Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!


You have yet to show that!!! The Left only recently brought it up because of FOX editing Hoffa's quote. She said it on April 15, 2010 and nobody made a big deal out of it until CON$ suddenly objected to the words "take out" that she used when Hoffa also used them.

Face it, you have yet to show any Lib being upset with Moochele using the words "take out" from the time she said them in April 2010 until the time Hoffa used the same words.

Edthesheeple they got upset but not as much as they did with this
I Want People "Armed And Dangerous" Over Obama Tax Plan
Well, that's half true, not getting upset at all over Moochele's "take out" quote is "not as much" as the little bit they got upset over the armed and dangerous quote. But it IS the "take out" quote that the bet rests on and you have failed to show anyone upset with it BEFORE the Right's phony outrage over Hoffa using the same words.

I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
The following links are all the proof that is needed to show just how dishonest Bodecea truly is......She clearly lost, as defined by her own words.

No link there.

same link twice...about a PALIN thread (we've gone over this again and again and again....I know you get confused, but Palin is NOT Bachmann)

No links in those.

Very bizarre indeed.

Ah yes...your 30 month old locked thread....*wink *wink

You clearly lost, Bodecea.....There is no way around it......Pay reb, it's the right thing to do.

Still waiting for call backs from Mods. Elvis and Echo Zulu have replied so far....waiting for their ruling.
Edthesheeple they got upset but not as much as they did with this
I Want People "Armed And Dangerous" Over Obama Tax Plan
Well, that's half true, not getting upset at all over Moochele's "take out" quote is "not as much" as the little bit they got upset over the armed and dangerous quote. But it IS the "take out" quote that the bet rests on and you have failed to show anyone upset with it BEFORE the Right's phony outrage over Hoffa using the same words.

I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
That's right, you deal in untruth.
Well, that's half true, not getting upset at all over Moochele's "take out" quote is "not as much" as the little bit they got upset over the armed and dangerous quote. But it IS the "take out" quote that the bet rests on and you have failed to show anyone upset with it BEFORE the Right's phony outrage over Hoffa using the same words.

I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
That's right, you deal in untruth.

Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.
The following links are all the proof that is needed to show just how dishonest Bodecea truly is......She clearly lost, as defined by her own words.

No link there.

same link twice...about a PALIN thread (we've gone over this again and again and again....I know you get confused, but Palin is NOT Bachmann)

No links in those.

Very bizarre indeed.

Ah yes...your 30 month old locked thread....*wink *wink

You clearly lost, Bodecea.....There is no way around it......Pay reb, it's the right thing to do.

Still waiting for call backs from Mods. Elvis and Echo Zulu have replied so far....waiting for their ruling.


Did the left whine? That was the deal
Well, that's half true, not getting upset at all over Moochele's "take out" quote is "not as much" as the little bit they got upset over the armed and dangerous quote. But it IS the "take out" quote that the bet rests on and you have failed to show anyone upset with it BEFORE the Right's phony outrage over Hoffa using the same words.

I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
That's right, you deal in untruth.

edthestupid is confused as ever I see
I said I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths do you need to have this explained to you?
I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
That's right, you deal in untruth.

Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.

No what I don't like is when you move the sideline and change the rules of you little game.
That's right, you deal in untruth.

Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.

No what I don't like is when you move the sideline and change the rules of you little game.

I seem to remember you providing a Link to a Palin thread and then trying to pawn it off as a Bachmann thread....talk about moving goal posts. And my favorite is when you started going on about it depending on what the definition of "upset" was. :lol::lol::lol:
Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.

No what I don't like is when you move the sideline and change the rules of you little game.

I seem to remember you providing a Link to a Palin thread and then trying to pawn it off as a Bachmann thread....talk about moving goal posts. And my favorite is when you started going on about it depending on what the definition of "upset" was. :lol::lol::lol:

the palin link also has some bachman attacks in it I seem to recall. Yet I did provide a thread about the whining over what bachman said. so no I haven't moved the goal post you did when you tried to negate what I provided due to a date limit you imposed after the rules where set.
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The following links are all the proof that is needed to show just how dishonest Bodecea truly is......She clearly lost, as defined by her own words.

No link there.

same link twice...about a PALIN thread (we've gone over this again and again and again....I know you get confused, but Palin is NOT Bachmann)

No links in those.

Very bizarre indeed.

Ah yes...your 30 month old locked thread....*wink *wink

You clearly lost, Bodecea.....There is no way around it......Pay reb, it's the right thing to do.

Still waiting for call backs from Mods. Elvis and Echo Zulu have replied so far....waiting for their ruling.

Every one of those links fully shows that you were requesting a thread about liberals whining about BACHMANN.....Every one of them!

And of course, the last link shows reb giving you a link you requested.

Christ, you're just as dishonest about this bet, as you were when denying that you ever disgustingly attacked Bristol Palin. In fact, you eluded to her being a loose whore. But you sat there and vehemently denied ever saying something so disgusting......Does your abject dishonesty ever end?

You're a friggin' joke!
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I really don't do what you do and deal with half truths.
That's right, you deal in untruth.

Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.
Only a fuckin' dishonest snake moves the goal posts, and then demands mediation after she clearly lost the bet.

Grow up......Pay your damn debt!
That's right, you deal in untruth.

Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.
Only a fuckin' dishonest snake moves the goal posts, and then demands mediation after she clearly lost the bet.

Grow up......Pay your damn debt!

I won by default. changing the rules after the requirments have been met is a default.
Then again if you think about it why does the date of the link matter?
It still meets her requirements. The left was whining about bachman.
The following links are all the proof that is needed to show just how dishonest Bodecea truly is......She clearly lost, as defined by her own words.

No link there.

same link twice...about a PALIN thread (we've gone over this again and again and again....I know you get confused, but Palin is NOT Bachmann)

No links in those.

Very bizarre indeed.

Ah yes...your 30 month old locked thread....*wink *wink

You clearly lost, Bodecea.....There is no way around it......Pay reb, it's the right thing to do.
Still waiting for call backs from Mods. Elvis and Echo Zulu have replied so far....waiting for their ruling.

Every one of those links fully shows that you were requesting a thread about liberals whining about BACHMANN.....Every one of them!

And of course, the last link shows reb giving you a link you requested.

Christ, you're just as dishonest about this bet, as you were when denying that you ever disgustingly attacked Bristol Palin. In fact, you eluded to her being a loose whore. But you sat there and vehemently denied ever saying something so disgusting......Does your abject dishonesty ever end?

You're a friggin' joke!
Again a half truth. The request was for Libs upset over Moochele's "take out" quote, and every one of those links were from a year before Moochele made her "take out" quote.

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said [it] now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.
Well, he confuses Palin with Bachmann and says that because he remembers Kennedy's assassination, he can easily remember a small locked thread from 30 months ago.

Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of a third person mediating our bet, even a person of his own choice. Makes you wonder how much faith he has in his own sources.
Only a fuckin' dishonest snake moves the goal posts, and then demands mediation after she clearly lost the bet.

Grow up......Pay your damn debt!

I won by default. changing the rules after the requirments have been met is a default.
Then again if you think about it why does the date of the link matter?
It still meets her requirements. The left was whining about bachman.

You need to look up the definition of default.

But this is what I am going to do, after thinking it over.
I am going to agree that no time period was set for evidence when the bet was made.
I am going to agree that a 30 month old locked thread that someone pulled up for you is good enough to prove your point for the purposes of this bet.
I am going to agree that anytime someone wants to prove a current point by pulling up old data from years ago, it will continue to be good enough.
I am going to agree that I am the one taking the high road and will self-ban for 30 days because even tho I contacted 3 mods, not one of them have yet made a ruling one way or another.
After all, we know that even if a mod did come and agree with me, you would never abide by the bet yourself.

So, I will.

See you in October.
Only a fuckin' dishonest snake moves the goal posts, and then demands mediation after she clearly lost the bet.

Grow up......Pay your damn debt!

I won by default. changing the rules after the requirments have been met is a default.
Then again if you think about it why does the date of the link matter?
It still meets her requirements. The left was whining about bachman.

You need to look up the definition of default.

But this is what I am going to do, after thinking it over.
I am going to agree that no time period was set for evidence when the bet was made.
I am going to agree that a 30 month old locked thread that someone pulled up for you is good enough to prove your point for the purposes of this bet.
I am going to agree that anytime someone wants to prove a current point by pulling up old data from years ago, it will continue to be good enough.
I am going to agree that I am the one taking the high road and will self-ban for 30 days because even tho I contacted 3 mods, not one of them have yet made a ruling one way or another.
After all, we know that even if a mod did come and agree with me, you would never abide by the bet yourself.

So, I will.

See you in October.

OMG you're taking the high road?:lol: You finally realized you lost the bet noi high road for you to take just the road to self banningville.
Obviously YOU know deep down in your heart that Obama is not a failure,



because you would not have to desperately resort to lies about Hoffa and Obama if you truly believed Obama was a failure.
Thank you for unknowingly revealing your true feelings.

The only one lying is you, edtheliar. Hoffa is on video, as is failed president Obama.
No, as you well know but are too dishonest to admit, it is about my POST of Moochele's using the "take out" words that BDBoop replied to that evoked the false statement that reb posted and bobeccea called him on.
Pay attention, child.

To refresh your feeble memory:

What it is, stupid; is the fit you fascist threw over that - while covering for Hoffa.

It's the reeking hypocrisy of your scumbags in shrieking bloody murder when Republicans do it, but excusing the language when your party bosses do it.
I'm back and it looks like LittleTraitor hasn't gotten a Mod to mediate yet.

Why should he? You made a bet, you lost - end of story.

You'd think he was afraid that his two links can't stand up to scrutiny or something. He's got his little doggies barking at me, but no Mod as of yet....3 days left...or is it 2? Maybe I'll go get a Mod to look at his argument....but if he doesn't get one of his own choice soon....I'll get one of MY choice.

I think you're more entertaining than ever, now that you welshed on your bet. Your attempts to excuse your complete lack of honor are pure comedy gold.

Don't ever change, Doorknob.

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