Hit them where it hurts, Donald

Pismoe - would Obama have trusted Bush's? Would Bush have trusted Clinton's? Come one. This is a vindictive and mean-spirited move. It takes the cake.
The federal government is a bloated cesspool filled with human debris. Draining the swamp was a major platform position and this is just part of it. As far as being petty goes, no one can top obama.
Sorry, but I'll reply to you both in one post.

Most of the ambassador positions are simply ceremonial and a payback for a hefty donation to the candidate that won the election. They knew that the Hildebeast lost and unless they gave a nice junk of change to her campaign, they knew that the gravy train ride was over January 20th. They had two months and a week to find new accommodations.....fuck'em...the new boss has said "You're fired"....so get your shit and go.....it's not that hard to figure out.

I can't believe Trump has supporters - much less one's that are excited about revenge. I don't want a petty president whose focus is on the irrelevant Barack Obama who failed miserably. I want a humble leader whose focus is on restoring constitutional government.

They were on the way out anyways. Trump did nothing different than Barry, and just the fact that leftist media was crying about it as "breaking with precedent" sounded that Trump did something wrong and out of "revenge".

The reality is, they will whine about everything he does, regardless if is right or wrong. They want it to sound as "revenge" and whining about it... well, that is what I am laughing about.

P@triot, keep in mind that Trump is not president yet. Can you give me one thing that he did so far that was unconstitutional. If you watched what Obama did to him in the video above, I would say that Trump was very humble towards outgoing president who pledged "peaceful transition" but doing everything to prevent him to get into office.
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When has this been done before? Take the time to actually read the article you linked to.

I actually read the article. Have you?

Trump is "breaking with decades of precedent", meaning it hasn't been done in decades, meaning it has been done before.

In fact, recalling the ambassadors on Jan 20 is part of foreign service tradition. Just because NY Times says something, and every leftist oupost repeat it, it doesn't make it true.

Foreign Service Tradition: Political Ambassadors Have To Be Out By January 20

All political appointees, including ambassadors “serve at the pleasure of the president.” All appointees of the outgoing administration are expected to leave by the time a new president is sworn into office on January 20.

Again, what do you mean "upending people's lives"?

It's in the article.

When was it last done?

OF COURSE they're expected to leave at the end of the term. No one is saying they aren't. But decades of precedent has allowed them a small amount of grace so kids can finish with schooling, visas can arranged, homes can be found etc. It's a mean spirited vindictive bit of behavior to do this with no forwarning that precedent would no longer be followed - less than two weeks. And you think this doesn't umpend people's lives?

Oh, it's about kids.

Nothing wrong with moving during the winter break. And if they really want to finish school abroad, they don't have to return until school is done, they just cant be ambassadors during that time.

As I said in my previous post, they knew on November 8 that they have to make arrangements sooner or later. And it's not "less than two weeks", it's "more than two months".

So...Trump isn't swinging hard, then?

True, he's not swinging hard. I think he's preparing for it, we'll know in twelve days.

If lefties are crying so much about normal procedures during transfer of power, imagine desperation when he gets in power.
Point out to me where Bush or Obama acted this petty and vindictive to former administration employees
It's not petty or vindictive to get rid of unconstitutional executive orders put in place by a Marxist, lunatic president like The Kenyan.

It was OK when Red Barry was doing it, right?

When has this been done before? Take the time to actually read the article you linked to.

I actually read the article. Have you?

Trump is "breaking with decades of precedent", meaning it hasn't been done in decades, meaning it has been done before.

In fact, recalling the ambassadors on Jan 20 is part of foreign service tradition. Just because NY Times says something, and every leftist oupost repeat it, it doesn't make it true.

Foreign Service Tradition: Political Ambassadors Have To Be Out By January 20

All political appointees, including ambassadors “serve at the pleasure of the president.” All appointees of the outgoing administration are expected to leave by the time a new president is sworn into office on January 20.

Again, what do you mean "upending people's lives"?

It's in the article.

When was it last done?

OF COURSE they're expected to leave at the end of the term. No one is saying they aren't. But decades of precedent has allowed them a small amount of grace so kids can finish with schooling, visas can arranged, homes can be found etc. It's a mean spirited vindictive bit of behavior to do this with no forwarning that precedent would no longer be followed - less than two weeks. And you think this doesn't umpend people's lives?
It upends no one's life. The election was in November. Inauguration is in January. Two months is plenty to make arrangements. Certainly more than obama gave the Russian diplomats when he ordered them out in 72 hours.
Most of the ambassador positions are simply ceremonial and a payback for a hefty donation to the candidate that won the election. They knew that the Hildebeast lost and unless they gave a nice junk of change to her campaign, they knew that the gravy train ride was over January 20th. They had two months and a week to find new accommodations.....fuck'em...the new boss has said "You're fired"....so get your shit and go.....it's not that hard to figure out.
-------------------------------------------------- and a good example of how life works to the elite Ambassadors kids that have to leave their Special schools and fureign friends that are all full of fureign ideas .
Most of the ambassador positions are simply ceremonial and a payback for a hefty donation to the candidate that won the election. They knew that the Hildebeast lost and unless they gave a nice junk of change to her campaign, they knew that the gravy train ride was over January 20th. They had two months and a week to find new accommodations.....fuck'em...the new boss has said "You're fired"....so get your shit and go.....it's not that hard to figure out.
-------------------------------------------------- and a good example of how life works to the elite Ambassadors kids that have to leave their Special schools and fureign friends that are all full of fureign ideas .

Before we jump to conclusion that "it's about kids" I would like lefties to provide information how many Ambassadors have kids of school age. :D
i don't know about the kids , have just heard some say that the Amb kids should be considered . Let the kids learn that life is fulla surprises .
When has this been done before? Take the time to actually read the article you linked to.

I actually read the article. Have you?

Trump is "breaking with decades of precedent", meaning it hasn't been done in decades, meaning it has been done before.

In fact, recalling the ambassadors on Jan 20 is part of foreign service tradition. Just because NY Times says something, and every leftist oupost repeat it, it doesn't make it true.

Foreign Service Tradition: Political Ambassadors Have To Be Out By January 20

All political appointees, including ambassadors “serve at the pleasure of the president.” All appointees of the outgoing administration are expected to leave by the time a new president is sworn into office on January 20.

Again, what do you mean "upending people's lives"?

It's in the article.

When was it last done?

OF COURSE they're expected to leave at the end of the term. No one is saying they aren't. But decades of precedent has allowed them a small amount of grace so kids can finish with schooling, visas can arranged, homes can be found etc. It's a mean spirited vindictive bit of behavior to do this with no forwarning that precedent would no longer be followed - less than two weeks. And you think this doesn't umpend people's lives?

Oh, it's about kids.

Nothing wrong with moving during the winter break. And if they really want to finish school abroad, they don't have to return until school is done, they just cant be ambassadors during that time.

As I said in my previous post, they knew on November 8 that they have to make arrangements sooner or later. And it's not "less than two weeks", it's "more than two months".

So...Trump isn't swinging hard, then?

True, he's not swinging hard. I think he's preparing for it, we'll know in twelve days.

If lefties are crying so much about normal procedures during transfer of power, imagine desperation when he gets in power.

Man. I wish I could have a look at your face when you realize that you were duped.
If you watched what Obama did to him in the video above, I would say that Trump was very humble towards outgoing president who pledged "peaceful transition" but doing everything to prevent him to get into office.
I agree 100% with that. I'm just saying that Trumpsters all over America are bouncing up and down with excitement over "revenge" like this is a cheesy WWF episode. That's not what we need Trump to do. We need a president that is going to illustrate to the ignorant left what constitutional government looks like.
Trump denies State Department tenure extensions.

Barry's political appointments ambassadors get the axe on Jan 20.

NY Times is already crying.

In Break With Precedent, Obama Envoys Are Denied Extensions Past Inauguration Day

How petty and juvenile.
This is what we can expect for up to the next 4 years. And it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
Wait - it's "petty" and "juvenile" to replace ignorant progressive idealists loyal to Obama with qualified, pragmatic ambassadors?!? :uhh:
This is what we can expect for up to the next 4 years. And it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
Clearly our friends on the left - after the most humiliating defeat in political history - have not learned a lesson or a smidge of humility.

Love it! Pride comes before the fall. Keep falling progressives. Keep falling. They actually believe it's not even possible for him to win a second term even though that's exactly what they said about him winning a first term!
We can hope President Trump has clear recall that Comrade Barry shredded the former U.S. Constitution and there are NO LIMITS to what he can do to Democrats. They have no leg to stand on in protest since it was their boy who did away with constraints.
We can hope President Trump has clear recall that Comrade Barry shredded the former U.S. Constitution and there are NO LIMITS to what he can do to Democrats. They have no leg to stand on in protest since it was their boy who did away with constraints.
Take a bow HenryBHough - it is well deserved...

Man. I wish I could have a look at your face when you realize that you were duped.
That may or may not come. But watching leftist meltdown since November 8 is happening and I can't get enough of it.
I hated Donald Trump - but I have to admit - watching the left come unglued and completely lose their shit has caused me to be so thankful he won the election. It's been one of the great experiences of my life. Especially on the heels of the Barack Obama regime which was so radical.
Man. I wish I could have a look at your face when you realize that you were duped.
That may or may not come. But watching leftist meltdown since November 8 is happening and I can't get enough of it.
I hated Donald Trump - but I have to admit - watching the left come unglued and completely lose their shit has caused me to be so thankful he won the election. It's been one of the great experiences of my life. Especially on the heels of the Barack Obama regime which was so radical.

As I've noted before, nutbags can't seem to get past election night. They've imagined meltdowns which haven't been there...and that is all that matters to them.

Fun times ahead, boys. Look forward.
As I've noted before, nutbags can't seem to get past election night. They've imagined meltdowns which haven't been there...and that is all that matters to them.
Uh...what?!? :uhh:

UPenn Created a Post-Election Safe Space Complete with Puppies and Coloring Books

Colleges Try to Comfort Students Upset by Trump Victory

Distraught students get therapy dogs to cope with Trump’s win | New York Post

Universities offer Play-Doh, therapy dogs, coloring books, safe spaces for students hurt by election

The Morning After: Therapy Dogs Cheer Up Stressed-Out Staffers

So to recap: progressives required "safe spaces", "cry in's", therapy dogs, coloring books, and play-doh because they had such monumental mental meltdowns...


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