Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for OOJ

Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

LOL, Holder? Now THERE'S an unbiased source. You're a maroon kid.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Prior to coming to Duke, Griffin taught at the UCLA School of Law. She graduated from Stanford Law School, where she served as President of the Stanford Law Review and was elected to the Order of the Coif. After law school, she clerked for Judge Dorothy Nelson of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor of the Supreme Court of the United States. Griffin also spent five years as a federal prosecutor in the Chicago United States Attorney’s Office.

So she clerked in the Ninth Circuit, the single most overturned Appeals Court in the Country. Nuff said.
Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

LOL, Holder? Now THERE'S an unbiased source. You're a maroon kid.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will be some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going to say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.
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LOL, Holder? Now THERE'S an unbiased source. You're a maroon kid.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
I'm sure Holder would try Trump for Obstruction. Or anything he was ordered to since he was Obama's bitch.
Maybe, but Mueller will not try the president. That's the job of the congress. He will report his findings and leave it to congress to deal with Trump. Charging a sitting president in federal court would lead to a constitutional crisis. Most republicans in congress would certainly rather deal with a President Pence than Trump. Trump has been a pain in the ass for congress from the get go. Trump has obstructed both his own agenda as well that of congress. They would certainly welcome a change.

Trump was sent to Washington to be a pain in the ass for Congress, Flopper! What part of that concept is so hard for you on the left to grasp? Congress isn't going to impeach Donald Trump except in your wet dreams. If they did...the people would rise up and vote them out en mass!
Funny, I thought Trump voters sent him to Washington to make America great again but maybe I'm wrong. His supporters may actually just want someone to express their disgust for the establishment and create hatred and division which he seems to be doing quite well.

I know he's created hatred on the Left and in the Main Stream Media, Flopper! I've never seen anything that even comes close to the nonstop attacks that have been launched against Trump since he beat Hillary! CNN has become a running joke.

As for what he's done since becoming President? Hate to point out the obvious here...but Trump is slowly but surely checking off the promises that he ran on and doing so despite opposition from not only Democrats but the GOP establishment.
Early on the in the Trump's campaign, someone on Fox said, a lot of people just hate this guy. Even a lot his supporters think he's crude, racist, immoral, and lacks common decency. However, his supporters just don't care. He's a fighter. He said he would make waves in Washington and he's doing just that.

As far as accomplishments, well let's look at them. Congress passed a massive tax cut that will be of most benefit to the wealthy which they would have passed a lot easier without Trump's blunders. Congress repealed the individual mandate but failed miserable at repealing Obamacare. Trump appointed conservative judges which any republican president would have done. His wall which the majority Americans don't support is in limbo. Trump has jawboned about his get tough on immigration policy yet he's deporting fewer immigrants than Obama.

His travel ban has been only partially implement. He promised to fight for LGBT rights but has done nothing. He promised to rebuild our infrastructure but has pushed 80% of the cost on to the states. And finally his foreign policy has been a disaster.

Today in spite of all the great Trump accomplishments, his presidential approval rating stands at 40%. People just don't like the guy.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
The damage Trump has done to the FBI, will last long after he's gone. Most FBI agents have seen their mission as fundamentally nonpolitical, ferreting out wrongdoing, even when that occurs inside political campaigns or government. For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government, even at the highest levels, including the White House. However, Trump has created a basic change in the FBI by drawing it into the politic arena.

Trump has bombarded the agency with insults and accusations mostly undesired, simply because they are doing their job which happens to be investigating the president. In order to do their job, the agency has had to constantly defend itself from the attacks by their commander and chief. This has resulted in political bias at ever level of the agency.

Congratulations, Mr President. You have have successful turned the premier investigative agency in the country into a political side show.
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LOL, Holder? Now THERE'S an unbiased source. You're a maroon kid.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will be some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going to say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

What have we seen? Anything that even remotely resembles "collusion"? What leaks have been damaging to Trump? I'm sorry, Flopper but Mueller is going after some people in the Trump Administration for things that happened YEARS ago and had nothing to do with Trump's Presidential run. He's doing THAT because he's gotten nothing on the whole Russian Collusion thing that was the basis for his being named as a Special Prosecutor in the first place. I think he IS going to end up saying we spent millions of dollars and found no evidence at all that Donald Trump colluded with Russians!
Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
The damage Trump has done to the FBI, will last long after he's gone. Most FBI agents see their mission as fundamentally nonpolitical, ferreting out wrongdoing, even when that occurs inside political campaigns or government. For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government, even at the highest levels, including the White House. However, Trump has created a basic change in the FBI by drawing it into the politic arena.

Trump has bombarded the agency with insults and accusations mostly undesired, simply because they are doing their job which happens to be investigating the president. In order to do their job, the agency has had to constantly defend itself from the attacks by their commander and chief.

Congratulations, Mr President. You have have successful turned the premier investigative agency in the country into a political side show.

Everyone knows it is part if his effort to discredit the Russian investigation. But his efforts also play into Putin's hand. Either he is a knowing participant in Putin's effort to damage or destroy American institutions of Democracy or he is dumb as a rock.....I am voting for both.
Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
The damage Trump has done to the FBI, will last long after he's gone. Most FBI agents have seen their mission as fundamentally nonpolitical, ferreting out wrongdoing, even when that occurs inside political campaigns or government. For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government, even at the highest levels, including the White House. However, Trump has created a basic change in the FBI by drawing it into the politic arena.

Trump has bombarded the agency with insults and accusations mostly undesired, simply because they are doing their job which happens to be investigating the president. In order to do their job, the agency has had to constantly defend itself from the attacks by their commander and chief. This has resulted in political bias at ever level of the agency.

Congratulations, Mr President. You have have successful turned the premier investigative agency in the country into a political side show.
What a load of crap that little rant was! Higher ups in the FBI are the ones that chose to enter the political arena, not the rank and file! It's people like Comey that turned this into a political battle! Trump had nothing but admiration for the men and women of the FBI...it's the political hacks that head the FBI that he has a HUGE problem with! You want the FBI to regain it's reputation? Get rid of the people who used it to play politics!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
The damage Trump has done to the FBI, will last long after he's gone. Most FBI agents see their mission as fundamentally nonpolitical, ferreting out wrongdoing, even when that occurs inside political campaigns or government. For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government, even at the highest levels, including the White House. However, Trump has created a basic change in the FBI by drawing it into the politic arena.

Trump has bombarded the agency with insults and accusations mostly undesired, simply because they are doing their job which happens to be investigating the president. In order to do their job, the agency has had to constantly defend itself from the attacks by their commander and chief.

Congratulations, Mr President. You have have successful turned the premier investigative agency in the country into a political side show.

Everyone knows it is part if his effort to discredit the Russian investigation. But his efforts also play into Putin's hand. Either he is a knowing participant in Putin's effort to damage or destroy American institutions of Democracy or he is dumb as a rock.....I am voting for both.

The third choice in your little scenario is that there never WAS any collusion...that Putin did what the Russians have been doing for DECADES and nobody ever said a word about...and that Trump is pissed off that he's still having to deal with this joke after a year of being in office while at the same time Hillary hasn't been investigated for paying Russians to fabricate a phony dossier about her opponent and then the Obama Justice Department using that dossier as the basis to obtain a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponents!
Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

Yes, it will be damning for many people, especially many in the crime family. The Congress can just ignore it or they can do something about it. In the meantime, Donald will do everything he can to discredit the FBI. Just like Putin told him...
The damage Trump has done to the FBI, will last long after he's gone. Most FBI agents have seen their mission as fundamentally nonpolitical, ferreting out wrongdoing, even when that occurs inside political campaigns or government. For decades, the FBI has been trusted to investigate corruption inside the government, even at the highest levels, including the White House. However, Trump has created a basic change in the FBI by drawing it into the politic arena.

Trump has bombarded the agency with insults and accusations mostly undesired, simply because they are doing their job which happens to be investigating the president. In order to do their job, the agency has had to constantly defend itself from the attacks by their commander and chief. This has resulted in political bias at ever level of the agency.

Congratulations, Mr President. You have have successful turned the premier investigative agency in the country into a political side show.

For all the shit Trump HAS done, that isn't one of them. Obama and Comey did this.
If you dont like Holder, you can get the same thing from Clapper.

“If Trump exercises his power — even his lawful power — with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” says Lisa Kern Griffin, an expert on criminal law at Duke University. “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

Or better yet, just watch Lester Holt interview.

Good luck proving that "corrupt motive" in a court of law, Lisa! Another "expert" teaching at another of our bastions of higher learning who doesn't like Trump? Gee, what a shock!
Presidents are not tried in a court law but rather by congress which is a political process, impeachment. The Mueller investigation could come up damning evidence of collusion and congress could let him off.

The Mueller investigation could come up with Zip, Nada, Zilch and Democrats in Congress like Maxine (Is my wig on straight?) Waters would still call for impeachment! I don't think you could get a Grand Jury to indict on the evidence I've seen so far, Flopper and they'll indict just about ANYONE!
What you have seen so far is leaks. Mueller has not released anything and I don't think he will till the investigation is done. At that time, there will be a report to congress and you can bet there will be some damning information in that report. If you think he's just going to say, we spent millions of dollars and found nothing, you're dreaming.

What have we seen? Anything that even remotely resembles "collusion"? What leaks have been damaging to Trump? I'm sorry, Flopper but Mueller is going after some people in the Trump Administration for things that happened YEARS ago and had nothing to do with Trump's Presidential run. He's doing THAT because he's gotten nothing on the whole Russian Collusion thing that was the basis for his being named as a Special Prosecutor in the first place. I think he IS going to end up saying we spent millions of dollars and found no evidence at all that Donald Trump colluded with Russians!
That's nothing but speculation. There has been no official information released by Mueller other than public records information concerning indictments. Almost all the information you see regrading the investigation is either leaks, speculation, or creations by the writer. Since the investigation has resulted in indictments that are yet to be tried or litigated, a number of interviews some completed, some yet to be scheduled, and in- office investigations and research of emails, money trails, and interviews, Mueller can not disclose information about the investigation without compromising it. When all interviews and research is completed we should see a report. That may take months or years.

The only interest that most people have in the investigation is whether Mueller has anything on Trump. However, what is most important in the investigation is what has Russia done and what might be done to stop it. Russian inference in elections of other countries is common and well documented. It has been going on for decades. If the investigation reveals what Russia has done to interfere in our elections and how it was done, that may turn out to be the most important part of the investigation.

As was made clear by the AG, the investigation will not ignore any evidence of criminal activity discovered in the course of the investigation so the investigation will simple go where the evidence takes them. This is not uncommon in federal investigations. There have been many FBI investigation of racketeering that resulted in prosecutions for tax evasion, obstruction of justice, money laundering, and a host of other crimes.
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"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.
"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.
If Trump is innocent, why does he keep acting like he's guilty? As soon as he knew there was going to be an investigation, his friendly words toward Putin turn into threats. He tried his best to discredit the FBI when they were leading the investigation. Then he fires the guy in charge of the investigation. He attacks the AG for suggesting a special council, criticizes the Asst AG for hiring Mueller, and then attempts to fire Mueller. Almost daily for 9 months, Trump issued comments to discredit the investigation. If he believed he was innocent why would he try to discredit the investigation that could prove him innocent or at least prove no collusion. Trump just doesn't act like an innocent man.
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"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.
If Trump is innocent, why does he keep acting like he's guilty? As soon as he knew there was going to be an investigation, his friendly words toward Putin turn into threats. He tried his best to discredit the FBI when they were leading the investigation. Then he fires the guy in charge of the investigation. He attacks the AG for suggesting a special council, criticizes the Asst AG for hiring Mueller, and then attempts to fire Mueller. Almost daily for 9 months, Trump issued comments to discredit the investigation. If he believed he was innocent why would he try to discredit the investigation that could prove him innocent or at least prove no collusion. Trump just doesn't act like an innocent man.

It doesn't help when he refuses to implement the sanctions that Congress overwhelmingly passed. I am sure Putin loves it, though!
"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.

You mean the meeting where some Russian promised that she had "dirt" on Hillary? The meeting that Donald Trump Junior walked out of the minute that he realized the whole thing was nothing more than a pretense to get in to see him about a donation?

If THAT is the best thing that Mueller has on Trump then this entire investigation has been the biggest waste of taxpayer dollars in the history of the nation!
"Anything that remotely resembles collusion?"

Well...the meeting that Junior arranged with the Russian lawyer. We don't know YET what other levels of COLLISION there was. But Mueller will have that in his report.

We can feel sure he is getting close to the end when he interviews the Liar in Chief. That will be a hoot! Maybe it will make YouTube! If he opens his mouth...he will have perjured himself.
If Trump is innocent, why does he keep acting like he's guilty? As soon as he knew there was going to be an investigation, his friendly words toward Putin turn into threats. He tried his best to discredit the FBI when they were leading the investigation. Then he fires the guy in charge of the investigation. He attacks the AG for suggesting a special council, criticizes the Asst AG for hiring Mueller, and then attempts to fire Mueller. Almost daily for 9 months, Trump issued comments to discredit the investigation. If he believed he was innocent why would he try to discredit the investigation that could prove him innocent or at least prove no collusion. Trump just doesn't act like an innocent man.

What has Trump done except demand that the investigation be done by people without a blatant bias against him? You seem to think that an "innocent man" would not fight back! That's not Trump. If he's attacked...he attacks back. If his political opponents attempt to smear him...he goes to social media and challenges what's being said.

Trump hasn't discredited the FBI rank and file...he's called into question the motives of some of the higher ups in the FBI and the Justice Department that used their positions to attack someone who's politics they didn't agree with!
Former AG Holder says Mueller could prosecute Trump for obstruction

Yup...the Trump regime may have lots of problems coming up.

Eric Holder??? Really?? Lol, how fucking stupid ARE you?

Just think...after Mueller's report...we can call him the "Criminal in Chief!"

This is one of those posts that someone will go back and find when Mueller's investigation dies with a whimper and use to show what a complete buffoon you were to buy anything that someone like Eric Holder says!

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