Hiroshima and Nagasaki - did they really end the war.

You wonder why people can't get a handle on politics when the same liberals who retoactively support Harry Truman's decision to incinerate Japanese civilians with two Atomic Bombs now want to charge Soldiers or Marines with murder if an artillery strike or an air strike kills a couple of civilians in Afghanistan.
You wonder why people can't get a handle on politics when the same liberals who retoactively support Harry Truman's decision to incinerate Japanese civilians with two Atomic Bombs now want to charge Soldiers or Marines with murder if an artillery strike or an air strike kills a couple of civilians in Afghanistan.

Do you have reference on this happening?
whitehall is merely mumbling since the dismantling of his silly position.
whitehall is merely mumbling since the dismantling of his silly position.

Look it up windy and jake. Why am I arguing with dolts who don't have a concept of 20th century history other than the LA riots?

That's your answer to my question? An insult? Does this mean you don't have a reference to this statement proving it to be true?:
You wonder why people can't get a handle on politics when the same liberals who retoactively support Harry Truman's decision to incinerate Japanese civilians with two Atomic Bombs now want to charge Soldiers or Marines with murder if an artillery strike or an air strike kills a couple of civilians in Afghanistan.

Who has tried to charge military personnel for murder when a fire mission goes bad or experiences collateral damage?
whitehall is merely mumbling since the dismantling of his silly position.

Look it up windy and jake. Why am I arguing with dolts who don't have a concept of 20th century history other than the LA riots?

That's your answer to my question? An insult? Does this mean you don't have a reference to this statement proving it to be true?:
You wonder why people can't get a handle on politics when the same liberals who retoactively support Harry Truman's decision to incinerate Japanese civilians with two Atomic Bombs now want to charge Soldiers or Marines with murder if an artillery strike or an air strike kills a couple of civilians in Afghanistan.

Who has tried to charge military personnel for murder when a fire mission goes bad or experiences collateral damage?

Think about it windy and consider the left wing attitude about killing the Japanese with Atomic weapons. What did we strive for in WW2 and later in Korea and VietNam? Air superiority. A country that has air superiority can dictate terms on the ground. The greatest Military in the world today is forced to fight on the enemy's terms because liberals don't think it's fair that the US dominates the battleground. An entire SEAL team was blown out of the sky in a operation that was guaranteed to get Americans killed on the ground. Two days later the Taliban stronghold was destroyed by an air strike and the bad guys were killed. What does that tell you about the way we are running the Afghanistan war?
What a super world that even the 'yous' get to post. :lol: It makes my heart warm.

No, that's an Obama tingle running down your leg, you stupid moonbat. :lol:

:lol: says the moonbat as he darts erratically in a sublunary orbit :lol:

keep posting, daveman
Me? Moonbat? :lol: Perhaps you'd like to show where I've criticized Obama for not being far enough left. You know, like you have:
Go back and read through our comments. This has been explained to you before. Don't do it, and you are fine.
I'm not wading through your inanity again, but let me guess:

You claim I'm an Obama cheerleader :)rofl:) I've pointed out two instances where I've supported his actions. You seem to think there are more, but have offered no proof.

Meanwhile, I have yet to see you condemn any of Obama's actions or policies. You support everything he's done, but laughably, you claim you're NOT an Obama cheerleader.

That about cover it, O-Fan Boi?

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:

Oh, and look what else I found:
I don't want single payer, but the reactionary death panels of the health insurance companies are making such decisions now. That needs to be reformed.
You need to make up your mind, Fakey. You can't keep your lies straight.
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Think about it windy and consider the left wing attitude about killing the Japanese with Atomic weapons. What did we strive for in WW2 and later in Korea and VietNam? Air superiority. A country that has air superiority can dictate terms on the ground. The greatest Military in the world today is forced to fight on the enemy's terms because liberals don't think it's fair that the US dominates the battleground. An entire SEAL team was blown out of the sky in a operation that was guaranteed to get Americans killed on the ground. Two days later the Taliban stronghold was destroyed by an air strike and the bad guys were killed. What does that tell you about the way we are running the Afghanistan war?

First you insult me and dodge the question. Now you are still dodging the question. Have you no honor?
The bombs had nothing to do with getting Japan to surrender, they were used to Terrorize the people of Asia and as a political tool against Russia.

A majority of historians disagree with you, as do I. It is ironic that the bombs saved more lives on BOTH sides than they cost. Japan was not going to unconditonally surrender, they wanted 4 conditions that the allies did not want to accept.

Even the Japanese military admits they were not ready to surrender until the Emperor told them to, due to the bombs and the complete inability of the Japanese to defend against them.

If this was about purely terror, and not attempts to end the war AND disrupt the Japanese war effort, why did they skip the cities of Tokyo and Kyoto?
No, that's an Obama tingle running down your leg, you stupid moonbat. :lol:

:lol: says the moonbat as he darts erratically in a sublunary orbit :lol:

keep posting, daveman
Me? Moonbat? :lol: Perhaps you'd like to show where I've criticized Obama for not being far enough left. You know, like you have:
See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:

Oh, and look what else I found:
I don't want single payer, but the reactionary death panels of the health insurance companies are making such decisions now. That needs to be reformed.
You need to make up your mind, Fakey. You can't keep your lies straight.

The above from one of the ultimate fabricators on the Board.

I wrote he had the votes and he didn't do it. I don't want single payer, I want a president to act like a president. I also said the death panels are the result of the stupid right's politics. But, you, daveman, are for health insurance death panels.

Stay focused, daveman.
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It did not end the war

From the Imperial Rescript on the Surrender of Japan, in the Emperor's own words:

"Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization."

Seems the bombs had a pretty big influence on the surrender.
:lol: says the moonbat as he darts erratically in a sublunary orbit :lol:

keep posting, daveman
Me? Moonbat? :lol: Perhaps you'd like to show where I've criticized Obama for not being far enough left. You know, like you have:

Oh, and look what else I found:
I don't want single payer, but the reactionary death panels of the health insurance companies are making such decisions now. That needs to be reformed.
You need to make up your mind, Fakey. You can't keep your lies straight.

The above from one of the ultimate fabricators on the Board.

I wrote he had the votes and he didn't do it. I don't want single payer, I want a president to act like a president. I also said the death panels are the result of the stupid right's politics. But, you, daveman, are for health insurance death panels.

Stay focused, daveman.
Fakey, how can I lie when I post your words verbatim? :lol:

Man up, kid, and accept responsibility for what you did: You criticized Obama for not being far enough left.

Mainstream Republicans don't do that, even if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.
The Japanese Emperor, Hirohito, thought so. In the surrender speech he gave to the Japanese people, he admitted Japan started the war, and in his words, the surrender was due to "a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to damage is indeed incalculable..." That alone says it all.
It did not end the war

From the Imperial Rescript on the Surrender of Japan, in the Emperor's own words:

"Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization."

Seems the bombs had a pretty big influence on the surrender.

"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.

"The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children."

-ADMIRAL William Leahy,
(Chief of Staff to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman)
Neither war or weapons are civilized. So, WHY did the Japanese surrender AFTER the use of nukes? They coincidentally had a epiphany that war is wrong after they murdered countless innocent civilians in China for years?
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Me? Moonbat? :lol: Perhaps you'd like to show where I've criticized Obama for not being far enough left. You know, like you have:

Oh, and look what else I found:
You need to make up your mind, Fakey. You can't keep your lies straight.

The above from one of the ultimate fabricators on the Board.

I wrote he had the votes and he didn't do it. I don't want single payer, I want a president to act like a president. I also said the death panels are the result of the stupid right's politics. But, you, daveman, are for health insurance death panels.

Stay focused, daveman.

Man up, kid, and accept responsibility for what you did: You criticized Obama for not being far enough left. Mainstream Republicans don't do that, even if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.

You are not a mainstream Republican, daveman, and you are a iiar. I said he had the votes and he didn't do it.

And you are for health insurance death panels, daveman. Quit running.

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