Historic First:Obama leaves Michelle behind for her 50th

Is this all conservatives have left?

Fake stories about the demise of Obamas marriage?

It is not a good sign. Her 50th birthday is special.

And the left cry about the sane crap about conservatives.

Obama is a crappy husband and President.

So special that they are having a big party?

What are you going to buy her?
Whose business is this anyway? Does this have anything with the running of the country?

For all we know, there will be a party for Michelle for her 50th. Let them be.
After Obama leaves the white house the right wingers will suffer withdrawals. They might have to go to rehab but Obamacare may cover it.
Michelle Obama Nears Milestone Birthday « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Nearing a milestone birthday, Michelle Obama exuberantly describes herself as “50 and fabulous.” She’s celebrating already and a big birthday bash is in the works.

The nation’s first lady hits the half-century mark on Friday and, by her own account, she feels more relaxed now that President Barack Obama’s days as a candidate are over.

“That layer is gone now. It gives me a little more room to breathe,” she told an interviewer.
Nearly five years after assuming the first lady’s role following a bruising campaign in which she sometimes became a target, Mrs. Obama is showing increased comfort in what amounts to a volunteer position with a host of responsibilities and outsized expectations. Not to mention a sometimes-unforgiving spotlight.

“I have never felt more confident in myself, more clear on who I am as a woman,” the first lady told Parade magazine when asked about the birthday. She started the celebration last week by spending extra time with girlfriends in Hawaii after her family’s holiday vacation there. It was an early birthday present from the president. On Saturday, she’ll be toasted at a White House party where guests have been advised to come ready to dance, and to eat before they come.

I still don't see her as looking anywhere near 50.
can he give US ALL a present - and resign? :eusa_pray:

leaving Michelle for herself alone in Hawaii might actually be the best present she can dream about at this point.

I don't see it as a sign of separation at all.
Michelle Obama Nears Milestone Birthday « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Nearing a milestone birthday, Michelle Obama exuberantly describes herself as “50 and fabulous.” She’s celebrating already and a big birthday bash is in the works.

The nation’s first lady hits the half-century mark on Friday and, by her own account, she feels more relaxed now that President Barack Obama’s days as a candidate are over.

“That layer is gone now. It gives me a little more room to breathe,” she told an interviewer.
Nearly five years after assuming the first lady’s role following a bruising campaign in which she sometimes became a target, Mrs. Obama is showing increased comfort in what amounts to a volunteer position with a host of responsibilities and outsized expectations. Not to mention a sometimes-unforgiving spotlight.

“I have never felt more confident in myself, more clear on who I am as a woman,” the first lady told Parade magazine when asked about the birthday. She started the celebration last week by spending extra time with girlfriends in Hawaii after her family’s holiday vacation there. It was an early birthday present from the president. On Saturday, she’ll be toasted at a White House party where guests have been advised to come ready to dance, and to eat before they come.

I still don't see her as looking anywhere near 50.

she looks exactly like 50.
"Blaming them?" I C wut u did thar!

Its kind of like why Republicans did not attend the dedication of Martin Luther Kings March on Washington.....they wouldn't go because MLK was bla........

I mean they didn't go because every Republicans schedule was busy

MLK was a republican.
The GOP tell a lie and the fools parrot it forever.

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.
Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.
- Martin Luther King Jr., on the 1964 Republican National Convention
so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

For the last several decades of her life, my mom would go to her parents' cabin for the month of September. No phone, no company, just books and all the usual church services.

She looked forward to that month all year.

Some of us prize solitude. I don't know if that is true of MO or not - but I think it's very nice she's catching some down time.
Oh ya. "Down time" at OW's luxury home. Lots and lots of "down time" I'm sure. Wise up pal.
As I posted here a couple of months ago when everything shakes out Bobo will be living above 'Boystown' with Reggie Love and Chris Matthew's will be their 'live-in' maid.
Bobo is as queer as a three dollar bill. Literally every insider in Washington knows it. It's only a matter of how much money someone in his inner circle will settle for to write a 'tell-all' book. Then the Obama rift on 'Camelot' will end up stinking where the sun don't shine.
Right now the East Coast and West Coast LIBs are having an all-in civil war and you can take this to the bank: Obama's 'life-style' is on the top of the West Coast war-room's' white board. They just have to figure out the best way to play that card........and they will.
This is wild. And I'm not rejoicing and I pray they can put it back together again. Politics aside. This is sad.

I think we are horrid people in the sense that what do we expect of these people?. I know I know we expect the best. But geeze louise they are still human with every fault that we know and mom and dads.

I think we expect too much. On the other hand, it's the job you wanted. BUT the family didn't. I'm really torn but the girls look so sad.

Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama's 50th birthday present: Time off alone in Hawaii as President returns to Washington and takes Sasha and Malia back with him | Mail Online

At the very least, I think we expect the illusion. I mean, Hillary stood by her man. I really think Barry ran the little woman off after she emasculated him, the president of the United States, at a public state event. And rightly so. If that is the case, it was well deserved. But political wives, particularly one who set out to create a politician, knows the drill. She should never have emasculated him in public and she should stay with him until the term is over. Unless, of course, he ran her off which is what I would put a cyber dollar on.
There was a time I had respect for tiny dancer

For her to post such a hateful thread as this shows how low she has sunk

Hate the man......leave his family alone

That would work if Michelle wasn't so politically active. She and Hussein are both fair game.

She is a licensed attorney, and therefor a public figure, and therefore fair game.
You know what? Sometimes you really have to think of the deal. You have a lot of perks. But what is your life like?

I'm not making excuses. But for a first family it's got to suck big time.

No, it doesn't suck big time. It IS the big time. Just what they went after. If they wanted to live a quiet, private little life, they should have stayed out of politics. Nothing is being done to them that hasn't been done many times to many others. If the kids are sad and pathetic, it is because their parents, like many others of their ilk, are entirely self occupied, like many of their followers. They all have the gravy train in the white house. Every single one of them.
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