Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage to $14 for Full-Time Employees

How quickly they try to change their tune.
Same tune. Free market.

You're DESPERATE to find some progressive good in this defeat.

And your desperation is amusing. :lol:

Your idiocy is boring. Do you wish to deny that there has been a constant conservative drumbeat that such increases in wages would INEVITABLY lead to layoffs and inflation?
Read carefully, for in this post I will illustrate your utter dumbassery.

Hobby Lobby raised their wages because their business model allowed them to. They could afford to absorb and pass on the costs, which their customers were willing to cover.

Forcing EVERY company to raise wages would indeed be disaster, because not every company could absorb and pass on the cost. Some would cut employees to reduce the increased overhead; some would have no choice but to close their doors.

Do you get it now, or are you going to continue being stupid and acting superior?
How quickly they try to change their tune.
Same tune. Free market.

You're DESPERATE to find some progressive good in this defeat.

And your desperation is amusing. :lol:

What's the defeat? Americans in the working class getting better wages and conservatives looking stupid all in one fell swoop. I couldn't be happier.
"What's the defeat"? The SCOTUS ruling, of course.

No conservatives are looking stupid. Sheer projection on your part.
No, seriously, dood. Everybody knows.

Just say this, and you'll feel a lot better: "I'm Sallow, and I'm a fucking dumbass."

Well Dave..since you insist on Daving..

If you think Hobby Lobby is a sweet place to work..

Maybe it's time to give up that gubmint job..and work in the private sector for a bit.

Get your application ready..boyo.

They do except insects with no emotion.

Like you Davey.


lol, yes daveman, the Ron Swanson of USMB. Works for the government; hates the government.
If progressives couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.

I don't hate the government. I want it to work better. Hint: It's not working better. It's working pretty crappily.
Businesses aren't people. People create businesses, but businesses aren't people.

And money isn't speech.

If Hobby Lobby can raise its employees' wages then why can't Wal-Mart?
Businesses aren't people. People create businesses, but businesses aren't people.

And money isn't speech.

If Hobby Lobby can raise its employees' wages then why can't Wal-Mart?

Perhaps they can and perhaps they will have to in order to compete with Hobby Lobby for quality employees (I'm certain Walmart's better workers already get better wages) but in either event it's not your company and therefore it's not your fucking call. Get it? :lol:
Businesses aren't people. People create businesses, but businesses aren't people.

And money isn't speech.

If Hobby Lobby can raise its employees' wages then why can't Wal-Mart?

Perhaps they can and perhaps they will have to in order to compete with Hobby Lobby for quality employees (I'm certain Walmart's better workers already get better wages) but in either event it's not your company and therefore it's not your fucking call. Get it? :lol:

Is there a free market demand for child labor?
No, the 'belief' that is destroyed is the one that conservatives have been spewing that these sorts of retailers couldn't possibly raise the minimum wage without having to either do massive layoffs or even go out of business.

Hobby Lobby proves that WE are right, not you.

Horse shit. The success of some operating models does not fit all. The point remains that private firms set their wage scale ... not you, not me and definitely not the federal gov't.

Companies that can't make money paying a reasonable minimum wage don't deserve to do business in America.

A reasonable min wage is subjective and since it's not your company, it's not your call but firms that do not operate profitably - for whatever reason - generally go out of biz. That's how free market economies work. If you want Walmart out you will hafta get lots of peeps to quit shopping there. Of course, those who lose their jobs as a result may not be too happy with you (but what do you care).
Horse shit. The success of some operating models does not fit all. The point remains that private firms set their wage scale ... not you, not me and definitely not the federal gov't.

Companies that can't make money paying a reasonable minimum wage don't deserve to do business in America.

A reasonable min wage is subjective and since it's not your company, it's not your call but firms that do not operate profitably - for whatever reason - generally go out of biz. That's how free market economies work. If you want Walmart out you will hafta get lots of peeps to quit shopping there. Of course, those who lose their jobs as a result may not be too happy with you (but what do you care).

Of course a reasonable minimum wage is subjective. So is the opinion that the government should have no say on wages.

What's your point?
Companies that can't make money paying a reasonable minimum wage don't deserve to do business in America.

A reasonable min wage is subjective and since it's not your company, it's not your call but firms that do not operate profitably - for whatever reason - generally go out of biz. That's how free market economies work. If you want Walmart out you will hafta get lots of peeps to quit shopping there. Of course, those who lose their jobs as a result may not be too happy with you (but what do you care).

Of course a reasonable minimum wage is subjective. So is the opinion that the government should have no say on wages.

What's your point?

Since it's not your company, it's not your call. Get it?

Average abortion costs $350 at a clinic, $900 at Dr. office -- so a week to a week and half's salary to cover the cost of an unwanted pregnancy.

Walgreens sells Plan-B for $49.99 - or 4 hours working at Hobby Lobby.

A reasonable min wage is subjective and since it's not your company, it's not your call but firms that do not operate profitably - for whatever reason - generally go out of biz. That's how free market economies work. If you want Walmart out you will hafta get lots of peeps to quit shopping there. Of course, those who lose their jobs as a result may not be too happy with you (but what do you care).

Of course a reasonable minimum wage is subjective. So is the opinion that the government should have no say on wages.

What's your point?

Since it's not your company, it's not your call. Get it?

Actually there are literally thousands of decisions that are not American companies' 'calls', because the law makes that call for them.

I'm not surprised you don't know that.
Same tune. Free market.

You're DESPERATE to find some progressive good in this defeat.

And your desperation is amusing. :lol:

Your idiocy is boring. Do you wish to deny that there has been a constant conservative drumbeat that such increases in wages would INEVITABLY lead to layoffs and inflation?
Read carefully, for in this post I will illustrate your utter dumbassery.

Hobby Lobby raised their wages because their business model allowed them to. They could afford to absorb and pass on the costs, which their customers were willing to cover.

Forcing EVERY company to raise wages would indeed be disaster, because not every company could absorb and pass on the cost. Some would cut employees to reduce the increased overhead; some would have no choice but to close their doors.

Do you get it now, or are you going to continue being stupid and acting superior?

Do you have any objection to companies paying a dollar an hour, if they can find people willing to work for that?
From last year:

Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage to $14 for Full-Time Employees
April 18, 2013|5:29 pm

Arts and crafts giant Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. announced on Monday that effective immediately, the minimum wage for its full-time hourly employees at its stores and affiliate Hemisphere was increased to $14. The hourly wage for part-time employees was also increased to $9.50.

In a report on Thursday, founder and CEO of the company David Green said the decision was simply an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of his employees.

"We are very fortunate to be able to increase hourly wages for our employees, because we know our company would not be successful without the great work they do each day in our stores across the nation," said Green.

"We know that if we reward our employees for their hard work, we will be rewarded in turn with their loyalty and dedication to their job and to our customers," he added.

Hobby lobby, one of America's largest privately owned companies headquartered in Oklahoma City, Okla., employs 22,000 workers in 525 stores nationwide. This is the fifth successive year the company has increased wages for hourly paid full-time workers and the fourth for those working part-time. In 2012, full-time workers were paid $13 per hour while part-time workers earned $9. Full-time employees at Hobby Lobby and its affiliate now earn nearly two times more than the national minimum wage set at $7.25 per hour.

"As a family-owned business, we want our employees to feel like they are part of a family," said Green. "This is one way we can show our appreciation for their work and make them feel like part of a team."​

I'm impressed

Do employees get to decide if they will be full time or not?
From last year:

Hobby Lobby Raises Minimum Wage to $14 for Full-Time Employees
April 18, 2013|5:29 pm

Arts and crafts giant Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. announced on Monday that effective immediately, the minimum wage for its full-time hourly employees at its stores and affiliate Hemisphere was increased to $14. The hourly wage for part-time employees was also increased to $9.50.

In a report on Thursday, founder and CEO of the company David Green said the decision was simply an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of his employees.

"We are very fortunate to be able to increase hourly wages for our employees, because we know our company would not be successful without the great work they do each day in our stores across the nation," said Green.

"We know that if we reward our employees for their hard work, we will be rewarded in turn with their loyalty and dedication to their job and to our customers," he added.

Hobby lobby, one of America's largest privately owned companies headquartered in Oklahoma City, Okla., employs 22,000 workers in 525 stores nationwide. This is the fifth successive year the company has increased wages for hourly paid full-time workers and the fourth for those working part-time. In 2012, full-time workers were paid $13 per hour while part-time workers earned $9. Full-time employees at Hobby Lobby and its affiliate now earn nearly two times more than the national minimum wage set at $7.25 per hour.

"As a family-owned business, we want our employees to feel like they are part of a family," said Green. "This is one way we can show our appreciation for their work and make them feel like part of a team."​

I'm impressed

Do employees get to decide if they will be full time or not?

The employees have an opportunity. They're performance will determine if they're in the starting lineup. Kinda like sports.
Kind of goes against the conservative consensus that it isn't worth more than 7 bucks an hour to pay some loser to push buttons on a cash register.

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