Hiring Bolton a betrayal to trump base

Where did the liberal turds go? Kick in their teeth a couple times and they get all squeamish. Dispute any of the facts in the links I provided. Go ahead. Do it.

The source for that claim about taxpayer is an Anti-American lying neocon/zionist piece of shit, shitead. And, still, your link concedes that payment to Iran is a return of Iran's money:. "It is certainly fair to argue that the United States owed Iran ... The pre-revolutionary government deposited billions of dollars in an American FMS account in anticipation of purchasing U.S. military goods, and those goods were never delivered. "
The money Obama went to court for and was ruled on by the SC? That money?

yeah, the money that was frozen by the carter admin that had to be paid back by law.

dipshit :lol:
----------------------------------------- not when you control the enemies money Del .
Bolton, like every significant American and Western leader at the time, believed the intelligence about WMD'S, and saw what an insidious force Saddae was.
Bullshit from a Kool Aid drinker. The Downing Street memo made it clear.

"the intelligence and facts were being fixed [by the U.S.] around the policy"
Don't be silly, OP. Trump was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and his followers would still be his followers. There is not one damn thing he could do, not even shut down Social Security and give the entire shebang to the obscenely wealthy, that would make them turn against him.
Don't be silly, OP. Trump was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and his followers would still be his followers. There is not one damn thing he could do, not even shut down Social Security and give the entire shebang to the obscenely wealthy, that would make them turn against him.
I"ll take that bet.
If he signs the spending bill Friday He's going to lose half his base at the minimum
Don't be silly, OP. Trump was right. He could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and his followers would still be his followers. There is not one damn thing he could do, not even shut down Social Security and give the entire shebang to the obscenely wealthy, that would make them turn against him.
I"ll take that bet.
If he signs the spending bill Friday He's going to lose half his base at the minimum

I’ll go into shock if he does lose them. They’ve been defending the indefensible for as long as he’s been running and in office.
Hiring John Bolton Would Be a Betrayal of Donald Trump's Base

Yup...another slap in the face to his base. He will now have China buying agricultural needs from other countries and he will also be leaning on Bolton to start a war.

You trump voters bent over and took one in the rear...how does it feel now?

Are you kidding, his base will Love this. They will finally get the war they have been wanting

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So the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism should be ignored? Listen, we understand liberals love funding Iran and their reign of terror and will do anything, including bribing them with tax payer money. It's how you roll. We get it. That does not mean we like it or have to put up with it.

Another fucking internet badass that wants a war so they can sit at home in their basement and read about it on FoxNews. When you are wearing combat boots ready to personally lead the invasion force come talk to me, till then you are just one more chicken hawk wanting others to fight a war for your entertainment.
It's amazing how Trump haters think they know how Trump supporters feel about his decisions.

It is easy to know how Trump zealots feel about this...Trump did it, Trump can do nothing wrong, Trump is your savior, thus this is the best decision in the long history of decisions.
Like I said in another thread...

I have no problem with Bolton!

If he is for peace....like Trump's base is

I am all for him!



Trump said Bolton promised no war!

Bolton’s word is as good as Trumps!
Like I said in another thread...

I have no problem with Bolton!

If he is for peace....like Trump's base is

I am all for him!


Depends... Iran is a real problem. It's a real shame Obama gave billions of tax payer money to the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism.

Obama did not give Iran anything. They signed an agreement with several nations, got the money back we were holding!

Don’t you guys ever read or think for yourself?
Like I said in another thread...

I have no problem with Bolton!

If he is for peace....like Trump's base is

I am all for him!


Depends... Iran is a real problem. It's a real shame Obama gave billions of tax payer money to the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism.

He did no such thing.
I support the Bolton hiring


Of course you do, Trump did it, you support it. Nobody expected a single thing different from you. I am sure you will be sitting in your basement cheering the war when we invade Iran or NK or both.
I support the Bolton hiring


Of course you do, Trump did it, you support it. Nobody expected a single thing different from you. I am sure you will be sitting in your basement cheering the war when we invade Iran or NK or both.

And when we don't?


And when we don't we will not lose thousands more service members for the sake of the ego of the CIC. We will not waste another 10 trillion dollars on a country that is not an actual threat to our nation. We will not lose even more allies and become a piranha on the world stage.

But I am sure that you are already signed up and in combat boots ready to backup your big talk....right?
I support the Bolton hiring


Of course you do, Trump did it, you support it. Nobody expected a single thing different from you. I am sure you will be sitting in your basement cheering the war when we invade Iran or NK or both.

And when we don't?


And when we don't we will not lose thousands more service members for the sake of the ego of the CIC. We will not waste another 10 trillion dollars on a country that is not an actual threat to our nation. We will not lose even more allies and become a piranha on the world stage.

But I am sure that you are already signed up and in combat boots ready to backup your big talk....right?

And when we don't it will once again prove President's Trump's skill at diplomacy

I support the Bolton hiring


Of course you do, Trump did it, you support it. Nobody expected a single thing different from you. I am sure you will be sitting in your basement cheering the war when we invade Iran or NK or both.

And when we don't?


And when we don't we will not lose thousands more service members for the sake of the ego of the CIC. We will not waste another 10 trillion dollars on a country that is not an actual threat to our nation. We will not lose even more allies and become a piranha on the world stage.

But I am sure that you are already signed up and in combat boots ready to backup your big talk....right?

And when we don't it will once again prove President's Trump's skills at diplomacy


So, if we do not invade sovereign nations that are not a threat to us, that is an example of diplomacy? Well, if you say so...:290968001256257790-final:

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