Hispanics Hate Trump

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

where r the examples idiot??

He has none... he's been asked repeatedly. All he does is spew worn out leftwing talking points.

Blah blah blah blah.....
I have plenty. In fact, all I have to do is wait. Any day or hour now, some right winger will oblige with yet another topic or post as they rant about another minority group in a negative way.

It's inevitable. Even though I tell you guys that is what you do, you STILL do it. You can't stop yourselves. It is ingrained.

Sometimes I will say, "You must be one of those LJB Democrats I keep hearing about". It sails right over their heads.
This will finally move things toward immigration reform and provide legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals.

There are already laws in place to "provide legal status and/or a path to citizenship".
The question is why do you want to circumvent them?
The Republican Congress has held up immigration reform for years. That is why Obama did the "pen and phone" trick.

That's the GOP way. Block solutions, and then force a Constitutional crisis so they can blame the other guy. They know the rubes will NEVER catch on.

But everyone else has. Everyone else wants immigration reform. Legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

Trump is forcing the issue front and center. And his vitriol is ensuring legal status and/or path to citizenship is a done deal for the illegals.
when i was at work a Mexican whose family has been here for a century told me he has been considered a illegal by white people just because he is Mexican....hows that?...

Then he's surrounded by stupid white people.

I don't even really get bent out of shape about illegals if they're learning english, working and assimilating. They're still getting fucked over by those who come here, absorb welfare, commit crimes or push the commie La Raza "Reconquista" agenda. If it weren't for those assholes, most Americans wouldn't care about the border.
im not saying all white people Pete,just some....im Sicilian and as brown as most Mexicans i live around and have had white people asking directions ask me if i speak English....so i play the game and say Si....and then they start speaking real slow so i will understand...then when you speak back in good English you can tell they feel like jerks..its funny watching them....
I know, right? He's such a hater. Proposing securing the border and enforcing the law again? I mean, WTF! OMG! What a hateful person.
Americans, by an overwhelming supermajority, want the illegals to be given legal status or a path to citizenship.

This is a fact the bigots cannot swallow. They throw up a lot of smoke and fallacies to try and deny this fact.

Trump is forcing the issue front and center, which is great. This will finally move things toward immigration reform and provide legal status and/or a path to citizenship for the illegals.

The GOP is on the wrong side of the curve, though, and they are going to get their asses bitten hard for ignoring the will of the people. They better get on the stick, and fast.

what you are saying is that you believe that a majority of americans do not want our immigration laws enforced, that they want open borders and want everyone who wants in to be free to enter and take advantage of american benefits. That is simply ignorant and foolish.

what a majority want is first a secure border, then for those here illegally to be identified and documented as being here illegally, then that the law abiding ones be given an opportunity to gain citizenship after paying a fine, possibly returning to their home country for a time, and then get at the end of the line for legal processing towards citizenship.

No one but the far left wants blanket amnesty.
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.
The Republican party is pandering to the bigots. They pandered so long to the retards, psychos, hypocrites, liars and bigots they consider to be their "base", that the natural order of things has become unbalanced and now the GOP is hostage to the retards, psychos, hypocrites, liars, and bigots.

And the minorities have noticed. All the negative talk about gays and Muslims and blacks and Mexicans jumps right out at you.

The Republican party can't see the forest for the trees.
Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....

Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......
Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....

Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
many people from Mexico on down look at Puerto Ricans and Cubans as something not Spanish.....they do not care for them....not all but enough of them dont care for them...

Almost every category of hispanics seem to hate each other. The dominicans hate the puerto ricans, mexicans hate guatamelians, etc.

so they seem to be no different than white people.....somebody better tell guno...he seems to think when brown people take over there will be no more bigotry....
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....

Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....
Polls Show A Majority Of Americans Oppose Obama's ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Somewhere between 51 and 56 percent of Americans oppose President Obama's executive amnesty program according to three polls ...
They oppose the way Obama went about granting temporary asylum. That in no way disproves the FACT that 80 percent of American favor citizenship or legal status.

I don't think so.

Not or......one but not the other.

You assume letting them stay here means citizenship automatically. It doesn't. Giving them the right to vote. Nope. They have to get in line for that.......if ever.

The problem with the right to vote is that many states issue drivers licenses to illegals.
The "Motor Voter" rule recognizes these drivers license as a valid voter registration so now we have illegals with the "right" to vote...Gee..I wonder who they'll vote for?

It's part of an orchestrated plan to skew the voting demographics and dilute and displace the white majority in this country.
I have a few questions about the poll. What percentage of these "hispanics" are LGBT? How many have vaginas or want to have vaginas? What about "White" Hispanics? Did they conduct a separate poll for them? Are all of the "Hispanics" in the poll brown/tan/ecru ? What about black hispanics? How many of them were in the poll? I know a Japanese hispanic from Chile, did they include Asian hispanics?How many?

How can we really know unless we get all the crayons in the correct boxes?

The Republican party is pandering to the bigots. They pandered so long to the retards, psychos, hypocrites, liars and bigots they consider to be their "base", that the natural order of things has become unbalanced and now the GOP is hostage to the retards, psychos, hypocrites, liars, and bigots.

And the minorities have noticed. All the negative talk about gays and Muslims and blacks and Mexicans jumps right out at you.

The Republican party can't see the forest for the trees.

Another idiot playing the racist card.

Nothing bigoted about wanting illegals out of the country,

Ask the illegal Mexicans how their Government treats illegals??

Anyone calling those who want illegals out of the country racists and bigots is seven kinds of a fool.
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....

Ok..let's make it personal instead of some vague claims and allegations....

You own your own house..or are paying a mortgage....or renting a house or apartment, right?

Do you think it would be ok for some random person off the street to sneak in one night and move into your spare bedroom and bring their family with them and demand that you feed them, clothe them, give them an education and share your money with them?

Why or why not?
what have i said to bring up this question?....i am not an illegal supporter,i just dont like how some people have made this a racial thing over a legality thing......

looking at the situation THAT way is different, isn't it? "Not In My Backyard", right?

Are you in favor of amnesty for illegals ...or deportation?
for any that can prove they have something going here,which would no doubt be the long timers,make them fill out the paper work if they refuse show them the door,any others, if they dont have a good reason for being here....see ya...any with a criminal record,out they go.....

"....prove they have something going here..."?

What the heck does THAT mean?..it's just vague enough to sound ok and make people feel better ....but it's really meaningless.Window dressing....and with guidelines THAT broad you should know by now that a football stadium worth of "lawyers" will keep THAT tied up in court for generations..effectively accomplishing nothing...meanwhile the problem continues to grow..which is exactly what anti american subversives want.
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.
This is all the more reason to get Biden the Democratic nomination. He cannot lose to Trump. Hillary Clinton probably wouldn't lose,

but why gamble?
the ones that hate Donald Trump are mostly the illegals, and they dont vote anyway, right?, isnt that what the left tells us? there are no voting violations and therefore we dont need to insure that the vote is legal and honest.
So, in light of that, who cares what the illegals like or dont like. Fuck them, they are subhuman and have no rights in this country anyway.

So the 65% of Hispanics who said they viewed Trump unfavorably were all illegals?

lol good one.
This is all the more reason to get Biden the Democratic nomination. He cannot lose to Trump. Hillary Clinton probably wouldn't lose,

but why gamble?
Biden is more like the perverted retarded uncle that most families have but try to hide.
I dont think he is actually smart enough to be pres,,, oh wait, the liberals voted for the shoeshine boy twice.. never mind.

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