Hispanics Hate Trump

Well sorry but many American Hispanics who are citizens want stricter immigration laws.

Leah Barkoukis - Hispanic Activists Fight For Tougher Immigration Laws in Texas

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how they vote if Trump makes it to nomination.
thats true but they dont care for the way trump says what he says.....people like paint the fucking out house writes the guys speeches.....
I agree about the way Trump speaks of all Mexicans. Although, he has in the past, differentiated the legal from the illegal. He calls them, the "good ones." I think Trump does NOT have a speech writer. lol.
This does not concern me. It is time to stop pandering to these little groups. They need to assimilate and do what's best for the country, not what they thing is best for them.
do whats best for the country?....you mean like our politicians and many citizens do?....doing whats best for themselves seems to have an edge right now...
Allow me to illustrate the failure of the Republican strategy:


CLINTON: Here's a plan to tax the rich more to get our budget under control.

RIGHT: OMG! Did you hear that? She's a fucking commie! Clinton sucks!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to provide free college.

RIGHT: OMG! She's giving away the candy store! She's going to bankrupt us!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to spend a shit ton of money on infrastructure. Our bridges are falling down and we need to do something about it.


CLINTON: I am going to outlaw coal and we will get our electricity from unicorn farts.

RIGHT: The woman is nutz!

CLINTON: I am going to give free puppies to hookers.


With this strategy by the Right, used so ineffectively against Obama (TWICE!), Clinton will win. Because if all you are doing is reacting to the other guy, you will lose every time.


I'm going to be the first President to put an abortion clinic on the moon.

Hillary doesn't offer original ideas.

Something happens and she comments.

That's her campaign.

She's never going to take an unpopular position.

Add that to her mishandled emails and she comes off as a fake, opportunistic, plastic politician who already sold us out to foreign Interests. Totally untrustworthy.
Allow me to illustrate the failure of the Republican strategy:


CLINTON: Here's a plan to tax the rich more to get our budget under control.

RIGHT: OMG! Did you hear that? She's a fucking commie! Clinton sucks!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to provide free college.

RIGHT: OMG! She's giving away the candy store! She's going to bankrupt us!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to spend a shit ton of money on infrastructure. Our bridges are falling down and we need to do something about it.


CLINTON: I am going to outlaw coal and we will get our electricity from unicorn farts.

RIGHT: The woman is nutz!

CLINTON: I am going to give free puppies to hookers.


With this strategy by the Right, used so ineffectively against Obama (TWICE!), Clinton will win. Because if all you are doing is reacting to the other guy, you will lose every time.


I'm going to be the first President to put an abortion clinic on the moon.

Hillary doesn't offer original ideas.

Something happens and she comments.

That's her campaign.

She's never going to take an unpopular position.

Add that to her mishandled emails and she comes off as a fake, opportunistic, plastic politician who already sold us out to foreign Interests. Totally untrustworthy.
None of that matters.

She says what she will do, and the GOP reacts. Because the GOP has no answers, and no courage.
Allow me to illustrate the failure of the Republican strategy:


CLINTON: Here's a plan to tax the rich more to get our budget under control.

RIGHT: OMG! Did you hear that? She's a fucking commie! Clinton sucks!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to provide free college.

RIGHT: OMG! She's giving away the candy store! She's going to bankrupt us!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to spend a shit ton of money on infrastructure. Our bridges are falling down and we need to do something about it.


CLINTON: I am going to outlaw coal and we will get our electricity from unicorn farts.

RIGHT: The woman is nutz!

CLINTON: I am going to give free puppies to hookers.


With this strategy by the Right, used so ineffectively against Obama (TWICE!), Clinton will win. Because if all you are doing is reacting to the other guy, you will lose every time.


I'm going to be the first President to put an abortion clinic on the moon.

Hillary doesn't offer original ideas.

Something happens and she comments.

That's her campaign.

She's never going to take an unpopular position.

Add that to her mishandled emails and she comes off as a fake, opportunistic, plastic politician who already sold us out to foreign Interests. Totally untrustworthy.
None of that matters.

She says what she will do, and the GOP reacts. Because the GOP has no answers, and no courage.

What she will do is enrich herself and fuck us all in the ass.

You can't believe a word she says.
Blah blah blah... Hilary is more of the same old stale class warfare bullshit, tax the rich, frees shit for everyone.... anyone buying into that is an absolute moron. She can't even manage e-mails without creating a massive cluster-fuck.
It is actually amusing watching Trump destroy the Republican party. The Democrats watch in awe as Trump pushes the "self-destruction" button. Fox will have to fire anyone who is even remotely moderate just to stay in business.
Trump is showing how retarded and cowardly the GOP has become in recent years. The party is unable to stop him because they don't have enough vertebrae among them to make one backbone.

Trump is doing the GOP a huge favor by highlighting all of their weaknesses. And he doesn't disguise his hatred, drawing the bigots and brainless tards who watch too much reality TV.

Trump is a giant spotlight.

He is Incitatus. In fact, that should be his campaign symbol.

your whole argument is one big false narrative; that doesnt hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny
How many Latinos are Republican?
Fewer of late...
The difference of-late being merely a matter of an ounce or two in a gallon bottle...
Since just having whitey can't get your moron elected, it all helps...


the funny part is you're a dinosaur and that dynamic is changing
The only change is this:

Which always rises up when times are hard and they need someone to blame for their lot in life.
so where were are you in that crowd?.....
Allow me to illustrate the failure of the Republican strategy:


CLINTON: Here's a plan to tax the rich more to get our budget under control.

RIGHT: OMG! Did you hear that? She's a fucking commie! Clinton sucks!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to provide free college.

RIGHT: OMG! She's giving away the candy store! She's going to bankrupt us!

CLINTON: Here's a plan to spend a shit ton of money on infrastructure. Our bridges are falling down and we need to do something about it.


CLINTON: I am going to outlaw coal and we will get our electricity from unicorn farts.

RIGHT: The woman is nutz!

CLINTON: I am going to give free puppies to hookers.


With this strategy by the Right, used so ineffectively against Obama (TWICE!), Clinton will win. Because if all you are doing is reacting to the other guy, you will lose every time.


I'm going to be the first President to put an abortion clinic on the moon.

Hillary doesn't offer original ideas.

Something happens and she comments.

That's her campaign.

She's never going to take an unpopular position.

Add that to her mishandled emails and she comes off as a fake, opportunistic, plastic politician who already sold us out to foreign Interests. Totally untrustworthy.
None of that matters.

She says what she will do, and the GOP reacts. Because the GOP has no answers, and no courage.
And, lol, you claim to be, lol, a conservative. LOL!
How many Latinos are Republican?

How many latinos are illegal mexicans?

I can say that all the Puerto Ricans and Cubans I know hate mexicans, regardless of their immigration status, so I doubt they'd give a fruit fly's fuck about what Trump says about them.
the feeling is mutual.....

I used to work in International shipping... a Panamanian that worked for me was referred to as a Mexican by a Salvadoran.. we almost had an international incident on our hands!!
Fewer of late...
The difference of-late being merely a matter of an ounce or two in a gallon bottle...
Since just having whitey can't get your moron elected, it all helps...


the funny part is you're a dinosaur and that dynamic is changing
The only change is this:

Which always rises up when times are hard and they need someone to blame for their lot in life.
so where were are you in that crowd?.....

Probably the Grand PooPah!!!
Yes by all means, let's not upset the Illegals who've invaded our nation. Let's just continue to not uphold the law and allow the invasion to continue. Personally, i feel Trump's got it right. Secure the border and restore the Law of the Land. I don't care who that upsets.
Here's a newsflash for pandering progressive douchebags. ALL ILLEGALS, even the honest hardworking, humble Christian ones that just want a better life; belong on the other side of the border; and CERTAINLY DONT DESERVE to be placed ahead of LITERALLY MILLIONS WAITING IN LINE, patiently in the LEGAL immigration system; who come from ALL RACES AND NATIONALITIES, just so DEMOCRATS CAN PANDER TO HISPANICS FOR VOTES
Here's a newsflash for pandering progressive douchebags. ALL ILLEGALS, even the honest hardworking, humble Christian ones that just want a better life; belong on the other side of the border; and CERTAINLY DONT DESERVE to be placed ahead of LITERALLY MILLIONS WAITING IN LINE, patiently in the LEGAL immigration system; who come from ALL RACES AND NATIONALITIES, just so DEMOCRATS CAN PANDER TO HISPANICS FOR VOTES

Believe me, if they thought for a second that these folks would vote Republican, people Like G would personally be rounding them up and carting them back. They have no use for minorities except in the voting booth.

I have no idea why spics don't vote GOP.

well there ya go ^^^

this is why you arent taken seriously
I have to dumb it down for you with pictures.

Hispanics are not going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them. It isn't "because gifts". It is because the Republican Party makes it very, very clear how much they hate minorities.

Gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks in particular. Even if a non-white person does not belong to any of those specific groups, they can see it is a safe bet Republicans hate them, too.
many righties tell the minority to their faces what they think of them,while many lefties tell them what they want to hear,but hope they dont move next door to them....
If you hate someone for wanting to do what's right for their country, you're not an American. Therefore, i don't care how much or who you hate. This Illegal Invasion has to end. Period, end of story.
i cant get a leftard to explain to me why mostly Hispanic illegals WHO SNUCK IN, sitting here living comfortably (compared to the abject misery in the lives of people in lie to come here legally), should be rewarded with legal status just BECAUSE they snuck in, and placed ahead of literally MILLIONS OF ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES WAITING PATIENTLY IN LINE TO DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, paying fees and waitin, suffering and waiting..................
And while douchebags wave Mexican drug cartel gofers through, they work overtime to deny Christian refugees from the Middle East to enter...or doctors from Canada. Apparently progs are very selective in who they want to flood the borders. And it isn't Christians or educated people.

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