Historical FACTS...about Democrats


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
I wonder how many of these 20 historical facts will be defended or denied by the USMB "progressives"..

20 Of The Most Embarrassing Moments In The History Of The Democrat Party - John Hawkins - [page]

1) The Trail of Tears (1838):
2) Democrats Cause The Civil War (1860):
3) Formation of the KKK (1865):
4) 300 Black Americans Murdered (1868):
5) The American Protective League and The Palmer Raids (1919-1921):
6) Democrats Successfully Stop Republicans From Making Lynching A Federal Crime (1922):
7) The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972):
8) Japanese Internment Camps (1942):
9) Alger Hiss Convicted Of Perjury (1950):
10) The West Virgina Democrat primary is rigged by John F. Kennedy (1960):
11) The Bay of Pigs (1961):
12) Fire Hoses And Attack Dogs Used On Children (1963):
13) Stand In The Schoolhouse Door (1963):
14) Escalation In Vietnam (1964):
15) Chappaquiddick (1969):
16) Democrats Deliver South Vietnam To The North (1975):
17) The Iranian Hostage Crisis (1979-1981):
18) Bill Clinton turns down Osama Bin Laden (1996):
19) Bill Clinton was impeached (1998):
20) America loses its AAA credit rating (2011):

Ah, yes! The Democrats! The party of SLEAZE!
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1 - 15 were all prior to the two parties swapping their stances on social issues in the 60's.
16 was the best part of the entire vietnam war -- the end.
18 yes was a mistake

The rest had nothing to do with democratic beliefs

Most institutions still have us valued at AAA credit.


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