Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

You sure as shit don't know your arse from your elbow.

You don't even know me enough to know my views on that. I fucking despise anarchists - and they despise me...and I did condemn them, so sure as shit shut your mouth about crap you don't know anything about.

You are a mindless partisan.

You hate everything that KOS tells you to hate. You serve the party and think only thoughts the party tells you to think.

You're a drone.
Said the mindless DittoTard Drone! :rofl::lmao:
There we have it. Violence is OK, as long as your side does it.

That is exactly what you fascists have been saying.

Incendiary rhetoric by Palin - BAD, maybe criminal.

Incendiary rhetoric by mob boss Hoffa - GOOD, couldn't be better - Obama Akbar.

Incendiary rhetoric.....firing people up to vote. Yep.

Again do you not know who the teamsters and hoffas are?

Maybe I have a sore spot since them and their mob friends tried to take out my grandfather and beat up two of his brothers......i guess I just remember their history and find this violent rhetoric too similar for comfort.
Ever seen a city where the WTO comes to have a meeting? Not very right wing and I don't see anyone but the lefties agreeing with that violence. Or at least, we sure as shit don't hear you condemning it.

The Anarchists are idiots. But that's what they are....ANARCHISTS. Do you know what that word means? Hint: they don't like righties OR lefties.
So when you have groups of "Anarchists" like:
International ANSWER
Code Pink
The RNC Welcoming Committee
The Weather Underground
The New Black Panthers
Ruckus Society
and the SEIU

all with known ties to causing violence at rallies for opposing points of view, spouting the same views you proclaim... they're disavowed as anarchists?

I see. Damn that's an ugly chicken you had come home to roost.

Keep connecting the dots ;)
Can I open a can of whoopass on every sorry Son of a Biatch sporting a Hope & Change bumpersnicker now???

Apparently the left feels the gloves have come off and it's open season on the Tea Party.

I'm definently feeling oppressed.

I'm feeling pumped up can't wait to see the blood shed.
Whose name did he name?
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
You keep infering that Palin's map had something to do with Giffords shooting. You know damn well what you are inferring, Chester.

And you also damn well know what you are trying to elude too.

Just admit it, Palin's map had absolutely nothing to do with her shooting, and also admit that the dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents LOOOOOOOOONG before Palin's map ever came out.

I'm not up here to play your snarky lil' games, Butch.....Just admit what you have been doing and move on.

Btw, care to explain how a 9 year old two years ago is now taking a drivers test?

Hoffa repeatedly calls on his "army" of VOTERS to take the America hating Tea Bag SOBs in the November election. You obviously never even listened to your own video, but are parroting what you heard from the dishonestly edited FOX video which you have defended.

Below is the transcript of the video you posted and never listened to with the parts FOX cobbled together and passed off as the whole quote in red. Notice how every reference to voting was edited out by the lying scum at FOX. The edited FOX video follows.

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0"]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]

Yes my video had the entire context, it was the 2.5 min one not the 1.5 min one that leaves off the first minute that shows that.

Still the rhetoric was very very violent ...
Bullshit! Voting is not violence.

The 1.5 minute one is the dishonestly edited FOX video YOU defended. It removes all references to voting in November to change the context from voting to violence. And YOU know it. It is no more violent then this quote from Moochele Bachmann, "We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” Both are imploring people to vote.

Now this IS violent rhetoric:
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
Steve King, Republican US Rep., Iowa, March 21, 2010
The Anarchists are idiots. But that's what they are....ANARCHISTS. Do you know what that word means? Hint: they don't like righties OR lefties.
So when you have groups of "Anarchists" like:
International ANSWER
Code Pink
The RNC Welcoming Committee
The Weather Underground
The New Black Panthers
Ruckus Society
and the SEIU

all with known ties to causing violence at rallies for opposing points of view, spouting the same views you proclaim... they're disavowed as anarchists?

I see. Damn that's an ugly chicken you had come home to roost.

Keep connecting the dots ;)
Yeah, either she freaked and popped lavender smoke to run away from the awful truth, got bored with losing or is actually doing something with her life. My money's on the first.
Bullshit! Voting is not violence.

Taking people out sure is, Edtheliar.

The 1.5 minute one is the dishonestly edited FOX video YOU defended. It removes all references to voting in November to change the context from voting to violence. And YOU know it. It is no more violent then this quote from Moochele Bachmann, "We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” Both are imploring people to vote.

Now this IS violent rhetoric:
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
Steve King, Republican US Rep., Iowa, March 21, 2010

No one here is defending that speech, Edtheliar.
Hoffa repeatedly calls on his "army" of VOTERS to take the America hating Tea Bag SOBs in the November election. You obviously never even listened to your own video, but are parroting what you heard from the dishonestly edited FOX video which you have defended.

Below is the transcript of the video you posted and never listened to with the parts FOX cobbled together and passed off as the whole quote in red. Notice how every reference to voting was edited out by the lying scum at FOX. The edited FOX video follows.

Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube

Yes my video had the entire context, it was the 2.5 min one not the 1.5 min one that leaves off the first minute that shows that.

Still the rhetoric was very very violent ...
Bullshit! Voting is not violence.

The 1.5 minute one is the dishonestly edited FOX video YOU defended. It removes all references to voting in November to change the context from voting to violence. And YOU know it. It is no more violent then this quote from Moochele Bachmann, "We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” Both are imploring people to vote.

Now this IS violent rhetoric:
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
Steve King, Republican US Rep., Iowa, March 21, 2010

You are flat out wrong...this is the video I keep posting

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

And both King and Hoffa use the same line "lets take them out" - King "lets take these sons a bitches out" -Hoffa

You sound so full of shit.

then there is obama telling people to "get in their face" when referring to people who don't agree with his positions or where he appears to stand on them.
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I don't understand the fuss...

Hoffa is obviously encouraging teamsters to date Tea Baggers

Shocking, you don't see the point. Is it really that difficult?

To you Palin putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional races was responsible for attempted assassination of a US congresswoman, but this is fine. This is something that the president of the United States should endorse and take the stage minutes after being said.

You don't understand and that is obvious.

Hoffa spoke directly about VOTING

Where on Palins assassination list did she reference voting?
What assasination list, RW?

Christ, if we mashed your head together with Zona and Bodecea, we might be able to squeeze 17 brain cells out of you 3 ignorant clowns.

Now, show us how Palin's map had anything to do with any shootings, you fuckin' moron.
Hoffa repeatedly calls on his "army" of VOTERS to take the America hating Tea Bag SOBs in the November election. You obviously never even listened to your own video, but are parroting what you heard from the dishonestly edited FOX video which you have defended.

Below is the transcript of the video you posted and never listened to with the parts FOX cobbled together and passed off as the whole quote in red. Notice how every reference to voting was edited out by the lying scum at FOX. The edited FOX video follows.

Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube

Yes my video had the entire context, it was the 2.5 min one not the 1.5 min one that leaves off the first minute that shows that.

Still the rhetoric was very very violent ...
Bullshit! it! Voting is not violence.

The 1.5 minute one is the dishonestly edited FOX video YOU defended. It removes all references to voting in November to change the context from voting to violence. And YOU know it. It is no more violent then this quote from Moochele Bachmann, "We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” Both are imploring people to vote.

Now this IS violent rhetoric:
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
Steve King, Republican US Rep., Iowa, March 21, 2010


I guess you forgot about HANGING Chads in Flor-i-duh!!!
What do you expect from the Left? Look at their history. These people (exhibit A-Obama's pal, Bill Ayers) were the communist radicals of the sixties, advocating "peace and love" while they rioted, bombed buildings, tried to start a communist revolt, cursed and spat on soldiers, even killed police officers. Of course, most of them disavow that, now that they have some power. They claim to be all sweetness and light again, and when they won the 2008 election, they were positively giddy.

Predictably, they accused the other side of being nasty and violent; seized on every extremist remark to make their case, and called for civility. Any criticism of their Fearless Leader was denounced as racism, any opportunity to portray ALL their opponents as "violent extremists" and "terrorists" was used. Their playbook boys and girls, is straight out of Saul "The Red" Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Meanwhile, they adopted the tactics of totalitarians; like Stalinists and Nazis everywhere, they built a cult of personality around their leader-we saw brainwashed schoolchildren singing hymns of praise to Dear Leader, older youth in combat dress and boots marched-the Hitler Jugend, Young Pioneers, and Red Guards, American style! They even had the NBPP intimidating voters in Philadelphia-boots and clubs, again. (They not only did not prosecute this last, they refused to denounce it). They even sought to establish a civilian"defense force" loyal, not to the constitution, but to an individual!

Now that they are being defeated at every turn, now that they see their dream of total domination slipping away, comes the actual violence from union thugs, the threat of more from a mobster and union boss, all without the first word of condemnation, (because they secretly glory in it?), even as they demand "civility" from their opponents. This, my fellow conservatives, is what the Left is reduced to; what it always has been, if you scratched it deep enough, and right on cue, its appetite for blood and violence rises to the top, like foam on a cesspool.

The Left is, as it always has been, a lie. It asks for tolerance, but denies it to opponents. It offers an olive branch with one hand, while it hides the dagger in the other. It delights in calling opponents "Nazi!" while it is itself fascist at its rotten core. When it can't win elections, it offers up obstruction, and when that fails, threats and violence from its footsoldiers-street punks and union thugs!

And so I say this to the Left: if you will not condemn this talk of war, I assume you mean it, and desire one. When you call us "terrorists" I assume you mean it. When you applaud a union mobster who declares war, and says "there will only be one winner!", I assume that is what you want. When you declare me your enemy, I assume that you are MY enemy! Unlike many of you, I have actually seen a real war. I know what it is, and I detest it; the idea of fighting one on American soil is loathsome to me. God forbid it ever comes to that. That is why, so far as I am concerned, you can threaten until you threaten yourselves to death. However, should you succeed in starting a civil war, deliberately or otherwise, I promise you, it will be fought without rules, mercy or quarter, asked or given, to the finish. If you initiate a horror like that, you will deserve nothing less, and you will receive it!
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Yes my video had the entire context, it was the 2.5 min one not the 1.5 min one that leaves off the first minute that shows that.

Still the rhetoric was very very violent ...
Bullshit! Voting is not violence.

The 1.5 minute one is the dishonestly edited FOX video YOU defended. It removes all references to voting in November to change the context from voting to violence. And YOU know it. It is no more violent then this quote from Moochele Bachmann, "We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” Both are imploring people to vote.

Now this IS violent rhetoric:
Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
Steve King, Republican US Rep., Iowa, March 21, 2010

You are flat out wrong...this is the video I keep posting

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso"]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]

And both King and Hoffa use the same line "lets take them out" - King "lets take these sons a bitches out" -Hoffa

You sound so full of shit.
And so does Bachmann, the difference is the context for Hoffa and Bachmann is VOTING and the context for King is "Let's beat the other side to a pulp."

4 times in the video you keep posting and ignoring Hoffa refers to VOTING, setting the context for how to take the SOBs out. No matter how many times you ignore those 4 VOTING references they won't go away, and you just make a fool of yourself.

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
Obama told Hoffa to say "Take them out FOR SOME ICECREAM"...but not in Arizona. Too dangerous.

Damn fox news....editing out the bit about ice cream just to get me fired up!

Ahhhh Yes, the CON$ervative perpetual dumb act. CON$ believe playing dumb gives them a license to lie!!!

FOX edited out the 4 references to VOTING, to change the context from an army of VOTERS taking the SOBs out of office to a call for violence. The very fact that they had to edit the clip proves that what was edited out changes the context or they would have left it in!!!!!

Below is the whole quote with the FOX parts in red and the edited out parts in black.

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
You're defending Hoffa right here. Union thug threatening violence.

It's like watching a 4 year old say his little sister broke the cookie jar when mom watched them climb up and get the cookies.

Hoffa is an anarchist? Has Hoffa broken any laws? What are his crime? List them please.
Sorry, the only game of yours I'm playing is "make the allegation, and do not prove it. Leave it to your opponant to disprove it."

thanks Saul. :rolleyes:

Oh, BTW, leftists love violence to push through their goals. Worked so well in Germany, and Stalin... STALIN! Wow... Uncle Joe... talk about perfection. What are the lists of their crimes for all their purges and violence? Huh... you mean it was legal and permitted for them to do it?

my my my...

You could have saved yourself some typing by being honest and saying "I've got nothing".

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