they'll act like it's the best thing to.

For fuck sake, his daughter Ivanka is acting as Sec. of State with the meeting with South Korea. No a fucking peep about that.

Imagine if Chelsea Clinton was acting as Sec. of State. There would be 37 threads about it already.
Obama supporters accepted espionage, murder, and money laundering.

The world you live in is such a bizarre and twisted place.
That's rich.
You supported Obama and Hillary.
That says alot about you.
the war with Iraq was ILLCONCEIVED------the first line of business SHOULD
HAVE BEEN A BULLET in the head of saddam------no one consulted me----HOWEVER the way things EVOLVED-----war came to be the only option----
especially after saddam invaded Kuwait. SADDAM DID NOT HAVE AN ATOM
BOMB AND BUSH NEVER SAID HE DID-------he had weapons of mass destruction-----he MASSIVELY DESTROYED, and he had to be stopped

You are completely fooled if you believe any of that. He was stopped. Being peacefully inspected by the UN when Bush decided to make war.

There was nothing to stop. What the hell do you mean the way things evolved.

In September 2002 there were no UN inspections in Iraq.

In February 2003 there were hundreds, nothing found, and SH was cooperating. That's what evolved.

How can any American not know this?

It's amazing what right wing propaganda does to people's minds.
irosie91, post: 19569282
---I knew saddam had to be stopped WAY BACK ----in the late 1960s

Bush invaded Iraq in 2003. Are you aware of that? He invited the CIA and FBI and US military to enter Iraq and search for WMD.

Bush refused the offer in December 2002.

Bush needed to be stopped not Saddam. We let our wounded and killed troops and their families down for not stopping Bush.

Trump knows Bush and Bolton lied about WMD. Why don't you?
USA Taxpayers fund a volunteer military to fight , kill , destroy things when WAR is needed RSHer .
Again, the Taxpayers do not like hundreds of thousands of their kids being killed in a stupid war and those same taxpayers will want that war like a turd in a punchbowl.
-------------------------------- we will see what The TRUMP and Bolton have up their sleeves . I understand the the USA Military just got a buncha money today if i heard right RSHer !!
Bolton has long been known as a hardliner on Russia. So this should certainly silence those liberals who are still peddling the myth that Trump is pro-Russian.
Is that just a hunch? Sorry dude, you're way off. Not one thin dime of it was taxpayer money -

5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran
I noticed you avoid the $1.3 billion. Lol. It came from the Treasury Department from the Judgement Fund, that is funded by tax payers. Why are all liberals so ignorant?

The United States, Iran, and $1.7 billion: Sorting out the details[/QUOTE]

You're a lying, fcking Anti-American shithead, JBond. When you say Obama gave Iran US taxpayer money to Iran, you're implying that it wasn't interest. Further, given the loss of the value of a dollar since 1982, it's a stretch to say that the US paid interest, rather than repaid Iran dollar value for dollar value.
Do you have any argument related to the content, or you're just a grammar-Nazi?

If you can't figure out how to quote, maybe you should ask someone more "educated".

Yes, indeed, if you could construct a sentence that is close to readable, I may comment on it. But thanks for trying, me poor con troll.

Right. You're so high above that you can't climb down so low to talk to me. It seems your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Perhaps you should look at your own grammar before you address my grammar again.

Again, thanks for offering your opinion. My observation is that you are a simple con troll. And truth is of no interest to you.
So far, my grammar is fine. But thanks for your concern. I will keep it in mind. Me boy.

And there he was: reigning supreme at number two.

I see. You lefties have the same answer for everything, or you're reading the same cue cards.

Your observation is nothing but your opinion. It's funny that you don't approve me having one.

No problem, me boy. But if you are posting an unsupported opinion, provide a link.
My observation is an observation, having lived through the W regime. And that observation is supported by pretty much all that were familiar with Bolton, So, it really needed no link, and was easy to verify if you knew how to use Google. Here are a couple of independent (look up that word) that discuss his issues:

No, I am not concerned about your grammar, just pointing to your hypocrisy of correcting mine, while giving pass to your own.
Which translates to "I looked but could not find a grammar problem." Because, me boy, I seldom have grammar errors.

And last, I am interested in truth, but you have not provided any. Except that you are leftist shill, but that was obvious from the first post. Shitstain.
What I said, me boy, was absolutely true. I did not think anyone would be stupid enough to challenge what I said. But then, I forgot about you. So, for you here are a couple links. From unbiased sources, as promised:
John Bolton on: bombing Iran, North Korea, Russia and the Iraq War
John Bolton on: bombing Iran, North Korea, Russia and the Iraq War - CNNPolitics

Why John Bolton Couldn't Get Confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Why John Bolton Couldn't Get Confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

So, there you go, me boy. Not my opinion, but facts backed up by actual impartial sources. See the difference, me boy?

You said: "Which translates to "I looked but could not find a grammar problem." Because, me boy, I seldom have grammar errors."

What you meant to say is: "I'm too stupid to see my own mistakes".

Now about the rest...

From unbiased sources, as promised:

Than you link to CNN. Unbiased source?

Just as you promised, you lied on the spot. Retard.

Second link is from Time. I am actually subscribed to Time, and I do read them. However, your link to Time gives impression that John Bolton wasn't Ambassador at all, since he couldn't get confirmed. If you don't know that he was actually an Ambassador, you would take the headline for granted. Is it a click bait, or just same old leftist dishonesty, eh shitstain?
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Relying on Russian propaganda. Lol. At least you have come out of the closet. The rest of the libs need to come out.

Really, maybe you should stop posting and find a new hobby. This is not, me boy, russian propaganda. It is simply how the thinking people of the world see trump. Sorry, you are not a thinking person. You do not get to play.
RT is directed by the Kremlin. Keep pushing their agenda like a good little marxist.

So, I have no idea why you are referencing RT. I know what RT is, me boy. And as such, I never use it as a reference. Period. Perhaps it is something you saw when your head was up your ass.
Lol. You are my bitch. I own you.

Excuse me. Not only your bitch.

He's a more like train tracks, he's been laid across the country.
I personally think that Trump wants a war in the worst kind of way. He wants to go down in the history books as a war time president that led the US to victory. It will be the best victory in the long history of victories. Nobody does war like Trump does war....

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-------------------------------- i don't think that he'd start a war for grins . Then again if he fights a needed war against the 'norks' or 'iranians' so as to stop their nuke and nuke delivery and missile reentry development then that that'd probably be ok with me . I mean , who wants the 'norks or 'iranians' to have 'nukes' that can destroy the USA . Why allow them the ability to nuke the USA GGator .

Not for grins, for ego. Ego drives everything Trump does.

If you think that Iran or NK could destroy the US, even with nukes you must shit yourself every time you think about Russia or China.

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Again, science says conservatives are afraid. And they respond well to nut cases like Bolton, who is always telling them they are in danger, and need to go to war. That is, as long as he is not involved in the killing.
------------------------------------------------- you are silly , got nothing to do with fear , as far as i am concerned its simply making the enemy , iran and the 'norks' for example kiss American azz as they are forced to knuckle under and Bolton and The Trump might be the guys to do that work RSHer .

Me poor ignorant con troll, like all con trolls, you do not like being called afraid. But science says you are afraid. So there you go. I can believe you, or science. And in that case you loose.

You believe in science. What science, exactly?

While reading your posts, I started believing in reincarnation.
Because, nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.

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