

May 13, 2011
There is a show on Tv about this, or there was at one time, I watched it once or twice, but it made me nauseous to see how bad some people really were in the hoarding situation.
Are you a hoarder??
I like to keep things, but I am a very organized person and everything has it's place. I have a lot of stuff, that's why I live in a 3 bedroom, I need this room :lol:
But I am not a hoarder. I don't keep countless copies of newspapers, or empty water bottles or toothpicks, new or used...all of my things are sentimental or needed or expensive or are family items, they just wouldn't fit into the hoarding category.
Wonder what makes a person a hoarder?? They say it's something mental with them, and some can get help- according to the show.
If you are not a hoarder, do you know of anyone who is??
There is a show on Tv about this, or there was at one time, I watched it once or twice, but it made me nauseous to see how bad some people really were in the hoarding situation.
Are you a hoarder??
I like to keep things, but I am a very organized person and everything has it's place. I have a lot of stuff, that's why I live in a 3 bedroom, I need this room :lol:
But I am not a hoarder. I don't keep countless copies of newspapers, or empty water bottles or toothpicks, new or used...all of my things are sentimental or needed or expensive or are family items, they just wouldn't fit into the hoarding category.
Wonder what makes a person a hoarder?? They say it's something mental with them, and some can get help- according to the show.
If you are not a hoarder, do you know of anyone who is??

I watch that program quite often...i think i do because it gets me in the mood to clean when i don't feel like it ... Lol! Man, i have alot of "stuff" too, but i can't imagine not being able to even walk through your home because of all the crap laying around. But i do know some people that are.
The program that really got to me was this woman that didn't just hoard "things" she also hoarded CATS! The people there to help her found a couple dead cats, one completely flattened out underneath some junk and the woman just said "I wondered where she went" :cuckoo:
You are not a hoarder until your desire to keep things begins to have a serious negative impact on your life. I know people who keep everything but their house is clean and they store things in an orderly manner.

If it endangers your health or the healthy realtionships in your life it is a problem. That goes for anything in life from hoarding to working to much.
Ya, i guess there are CLEAN hoarders. But on that show it seems they're all also FILTHY! It's one thing to have alot of stuff, but most that are shown on that program are people that also have moldy food (can't even cook in the kitchens!), feces from pets, and just CRAP all over. I don't get why people don't throw away garbage!
It's a form of obssessive compulsive disorder. The hoarder cannot fathom getting rid of the stuff because he's convinced he'll need it someday. So yes, it's a mental illness.

It's a rational thought, originally, but easily spreads into non-rational behavior.

You might need a working toaster. You will not need the July 9, 2006 copy of the newspaper.
Here's a thought. The only difference between the Smithsonian and a hoarder is the degree of organization. Ever see a benind the scenes of Smithsonian collection? They have more stuff than they even know about. Ditto a hoarder.
You mean to tell me I should not hoard my dusty old gold?

or those 500 cases of incandescent light bulbs?

I am sure my 3,250 little troll dolls are worth a fortune.
You mean to tell me I should not hoard my dusty old gold?

or those 500 cases of incandescent light bulbs?

I am sure my 3,250 little troll dolls are worth a fortune.
You mean to tell me I should not hoard my dusty old gold?

or those 500 cases of incandescent light bulbs?

I am sure my 3,250 little troll dolls are worth a fortune.

Don't count on the troll dolls to finance your golden years but the light bulbs might pay off when the government orders haz-mat teams to your house when you break a mercury bulb. Did you ever see the stuff museums hoard? They have dead human beings in boxes that they never opened and more body parts than Ed Gein's farmhouse. I have a lot of stuff myself (no body parts) and I justify it by saying that the only difference between hoarders and museums is the degree of organization...and maybe the value but that's not always the case.
There's a difference between hoarding and just being a slob. I've known both, although I think hoarders become slobs because they are so overwhelmed by their stuff and don't see the difference anymore between garbage and valuables.

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