Historic First:Obama leaves Michelle behind for her 50th

First you lied about the President leaving his wife alone on her 50th birthday.....her birthday is not for 12 days
Then you turn a story about the President taking the girls home for school and giving his wife some "alone time" in Hawaii into a tragedy about how it signals the end of his marriage......with selected "sad" pictures

You should be ashamed.....leave the mans family alone


Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

First lady remains in Hawaii ahead of her birthday on January 17
Her husband, President Barack Obama, and daughters Sasha and Malia, arrived home in Washington on Sunday following a two-week vacation
The White House says Michelle plans to 'spend time with friends'

Who the hell spends their 50th birthday with friends?

Her birthday is not for 12 days....where was it said she would not return?

Are you so full of hate?

read the story

I don't even know how she's handling the bad days. I've admired her from day one. Just because I'm a conservative now doesn't mean I don't know who they are and the ranks they came up in.

aND YES, THAT xMAS card did look like a GOP convention....lol. ''Going after the baby'' was bs, it was a JOKE...LIKE GOP CONVENTIONS...
Jackie used to spend weeks apart from Jack....though hardly alone.....when she flew to Newport and he stayed in D.C. Of course that seemed to be cool with both of them and with the others......

Com'on you're comparing the Obama's to JFK--and how many women he tried to sneek behind Jackie's back? UNREAL.

Men typically don't leave their wives side on their 50th birthdays. What is also amazing is that the girls traveled back with Obama and not Michelle.

The looks on Michelle's face in public over the last few times I have seen her--are not that of a happy wife.


Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

First lady remains in Hawaii ahead of her birthday on January 17
Her husband, President Barack Obama, and daughters Sasha and Malia, arrived home in Washington on Sunday following a two-week vacation
The White House says Michelle plans to 'spend time with friends'

Who the hell spends their 50th birthday with friends?

Her birthday is not for 12 days....where was it said she would not return?

Are you so full of hate?

read the story

I don't even know how she's handling the bad days. I've admired her from day one. Just because I'm a conservative now doesn't mean I don't know who they are and the ranks they came up in.

I did read your propaganda hate piece

Where did anyone say Michelle would spend her 50th alone?
My mom wouldn't have sent us on to stay with friends when we were teens.
so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

Dream ?

You betcha !!

Responsible and motherly ?

Not so much.
so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

I know.....Barack is such a monster for taking the girls for a few days so his wife can have some time off

so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

Dream ?

You betcha !!

Responsible and motherly ?

Not so much.

huh? parents are allowed to go away from their kids you know. What a stupid tabloid trash story this is.

Yes they are allowed.

It is in their discretion.

My wouldn't.

I wouldn't.

Can't say I know many who would or do.
so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

Party down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm thrilled for her actually. These people albeit the President and First Lady we have to give them some space.

I'm looking at the kids, I'm interpreting right or wrong. I think it's time to back off and stop the Kardashian stuff with our first families.

I think the President and the First Lady and most importantly those girls need a break. Stop with the 24/7 No TMZ on the girls.
I've think we've gone past something. The President is the CEO of the nation. But it stops there. We cant keep intruding into their lives. We have a wife now is going to be doing something in Hawaii, the children just looked so sad, and ok from even this old conservatives heart he looked like he was reaching out to the one daughter.

And despite the fact that I hate him to death because of politics, I actually saw Daddy. I saw Daddy. And he was reaching out to his girl.
I've think we've gone past something. The President is the CEO of the nation. But it stops there. We cant keep intruding into their lives. We have a wife now is going to be doing something in Hawaii, the children just looked so sad, and ok from even this old conservatives heart he looked like he was reaching out to the one daughter.

And despite the fact that I hate him to death because of politics, I actually saw Daddy. I saw Daddy. And he was reaching out to his girl.

What was the Historic First?
Who says the kids were sad? They look like they are smiling and hugging their dad?

Where did anyone say Michelle would not be back for her 50th birthday?
This is wild. And I'm not rejoicing and I pray they can put it back together again. Politics aside. This is sad.

I think we are horrid people in the sense that what do we expect of these people?. I know I know we expect the best. But geeze louise they are still human with every fault that we know and mom and dads.

I think we expect too much. On the other hand, it's the job you wanted. BUT the family didn't. I'm really torn but the girls look so sad.

Obama LEAVES Michelle in Hawaii as 50th 'birthday present' while he returns from two-week vacation with Sasha and Malia

Michelle Obama's 50th birthday present: Time off alone in Hawaii as President returns to Washington and takes Sasha and Malia back with him | Mail Online
oh how nice..... so very special

he leaves her there on our tax dime as a birthday gift.

should i expect a thank you note for my gift anytime soon?

What makes it "on our dime"?
Speculation, of course, but mayhap Moochelle is upset over having been told she can't run to replace her wee laddie.....that now it's Hillary's turn.
so she gets left behind on hawaii, no kids, no husband...

Yes i weep for situation....Any parent will tell you that this is the dream! Anyone else is lying.

For the last several decades of her life, my mom would go to her parents' cabin for the month of September. No phone, no company, just books and all the usual church services.

She looked forward to that month all year.

Some of us prize solitude. I don't know if that is true of MO or not - but I think it's very nice she's catching some down time.
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