Hitlery Clinton's Defeat: Who should we thank?

..... I don't think they thought too much about the wikileaks stuff. They avoided prosecution so they'd just write it off as "ah, my bad." They had the media 100% behind them demonizing Trump including most of the pollsters ........
That's a stone cold fact.
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?
Clearly, Assange played a part in defeating the Clintons' attack on America, but there are so many others to thank as well. It all began with the incredible stupidity of the leadership of the Democratic party in rigging the primary elections to prevent Sanders from being the candidate and then there is the media and their pet pollsters which did such a fine job in discrediting their own intelligence, integrity and commitment to journalistic ethics.

Of course, none of Assange's revelations would have meant anything without the corrupt, paranoid and incredibly stupid belief of Hillary, herself, and her merry band of fuck ups who thought they could run State department business through a secret private server run by people who had no security clearance and then were stupid and paranoid enough to believe they would be better off lying about it and corrupting the Justice Department, State Department and WH into supporting the cover up.

All of these people deserve the thanks of all loyal Americans for this victory of America over corruption, incompetence and downright sleaziness of the Clintons, but the person who deserves the most credit is Donald Trump, who ran a bold, brave and in the end very smart campaign against who can only be called a conspiracy between the media and the Clinton campaign to defeat the interests of the American people.
Clearly, Assange played a part in defeating the Clintons' attack on America, but there are so many others to thank as well. It all began with the incredible stupidity of the leadership of the Democratic party in rigging the primary elections to prevent Sanders from being the candidate and then there is the media and their pet pollsters which did such a fine job in discrediting their own intelligence, integrity and commitment to journalistic ethics.
I can agree with all of that.

All of these people deserve the thanks of all loyal Americans for this victory of America over corruption, incompetence and downright sleaziness of the Clintons, but the person who deserves the most credit is Donald Trump, who ran a bold, brave and in the end very smart campaign against who can only be called a conspiracy between the media and the Clinton campaign to defeat the interests of the American people.
I am pleased that Hillalry lost ..... but I don't have nearly as much confidence/admiration for Trump's "boldness, bravery and .... very smart campaign waging." I suppose that you know more about the behind the scenes strategy than I do, but I see a man who took a chance and got lucky - thanks to Wikileaks. I don't mean that he is less of a politician than Hillary (I certainly don't mean that!) I just think that there was so much dirty fighting against him that without Assange & Wikileaks Trump would never have got to second base.

Of course, none of Assange's revelations would have meant anything without the corrupt, paranoid and incredibly stupid belief of Hillary, herself, and her merry band of fuck ups who thought they could run State department business through a secret private server run by people who had no security clearance and then were stupid and paranoid enough to believe they would be better off lying about it and corrupting the Justice Department, State Department and WH into supporting the cover up.
First of all, you've got it back to front. You can't say that Assange had nothing to go on if Hillary didn't do the crime. That's like saying we wouldn't be able to breath if we had no oxygen. Hillary did the crimes alright, that's not a question. But it was Wikileaks (the whistle blower, that is) who made sure it mattered.

Secondly, all of corruption and running the State Department and White House to cover-up her dirty deeds is nothing she (nor her cohorts) invented. Don't you think the government has been running the same scam since Eisenhower left the White House?

AS A FOOTNOTE: I congratulate you and America for defeating the bitch called Hillary. But let's keep it real. Obama had all of the right credentials. He had all of the right ideas. He had a whole lot to offer the American people. But it all fell apart, and his time in office was not much more than 2 or 3 grades better than Bush Baby Jr. How the hell did that happen? That is the most important question of the last 60+ years. Eisenhower said it just as he was leaving the White House: The Military-Industrial Complex. What advice do you, I, or anyone have for Trump in order for him to avoid failing too?
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Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?

FBI Director James Comey.
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

What do you think it was that made the big difference?

Clearly it was FBI director James Comey--the most hated man in America today. Who announced 11 days prior to a National Election that he was re-opening an investigation over emails, that was settled in July, breaking long time standing DOJ protocol, and getting hammered for his announcement by over 100 former justices--both Republican and Democrat. For 7 days Americans were voting believing that Hillary Clinton was going to be charged with a crime, because of him.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Really Obama should take action against Comey and his other conspirators before he leaves office, to insure that this never happens again. Comey is in violation of the Hatch act of 1939.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

You should thank the electoral college.

We have it to thank for George Bush as well.
Does everyone agree with me that the one person who deserves the most credit is Julian Assange? After all, it was the revelations on her criminal activities that he made public ... that broke the evil witch's spell. Or am I wrong?

I still do not remember seeing a single crime in the hoards of bombshell emails that were shoved down my throat.
yes, God said he would bring the antichrist in to power when the time was right!
I don't know if he brought the Antichrist in to power ......... but He certainly did smote the Serpent, didn't He! Anyway, what makes you think God is a Christian?

Me, cherub
He releases him from the Abyss...when the time is right, to bring wrath and judgement on to the Nations...

The Serpent hasn't been smoked, he's alive and well...

God isn't a Christian, He's everything. :D

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