Hispanics Hate Trump

Open your eyes. I defy you not to notice that EVERY SINGLE TIME a right winger is talking about a minority of any kind, it is in negative terms.

Minorities notice shit like that, you stupid, stupid, stupid willfully blind monkeys.

I have no idea why spics don't vote GOP.

well there ya go ^^^

this is why you arent taken seriously
I have to dumb it down for you with pictures.

Hispanics are not going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them. It isn't "because gifts". It is because the Republican Party makes it very, very clear how much they hate minorities.

Gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks in particular. Even if a non-white person does not belong to any of those specific groups, they can see it is a safe bet Republicans hate them, too.

i'd ask you pto prove that; but the only thing that is "very very clear" is how much of an idiot who lies to himself you are

Don't waste your time...... ask any of these moonbat leftists like G to give you examples of how the GOP hates anybody. Seems to me that the only people the GOP seems to really dislike are Conservatives. Here's how it works in their little pinheads:

Oppose unfettered illegal immigration = anti-immigrant
Oppose abortion = hate women
Oppose Obama = racist

You get the picture.. they ain't all that bright.
What an ignorant fool you are.

I'm pro-life. Very much so.

I'm a fiscal conservative who posts frequently about banning tax expenditures and other methods to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.

I very much detest Obama. I just detest liars more. You dumb fucks have confused a dedication to facts and truth as a liberal quality, which says an awful lot about your twisted brand of conservatism.

If you tell a lie about Obama, my integrity trumps my party. And you fuckers tell A LOT of lies. You have ZERO integrity. You think the ends justify the means.

I'm here to clean up the bigots, psychos, retards, and hypocrites who have destroyed the Republican brand.

Nice try.
You're not "cleaning" anything lol

But I will give you this. You sir are so full of yourself that there is no room for reason. The most pompous person on this site
your'e the kind of sad pathetic, stuck in his own arrogance right-winger that has more in common with the self-impressed arrogant lefties here.

you arent cleaning up anything as Soggy says; you're just a clown and it is right-wingers like you that gaurantee we get more America-destroying Progressives in power

I have no idea why spics don't vote GOP.

well there ya go ^^^

this is why you arent taken seriously
I have to dumb it down for you with pictures.

Hispanics are not going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them. It isn't "because gifts". It is because the Republican Party makes it very, very clear how much they hate minorities.

Gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks in particular. Even if a non-white person does not belong to any of those specific groups, they can see it is a safe bet Republicans hate them, too.

i'd ask you pto prove that; but the only thing that is "very very clear" is how much of an idiot who lies to himself you are

Don't waste your time...... ask any of these moonbat leftists like G to give you examples of how the GOP hates anybody. Seems to me that the only people the GOP seems to really dislike are Conservatives. Here's how it works in their little pinheads:

Oppose unfettered illegal immigration = anti-immigrant
Oppose abortion = hate women
Oppose Obama = racist

You get the picture.. they ain't all that bright.
What an ignorant fool you are.

I'm pro-life. Very much so.

I'm a fiscal conservative who posts frequently about banning tax expenditures and other methods to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.

I very much detest Obama. I just detest liars more. You dumb fucks have confused a dedication to facts and truth as a liberal quality, which says an awful lot about your twisted brand of conservatism.

If you tell a lie about Obama, my integrity trumps my party. And you fuckers tell A LOT of lies. You have ZERO integrity. You think the ends justify the means.

I'm here to clean up the bigots, psychos, retards, and hypocrites who have destroyed the Republican brand.

Nice try.

If you don't think Obama's a liar then you're not honest.
well there ya go ^^^

this is why you arent taken seriously
I have to dumb it down for you with pictures.

Hispanics are not going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them. It isn't "because gifts". It is because the Republican Party makes it very, very clear how much they hate minorities.

Gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks in particular. Even if a non-white person does not belong to any of those specific groups, they can see it is a safe bet Republicans hate them, too.

i'd ask you pto prove that; but the only thing that is "very very clear" is how much of an idiot who lies to himself you are

Don't waste your time...... ask any of these moonbat leftists like G to give you examples of how the GOP hates anybody. Seems to me that the only people the GOP seems to really dislike are Conservatives. Here's how it works in their little pinheads:

Oppose unfettered illegal immigration = anti-immigrant
Oppose abortion = hate women
Oppose Obama = racist

You get the picture.. they ain't all that bright.
What an ignorant fool you are.

I'm pro-life. Very much so.

I'm a fiscal conservative who posts frequently about banning tax expenditures and other methods to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.

I very much detest Obama. I just detest liars more. You dumb fucks have confused a dedication to facts and truth as a liberal quality, which says an awful lot about you.

If you tell a lie about Obama, integrity trumps party. And you fuckers tell A LOT of lies. You have ZERO integrity. You think the ends justify the means.

I'm here to clean up the bigots, psychos, retards, and hypocrites who have destroyed the Republican brand.

Nice try.

STFU and stop crying lil baby, and come up with all this evidence of "hate" you say is so "very very clear"

He's got nothing but talking points fed to him by the Huff 'n Puff Post and Media Madness.
Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind, and watch 95% of the black vote go to Democrats.

Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind and watch 75% of the Hispanic vote go to Democrats.

Minorities are sending the Republican Party a blazingly loud message, and you dumb fucks clamp your hands over your eyes and ears and tell yourselves you don't need to clean your act up.

Seriously retarded.

"Excuse me, I need to talk about the Mexican rape culture."
well there ya go ^^^

this is why you arent taken seriously
I have to dumb it down for you with pictures.

Hispanics are not going to vote for a party which clearly HATES them. It isn't "because gifts". It is because the Republican Party makes it very, very clear how much they hate minorities.

Gays, Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks in particular. Even if a non-white person does not belong to any of those specific groups, they can see it is a safe bet Republicans hate them, too.

i'd ask you pto prove that; but the only thing that is "very very clear" is how much of an idiot who lies to himself you are

Don't waste your time...... ask any of these moonbat leftists like G to give you examples of how the GOP hates anybody. Seems to me that the only people the GOP seems to really dislike are Conservatives. Here's how it works in their little pinheads:

Oppose unfettered illegal immigration = anti-immigrant
Oppose abortion = hate women
Oppose Obama = racist

You get the picture.. they ain't all that bright.
What an ignorant fool you are.

I'm pro-life. Very much so.

I'm a fiscal conservative who posts frequently about banning tax expenditures and other methods to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus.

I very much detest Obama. I just detest liars more. You dumb fucks have confused a dedication to facts and truth as a liberal quality, which says an awful lot about your twisted brand of conservatism.

If you tell a lie about Obama, my integrity trumps my party. And you fuckers tell A LOT of lies. You have ZERO integrity. You think the ends justify the means.

I'm here to clean up the bigots, psychos, retards, and hypocrites who have destroyed the Republican brand.

Nice try.
You're not "cleaning" anything lol

But I will give you this. You sir are so full of yourself that there is no room for reason. The most pompous person on this site

Amen. What a self-righteous douche-bag.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....
you idiot; 95% of the Black vote has gone to Dems for decades. the answer isnt to try to pander as hard as the Left; NOBODY can pander like the Left can
Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind, and watch 95% of the black vote go to Democrats.

Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind and watch 75% of the Hispanic vote go to Democrats.

Minorities are sending the Republican Party a blazingly loud message, and you dumb fucks clamp your hands over your eyes and ears and tell yourselves you don't need to clean your act up.

Seriously retarded.

"Excuse me, I need to talk about the Mexican rape culture."

Oh whatthefuckever.... you're so full-of-shit I can smell you coming across my CAT6.
Also, the idea that most Latinos/Hispanics hate the Latinos/Hispanics that are here illegally just isn't true. This is proven by data showing Trump's support provided in this thread and Latinos/Hispanics that I know. Those that I know all think Trump is a pud. Also, those who are here illegally are friends/family/neighbors with those that are here legally.

That's what these guys don't understand. My nephew is Hispanic. His father was an illegal alien here from Mexico. He died when my nephew was just a baby, but my nephew wouldn't be alive today if his father hadn't come here. My nephew just graduated college earlier this year. He already has a good job with a Fortune 500 company he did an internship with. He was featured on his university's Web site and his picture was on a few interstate highway billboards advertising the college. He is a nationally ranked college pole vaulter and racked up several scholarships and has virtually no student loan debt as a result. He worked his ass off. By all means he exhibits the values of a conservative Republican, but he is a Democrat. You know why? Because of the way the Republican Party demonizes people like his father.
many of the American born Mexicans i worked with were the same way....they dont care for the illegals and the way they came here,but wont back the republicans because of the way they themselves get treated by them,they are tired of being lumped in the same pile as the illegals just because they are Mexicans,and because the farther right made it racial.....

how can the possibly know the political persuasion of the persons you say are mistreating them idiot?
Open your eyes. I defy you not to notice that EVERY SINGLE TIME a right winger is talking about a minority of any kind, it is in negative terms.

Minorities notice shit like that, you stupid, stupid, stupid willfully blind monkeys.
Can someone question blacks behavior without you coming down on them? Even when they know they are talking about the less educated minority within the race? I started a thread about black lives matter and that should be cleaning up the community, fathers staying in the home, parents being involved in their children's education and put the children as a priority. Is that negative?
Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind, and watch 95% of the black vote go to Democrats.

Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind and watch 75% of the Hispanic vote go to Democrats.

Minorities are sending the Republican Party a blazingly loud message, and you dumb fucks clamp your hands over your eyes and ears and tell yourselves you don't need to clean your act up.

Seriously retarded.

"Excuse me, I need to talk about the Mexican rape culture."
You ignorantly paint an entire party with the words of a few.

Oh the irony
Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind, and watch 95% of the black vote go to Democrats.

Go ahead and keep being willfully deaf and blind and watch 75% of the Hispanic vote go to Democrats.

Minorities are sending the Republican Party a blazingly loud message, and you dumb fucks clamp your hands over your eyes and ears and tell yourselves you don't need to clean your act up.

Seriously retarded.

"Excuse me, I need to start a topic about the Mexican rape culture."

Blacks and Hispanics usually vote for Democrats because they're racists.

They bought the media propaganda that Republicans are......and ignore fact that Democrats are even worse racists than anyone. Always have been throughout history.
If you don't think Obama's a liar then you're not honest.

Yes, he's a liar. He's a liar, he's incompetent, and he's extremely lazy.

I can't count the number of times I have said Obama could have been buried with the truth, but you retards decided to obliterate the GOP's integrity by manufacturing bullshit!

It's astonishing to observe the GOP lose to its own stupidity.

And you tards are doing it all over again with Clinton. Because that strategy worked so well against Obama. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Open your eyes. I defy you not to notice that EVERY SINGLE TIME a right winger is talking about a minority of any kind, it is in negative terms.

Minorities notice shit like that, you stupid, stupid, stupid willfully blind monkeys.
Can someone question blacks behavior without you coming down on them? Even when they know they are talking about the less educated minority within the race? I started a thread about black lives matter and that should be cleaning up the community, fathers staying in the home, parents being involved in their children's education and put the children as a priority. Is that negative?
Of course it's a negative. In the land of liberalhackness only the left & minorities are allowed to discuss those issues.
Open your eyes. I defy you not to notice that EVERY SINGLE TIME a right winger is talking about a minority of any kind, it is in negative terms.

Minorities notice shit like that, you stupid, stupid, stupid willfully blind monkeys.
Can someone question blacks behavior without you coming down on them? Even when they know they are talking about the less educated minority within the race? I started a thread about black lives matter and that should be cleaning up the community, fathers staying in the home, parents being involved in their children's education and put the children as a priority. Is that negative?

Cleaning up the community isn't in their list of demands.
you idiot; 95% of the Black vote has gone to Dems for decades. the answer isnt to try to pander as hard as the Left; NOBODY can pander like the Left can

G's one of those condescending lefties that participates in the soft bigotry of low expectations.. he thinks minorities can't do shit without the benevolence of good intentioned people like himself. They're worse than the in your face bigots.. at least-they don't pretend to not be bigots.
none of the arrogant far-right-wingers or left-wingers can back up their allegations

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