Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
You keep infering that Palin's map had something to do with Giffords shooting. You know damn well what you are inferring, Chester.

And you also damn well know what you are trying to elude too.

Just admit it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with her shooting, and also admit that the dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents LOOOOOOOOONG before Palin's map ever came out.

I'm not up here to play your snarky lil' games, Butch.....Just admit what you have been doing and move on.

Btw, care to explain how a 9 year old two years ago is now taking a drivers test?


The offer is there on the table. Are you going to take it because you have proof to go with your accusations....or are you going to slink away because you know you've got nothing and you are afraid to commit?
Shocking, you don't see the point. Is it really that difficult?

To you Palin putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional races was responsible for attempted assassination of a US congresswoman, but this is fine. This is something that the president of the United States should endorse and take the stage minutes after being said.

You don't understand and that is obvious.

Hoffa spoke directly about VOTING

Where on Palins assassination list did she reference voting?
What assasination list, RW?

Christ, if we mashed your head together with Zona and Bodecea, we might be able to squeeze 17 brain cells out of you 3 ignorant clowns.

Now, show us how Palin's map had anything to do with any shootings, you fuckin' moron.

Just stopping by to point out that you have a challenge on the table. Are you going to take it or slink away like a lying coward? I have some side bets running on the answer.
You could have saved yourself some typing by being honest and saying "I've got nothing".


You've got nothing....

Not surprised that: a) your comprehension skills are 180 out, b) that you answer something not addressed to your comments.
and c) you think cutting out Big Fitz's quote will somehow not be noticed. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
You keep infering that Palin's map had something to do with Giffords shooting. You know damn well what you are inferring, Chester.

And you also damn well know what you are trying to elude too.

Just admit it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with her shooting, and also admit that the dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents LOOOOOOOOONG before Palin's map ever came out.

I'm not up here to play your snarky lil' games, Butch.....Just admit what you have been doing and move on.

Btw, care to explain how a 9 year old two years ago is now taking a drivers test?


The offer is there on the table. Are you going to take it because you have proof to go with your accusations....or are you going to slink away because you know you've got nothing and you are afraid to commit?
Your inferences are all over this board, Chester........YOU are the one who keeps making the case that Palin' crosshairs hairs map targeted Giffords in a sinister way, while cowardly trying to excuse the dem's for doing the EXACT SAME THING long before Palin's map.

The proof is all over this board, Butch, to include this thread....You know damn well what you are trying to insinuate, and don't even try to fuckin' deny it.

And no, I don't commit to liberals......Liberals are snakes, they cannot be trusted.....And for very valid reasons, I would NEVER trust you in particular......Not after what I just found out about you, and will fully expose when you least expect it.......9 year old two years ago is now taking drivers tests?:eusa_whistle::lol:

So, are you now going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the several dem maps, or are you going to continue to infer that Palin's map had sinister intentions?
You keep infering that Palin's map had something to do with Giffords shooting. You know damn well what you are inferring, Chester.

And you also damn well know what you are trying to elude too.

Just admit it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with her shooting, and also admit that the dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents LOOOOOOOOONG before Palin's map ever came out.

I'm not up here to play your snarky lil' games, Butch.....Just admit what you have been doing and move on.

Btw, care to explain how a 9 year old two years ago is now taking a drivers test?


The offer is there on the table. Are you going to take it because you have proof to go with your accusations....or are you going to slink away because you know you've got nothing and you are afraid to commit?
Your inferences are all over this board, Chester........YOU are the one who keeps making the case that Palin' crosshairs hairs map targeted Giffords in a sinister way, while cowardly trying to excuse the dem's for doing the EXACT SAME THING long before Palin's map.

The proof is all over this board, Butch, to include this thread....You know damn well what you are trying to insinuate, and don't even try to fuckin' deny it.

And no, I don't commit to liberals......Liberals are snakes, they cannot be trusted.....And for very valid reasons, I would NEVER trust you in particular......Not after what I just found out about you, and will fully expose when you least expect it.......9 year old two years ago is now taking drivers tests?:eusa_whistle::lol:

So, are you now going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the several dem maps, or are you going to continue to infer that Palin's map had sinister intentions?

Still waiting for you to commit to the bet....Yes or No....stop whining and actually commit to something. Yes or no.

(I got side bets riding on this)
Whose name did he name?
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.


Here is the offer again. Are you going to take it? Or not take it?
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Not surprised that: a) your comprehension skills are 180 out, b) that you answer something not addressed to your comments.
and c) you think cutting out Big Fitz's quote will somehow not be noticed. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You've got a little drool on your chin, Doorknob..

That was the best comeback you could come up with in how many minutes of thinking? :lol:
The offer is there on the table. Are you going to take it because you have proof to go with your accusations....or are you going to slink away because you know you've got nothing and you are afraid to commit?
Your inferences are all over this board, Chester........YOU are the one who keeps making the case that Palin' crosshairs hairs map targeted Giffords in a sinister way, while cowardly trying to excuse the dem's for doing the EXACT SAME THING long before Palin's map.

The proof is all over this board, Butch, to include this thread....You know damn well what you are trying to insinuate, and don't even try to fuckin' deny it.

And no, I don't commit to liberals......Liberals are snakes, they cannot be trusted.....And for very valid reasons, I would NEVER trust you in particular......Not after what I just found out about you, and will fully expose when you least expect it.......9 year old two years ago is now taking drivers tests?:eusa_whistle::lol:

So, are you now going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the several dem maps, or are you going to continue to infer that Palin's map had sinister intentions?

Still waiting for you to commit to the bet....Yes or No....stop whining and actually commit to something. Yes or no.

(I got side bets riding on this)
Are you fuckin' stupid, or just dense?

Did I not just say that I don't trust liberals, and will not commit with any liberal, on ANYTHING?

I play my bets in Vegas and on Cruise ships......I don't play bets with fully proven liars like you.

Yeah, twenty fuckin' years living a total lie, and now a newly discovered lie......No, I don't trust you.......So go play Vegas with any other dumbasses who are ignorant enough to trust a fully proven abject liar such as yourself.

Get it?

Now, are you going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the other dem maps that were put out looooong before hers. And that there were no sinister intentions to Palin's map, and your round about inferences that there were sinister intentions towards Giffords is completely off base, and you're full o' shit?

Fact is, Butch, you don't have to come out and directly state Giffords shooting was a result of Palin's map. Your inferences are enough to fully prove the case........Just be honest, Butch.....You're not fooling anybody.
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Are you fuckin' stupid, or just dense?


Oh she's fucking stupid.

I call her "Doorknob," as in "Stupid as a fucking Doorknob."

It fits her well!

Did I not just say that I don't trust liberals, and will not commit with any liberal, on ANYTHING?

I play my bets in Vegas and on Cruise ships......I don't play bets with fully proven liars like you.

Yeah, twenty fuckin' years living a total lie, and now a newly discovered lie......No, I don't trust you.......So go play Vegas with any other dumbasses who are ignorant enough to trust a fully proven abject liar such as yourself.

Get it?

Now, are you going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the other dem maps that were put out looooong before hers. And that there were no sinister intentions to Palin's map, and your round about inferences that there were sinister intentions towards Giffords is completely off base, and you're full o' shit?

Fact is, Butch, you don't have to come out and directly state Giffords shooting was a result of Palin's map. Your inferences are enough to fully conclude the case you so failingly try make, constantly up here........Just be honest, Butch.....You're not fooling anybody.

Best course of action with Doorknob is to openly mock her, and laugh at her antics...
"We want jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs...." Yeah, what about those jobs the Anointed One promised you back in 2008? Remember those "shovel-ready" jobs he and Pelosi were going to "give" you? WHERE ARE THEY? A casualty of wrecking the recovery with foolish pork-barrel spending, with mindless regulation, with the whole stifling, suffocating liberal approach in search of a command economy....but Jimmy Hoffa won't tell you that, rank-and-file! He won't tell you how he used your dues to buy influence and line his own pockets, at your expense. He and other union bosses have convinced you you can have a fat contract with lots of benefits, without really working hard, and still have secure employment. Jimmy doesn't care if the cost of your labor and benefits eventually puts your employer under, and you are effectively priced out of the job market-he's got his, and he's living high on the hog, (talk about greedy CEOs? Check out what your union leaders make!) laughing at you stupid sheep, for actually believing his and Barry's fables about a "free lunch". Those jobs you don't have? THAT is how you lost those jobs! Jimmy doesn't care, he wants YOUR votes, to buy HIM influence! THAT IS A FACT, whether you like it or not. Barry doesn't care about you, either; well, not until the next election, anyway. He's got his; how you get yours, is YOUR problem. Of course, he'll keep those unemployment checks coming, the better to make you dependent on the government.....and HIS party! Keep believing in those promises though, because with them, promises are all you are going to get! Almost three years...are you better off today? And about those jobs, the ones you were promised, and STILL don't have......ask Barry; all you'll get, is excuses, and more empty promises! Oh, ye suckers......
Your inferences are all over this board, Chester........YOU are the one who keeps making the case that Palin' crosshairs hairs map targeted Giffords in a sinister way, while cowardly trying to excuse the dem's for doing the EXACT SAME THING long before Palin's map.

The proof is all over this board, Butch, to include this thread....You know damn well what you are trying to insinuate, and don't even try to fuckin' deny it.

And no, I don't commit to liberals......Liberals are snakes, they cannot be trusted.....And for very valid reasons, I would NEVER trust you in particular......Not after what I just found out about you, and will fully expose when you least expect it.......9 year old two years ago is now taking drivers tests?:eusa_whistle::lol:

So, are you now going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the several dem maps, or are you going to continue to infer that Palin's map had sinister intentions?

Still waiting for you to commit to the bet....Yes or No....stop whining and actually commit to something. Yes or no.

(I got side bets riding on this)
Are you fuckin' stupid, or just dense?

Did I not just say that I don't trust liberals, and will not commit with any liberal, on ANYTHING?

I play my bets in Vegas and on Cruise ships......I don't play bets with fully proven liars like you.

Yeah, twenty fuckin' years living a total lie, and now a newly discovered lie......No, I don't trust you.......So go play Vegas with any other dumbasses who are ignorant enough to trust a fully proven abject liar such as yourself.

Get it?

Now, are you going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the other dem maps that were put out looooong before hers. And that there were no sinister intentions to Palin's map, and your round about inferences that there were sinister intentions towards Giffords is completely off base, and you're full o' shit?

Fact is, Butch, you don't have to come out and directly state Giffords shooting was a result of Palin's map. Your inferences are enough to fully prove the case........Just be honest, Butch.....You're not fooling anybody.

So you are a lying coward. (I win the side bet) I will save your snivelling dodge for future reference. You can't even commit to a possible 30 day self-ban. Coward.
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.


Here is the offer again. Are you going to take it? Or not take it?

Update. Wicked Lester refuses to take the challenge. He snivelled out of FEAR of a 30 day self ban because he knows he has no proof to back his accusations. I suggest that anyone else having issues with his lies challenge him to a self-ban...he will run away with his tail between his legs like he did with me.
Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.


Here is the offer again. Are you going to take it? Or not take it?

Update. Wicked Lester refuses to take the challenge. He snivelled out of FEAR of a 30 day self ban because he knows he has no proof to back his accusations. I suggest that anyone else having issues with his lies challenge him to a self-ban...he will run away with his tail between his legs like he did with me.
Still waiting for you to commit to the bet....Yes or No....stop whining and actually commit to something. Yes or no.

(I got side bets riding on this)
Are you fuckin' stupid, or just dense?

Did I not just say that I don't trust liberals, and will not commit with any liberal, on ANYTHING?

I play my bets in Vegas and on Cruise ships......I don't play bets with fully proven liars like you.

Yeah, twenty fuckin' years living a total lie, and now a newly discovered lie......No, I don't trust you.......So go play Vegas with any other dumbasses who are ignorant enough to trust a fully proven abject liar such as yourself.

Get it?

Now, are you going to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the other dem maps that were put out looooong before hers. And that there were no sinister intentions to Palin's map, and your round about inferences that there were sinister intentions towards Giffords is completely off base, and you're full o' shit?

Fact is, Butch, you don't have to come out and directly state Giffords shooting was a result of Palin's map. Your inferences are enough to fully prove the case........Just be honest, Butch.....You're not fooling anybody.

So you are a lying coward. (I win the side bet) I will save your snivelling dodge for future reference. You can't even commit to a possible 30 day self-ban. Coward.
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc peeeeeeoooooppppppple.....time is tickin' awaaaaaaay!
And he said, "Take the sons a bitches out" meaning the republicans or the tea party?Take them out...what...like the thugs took out his father? How's that for inflamatory rhetoric? So much for civility from the left. Typical hypocracy do as I say not as I do.

Sad...how they make themselves look so stupid.

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