Hispanics Hate Trump

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

And every time a Democrat raped his daughter, they'd blame it on the immigrants.

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Dems would have preemptively cruise-missile attacked Mexico and Central America by now
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

how can the possibly know the political persuasion of the persons you say are mistreating them idiot?
your kidding right?....do you read threads by the righties here talking about immigration?...i suggest you start ....many stick to just the illegal crossover part,but then you have the asses like Tipsy and paint my out house who get racial.....and thats Mr.Idiot to an ass like you....
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

how can the possibly know the political persuasion of the persons you say are mistreating them idiot?
your kidding right?....do you read threads by the righties here talking about immigration?...i suggest you start ....many stick to just the illegal crossover part,but then you have the asses like Tipsy and paint my out house who get racial.....and thats Mr.Idiot to an ass like you....
paint my outhouse isn't a rightie. He's wrong on just about every level that a person can be wrong.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

how can the possibly know the political persuasion of the persons you say are mistreating them idiot?
your kidding right?....do you read threads by the righties here talking about immigration?...i suggest you start ....many stick to just the illegal crossover part,but then you have the asses like Tipsy and paint my out house who get racial.....and thats Mr.Idiot to an ass like you....
paint my outhouse isn't a rightie. He's wrong on just about every level that a person can be wrong.

I think he's institutionalized... seriously.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

anybody can just say some shit without backing it up. give us an actual scenario
when i was at work a Mexican whose family has been here for a century told me he has been considered a illegal by white people just because he is Mexican....hows that?...
Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

how can the possibly know the political persuasion of the persons you say are mistreating them idiot?
your kidding right?....do you read threads by the righties here talking about immigration?...i suggest you start ....many stick to just the illegal crossover part,but then you have the asses like Tipsy and paint my out house who get racial.....and thats Mr.Idiot to an ass like you....
paint my outhouse isn't a rightie. He's wrong on just about every level that a person can be wrong.

I think he's institutionalized... seriously.

I hope so.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....
I have said on this board that real immigrants, legal ones are not in favor if illegals getting amnesty. Legal immigrants are still waiting for family to come over.

Good point about Republicans lumping them together with illegals.
and you see it all the time here with assholes like shootspeedos,tank,and macarthur and tipsy....
80 percent of the American people, including a majority of conservatives, want illegals to be granted legal status or a path to citizenship.

The hateful retards infecting the Republican party are ignoring the will of the American people, to their own detriment.
when i was at work a Mexican whose family has been here for a century told me he has been considered a illegal by white people just because he is Mexican....hows that?...

Then he's surrounded by stupid white people.

I don't even really get bent out of shape about illegals if they're learning english, working and assimilating. They're still getting fucked over by those who come here, absorb welfare, commit crimes or push the commie La Raza "Reconquista" agenda. If it weren't for those assholes, most Americans wouldn't care about the border.
Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....
Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

They are welcome here, as are any legal immigrants... Sorry Mexico is a third world shithole, the answer isn't for Mexico to actively export their poor into the U.S. and make them our problem... which is exactly what they are doing. That's national suicide on our part.

And you want to see racism, go to Mexico or Central America and see how the Spaniards treat the indigenous people; they're subhuman. I know, I used to work and travel extensively in Mexico and Central America.

You don't know jack.
Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


you silly coward; you need to just STFU and stop just making your self look dumber than you already have made yourself oll, and provide all these examples you say
Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
sure after he stuck his foot in his mouth than the back peddling begins...but he has at least brought up something all the other ones did not want to talk about....
Yes, Trump has done the GOP a huge favor by forcing the immigration issue. The cowardly pants-shitting Republicans have been hiding in their little turtle shells, doing all they can to avoid working on immigration reform. I am very glad Trump has forced the issue front and center.

The American people want the illegals to have legal status or a path to citizenship. Trump's noisemaking will make that finally happen.
Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

idiot; we want the flow of illegals stopped, despite your idiotic whines about cheap labor. if you loser left-wing nutjobs really believe that then CALL OUR BLUFF and agree to close the border.
Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

Oh fuck yeah!!

If people were crossing the border and had a conservative stance in a voting booth the moonbats would demand a wall be built with snipers and a minefield.

Straw men, and more straw men. It's all you tards have.

I have pointed out countless times the Mexican people coming here have strong family values, are deeply religious, and are very hard working. All qualities the Republican party claims to espouse, which makes their hateful treatment of Mexicans all that much more idiotic and self-destructive.

Instead of acknowledging these great qualities of the Mexican people and welcoming them, you retards hold up as heroes assholes like Trump and Coulter who call them rapists!

It is YOU assholes who want to put up walls and snipers because of hatred and fear.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

They are welcome here, as are any legal immigrants... Sorry Mexico is a third world shithole, the answer isn't for Mexico to actively export their poor into the U.S. and make them our problem... which is exactly what they are doing. That's national suicide on our part.

And you want to see racism, go to Mexico or Central America and see how the Spaniards treat the indigenous people; they're subhuman. I know, I used to work and travel extensively in Mexico and Central America.

You don't know jack.
I know plenty. For example, I know your bigoted rhetoric is identical to the Know Nothings of 150 years ago who campaigned against Italian, Irish, and German immigrants using the exact same pants-shitter language.
How many Latinos are Republican?

How many latinos are illegal mexicans?

I can say that all the Puerto Ricans and Cubans I know hate mexicans, regardless of their immigration status, so I doubt they'd give a fruit fly's fuck about what Trump says about them.
the feeling is mutual.....

I used to work in International shipping... a Panamanian that worked for me was referred to as a Mexican by a Salvadoran.. we almost had an international incident on our hands!!
many people from Mexico on down look at Puerto Ricans and Cubans as something not Spanish.....they do not care for them....not all but enough of them dont care for them...

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