Hispanics: The Democrats may have put themselves in a bind


nixon was cheated out of the presidency and he accepted it

Bush and Gore went to court and eventually Gore conceded

But trump voters have had enough of stolen or unclear election results

Nixon wasn't cheated. Kennedy got more of the popular vote, and he got a lot more electoral votes.

Trump lost by 8 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes. He was clearly rejected by the American people.
In short you are misinformed about virtually everything. You are the perfect Democrat. The love your kind.Simple minded, gullible types are easy to lead.

In short, I left your inbred ass like a greasy smear on the pavement... and you go whimpering off..

Concession duly noted.
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Mayor daley delivered illinois through voter fraud

Did he though? I mean, I know that's the popular legend. but let's look at that.

An academic study in 1985[16] later analyzed the ballots of two disputed precincts in Chicago which were subject to a recount. It found that while there was a pattern of miscounting votes to the advantage of Democratic candidates, Nixon suffered less than Republicans in other races, and the extrapolated error would have reduced his Illinois margin only from 8,858 votes, the final official total, to just under 8,000. It concluded there was insufficient evidence that he had been cheated out of winning Illinois.

More to the point, even if Tricky Did had carried IL, he still would have lost the popular vote nationally, and he still would have lost the electoral college. Kennedy won by 303 to 219.
Did he though? I mean, I know that's the popular legend. but let's look at that.

An academic study in 1985[16] later analyzed the ballots of two disputed precincts in Chicago which were subject to a recount. It found that while there was a pattern of miscounting votes to the advantage of Democratic candidates, Nixon suffered less than Republicans in other races, and the extrapolated error would have reduced his Illinois margin only from 8,858 votes, the final official total, to just under 8,000. It concluded there was insufficient evidence that he had been cheated out of winning Illinois.

More to the point, even if Tricky Did had carried IL, he still would have lost the popular vote nationally, and he still would have lost the electoral college. Kennedy won by 303 to 219.
I was not there

but as you say, it is popularly accepted by most historians who are not engaged in revisionism
I was not there

but as you say, it is popularly accepted by most historians who are not engaged in revisionism

Actually, most historians realize that the state was not flipped by Daley, that there really was a lot of enthusiasm for Kennedy in Chicago.
No, it went much farther than that

No, it really didn't

What you don't get about Chicago is that it was at that time, a very Catholic city, and here was the first opportunity we had to elect a Catholic as President. So, yeah, people were going to show up with very little prompting from Dick Daley.

Remember, the strength of the Chicago Machine was in it's ability to get out votes. Growing up in Chicago, I would remember every year around election time, the Precinct Captain would come around and talk to my family about getting out and voting for the Democrat. My dad (who actually was a Nixon Republican) promised to vote for Democrats down ballot, but often took the opportunity to get favors from the city. Hey, need a new garbage can from the city? Now would be the time to ask. Need those trees cleared from the front lawn? No problem.
No, it really didn't

What you don't get about Chicago is that it was at that time, a very Catholic city, and here was the first opportunity we had to elect a Catholic as President. So, yeah, people were going to show up with very little prompting from Dick Daley.

Remember, the strength of the Chicago Machine was in it's ability to get out votes. Growing up in Chicago, I would remember every year around election time, the Precinct Captain would come around and talk to my family about getting out and voting for the Democrat. My dad (who actually was a Nixon Republican) promised to vote for Democrats down ballot, but often took the opportunity to get favors from the city. Hey, need a new garbage can from the city? Now would be the time to ask. Need those trees cleared from the front lawn? No problem.
What you are giving us is one method of democrat cheating

but you cant deny the cheating took place
What you are giving us is one method of democrat cheating

but you cant deny the cheating took place

I don't call that "cheating", I call that community outreach. Cheating would be if someone voted who wasn't allowed to vote, or a ballot was cast for someone who didn't exist.

That's really not what happened.

But it is telling that the most horrifying thing for your wingnuts is people voting, particularly people of color. Because you know your crazy is in the minority and you'd be washed away if people woke up and voted.
I don't call that "cheating", I call that community outreach. Cheating would be if someone voted who wasn't allowed to vote, or a ballot was cast for someone who didn't exist.

That's really not what happened.

But it is telling that the most horrifying thing for your wingnuts is people voting, particularly people of color. Because you know your crazy is in the minority and you'd be washed away if people woke up and voted.
Any citizen is entitled to one vote

if that vote is uninformed or greedy, as in taking what your neighbor has and then awarding it to yourself, thats an injustice

but its not illegal

ballot harvesting however is against the law or should be

and if republicans get their way it will be

Even in the most corrupt city in America
ballot harvesting however is against the law or should be

and if republicans get their way it will be

Even in the most corrupt city in America

Yup... you miss poll taxes and literacy tests, too, don't you?
Not the poll tax

That hurts everyone

but if there were either or both I would do whatever it takes to vote because I care

so you admit that you aren't really interested in stopping "illegal" voting, just keeping "those people" from voting.

If you guys spent half the time actually giving people a reason to vote your way that you do in trying to keep people from voting, you might be making real progress.
so you admit that you aren't really interested in stopping "illegal" voting, just keeping "those people" from voting.

what I said was that a poll tax or a literacy test would not prevent me from voting
So if the person grading your "test" decided you "failed", you'd be fine with that.
A standard literacy test written by a nationally recognized testing organization would not present a problem for most people

but blacks do have a reputation for illiteracy

which would cause you to label the test as racist I suppose
A standard literacy test written by a nationally recognized testing organization would not present a problem for most people

but blacks do have a reputation for illiteracy

which would cause you to label the test as racist I suppose

You mean other than the history of them being racist, um, yeah.

Here's the more important question... why do you want to put so many obstacles in the way of people voting?
You mean other than the history of them being racist, um, yeah.

Here's the more important question... why do you want to put so many obstacles in the way of people voting?
The same obstacles apply to everyone

same poll tax, same litracy test

whats the big deal?

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