Zone1 Historical Photos Of Life In Palestine Before The Withdrawal Of British Troops In 1948

  • Palestine had a successful importing and exporting industry at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • The expansion of railroads throughout Palestine to neighboring countries helped the region's growth in business.
  • The British occupation of Palestine created tension amongst citizens and soldiers.
At the end of World War I, the British occupied the formerly Ottoman-controlled Palestine and declared the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jewish people. For the next two decades, over 100,000 Jews entered Palestine.

Fantasy. There is no "Palestine," that is just a colloquial term adopted for the constantly-changing region, nor are the people there unique in any way. Besides, the Israelis were already there long before they were.
a retaliatory asymetrical military operation is NOT genocide, even if it does create 10x or more the amount of casualties among the agressors.
Yeah sure, bombing women and children, killing 22,000 civilians and only a couple thousand, if that, Hamas fighters, isn't genocide. Cutting the water, food, fuel, and electricity from a city with 2.3 million civilians, in which half of the population are children under the age of 18, isn't a war crime.


This Jewish Zionist State that calls itself "Israel" is illegally occupying Palestinian territory according to international law, hence it has no right to commit this type of aggression, any more than a rapist has the right to take vengeance on his victim because she scratched his face or bit his pecker when he was raping her.

The Zionists already expressed that there are no innocents in Gaza and that the civilian population was guilty of what occurred on October 7th. They even identified everyone in Gaza as animals and "Amalek" (A Jewish code word for genocide). The Israeli Hebrew language media has many pundits and government officials using genocidal rhetoric. Even in the Western media, in English, Israeli officials have already expressed that they don't care about civilian casualties.

Hopefully, the US, Russia, and China will go to war soon, that way pro-genocidal Zionists like you can get a taste of what the people of Gaza are currently experiencing.
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Ther eis nio' right' or 'left'

Mods have come to your rescue, moron. You're free to babble slurs and antisemitic rubbish here.
Did you find the evidence yet for the Soviets providing the Syrians and Egyptians with thousands of tons of re-supplies in the middle of the 73 Yom Kippur war? I'm still waiting for your smoking-gun evidence.
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Did you find the evidence yet for the Soviets providing the Syrians and Egyptians with thousands of tons of re-supplies in the middle of the 73 Yom Kippur war? I'm still waiting for your smoking-gun evidence.

Nobody gives a shit what you're waiting for;you're a liar and a shill for terrorists. All you're doing here is parroting crap that get refuted about 60 million times a year since 1948, and hiding behind mods now for protection.
^^^And there we have it, a sociopath gimp, probably a faggot as wel
You're the one who is for the racist apartheid state that is now committing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, not me. How do you figure that I'm the "sociopath"? As far as my sexual orientation, stop projecting yourself on me.
Nobody gives a shit what you're waiting for;you're a liar and a shill for terrorists. All you're doing here is parroting crap that get refuted about 60 million times a year since 1948, and hiding behind mods now for protection.
Let me know when you have the smoking-gun evidence showing how the Soviets sent thousands of tons of supplies to the Syrians and Egyptians when they were fighting the Zionist State in 73.

The genocidal terrorists are the Israelis and their backers (you). You're the one hiding behind a computer in an undisclosed location, insulting people in a Zone 1 thread. I don't resort to insults until the person insults me, then I return the favor and fire. That was my SOP until I was reported to a mod for insulting the person who initially insulted me, so now I report to the mods as soon as anyone insults me. I'll give you a pass with calling me a sociopath and terrorist, but if you continue with the insults, I might report you again. ZONE 1, READ THE RULES.
Hatred never prospers. Islamic hate is the cause of the hell the Palestinians are living in.
Tell that to the Zionists.

There was no general hate around in the Middle-East before 1948 - but partially simple dislike.
Hate was incited and implemented by the Zionists - and today's hate on behalf of Muslims and especially on behalf of radical Muslim organizations is nothing else but the inevitable reaction onto Zionist policy.
a retaliatory asymetrical military operation is NOT genocide, even if it does create 10x or more the amount of casualties among the agressors.
Repeating your erroneous statement like a broken record doesn't validate it or render it true. Israel being the occupying party, that is illegally imposing its brutal, racist apartheid regime upon the Palestinians has no right to defend itself, any more than a rapist has the right to defend himself against his victim. If she commits the brutal act of biting his wiggly-wiggler off, that doesn't give him the right to do anything against her. She is simply defending herself against his aggression and that's what the Palestinians are doing. You're not going to eliminate Hamas by butchering Palestinian civilians, you're just going to promote them and ensure they always exist. You're recruiting for them when you slaughter civilians, leveling their cities to the ground.
go ahead and report me again faggot, we all know zone 1 here is a joke and just there to protect stupid gimps like yourself. we don't care. Go wank off to your Hamas rape videos and smoke another rock.
"We", are you like the Borg now? I reported you, without mercy. This is a Zone 1 thread, and if you can't control yourself when debating in this environment go to another zone where you can resort to insults and ad-homs.
Tell that to the Zionists.

There was no general hate around in the Middle-East before 1948 - but partially simple dislike.
Hate was incited and implemented by the Zionists - and today's hate on behalf of Muslims and especially on behalf of radical Muslim organizations is nothing else but the inevitable reaction onto Zionist policy.

You're ridiculous. lol they had riots all the time, especially against Jews.
"We", are you like the Borg now? I reported you, without mercy. This is a Zone 1 thread, and if you can't control yourself when debating in this environment go to another zone where you can resort to insults and ad-homs.

Already done wanking off to your Hamas rape porn? that was quick.

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