Historic First:Obama leaves Michelle behind for her 50th

This whole issue is beyond lame.

I am no fan of Barak or Moochelle.

But the daughters have to return to school after the holidays like any other kids..

And the Prez needs to go back to work......which may or may not be a good thing for the country?

Plus, what woman doesn't sometimes want a few pampered days off from the husband and kids? .... :cool:

Well said. There doesn't seem to be anything strange in this at all. As First Lady, Mrs. Obama leads a very stressful life, not the least of which must be dealing with the bombardment of criticism from the Right. If he didn't go back to work, the Right would be up in arms. The girls have to get back to school. Any mother and wife with a stressful, demanding life dreams of some time to herself. This is so natural and ordinary it isn't even funny.
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so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

For the last several decades of her life, my mom would go to her parents' cabin for the month of September. No phone, no company, just books and all the usual church services.

She looked forward to that month all year.

Some of us prize solitude. O don't know if that is true of MO or not - but I think it's very nice she's catching some down time.

Just about every one of my fiends love a few days off and a 50th seems like a good time for that. :)
Is this all conservatives have left?

Fake stories about the demise of Obamas marriage?


They'reall forking idiots so this is about how deeply they can fathom politics.

And it AIN"T just the right wing that suffers from this shortcoming, either.
There was a time I had respect for tiny dancer

For her to post such a hateful thread as this shows how low she has sunk

Hate the man......leave his family alone

"leave his family alone"...., haaaa :lmao: his family is as fair game as were Ronny Reagans family or the Bush girls !!

you fucking liarberals have forgotten that so conveniently.., WHY ???
OMMFG....Holy Fucking Shit....you mean Michele Obama actually took some time for herself and you guys think it is the end of world.

Has any Married/Attached Member (I know how Cons LOVE the old Family Values) ever given your Husband/Wife/Boy Friend/Girl Friend/Live-in Partner ever at all ever given them time to be alone...

The op does not know shit from shinola, in fact in order to know shit from shinola, the op would to know what shinola is.

Get a life.
He's giving her an extra few days in Hawaii (at taxpayer expense) as pennence for putting the make on the Demark PM.

She can now eat to her heart's content.
OMMFG....Holy Fucking Shit....you mean Michele Obama actually took some time for herself and you guys think it is the end of world.

Has any Married/Attached Member (I know how Cons LOVE the old Family Values) ever given your Husband/Wife/Boy Friend/Girl Friend/Live-in Partner ever at all ever given them time to be alone...

The op does not know shit from shinola, in fact in order to know shit from shinola, the op would to know what shinola is.

Get a life.

But....but it signals the end of his marriage

Connect the dots....

Barack had a selfie with the Danish Prime Minister
Michelle demanded he leave her in Hawaii
The Obama girls were not smiling

Where is Glenn Beck when you need him?
He's giving her an extra few days in Hawaii (at taxpayer expense) as pennence for putting the make on the Demark PM.

She can now eat to her heart's content.

Yeah, she didn't get that fat ass by eating the kind of crap she's forcing on all the rest of us.
Jackie used to spend weeks apart from Jack....though hardly alone.....when she flew to Newport and he stayed in D.C. Of course that seemed to be cool with both of them and with the others......

Com'on you're comparing the Obama's to JFK--and how many women he tried to sneek behind Jackie's back? UNREAL.

Men typically don't leave their wives side on their 50th birthdays. What is also amazing is that the girls traveled back with Obama and not Michelle.

The looks on Michelle's face in public over the last few times I have seen her--are not that of a happy wife.

How can you tell? Really? She looks constantly pissed. Big time case of BRF.
Think John Edwards and remember the denials from the lefties.

I'll laugh my ass off if they get divorced after 2016.
Is this all conservatives have left?

Fake stories about the demise of Obamas marriage?

I think it's all they ever had to start with.

Yeah sure dumbass, all the threads on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Obamacare, Obama's lies, you missed all that?

You are a liar and a democrat, but I repeat myself.

Hey, aren't you the guy who said it was a good year because Zimmerman got found not guilty of murder and some statutory rapist kept his job?

Yeah, I thought I smelled you.

It's pretty much all the guys ever had...you lost to a black man...get over it already
I think that is great that he can give her this, assuming that she wanted it.
With all the political crap and media flap over Obamacare and Benghazi I would think she deserves a break!!!

Also I remember the wise words of a marriage counselor who recommended that couples embrace these periods of time when they need to be "alone with God" which he called the "desert phase" similar to what Jesus went through.

I pray God give them guidance, wisdom, peace and humility to make decisions by following God's will and what is good for the public and the laws given by God for this nation.

And quit pandering to popular media and politics. God does need time alone with these folks. Please get it straight! Amen!

This is wild. And I'm not rejoicing and I pray they can put it back together again. Politics aside. This is sad.

I think we are horrid people in the sense that what do we expect of these people?. I know I know we expect the best. But geeze louise they are still human with every fault that we know and mom and dads.

I think we expect too much. On the other hand, it's the job you wanted. BUT the family didn't. I'm really torn but the girls look so sad.

Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama's 50th birthday present: Time off alone in Hawaii as President returns to Washington and takes Sasha and Malia back with him | Mail Online
I think it's all they ever had to start with.

Yeah sure dumbass, all the threads on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Obamacare, Obama's lies, you missed all that?

You are a liar and a democrat, but I repeat myself.

Hey, aren't you the guy who said it was a good year because Zimmerman got found not guilty of murder and some statutory rapist kept his job?

Yeah, I thought I smelled you.

It's pretty much all the guys ever had...you lost to a black man...get over it already

It was still a bad year because nothing got resolved.
People carry the same hostility, and project the same blame on "others".

let's hope we get past this phase and move into
"enough, lets' fix this mess together, no matter whose fault it is, since we both believe it is the other party, which makes it at least mutual in that sense!"
This is wild. And I'm not rejoicing and I pray they can put it back together again. Politics aside. This is sad.

I think we are horrid people in the sense that what do we expect of these people?. I know I know we expect the best. But geeze louise they are still human with every fault that we know and mom and dads.

I think we expect too much. On the other hand, it's the job you wanted. BUT the family didn't. I'm really torn but the girls look so sad.

Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama's 50th birthday present: Time off alone in Hawaii as President returns to Washington and takes Sasha and Malia back with him | Mail Online

If my husband left me in Hawaii to spend time with friends away from him and my children, and a freezing DC I can say with certainty I would not be mad at him. Having just gone outside in the cold, I would probably forgive him for anything he did.
Why read into a woman spending time in Hawaii during the winter?

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And the kids look sad because it is freezing, and they just left Hawaii.

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This whole issue is beyond lame.

I am no fan of Barak or Moochelle.

But the daughters have to return to school after the holidays like any other kids..

And the Prez needs to go back to work......which may or may not be a good thing for the country?

Plus, what woman doesn't sometimes want a few pampered days off from the husband and kids? .... :cool:

She has it rough living in the White House. All meals prepared by a Chef and served by the kitchen staff. House keepers cleaning, kids in school all day with live-in Mother to watch them after school. It is really a hard life she has. I would say she is already pretty well pampered.
There was a time I had respect for tiny dancer

For her to post such a hateful thread as this shows how low she has sunk

Hate the man......leave his family alone

That would work if Michelle wasn't so politically active. She and Hussein are both fair game.

Conservatives have no limits on how low they will sink

This thread is a perfect example of the hate they spread. Tiny dancer has reached a new low

They can't allow White House tours for school groups because of the cost of Secret Service, but they can leave Secret service people in Hawaii to watch after the First Lady.
You should be ashamed to post a propaganda hate thread such as this

Mail Online? Really?

Leave the mans family alone

Propaganda hate thread? Are you crazy?

I'm trying to figure out how we can separate being able to attack a man or woman's political policies and make sure that we do not under any circumstances involve their family.

We can't do this to people. It's wrong.

First you lied about the President leaving his wife alone on her 50th birthday.....her birthday is not for 12 days
Then you turn a story about the President taking the girls home for school and giving his wife some "alone time" in Hawaii into a tragedy about how it signals the end of his marriage......with selected "sad" pictures

You should be ashamed.....leave the mans family alone

:lol: over react much?
This is wild. And I'm not rejoicing and I pray they can put it back together again. Politics aside. This is sad.

I think we are horrid people in the sense that what do we expect of these people?. I know I know we expect the best. But geeze louise they are still human with every fault that we know and mom and dads.

I think we expect too much. On the other hand, it's the job you wanted. BUT the family didn't. I'm really torn but the girls look so sad.

Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama's 50th birthday present: Time off alone in Hawaii as President returns to Washington and takes Sasha and Malia back with him | Mail Online

If my husband left me in Hawaii to spend time with friends away from him and my children, and a freezing DC I can say with certainty I would not be mad at him. Having just gone outside in the cold, I would probably forgive him for anything he did.
Why read into a woman spending time in Hawaii during the winter?

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If your husband did that, he would have to pay for it with his (or your) money. The Obama's use taxpayer money for the First Lady to stay there, and it is a LOT of money.

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