Hispanics: The Democrats may have put themselves in a bind

When you voted for biden you became a democrat whether you like it or not

everything they do after that is partially you fault
Great, so we can blame you for the insurrection.

Sometimes I think you shart out the first squirt of a thought you have without thinking it through.
Great, so we can blame you for the insurrection.
There was no insurrection

just a protest rally where a few individuals went too far

Except for that I do stand with the men and women protesting a stolen election

along with the actual democrat insurrection during the year-long lib Summer of Love
Republicans don’t want to eliminate those things but don’t believe in handouts. Democrats get votes by promising free stuff to be paid by fairies. People that don’t pay income taxes don’t care so they vote for the freebees. Of those that pay income taxes, only the morons don’t understand where the money is coming from.

Well, actually, they do. They've been trying to privatize social security and Medicare for years. Again, we go back to the usual racist crap. If white people get checks from the government, it's an "entitlement". If people of color get one, it's "welfare" and a "handout" and they are "mooching". We spend far more keeping middle class white people from becoming poor (which they would be very quickly if we didn't have Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment) than we do keeping poor people from starving.
Indoctrination works, but many of these educated folks are in debt up to their ears and are working at jobs they cold have gotten without their useless degree in underwater basket weaving. I will debate with you which one is the smartest/wisest…the kid you learned at skill out of high school and started working at age 18 making more than the person who is under water in debt with a useless degree and makes less money at age 22.

I keep hearing about this degree in underwater basket-weaving, but oddly, you never point out a university that offers it, Cleetus.

Here are the top ten College Degrees handed out... NO basket weaving in the bunch.

  1. Computer Science. ...
  2. Communications. ...
  3. Government/Political Science. ...
  4. Business. ...
  5. Economics. ...
  6. English Language and Literature. ...
  7. Psychology. ...
  8. Nursing.
  9. Chemical engineering
  10. Biology

As far as the supposedly smart people who started working at 18... um...no. Those are all the drooling idiots who wear MAGA hats and let the rich fuck them.

BLM is an organization. They are corrupt and there is nothing wrong with being in disagreement with them. The term itself, black lives matter is fine, and I agree, but I don’t think it is necessary to promote because it merely creates more division. All lives matter, including the many white people who have been wrongly abused or killed by police over the years. It happens, but it isn’t racially motivated. It is cops that make poor decisions.

Geez, how to unpack this load of shit.

BLM is a movement, not an organization. ONly racists really disagree with them. They NICELY asked to reform police for a decade, but we didn't start taking it seriously until the riots started. And, yes, cops shoot black people at a higher rate because they DON'T fire the racist cops. Every cop involved in a BLM incident had a whole file of previous incidents, but still had jobs.

You are so brainwashed. If your white kid is hanging out with white thugs he has a higher liklihod of having a run in with police. If you live in a bad neighborhood, that liklihood increases even if he is not hanagging out with thugs becase there is more of a police presence can he could more easily get caught up in something.

Actually, it's more like how the cops treat the white kids. White kids get probation, black kids get jail.

The only time I see a cop in my area is for a traffic accident or a traffic ticket. The crime rate is virtually nothing. The average family income is just shy of 6 digits,

Yes, we get it, you live in a really nice Trailer Park, Cleetus.

So you are ok with giving money to the non-producers on welfare living in large urban areas but not to farmers in the mid-west that produce our food..you know, the stuff that you me and the welfare folks need in order to survive. You see the difference is that one group are producers in which we all rely and the others are non-producers which we all must support. I don’t expect you to get it.

Uh, the ONLY reason why those farmers needed a bailout was because Trump started a failed trade war with China and they didn't have anywhere to sell their cash crops.

If you want a great example of socialism, it's farming. the USDA had one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers.
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You two have a lot of cool theories that undoubtedly make you feel all giddy inside to when you say them aloud….BUT what about those pesky facts that get in the way of your self manipulated foolish FEELZ?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

So some Uncle Tom publishes a survey, ignore what you see with your lying eyes.

Let's take a look at your chart. AMAZINGLY, police stopped identifying the race of the people they are shooting in 2001. White went from 457 to 201, blacks went from241 to 113, Hispanics went from 169 to 63, but "race unknown" shot up from 126 to 495. It's almost like the police started HIDING the race of the people they were out there shooting!

Sure was, and now you carry some of the blame for it.

Every cop assaulted? Your fault.

You cop beater.

Own your own idiotic claims.
I strongly support the demand for clean elections

and that means trump

I support the canadian truckers and oppose all the baby hitlers across the country

and now add the vegetable soup thugs working for pelosi
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I strongly support the demand for clean election
Nah, you're lying. Such poor acting.

You believe the big lie, so you support voter suppression and measures that allow republicans to toss out votes.

You aren't fooling anyone. Maybe yourself.
A clean election would mean one person, one vote and everyone gets to vote. Trump would never win an election like that.
Yes he would

and I think he did in 2020

but America is better off when both sides trust the election results even though one side will be disappointed
Yes he would

and I think he did in 2020

but America is better off when both sides trust the election results even though one side will be disappointed

I agree. And before Trump, that was never an issue.

But here you got a guy who got in after a foreign power interferred in our elections and he declared that any result in his not winning was unacceptable.

The problem is, your side has become a cult, not a political movement.
You have a short memory

Two examples are

Kennedy-Nixon 1960

and bush-gore 2000

Except no one really disputed those. I didn't remember Nixon inciting a riot because he thought Dick Daley did some funny business in Chicago.
They are all "wetbacks" to you nativists.
Ignorance combined with paranoia combined with a little more ignorance and paranoia.

They're walking around absolutely terrified, and their thought processes are half an inch deep.
Except no one really disputed those.

nixon was cheated out of the presidency and he accepted it

Bush and Gore went to court and eventually Gore conceded

But trump voters have had enough of stolen or unclear election results
Ignorance combined with paranoia combined with a little more ignorance and paranoia.

They're walking around absolutely terrified, and their thought processes are half an inch deep.
One does not have to be the smartest person in the room (as you are) to see what dark people do to communities, cities, states and nations….it’s all right there on the surface.
ALL wise, in-touch Americans should be “paranoid” of their community, city or state becoming darker.
Damn that RACIST data….huh?
Well, actually, they do. They've been trying to privatize social security and Medicare for years. Again, we go back to the usual racist crap. If white people get checks from the government, it's an "entitlement". If people of color get one, it's "welfare" and a "handout" and they are "mooching". We spend far more keeping middle class white people from becoming poor (which they would be very quickly if we didn't have Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment) than we do keeping poor people from starving.

I keep hearing about this degree in underwater basket-weaving, but oddly, you never point out a university that offers it, Cleetus.

Here are the top ten College Degrees handed out... NO basket weaving in the bunch.

  1. Computer Science. ...
  2. Communications. ...
  3. Government/Political Science. ...
  4. Business. ...
  5. Economics. ...
  6. English Language and Literature. ...
  7. Psychology. ...
  8. Nursing.
  9. Chemical engineering
  10. Biology

As far as the supposedly smart people who started working at 18... um...no. Those are all the drooling idiots who wear MAGA hats and let the rich fuck them.

Geez, how to unpack this load of shit.

BLM is a movement, not an organization. ONly racists really disagree with them. They NICELY asked to reform police for a decade, but we didn't start taking it seriously until the riots started. And, yes, cops shoot black people at a higher rate because they DON'T fire the racist cops. Every cop involved in a BLM incident had a whole file of previous incidents, but still had jobs.

Actually, it's more like how the cops treat the white kids. White kids get probation, black kids get jail.

Yes, we get it, you live in a really nice Trailer Park, Cleetus.

Uh, the ONLY reason why those farmers needed a bailout was because Trump started a failed trade war with China and they didn't have anywhere to sell their cash crops.

If you want a great example of socialism, it's farming. the USDA had one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers.
In short you are misinformed about virtually everything. You are the perfect Democrat. The love your kind.Simple minded, gullible types are easy to lead.

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