Hispanics and Proud Boys

HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property
That's exactly right. He's not. He's said a zillion times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which exactly what you just described. Not an actual socialist. There is a clear and important difference.

So now you know that when Trumpsters scream SOCIALISM, that's not actually what Sanders and other progressives want. The Trumpsters are just making that up to scare each other.

Think Canada, Germany, Australia. Not Venezuela.

This is good. Now, please pass this information on to the Trumpsters.
If RW nutbags hadn't started weird militia groups staffed with closeted gay incels looking for some revenge against their mothers, there would be no need for ANTIFA to show up to defend the oppressed.

You'd never see or hear about ANTIFA if the
GI Sloppy Joes and Gravy Seals would stop trying to express their self doubt all over the place.
You live in lala land
HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property
That's exactly right. He's not. He's said a zillion times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which exactly what you just described. Not an actual socialist. There is a clear and important difference.

So now you know that when Trumpsters scream SOCIALISM, that's not actually what Sanders and other progressives want.

This is good. Now, please pass this information on to the Trumpsters.
Sorry, if you have that then it should be Democratic Capitalist. You don't evoke socialism for it's branding (it's a horrible way to brand)....Any other word short of pedophile would have been better.
Yeah the leftwing fake Jews (Those that do not believe in God) and the rest of the left are sick. I have no problem with most Jews that aren't commies though.
Understood, I hope, we don't do the Jewish Mayor thing with a City Hall and all that.
If RW nutbags hadn't started weird militia groups staffed with closeted gay incels looking for some revenge against their mothers, there would be no need for ANTIFA to show up to defend the oppressed.
Once again, there's a lady or a pimp digging in a guy's shorts to cop a feel for buck or two.
You'd never see or hear about ANTIFA if the
GI Sloppy Joes and Gravy Seals would stop trying to express their self doubt all over the place.
That pro-crime-family gun control attitude will have to be judiciously exorcised by potent gunfire from the U.S. military.
I love the proud boys because they look awesome when they wear Little League helmets and skateboarders knee pads into battle.

They are so rugged!
I love them because they beat the shit out of ANTIFA, and when not doing that, they seem like a fun cool group.....
ANTIFA....they just yell and scream and tell you how you vitimized them......when they are not getting their ass kicked by the Proud Boys

They gang up on individual people who they believe to be their enemies. They never go one on one with anyone. They're pussies.
When is the domestic terrorist groupie antifa or blm ever alone? Ha
HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property
That's exactly right. He's not. He's said a zillion times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which exactly what you just described. Not an actual socialist. There is a clear and important difference.

So now you know that when Trumpsters scream SOCIALISM, that's not actually what Sanders and other progressives want.

This is good. Now, please pass this information on to the Trumpsters.
Sorry, if you have that then it should be Democratic Capitalist. You don't evoke socialism for it's branding (it's a horrible way to brand)....Any other word short of pedophile would have been better.
I agree that they should not have used the term "socialist". That was, and is, dumb.

Nevertheless, now you have some more clarity on this.
If RW nutbags hadn't started weird militia groups staffed with closeted gay incels looking for some revenge against their mothers, there would be no need for ANTIFA to show up to defend the oppressed.

You'd never see or hear about ANTIFA if the
GI Sloppy Joes and Gravy Seals would stop trying to express their self doubt all over the place.
And when ANTIFA shows up to beat up women and old people, who are they protecting then?

HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property
That's exactly right. He's not. He's said a zillion times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which exactly what you just described. Not an actual socialist. There is a clear and important difference.

So now you know that when Trumpsters scream SOCIALISM, that's not actually what Sanders and other progressives want.

This is good. Now, please pass this information on to the Trumpsters.
Sorry, if you have that then it should be Democratic Capitalist. You don't evoke socialism for it's branding (it's a horrible way to brand)....Any other word short of pedophile would have been better.
I agree that they should not have used the term "socialist". That was, and is, dumb.

Nevertheless, now you have some more clarity on this.
I would, but MEdicar 4 ALL is socialist. and Enacting the Green New Deal smacks of alot of govt intervention
HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property
That's exactly right. He's not. He's said a zillion times that he is a Democratic Socialist, which exactly what you just described. Not an actual socialist. There is a clear and important difference.

So now you know that when Trumpsters scream SOCIALISM, that's not actually what Sanders and other progressives want.

This is good. Now, please pass this information on to the Trumpsters.
Sorry, if you have that then it should be Democratic Capitalist. You don't evoke socialism for it's branding (it's a horrible way to brand)....Any other word short of pedophile would have been better.
I agree that they should not have used the term "socialist". That was, and is, dumb.

Nevertheless, now you have some more clarity on this.
I would, but MEdicar 4 ALL is socialist. and Enacting the Green New Deal smacks of alot of govt intervention
Well, you're seeing how this stuff exists on a continuum. "A lot of" government intervention (a) is in the eye of the beholder, and (b) can be increased or decreased along that continuum. We used to be able to discuss this kind of thing, back when America was able to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

Now, very few people want to do that. And the decay continues.
They have some funny shirts

Well, you're seeing how this stuff exists on a continuum. "A lot of" government intervention
Yeah. There's a progressive leftward continuum, isn't there? Like a rainbow or something like that.
The so-called Kinsey Scale is applied exclusively to men, and to goods and services sold to men, on the basis of the assumed preferences of men.

You have to understand Hispanic culture, at least inasmuch as there's always a lady, with some respect to be had to her, even if these gentlemen aren't all coming clean with the truth.
I love the proud boys because they look awesome when they wear Little League helmets and skateboarders knee pads into battle.

They are so rugged!
I love them because they beat the shit out of ANTIFA, and when not doing that, they seem like a fun cool group.....
ANTIFA....they just yell and scream and tell you how you vitimized them......when they are not getting their ass kicked by the Proud Boys

They gang up on individual people who they believe to be their enemies. They never go one on one with anyone. They're pussies.
Incorrect, attack ANTIFA at their riots...they dont attack single people....that is ANTIFA/BLM. The Proud Boys don't go to public places and threaten or assault people if you don't put up you fist or repeat Black Lives Matter or any other bullshit phrase.

If you "threaten or assault people" who "repeat Black Lives Matter or any other bullshit phrase" you are violating these people's rights to free speech. Putting up one's fist is perfectly acceptable if it appears that another person is about to assault you. We know that the proud boys embrace violence and hate women. Moreover, they are private citizens. They are a street gang. Thugs. Hoodlums.
See you read my quote but then lied. If you threaten people to say "Black Lives Matter" or ANY PHRASE OR if you threaten them until you put your hand up...that is assault and coerccian. That is exactaly waht BLM does

This is sick:

That is the left, not the right doing it....this is why I am fine with the Proud Boys shitting on them. They are just pushing back against these commies, but what do you expect from people that think capitalism is racist..

Your phrasing was unclear. I have not heard of BLM supporters forcing people to say things. BLM is not to be confused with whatever this "antifa" thing is, even if it is some sort of organization. The proud boys make it clear that they are roving gangs.
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I love the proud boys because they look awesome when they wear Little League helmets and skateboarders knee pads into battle.

They are so rugged!
I love them because they beat the shit out of ANTIFA, and when not doing that, they seem like a fun cool group.....
ANTIFA....they just yell and scream and tell you how you vitimized them......when they are not getting their ass kicked by the Proud Boys

They gang up on individual people who they believe to be their enemies. They never go one on one with anyone. They're pussies.
Incorrect, attack ANTIFA at their riots...they dont attack single people....that is ANTIFA/BLM. The Proud Boys don't go to public places and threaten or assault people if you don't put up you fist or repeat Black Lives Matter or any other bullshit phrase.

If you "threaten or assault people" who "repeat Black Lives Matter or any other bullshit phrase" you are violating these people's rights to free speech. Putting up one's fist is perfectly acceptable if it appears that another person is about to assault you. We know that the proud boys embrace violence and hate women. Moreover, they are private citizens. They are a street gang. Thugs. Hoodlums.
See you read my quote but then lied. If you threaten people to say "Black Lives Matter" or ANY PHRASE OR if you threaten them until you put your hand up...that is assault and coerccian. That is exactaly waht BLM does

This is sick:

That is the left, not the right doing it....this is why I am fine with the Proud Boys shitting on them. They are just pushing back against these commies, but what do you expect from people that think capitalism is racist..

Your phrasing was unclear. I have not heard of BLM supporters forcing people to say things. BLM is not to be confused with whatever this "antifa" thing is, even if it is some sort of organization. The proud boys make it clear that they are roving gangs.

They make it clear they fight ANTIFA....they started to protect Conservatives including the founder Gavin McInnis from ANTIFA during speaking engagements
I never knew about them, but they are interesting......seem like a fun crew

But BLM/ANTIFA are linked, they kinda do the same thing now......although there are more blacks in BLM, almost none in ANTIFA

This is more shit they pull

Just let these people eat, what is the problem with these fucking psychos?

This video talks about the Proud Boys, but it does into great detail on why Venzuelans vote republican. What I find interesting is she goes to FIU and talks to a prof. HE says even Sanders isnt a real socialist, because his policies don't involve removing private property

So first......to you that love socialism....that's what you want.....not good
Second...Medicare 4 ALL is socialist....you are remove private business from an entire industry.....

And if you listen to the refugees....they DO NOT LIKE the caravans....because they are not stupid..

On the Proud Boys topic
Why is your lodge a secret?
We(ProudBoys) don't go an and shit on their party, but They(ANTIFA) love to come and shit on our party

And this is true the Proud Boys only get violent when confronting ANTIFA and do not start violence. IT's why they aren't involved in Riots and attacking speakers on college campuses.

Most are First Generation hispanices
Most identify as American from Hispanic decent.
Non of our families came here illegaly.

The more I look into this, the more I love it...the Proud Boys are fucking awesome.....Thanks Joe Biden for bringing them up!

Government is socialism. We have a Constitution that limits socialism. Here is the goal of our form of Socialism via Government on Earth:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I have not heard of BLM supporters forcing people to say things.
People who utter the phrase "Black Lives Matter" are not necessarily part of any particular group or for or against any particular political ideology.

Black Lives do Matter, there should not be any denying that, e.g. "All Lives Matter,"or whatever else people want to say, but it's time to stop the Democratic Party's policies of mass incarceration and maintenance of life-ruining gun control shitlists.
I have not heard of BLM supporters forcing people to say things.
People who utter the phrase "Black Lives Matter" are not necessarily part of any particular group or for or against any particular political ideology.

Black Lives do Matter, there should not be any denying that, e.g. "All Lives Matter,"or whatever else people want to say, but it's time to stop the Democratic Party's policies of mass incarceration and maintenance of life-ruining gun control shitlists.
What democratic policies of mass incarceration?

And, we should need fewer gun control laws with more organized militia. We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
And, we should need fewer gun control laws
Actually we don't need any laws requiring registration or prohibiting the possession of small arms or personal firearms such as rifles, pistols, and shotguns.
more organized militia
That happens on its own when the government ceases and desists from infringing or encroaching on the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

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