Hogg's 5 wishes to end gun violence are just as pointless as all the other new anti gun laws

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it

A woman I know took her son to the doctor, claiming that she thought he had ADHD. The doctor told her NO, your child has severe behavioral and disciplinary issues. I was like, ha ha ha, that is great, because he DOES have behavioral and disciplinary issues. A lot of parents treat these drugs the same as if they were to shove the iPhone in their kids' faces just to shut them up. They want kids but they don't want to parent them.

We have twin daughters. ...the terrible twos was a learning experience. For all involved.lol
SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it

A woman I know took her son to the doctor, claiming that she thought he had ADHD. The doctor told her NO, your child has severe behavioral and disciplinary issues. I was like, ha ha ha, that is great, because he DOES have behavioral and disciplinary issues. A lot of parents treat these drugs the same as if they were to shove the iPhone in their kids' faces just to shut them up. They want kids but they don't want to parent them.

We have twin daughters. ...the terrible twos was a learning experience. For all involved.lol

The terrible 2s are easy. Wait until the terrible TEENS! :102:
The blue wave is down to a trickle and if they keep putting know nothing teenagers on TV, and maintaining hating Trump as their only policy, it’ll turn into a red wave and America can be saved from their stupidity.
Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it

A woman I know took her son to the doctor, claiming that she thought he had ADHD. The doctor told her NO, your child has severe behavioral and disciplinary issues. I was like, ha ha ha, that is great, because he DOES have behavioral and disciplinary issues. A lot of parents treat these drugs the same as if they were to shove the iPhone in their kids' faces just to shut them up. They want kids but they don't want to parent them.

We have twin daughters. ...the terrible twos was a learning experience. For all involved.lol

The terrible 2s are easy. Wait until the terrible TEENS! :102:

They are 14 now....another learning experience. But they are great kids and learned from their life lessons. No drugs just straight up parenting and learning how to cope, behave and not expect to be coddled and spoiled. They quickly learned throwing a tantrum would not only not get the desired result but would also get them discipline
They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it

A woman I know took her son to the doctor, claiming that she thought he had ADHD. The doctor told her NO, your child has severe behavioral and disciplinary issues. I was like, ha ha ha, that is great, because he DOES have behavioral and disciplinary issues. A lot of parents treat these drugs the same as if they were to shove the iPhone in their kids' faces just to shut them up. They want kids but they don't want to parent them.

We have twin daughters. ...the terrible twos was a learning experience. For all involved.lol

The terrible 2s are easy. Wait until the terrible TEENS! :102:

They are 14 now....another learning experience. But they are great kids and learned from their life lessons. No drugs just straight up parenting and learning how to cope, behave and not expect to be coddled and spoiled. They quickly learned throwing a tantrum would not only not get the desired result but would also get them discipline

I was just really lucky with my son, in that he is just a happy go lucky type of person, even as an infant. I can't even remember a time when he ever threw a temper tantrum. He has always been pretty good natured and mellow, thankfully. However, he did give me a hell of a time when it came to anything to do with school as a teenager. He was a HORRIBLE student. Lol.
:cul2::dontfeedmod:Only progressives live in the world where they think the results of any decision should be a zero sum game! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD

There's something called necessary trade-offs in life you mental cases.:113:

I see we have a lot of Internet experts on this thread. :hello77:

For the past 33 years, in my work, I have personally seen neuroleptic and an antidepressant medications profoundly change the quality of life for people. Happens quickly for some not as fast for others and not at all yet for others. For a small percentage of people, the side effects of these drugs is disastrous . There is no way of knowing in advance . That's the real world. That's how it works in life. We are at the infancy of the development of drugs. Duh.... more will be developed and some will result in miracles in terms of changing people's quality of life.

The moral of the story is some people just need to sit down and shut the fuck up. The Second Amendment is going nowhere. Thoughts to the contrary are an exercise in group navel contemplation.
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David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....

I wish he would meet Luther or Joe Muslim in a dark alley


Hogg faced up to much worse than your silly nonsense and he didn't just survive. He's fighting back.

FACT is, if 2aguy or any of the rest of you actually had to face up to what these CHILDREN did and do every day, you would shrivel and hide. And you know it.

Most gun owners are responsible and agree that children should be safe at school. You are the real children and you're too damn chicken shit to even leave your homes without your gun penis hidden under your pants.

Your response made me chuckle because you believe the snowflakes of today face a more violent world than I did growing up in Chi-town.

Look the reality is what you and that kid want will never happen, so it is pointless to keep on fighting a war that you are losing.

Sure you might get a ban for a period of time and then either Congress let it sunset or the USSC tosses it.

You will never have the votes to repeal the Second Amendment and let be factual I am more likely to die from some teenage driver texting than by some random mass murdering fool, but alas CNN and the Media know how to hype up the hysteria for those like you...
Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

Um, yeah, that's why you need doctors monitoring their progress... Not everyone will react the same way..

But you flat-earthers keep denying Science, Crazy Cat Lady.

I actually have had someone in my family that needed antidepressant medication and was prescribed an SSRI. Turned him into a fucking monster and thank god we got him off those things before he shot up a school.

Okay, whatever, dude. I'll take the word of Doctors over some crazy Scientologist... thanks.

So, they cause violent behavior, including most, and maybe all mass shootings and studies have shown that they work no better than NO MEDICATION, but..............

what Joe? You take em so leave them alone?

You leftist turds will have the blood on your hands when the next mass school killing happen because you ignore FACTS!

I don't... I have someone in my family who does and she's absolute nightmare when she's "off her meds".

The problem isn't that these drugs aren't working (Or more likely, aren't being administered properly). The problem is - wait for it - THESE PEOPLE CAN GET GUNS!!!!

And the only people with blood on their hands are the gun industry and their nutty followers.
Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

Um, yeah, that's why you need doctors monitoring their progress... Not everyone will react the same way..

But you flat-earthers keep denying Science, Crazy Cat Lady.

I actually have had someone in my family that needed antidepressant medication and was prescribed an SSRI. Turned him into a fucking monster and thank god we got him off those things before he shot up a school.

Okay, whatever, dude. I'll take the word of Doctors over some crazy Scientologist... thanks.

So, they cause violent behavior, including most, and maybe all mass shootings and studies have shown that they work no better than NO MEDICATION, but..............

what Joe? You take em so leave them alone?

You leftist turds will have the blood on your hands when the next mass school killing happen because you ignore FACTS!

I don't... I have someone in my family who does and she's absolute nightmare when she's "off her meds".

The problem isn't that these drugs aren't working (Or more likely, aren't being administered properly). The problem is - wait for it - THESE PEOPLE CAN GET GUNS!!!!

And the only people with blood on their hands are the gun industry and their nutty followers.

You are such a moron...Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop violent criminals....stopping rape, robbery and murder...far more than criminals who use guns for crime and murder.....the gun industry helps normal, law abiding people save their own lives....
Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

Um, yeah, that's why you need doctors monitoring their progress... Not everyone will react the same way..

But you flat-earthers keep denying Science, Crazy Cat Lady.

I actually have had someone in my family that needed antidepressant medication and was prescribed an SSRI. Turned him into a fucking monster and thank god we got him off those things before he shot up a school.

Okay, whatever, dude. I'll take the word of Doctors over some crazy Scientologist... thanks.

So, they cause violent behavior, including most, and maybe all mass shootings and studies have shown that they work no better than NO MEDICATION, but..............

what Joe? You take em so leave them alone?

You leftist turds will have the blood on your hands when the next mass school killing happen because you ignore FACTS!

I don't... I have someone in my family who does and she's absolute nightmare when she's "off her meds".

The problem isn't that these drugs aren't working (Or more likely, aren't being administered properly). The problem is - wait for it - THESE PEOPLE CAN GET GUNS!!!!

And the only people with blood on their hands are the gun industry and their nutty followers.

Sure Joe:

Oxford University, the Huffington Post, the FDA and Michael Moore are all Scientologists.

Joe, the reason the person goes nuts isn’t just they have to live with you, it’s the drugs withdrawal, which is when many of the shooting happen. Get it Joe?

Over 240,000 infants are prescribed it. Including Joe.
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....
Yep must have taken three weeks for the Anti Gunner to write this up for the Kid to post or give to the Media All of those listed have been tried but did not work. LOL This just is not news.
I have no doubt that they work in a few, and there may be no alternative for that small number, but research has also shown that most of those on SSRI antidepressants respond better, and faster on other treatments than SSRI and as the links point out, on Placebo! Neither of the alternatives have the horrible side effects of SSRI and are not required to carry the "Black Box" label.

I'm sure you believe whatever shit you've heard from the Scientologists... but the reality is, I'm glad we have the crazy people on meds...

Now we just need to get the guns away from them.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.
You are such a moron...Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop violent criminals.

No, they don't.

No dead body, no crime prevented.

How many times do domestic abusers use their guns to threaten their families or neighbors but no one dies?

Non-events aren't events.

So the only numbers we have.

33,000 gun deaths.
11,000 gun homicides
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes

only 200 self-defense homicides by civilians using guns.
I have no doubt that they work in a few, and there may be no alternative for that small number, but research has also shown that most of those on SSRI antidepressants respond better, and faster on other treatments than SSRI and as the links point out, on Placebo! Neither of the alternatives have the horrible side effects of SSRI and are not required to carry the "Black Box" label.

I'm sure you believe whatever shit you've heard from the Scientologists... but the reality is, I'm glad we have the crazy people on meds...

Now we just need to get the guns away from them.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.
Says a control freak
You are such a moron...Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop violent criminals.

No, they don't.

No dead body, no crime prevented.

How many times do domestic abusers use their guns to threaten their families or neighbors but no one dies?

Non-events aren't events.

So the only numbers we have.

33,000 gun deaths.
11,000 gun homicides
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes

only 200 self-defense homicides by civilians using guns.
Suicides did not tell you stupid motherfucker

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