Hogg's 5 wishes to end gun violence are just as pointless as all the other new anti gun laws

Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

I’ve given you the cure, you prefer the band aid.

The blood of future killings are on your hands now.
Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

I’ve given you the cure, you prefer the band aid.

The blood of future killings are on your hands now.

You just have to chalk it up to them being idiots who don't understand liberty at some point. :dunno: That is when you just stop arguing with them and just keep voting against them. The "silent" majority is silent for a reason. ;)
Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

I’ve given you the cure, you prefer the band aid.

The blood of future killings are on your hands now.

You just have to chalk it up to them being idiots who don't understand liberty at some point. :dunno: That is when you just stop arguing with them and just keep voting against them. The "silent" majority is silent for a reason. ;)

Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

I’ve given you the cure, you prefer the band aid.

The blood of future killings are on your hands now.

You just have to chalk it up to them being idiots who don't understand liberty at some point. :dunno: That is when you just stop arguing with them and just keep voting against them. The "silent" majority is silent for a reason. ;)

It's the righteous indignation of the left, especially in matters where our children's life's are at stake, that make the fight worth the effort.

They repeatedly try to place the blame on law abiding citizens of this great nation, as though that accomplishes anything, and repeatedly, with no rational justification, attempt to focus their ire on inanimate objects and those that own them.

The truth is, that a group of large corporations, normally hated by the left, are left to profit from a Drug that creates the drugs associated with most, if not all of these shootings. Why is that?. It's really quite simple. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The blood of the next school shooting lies squarely on the hands of these people who see the struggle for political power to be far more important than the life's of the children.
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....
Yep, progressives are fucking morons...
Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

I’ve given you the cure, you prefer the band aid.

The blood of future killings are on your hands now.

You just have to chalk it up to them being idiots who don't understand liberty at some point. :dunno: That is when you just stop arguing with them and just keep voting against them. The "silent" majority is silent for a reason. ;)

It's the righteous indignation of the left, especially in matters where our children's life's are at stake, that make the fight worth the effort.

They repeatedly try to place the blame on law abiding citizens of this great nation, as though that accomplishes anything, and repeatedly, with no rational justification, attempt to focus their ire on inanimate objects and those that own them.

The truth is, that a group of large corporations, normally hated by the left, are left to profit from a Drug that creates the drugs associated with most, if not all of these shootings. Why is that?. It's really quite simple. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The blood of the next school shooting lies squarely on the hands of these people who see the struggle for political power to be far more important than the life's of the children.

Voting is much more effective than arguing with illogical people. You cannot reason with insanity.
Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it,

Sure we do.

Crazy people are able to buy guns. That's the root cause.

no Guns. No shootings.

The rest off the world has ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons:dance:
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role

So they were just not allowed to do any study that said things the NRA didn't like... kind of the same thing.

Kellerman pointed out guns in the home are more dangerous to people living there, and the NRA cut that shit out.

Your usual bullshit.

There was never a CDC ban on gun research. N.E.V.E.R.
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.


Not a Well-Regulated Militia!
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

ENTHUSIASTS indeed!! Sucks for You!
Ps....ssri meds are highly effective in treating OCD disorders. For example people who are obsessed with gun-grabbing.:2up:

Just trying to do my part as a good citizen and supporter of the Second Amendment! :113:
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

JoeB131 slobberd: "SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit."

I actually have had someone in my family that needed antidepressant medication and was prescribed an SSRI. Turned him into a fucking monster and thank god we got him off those things before he shot up a school.

Read the link Joe: "People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

From the Link:

An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs.

This family of anti-depressants includes Prozac, as well as Seroxat, Lustral, Cipralex and Cipramil, the most commonly prescribed of the pills.

One in eight Britons takes SSRIs each year – and the number of prescription has doubled in the last decade.

Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Did you notice that, those with the same mental illness BUT NOT ON THIS CLASS OF DRUG ARE NO MORE LIKELY TO HAVE VIOLENT OUTBURSTS?

Plus Joe, many experts question whether they work any better than Placebo:

"One: A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association(link is external)says that SSRI's like Paxil and Prozac are no more effective in treating depression than a placebo pill. That means they are 33 per cent effective, which is the percent of patients who will respond well to a sugar pill. The article goes on to say that although SSRI's are effective to some degree in treating severe depression they don't have any effect on the routine type of depressions they are most often used to treat. The take-home message is—don't take SSRI's if you have normal, mild, or routine depression."

It Continues:

"The whole serotonin hypothesis is challenged by these findings. What this new information shows is that there may be some help using SSRIs if there is a severe shortage of serotonin, but the average person's depression cannot simply be related to a "chemical imbalance." The human brain is too complicated and so are we to have a simple, quick explanation related to seratonin alone. We have no way of measuring serotonin the brain of a living person, short of cutting open the skull. We have not come up with what a normal level of serotonin should be and below which we can say that you would be depressed and above which we can say you will be happy. People with high serotonin levels can be depressed and those with low levels can be happy. Serotonin inducing drugs like ecstasy can make you feel very happy, but so can alcohol and heroin. We have to go back to the drawing boards on this one, so don't ever let anyone say "I've got a chemical imbalance" without asking them what they actually mean and where is the science to prove that statement."

How many of these shooters were on this SINGLE CLASS of antidepressents?

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

From the link:

• “Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox — like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.” Along with fellow student Dylan Klebold, Harris shot 13 to death and wounded 24 in a headline-grabbing 1999 rampage. “Luvox manufacturer Solvay Pharmaceuticals concedes that during short-term controlled clinical trials, 4 percent of children and youth taking Luvox — that’s one in 25 — developed mania, a dangerous and violence-prone mental derangement characterized by extreme excitement and delusion.”

• Twenty-five-year-old Patrick Purdy murdered five children and wounded 30 in a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, California, in 1989. He’d been taking “Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.”

• “Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Oregon, and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.”

WND’s Leo Hohmann adds to the picture, having reported in 2015 (all quotations are his):

• “Aaron Ray Ybarra, 26, of Mountlake Terrace, Washington, allegedly opened fire with a shotgun at Seattle Pacific University in June 2014, killing one student and wounding two others.” Ybarra “said he’d been prescribed with Prozac and Risperdal to help him with his problems.”

• “Jose Reyes, the Nevada seventh-grader who went on a shooting rampage at his school in October 2013 was taking a prescription antidepressant [Prozac] at the time….”

• “Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis sprayed bullets at office workers and in a cafeteria on Sept. 16, 2013, killing 13 people including himself. Alexis had been prescribed [generic antidepressant] Trazodone by his Veterans Affairs doctor.”

• “In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Ill., killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.”

• “In Paducah, Kentucky, in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school’s lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.”

• “In 2005, 16-year-old Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota’s Red Lake Indian Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.”

• “47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac in 1989, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Kentucky, killing nine. Prozac-maker Eli Lilly later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.”

And there are many, many more examples.

Semi Auto rifles have been around a hundred years Joe, but these shooting have only started in the past couple of decades? Why would that be Joe?

From the link: If you develop digestive problems after a change in diet, do you look for the cause in foods you always ate or the new ones you started eating? While the answer is obvious, this common sense is painfully uncommon when analyzing the new phenomenon of continual mass shootings: Many blame the long-present “foods” — guns in this case — and ignore the new diet whose embrace coincided with the problem. And part of what’s new is the widespread use of psychiatric drugs.

So, they cause violent behavior, including most, and maybe all mass shootings and studies have shown that they work no better than NO MEDICATION, but..............

what Joe? You take em so leave them alone?

You leftist turds will have the blood on your hands when the next mass school killing happen because you ignore FACTS!
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!
Most mass shootings are done by progressives.... fact
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!


A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



We are an "instant gratification" society and want to be able to just take a pill and have all of our troubles just go away. I do believe that they are effective and really do work for some people who have a real chemical imbalance. However, I think that a lot of doctors are far too quick to just right a script for a feel good pill instead of having the patient try to work through their issues.
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



Parents are too quick to agree with it. A child goes through the "terrible twos" and they can't deal with it. Every child does it and how the parents react is crucial. Doping your child up isn't it

A woman I know took her son to the doctor, claiming that she thought he had ADHD. The doctor told her NO, your child has severe behavioral and disciplinary issues. I was like, ha ha ha, that is great, because he DOES have behavioral and disciplinary issues. A lot of parents treat these drugs the same as if they were to shove the iPhone in their kids' faces just to shut them up. They want kids but they don't want to parent them.
A gun is not a requirement of a killing

And crazy people, not on SSRI antidepressants never commit mass shootings.

You sure like to talk, but don’t like to listen.

SSRI' is what keeps these people from doing truly crazy shit. You obviously haven't had anyone in your family that needs to be medicated, or you wouldn't talk this shit.

This isn't the rest if the world and we have the Second.

Sucks to be you morons

Naw, it just sucks to be a kid in a school who has to worry every day some Second Amendment Enthusiast might come in and shoot them.

View attachment 193869
Not a Well-Regulated Militia!

Yet, right in their commercials, they claim that some side effects include suicidal and homicidal ideations. Lol.

They have been issued a "Black Box" warning that is to be included with the medication. That's some serious shit, but they remain being used, even in children under 1 years old. UNDER 1:

nearly 250,000 infants are put on this shit each year. Over 370,000 2-3 year olds. Over half a million 4-5 year olds AND HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN............

NEARLY 8,000,000 children, between the ages of 6 to 17!



We are an "instant gratification" society and want to be able to just take a pill and have all of our troubles just go away. I do believe that they are effective and really do work for some people who have a real chemical imbalance. However, I think that a lot of doctors are far too quick to just right a script for a feel good pill instead of having the patient try to work through their issues.

I have no doubt that they work in a few, and there may be no alternative for that small number, but research has also shown that most of those on SSRI antidepressants respond better, and faster on other treatments than SSRI and as the links point out, on Placebo! Neither of the alternatives have the horrible side effects of SSRI and are not required to carry the "Black Box" label.

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